expert assessments
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-433
B. M. Bizhoev

Purpose: the aim of the article is to calculate the reduction in transaction costs when transferring purchases to electronic format, as well as determine the potential for digitizing the consideration of all requirements for procurement participants.Methods: the study is based on the conceptual provisions of the institutional economic theory, the use of the system approach methodology, the use of survey research methods, and the generalization of expert assessments. The development of the proposed topic is also based on the use of methods of economic and statistical analysis, scientifc abstraction, comparison and scientifc generalizations.Results: as a result of a detailed analysis, the digital transformation electronic trading platforms into the digital trading platforms was substantiated. The paper also shows the role of electronization and digitalization in reducing transaction costs and time spent on customers. It was revealed that the transfer of authority to the electronic trading platforms not only excludes the possibility of errors, unfair and opportunistic behavior of customers, and as a result – the imposition of fnes, but also reduces the time spent on procurement. The main approaches to improving the contract system, building its digital ecosystem, where the necessary actions are performed by the software and hardware complex, and the contract manager only "accompanies" the purchase, are proposed. The article presents the evolution of the use of digital technologies and the corresponding legal regulation in Russia.Conclusions and Relevance: the use of digital technologies in public procurement is becoming a factor causing changes in the contractual system. The electronic form of trading has brought a new reality, opportunities for digital transformation are opening up. The use of automated counterparty verifcation technologies in the activities of electronic trading platforms is a potential factor in reducing transaction costs. In the future, it is possible to use digital technology “big data”, which helps to identify and categorize the necessary information regarding the availability of experience in the execution of similar contracts.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 563
Elena Schislyaeva ◽  
Elena Balashova ◽  
Inna Krasovskaya ◽  
Olga Saychenko ◽  
Elena Palkina

Currently, in conditions of Industry 4.0, the use of cyber-physical systems in various fields is becoming widespread. This article is devoted to the problem of estimating CPS sustainability in the context of modern challenges faced by decision makers and IT developers in order to ensure effective proactive business process management using this innovative technology. The purpose of the research is to propose and substantiate a methodology for estimating CPS sustainability to ensure the reliability and strength of its elements, their interrelationships and interaction, as well as the effective functioning and development of this system in conditions of high dynamism and uncertainty of the external environment. In this study, we used methods of integral evaluation, synthesis, expert assessments, dynamic analysis, and systematic approach, and coined the term ‘CPS sustainability’. Our study showed that negative risks, external and internal threats may have a significant adverse impact on CPS sustainability. The reliability of this system should be evaluated on the basis of integrated indicators. The key indicators, reflecting the reliability of maintaining the properties of the CPS in a normal state of its function and further development, were identified. We propose a methodology for estimating CPS sustainability. In general, the presented results form the basis for improving CPS management to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of its functioning and development.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Eva Parga-Dans ◽  
Pablo Alonso González ◽  
Raimundo Otero-Enríquez

Purpose The complexity in determining the quality of a credence good like wine increases due to the lack of mandatory ingredient labeling. This has generated a significant information asymmetry in the wine market, leading consumers to delegate their purchase decisions to expert rankings and wine guides. This paper explores whether expert assessments reduce the information asymmetry caused by the absence of ingredient labeling in the wine market.Design/methodology/approach By employing analysis of variance (ANOVA) in a sample of 304 wines included in the Wine Guide of the Spanish Consumers Organization (OCU), this paper assesses the extent to which expert assessments based on sensory evaluations converge with the objective cues provided by laboratory analysis in wine quality evaluations.Findings Results reveal a mismatch between expert assessments and laboratory analyses. Chemical aspects such as SO2 levels or volatile acidity, sensorial factors such as intensity and persistence, and extrinsic variables such as the region of origin or wine type play an important role in the quality ranking of wines.Originality/value These findings call for the inclusion of objective intrinsic cues in expert sensory assessments to provide consumers reliable information about wines and to resolve the apparent dissonances in wine quality assessments.

Evgeniy Kolesnikov

the article presents a study of approaches to the organization of professional training of future teachers for innovative activities. The author, based on a survey of experts (n=56), developed and described the indicators and levels of readiness of future teachers to organize educational exhibitions. Based on the results of an empirical study, the principles of organizing professional training of students of a pedagogical university for organizing educational exhibitions are described

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 154-157
I. B. Medvedev ◽  
D. F. Pokrovsky

Рurpose: to present the opinion of foreign ophthalmic surgeons on simultaneous bilateral phacoemulsification of cataract (SBPEC) by analyzing literature data. We performed an analysis of papers listed by Pubmed in 2000–2020 which contained expert assessments of SBPEC effectiveness based on polling. Ophthalmic surgeons were offered special questionnaires largely close in content, which were designed to establish the rating of factors that affected the respondents’ decision for or against the surgery. Our results indicate that, depending on the country, from 13.9 to 86 % of ophthalmic surgeons practice SBPEC, while from 14.0 to 67.2 % refrain from using this technology. The surveys revealed three major factors in favor of SBPEC — reduced number of clinical visits, the patient’s convenience during rehabilitation, and a high risk of complications after a second general anesthesia. The main factors against SBPEC are the risk of endophthalmitis (noted by 69–73 % of respondents), the absence of information on the postoperative refractive result in the first eye, which could determine the choice of the intraocular lens on the second eye (74–80 %), the risk of bilateral vision loss (73–79 %), as well as possible forensic problems (52–58 %).Conclusion. The surveying highlights certain negative factors that need to be overcome in order for SBPEC to become more widespread. Raising the awareness of SBPEC practice and approval by the ophthalmic community is essential for a sustainable culture change regarding this technology. To achieve this aim, standardization of the SBPEC procedure is needed, followed by the development of training manuals and protocols for surgical intervention.

