external time
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 729
Anna Ashton ◽  
Russell G. Foster ◽  
Aarti Jagannath

Circadian rhythms are essential for the survival of all organisms, enabling them to predict daily changes in the environment and time their behaviour appropriately. The molecular basis of such rhythms is the circadian clock, a self-sustaining molecular oscillator comprising a transcriptional–translational feedback loop. This must be continually readjusted to remain in alignment with the external world through a process termed entrainment, in which the phase of the master circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is adjusted in response to external time cues. In mammals, the primary time cue, or “zeitgeber”, is light, which inputs directly to the SCN where it is integrated with additional non-photic zeitgebers. The molecular mechanisms underlying photic entrainment are complex, comprising a number of regulatory factors. This review will outline the photoreception pathways mediating photic entrainment, and our current understanding of the molecular pathways that drive it in the SCN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jiaqun Gan ◽  
Yunfei Guo ◽  
Enguo Wang

Mixed prospective memory (MPM) needs to be executed when both external time and event cues appear. According to the clarity of time cues, MPM can be further divided into two types: time-point MPM and time-period MPM. There is no research on these two types of MPM. Whether existing theories of EBPM can explain its processing mechanisms is worth exploring. The current study was aimed at examining the differences in attentional allocation characteristics between these two types of MPM and EBPM under different difficult ongoing tasks. The results showed that the attention consumption of the two types of MPM groups was less than that of the EBPM group in the early and middle stages of high cognitive load, but there was no difference between the three groups in the later stage of the task. The attention distribution of time-point MPM and time-period MPM displayed dynamic changes: the time-point MPM only had attention consumption in the later stage, while the time-period MPM also existed in the early and middle stages. These results support dynamic multiprocess theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Luis Cervela-Cardona ◽  
Benjamin Alary ◽  
Paloma Mas

A fundamental principle shared by all organisms is the metabolic conversion of nutrients into energy for cellular processes and structural building blocks. A highly precise spatiotemporal programming is required to couple metabolic capacity with energy allocation. Cellular metabolism is also able to adapt to the external time, and the mechanisms governing such an adaptation rely on the circadian clock. Virtually all photosensitive organisms have evolved a self-sustained timekeeping mechanism or circadian clock that anticipates and responds to the 24-h environmental changes that occur during the day and night cycle. This endogenous timing mechanism works in resonance with the environment to control growth, development, responses to stress, and also metabolism. Here, we briefly describe the prevalent role for the circadian clock controlling the timing of mitochondrial activity and cellular energy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evidence that metabolic signals can in turn feedback to the clock place the spotlight onto the molecular mechanisms and components linking the circadian function with metabolic homeostasis and energy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 20-25
Alexey Bogatyrev

Wind turbines and wind farms can be connected to the major electricity distribution system. This paper presents the research results on synchronization of wind farm power supply into the utility grid depending on parameters of the grid at the moment. Measurement time gets synchronized with the external time signal delivered from a navigating system like GLONASS. This can help eliminate antiphase operation of individual wind turbines. Connection diagrams and the whole methodology presented in this paper aim to make wind farm power supply into the grid more effective and loss-eliminating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (Vol. 64 (2021)) ◽  
Roman Kanivetsky ◽  
Ettore Salusti

• Today a CO2 storage/segregation is an important option for a significant enhancing of CO2 sinks, to reduce the net carbon emissions into our planet atmosphere. Such storage/sequestration is a complex process, dealing with many facets of decision about the site selection, taking into consideration the local geological, geothermal, hydrodynamic and hydrocarbon potentials. In such multifaceted context, a thermo-poro-elastic nonlinear analytic model of fluid pressure P in deep rocks, can play an important role. To tackle this dynamics we here examine a nonlinear model of fluid pressure transient also considering convection, thermal dynamics and fluid/rock "frictions”. In addition, we here show that pressure dynamics, induced by an eventual external time or areal forcing can allow simple analytical determinations of pressure transients in these deep porous  media. Such processes indeed can have practical impacts on the CO2 evolution for storage in deep rocks and thus influence the final site choice for a deep CO2 injection. In synthesis, this model provides simple characterizations of thermo-poro-elastic transients for CO2 storage. 24 25 26

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 5695-5730
Annika Günther ◽  
Johannes Gütschow ◽  
Mairi Louise Jeffery

