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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (88) ◽  

Ayse Erkmen is known for her site-specific installations and she created some of her artworks by making use of memory of the space. In these works, the artist transforms the space with its memory into an art material. By making simple but extraordinary interventions to the space, she grasps the past and memories of the space. In this way, in her works she touches the memory of the space created with a minimal reality. In her own words, the practice of the artist, standing at a point "between being an art and not being an art", brings forward the relationship between space and memory with an innovative approach. This research examines the relationship between memory and space that is especially inherent in the artist’s site-specific works. Therefore, a detailed research is carried out on the practice of the artist, who deals with this relation ship in a postmodern context. The aim of this article is to conduct a research on the relationship between space and memory in postmodern art, based on Ayse Erkmen’s site-specific works. In the research, document analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was applied. In the article, it has been concluded that the relationship between space and memory in Ayşe Erkmen's works does not contain an utopian discourse. Instead without creating a nostalgic feeling, this relationship carries a postmodern context with minor narratives. Keywords: Space Memory, Postmodern Art

Pranshi Sharma

Abstract: Mathematics is a field of science that studies numbers and how they are used. It includes calculations, computations, and problem solving, among other things. It is a subject that is accurate, precise, methodical, and logical. Mathematics has been defined in a variety of ways throughout history; it is an indispensible component of science and is utilized in virtually every discipline, including natural science, engineering, art, and economics. Mathematics is a vital instrument in our lives and in every scientific field that promotes personal growth and development on a broad scale. To avoid chaos and confusion, mathematics makes life smoother and more organized. Problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, and reasoning capacity are some of the traits and talents fostered by mathematics. Other unique skills include analyzing and communicating effectively. Everyone requires mathematics in their daily lives, whether they are a cook or a farmer, a carpenter or a mechanic, a shopkeeper or a doctor, an engineer or a scientist, a musician or a magician. Therefore, it would be impossible to summarize mathematics applications in each field. Through this research document, it is intended to talk about the importance and applications of mathematics in our daily lives. Keywords: Mathematics, Importance of Mathematics, Application of Mathematics, Analysis, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yanan Li ◽  
Dan Wu ◽  
Anoop Kumar Sahu

The blending of the Food’s Waste Water Biosolid (FWWB) fertilizer with Food’s Cropping Soil (FsCS) results the absorption of the toxic macromicroorganisms from FsCS (is known as absorbability index). It is observed that such as blending not only increase the fertility and productivity of FsCS by neutralizing or absorbing the macromicroorganisms but also catering the necessary nutrition to plants. The authors sensed that a few research works are conducted recently in the dimension of evaluating the best FWWB among available FWWBs under O -(objective) FWWB’s parameter models. On potential analysis of published research works, the authors claimed that there is yet no research document, which can evaluate the best FWWB among available FWWBs or assess the best absorbability index of O -(objective) as well as S -(subjective) FWWB’s model corresponding to evaluated FWWBs or alternative points. It is accepted as a first research challenge. On extensive review, the authors determined that published FWWB’s parameter models are simulated by only single or nondynamic multivariable optimization techniques, which is accepted as a second research challenge. To address both research challenges, preliminary, the authors developed and proposed FWWB’s parameter model, consisted of physical, chemical, and biological parameters corresponding to O and S in nature via auditing a real case of FWWB alternative points such as Narendr Rice Mill- P 1 , Liese Mahamaya Rice Mill- P 2 , Vijay Rice Mill- P 3 , Mahim Rice Mill- P 4 , and Dhansingh Rice Mill- P 5 and their characteristics vs. parameters. Next, the authors framed the FWWB parameter model by acquiring O and S information against O -physical, chemical, and S -biological parameters corresponding to FWWB alternative points. To evaluate the results, the authors applied the robust multiparameter optimization “RMPO” (crisp VIKOR “VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje” and FMF “Full Multiplicative Form technique with dominance theory”) approach on defuzzified S -data and O -data to evaluate the best FWWB point among available based on absorbability index assessment. The results are described in summary part.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
Sagar Jilka ◽  
Georgie Hudson ◽  
Sonja M. Jansli ◽  
Esther Negbenose ◽  
Emma Wilson ◽  