2022 ◽  
Klaus Wolf

Foster child support is an expanding field of work: In youth welfare offices and the foster child services of independent institutions, in guardianship, expert assessments and family courts, specialists have to deal with the key questions relating to foster child support. In addition, there are the people affected: foster children, parents and foster parents, siblings and other family members. This book provides a well-founded introduction to this subject area and links important practical issues to international research findings. It analyses current developments in this respect in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and illustrates the variety of forms of care relationships with case studies. In this way, the importance of professional services and the courses of action open to them become clear.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1211 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
M A Gabova ◽  
O K Nikolsky ◽  
Yu D Shlionskaya

Abstract The article considers approaches to the formation of a system of criteria for assessing the electrical installations fire condition of the agricultural and industrial complex. Based on the analysis of the literature, the conclusion is made about the appropriateness of the use of expert assessments. To implement the decision, a group of experts was assembled, on the basis of whose knowledge a list of 42 parametersζ characterizing the fire condition of the electrical installation was determined. To identify the relationships and form a method for calculating the estimated value of fire risk, experts assessed the fire condition of 70 electrical installations of the agricultural and industrial complex of the region. A knowledge base was formed from the resulting values. As a method of data analysis, it was decided to use neural networks, but the available sample is not sufficient for high-quality training of a neural network. Therefore, the correlation method and the principal component method were considered, and based on the calculations, it was decided to use a training sample consisting of 6 principal components for training a neural network. A neural network was trained on these data and the values of the average error were obtained sufficiently low, which may indicate sufficient accuracy of the generated model. The article also presents a conceptual scheme of a software package for automating calculations in accordance with the developed model.

Alexander Zakovorotniy ◽  
Artem Kharchenko

Definitions and methods of designing interval type-2 fuzzy sets in fuzzy inference systems for control problems of complex technical objects in conditions of uncertainty are considered. The main types of uncertainties, that arise when designing fuzzy inference systems and depend on the number of expert assessments, are described. Methods for assessing intra-uncertainty and inter-uncertainty are proposed, taking into account the different number of expert assessments at the stage of determining the types and number of membership functions. Factors influencing the parameters and properties of interval type-2 fuzzy during experimental studies are determined. Such factors include the number of experiments performed, external factors, technical parameters of the control object, and the reliability of the components of the computer system decision support system. The properties of the lower and upper membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets are investigated on the example of the Gaussian membership function, which is one of the most used in the problems of fuzzy inference systems design. The main features and differences in the methods of determining the lower and upper membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets for different types of uncertainties are taken into account. Methods for determining the footprint of uncertainty, as well as the dependence of its size on the number of expert assessments, are considered. The footprint of uncertainty is characterized by the lower and upper membership functions, and its size directly affects the accuracy of the obtained solutions. Methods for determining interval type-2 fuzzy sets using regulation factors of membership function parameters for intra-uncertainty and weighting factors of membership functions for inter-uncertainties have been developed. The regulation factor of the function parameters can be used to describe the lower and upper membership functions while determining the size of the footprint of uncertainty. Complex interval type-2 sets are determined to take into account inter-uncertainties in the problems of fuzzy inference systems design.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-105
T. V. Leontyeva ◽  
A. V. Shchetinina

The vocabulary and phraseology are considered from the standpoint of embodying the idea of identity in them. The relevance of the study is due to the need to assess the dynamics of the vocabulary of the language. It is shown that the idea of identity is verbalized in the nominations of a person according to belonging to a certain social community, which has professional status, generational, class and other characteristics. It is noticed that new phraseological units appear in the language in open groups. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of new phraseological groups, which can be partially or completely subject to lexicography. It is noted that online communication has greatly increased attention to the words group, community and the idea of a publicly represented identity. It is shown that the analytical attitude of modern media has led to an orientation towards reflection and the construction of expert assessments in the form of bright, memorable idioms, the creative class, sofa fighters, etc. The intensification of the processes of the language game is shown by the example of expressions with the word collars, releasing a color code (white, gold, platinum collars, etc.). The Internet is said to have provided opportunities to show multiplying identities. The “fourth wave of words” (after the gangster, professional, glamorous) is proposed to be considered the youth, which is formed in Internet communication and expresses the desire of this age category (youth) to know themselves, their values, belonging, purpose and place in the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-115
Oleksii Yudin ◽  
Viktoriia Sydorenko ◽  
Sergiy Gnatyuk ◽  
Oleksii Verkhovets

The subject of the article is methods and models for assessing the criticality of industry information and telecommunications systems (ITS). The purpose of this article is to analyze the existing methods and models of criticality assessment and use its results to propose a functional model for calculating the quantitative criterion for assessing the security of ITS. Results. Based on the known method of hierarchy analysis, a functional model for calculating the quantitative criterion for assessing ITS security is proposed, which, through the processing of expert assessments, allows to obtain a quantitative indicator of ITS security. This makes it possible to simplify the procedure for selecting experts, to avoid the specifics of processing expert data, as well as to assess ITS in a limited amount of statistics. Conclusions. The study showed that the developed model for calculating the quantitative criterion for assessing the security of ITS, using pairwise comparisons, allows experts to focus on the problem. In addition, the proposed model has a built-in quality criterion of the expert and allows to move from a qualitative assessment in the form of an ordered series of alphanumeric combinations, to a quantitative assessment in the form of the ratio of the basic security profile to the security profile defined by the expert.

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