Abstract. Parties to the Paris Agreement (PA, 2015) outline their planned contributions towards achieving the PA temperature goal to “hold […] the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 ∘C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ∘C” (Article 2.1.a, PA) in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Most NDCs include targets to mitigate national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which need quantifications to assess i.a. whether the current NDCs collectively put us on track to reach the PA temperature goals or the gap in ambition to do so. We implemented the new open-source tool “NDCmitiQ” to quantify GHG mitigation targets defined in the NDCs for all countries with quantifiable targets on a disaggregated level and to create corresponding national and global emissions pathways. In light of the 5-year update cycle of NDCs and the global stocktake, the quantification of NDCs is an ongoing task for which NDCmitiQ can be used, as calculations can easily be updated upon submission of new NDCs. In this paper, we describe the methodologies behind NDCmitiQ and quantification challenges we encountered by addressing a wide range of aspects, including target types and the input data from within NDCs; external time series of national emissions, population, and GDP; uniform approach vs. country specifics; share of national emissions covered by NDCs; how to deal with the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) component and the conditionality of pledges; and establishing pathways from single-year targets. For use in NDCmitiQ, we furthermore construct an emissions data set from the baseline emissions provided in the NDCs. Example use cases show how the tool can help to analyse targets on a national, regional, or global scale and to quantify uncertainties caused by a lack of clarity in the NDCs. Results confirm that the conditionality of targets and assumptions about economic growth dominate uncertainty in mitigated emissions on a global scale, which are estimated as 48.9–56.1 Gt CO2 eq. AR4 for 2030 (10th/90th percentiles, median: 51.8 Gt CO2 eq. AR4; excluding LULUCF and bunker fuels; submissions until 17 April 2020 and excluding the USA). We estimate that 77 % of global 2017 emissions were emitted from sectors and gases covered by these NDCs. Addressing all updated NDCs submitted by 31 December 2020 results in an estimated 45.6–54.1 Gt CO2 eq. AR4 (median: 49.6 Gt CO2 eq. AR4, now including the USA again) and increased coverage.

2021 ◽  
Isabel Heyde ◽  
Henrik Oster

Abstract 24-hour rhythms in physiology and behaviour are orchestrated by an endogenous circadian clock system. In mammals, these clocks are hierarchically organized with a master pacemaker residing in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). External time signal – so-called zeitgebers – align internal with geophysical time. During shift work, zeitgeber input conflicting with internal time induces circadian desynchrony which, in turn, promotes metabolic and psychiatric disorders. However, little is known about how internal desynchrony is expressed at the molecular level under chronodisruptive environmental conditions. We here investigated the effects of zeitgeber misalignment on circadian molecular organisation by combining 28-hour light-dark (LD-28) cycles with either 24-hour (FF-24) or 28-hour feeding-fasting (FF-28) regimes in mice. We found that FF cycles showed strong effects on peripheral clocks, while having little effect on centrally coordinated activity rhythms. Systemic, i.e., across-tissue internal circadian desynchrony was induced within four days in LD-28/FF-24, while phase coherence between tissue clocks was largely maintained under LD-28/FF-28 conditions. In contrast, temporal coordination of clock gene activity across tissues was reduced under LD-28/FF-28 conditions compared to LD-28/FF-24. These results indicate that timed food intake may improve internal synchrony under disruptive zeitgeber conditions but may, at the same time, weaken clock function at the tissue level.

Federica Agostini ◽  
E. K. U. Gross

Abstract The exact factorization of the time-dependent electron–nuclear wavefunction has been employed successfully in the field of quantum molecular dynamics simulations for interpreting and simulating light-induced ultrafast processes. In this work, we summarize the major developments leading to the formulation of a trajectory-based approach, derived from the exact factorization equations, capable of dealing with nonadiabatic electronic processes, and including spin-orbit coupling and the non-perturbative effect of an external time-dependent field. This trajectory-based quantum-classical approach has been dubbed coupled-trajectory mixed quantum-classical (CT-MQC) algorithm, whose performance is tested here to study the photo-dissociation dynamics of IBr. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jonathan Tyler ◽  
Yu Fang ◽  
Cathy Goldstein ◽  
Daniel Forger ◽  
Srijan Sen ◽  

AbstractCircadian clocks control the timing of many physiological events in the 24-h day. When individuals undergo an abrupt external shift (e.g., change in work schedule or travel across multiple time zones), circadian clocks become misaligned with the new time and may take several days to adjust. Chronic circadian misalignment, e.g., as a result of shift work, has been shown to lead to several physical and mental health problems. Despite the serious health implications of circadian misalignment, relatively little is known about how genetic variation affects an individual’s ability to entrain to abrupt external changes. Accordingly, we used the one-hour advance from the onset of daylight saving time (DST) as a natural experiment to comprehensively study how individual heterogeneity affects the shift of sleep/wake cycles in response to an abrupt external time change. We found that individuals genetically predisposed to a morning tendency adjusted to the advance in a few days, while genetically predisposed evening-inclined individuals had not shifted. Observing differential effects by genetic disposition after a one-hour advance underscores the importance of heterogeneity in adaptation to external schedule shifts. These genetic differences may affect how individuals adjust to jet lag or shift work as well.

Chol Jun Kang ◽  
Mun Gwon Jo

The stability of the existence of the topological properties even in non-equilibrium condition such as irradiation of external time-periodic perturbation paves the way for designing and controlling the properties of materials. We study the change in the structure of the quasi-energy spectrum under the influence of the circularly polarized laser field with various intensities. The system is two-dimensional honeycomb nanoribbon of having zig-zag edges. Two cases where the onsite energies are present and absent are considered. We find that the topological phase transitions occur at some critical intensities of the laser field in both cases, which are recognized by the gap closing, the appearance of two crossing edge states, and sudden raise of the first Chern number from 0 to 1. The critical laser intensity is raised when either the frequency increases or the width of the ribbon decreases. Furthermore, band folding is observed in low-frequency domain in the quasi-energy spectrum and becomes more pronounced for the lower frequencies.

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