Background Patient and public involvement can improve study outcomes, but little data have been collected on why this might be. We investigated the impact of the Feasibility and Support to Timely Recruitment for Research (FAST-R) service, made up of trained patients and carers who review research documents at the beginning of the research pipeline. Aims To investigate the impact of the FAST-R service, and to provide researchers with guidelines to improve study documents. Method A mixed-methods design assessing changes and suggestions in documents submitted to the FAST-R service from 2011 to 2020. Quantitative measures were readability, word count, jargon words before and after review, the effects over time and if changes were implemented. We also asked eight reviewers to blindly select a pre- or post-review participant information sheet as their preferred version. Reviewers’ comments were analysed qualitatively via thematic analysis. Results After review, documents were longer and contained less jargon, but did not improve readability. Jargon and the number of suggested changes increased over time. Participant information sheets had the most suggested changes. Reviewers wanted clarity, better presentation and felt that documents lacked key information such as remuneration, risks involved and data management. Six out of eight reviewers preferred the post-review participant information sheet. FAST-R reviewers provided jargon words and phrases with alternatives for researchers to use. Conclusions Longer documents are acceptable if they are clear, with jargon explained or substituted. The highlighted barriers to true informed consent are not decreasing, although this study has suggestions for improving research document accessibility.

2021 ◽  
Nayra de Souza Mothé Alvarenga ◽  
Maria Laura Porto Calil ◽  
Priscilla Gonçalves de Azevedo

ThisworkdiscussesdanceandthecognitivedevelopmentofchildreninEarlyChildhoodEducation.ForDancetobecomeeffective,weintendtounderstandthatteachersbecomecreators and authors of their own practices to promote learning at this level of education.Themainobjectiveistoinvestigatewhetherthepracticeofdanceinaschoolenvironment,specificallythroughclassicalballet,collaborateswiththecognitivedevelopmentof childrenaged2to5years, helping inthe learningprocessintheclassroom. As a methodological strategy, a systematic literature review was carried outwith an analysis of periodicals published in Portuguese, between the years 2012 to 2020,usingtheacademicgoogle,scielo,bvs,andPubMeddatabases.Ourstudywascarriedoutbetween February and November 2020. In this sense, we understand that dance enablesthedevelopmentofthestudent'sattention,perception,reasoning,memoryandimagination,contributingtocognitivedevelopmentatatimewhenitisnecessarytorelatemovements to rhythms, asit is precisely at this stage that experiences and experienceshappen. that will be recorded for the rest of your life, even if you are not initially awareof it. The results showed that dance is a valuable tool in cognitive development, as thestudent isled to think, understand and solve problems when performing the specificmovementsofthisdancepractice.Ourworkisofimportantnecessityduetothefactthatthere are still few studies that deal specifically with the practice of classical ballet andcognitive development, thus becoming one more research document necessary for futurestudies. We conclude that dance contributes to the cognitive development of students asanalternativepracticethroughitsrhythms,steps,exercises,choreographicsequencesandcreativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 2805-2810
Abdullah Bingölbali

Background: Sustainability is a concept that has been frequently heard and therefore given importance recently. Ecological changes occurring today, ever-increasing excessive consumption habits, unstoppable population growth rate and economic developments have caused this concept to become widespread. Therefore, states have had to act by considering their continuity and future in the planning of all kinds of services to be offered to the public. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the dimensions of sustainability in local government laws in the field of sports and its effect on sports services. Methods: The case studies design was used in the study, which was designed according to the qualitative research model. Herein, in accordance with the purpose of the research document review and scanning method, which are the data collection methods, were used. It is aimed to reach more sources by analyzing the written materials containing information about the targeted phenomenon or cases. Results: When local government laws are examined in terms of economic and environmental sustainability, there are no explanatory and satisfactory explanations regarding these issues. Conclusion: It cannot be said that local government laws on sports and sports services are satisfactory in terms of social, and economic sustainability Keywords: Sustainability, Local Governments, Sports Services, Rural Areas, Turkey

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 183-188
Dr. Nahar Singh

Over the past two decade since the beginning of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) programme in india, there has been a significant increase in the number of schools and in the enrolment of children in Government schools, most notably a large proportion of children from amongst Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and Girls have joined the schooling system. Most of these children are also first-generation learners. In this regard SCERT Delhi conducted an achievement survey for classes II, V and VIII and gathered the information about the academic environment pertaining to school, teachers and students. This study reflected the background of the students such as locality, parents education, community and the same was followed of the teachers and schools. Majority of the sampled schools (71%) were managed by Municipal Corporation. More than 80% schools were located in urban areas and about half of the schools were Co-Educational, while 22% and 28% schools were Boys and Girls schools respectively. About 96% of schools responded that they have the provision to monitor classroom teaching regularly and 92% of the schools were monitored by the Head of the school. Fathers of 2% students and 0.6% mothers were in the academic field. In the surveyed schools, 28% were male and 72% were female teachers. Majority of teachers (54%) had attended in-service training programmes. In more than ninety percent of the sampled schools Maps, Charts, Globe, Mathematics kit and Library were available. About 90% and 98% of the schools annual medical check-up facility and first aid facilities were available Nearly 70% students reported that their homework was checked regularly. This document has helped education planners as a reference research document to improve the education administration and planning systems in the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Muhamad Syaiful Dahlan

Implications of licensing for the protection of coastal areas in the implementation of business licensing for tourism services in Lampung Province following the Lampung Governor Regulation No. 21/2019 have implications for protecting coastal areas around tourist objects marine tourism permit requirements must include Environmental Documents and Environmental Permits. Also, it includes a technical feasibility research document containing the coordinates of the location of use, plans for marine tourism activities, and a list of the infrastructure used. This research aims to analyze the tourism service business licensing policy in Lampung Province concerning the protection of coastal areas. This research used an empirical juridical approach, and data collection was carried out by literature research and field studies. The data analysis was done qualitatively. The results of this research indicate that the tourism service business licensing policy to the protection of coastal areas in Lampung Province is implemented by the Lampung Province Office of Capital Investment and One Entry Services of Lampung Province based on the Lampung Governor Regulation No. 21/2019 concerning Spatial Utilization of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Licensing for tourism services business with marine tourism objects includes permits for coastal waters locations and water locations. The validity period of the coastal waters management permit and the permit for the waters' location is two years, and a permit extension can be made no later than three months before the permit's validity period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 357-374

Culture is all of the unique, material and spiritual values that distinguish societies formed as a result of historical accumulation. Values such as customs and traditions nurtured by cultures have shaped the dress codes of societies. Turks, who have a rich culture, have their own traditional clothes. The aim of this study is to deal with the historical dimension of the shalwar which has always played an important role in the life of the Turkish nation with a long history, and which has a place among the traditional clothes. Shalwars contain the cultural and spiritual values of the society. Since this cultural heritage is in danger of extinction in the future, it is important to research, document, preserve and keep alive the material cultural assets without losing these values completely. In the study, a literature review was made on the definition, history, and current status of shalwar. Among the examples of shalwars which have survived to the present day and are few in boxes and museums, two shalwar samples in Kırşehir Province Museum were included in the study. The shalwars were examined through observation slips prepared according to their characteristics. Combining the information obtained with today's trends, one shalwar was sewn. It is thought that this study will contribute to the survival of the shalwar, which is an important part of the Turkish clothing culture. Key words: Turkish culture, Shalwar, Traditional clothing, Kırşehir Region Shalwars

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 04018
Mukhayyarotin Niswati Rodliyatul Jauhariyah ◽  
Mita Anggaryani ◽  
Ahmad Marzuki

This paper aims to analyse the research trend of erbium-doped tellurite glasses. To this aim, this paper applied bibliometric analysis. The comprehensive research document on the topic of erbium-doped tellurite glasses in the Scopus database is 695 documents. The result revealed that scientific publication on erbium-doped tellurite glasses has been increasing. China contributed the most documents on erbium-doped tellurite glasses. The visualization of the research trend on erbium-doped tellurite glasses assisted with VOSviewer software and resulted in four primary clusters: (1) the red cluster show the keywords about the synthesized and fabrication, (2) the blue cluster show the keywords about the characterization, (3) the green cluster show the user or the application of the glass with each characteristic of materials, (4) the yellow cluster show the way to analyse energy based on the parameters owned by erbium-doped tellurite glasses. The research findings are the networking of the keywords on the research of erbium doped tellurite glasses in all clusters. It means that this research is comprehend knowledge and need to be more investigate to further research.

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