injective map
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Elsayed Badr ◽  
Shokry Nada ◽  
Mohammed M. Ali Al-Shamiri ◽  
Atef Abdel-Hay ◽  
Ashraf ELrokh

A radio mean square labeling of a connected graph is motivated by the channel assignment problem for radio transmitters to avoid interference of signals sent by transmitters. It is an injective map h from the set of vertices of the graph G to the set of positive integers N , such that for any two distinct vertices x , y , the inequality d x , y +   h x 2 + h y 2 / 2   ≥ dim G + 1 holds. For a particular radio mean square labeling h , the maximum number of h v taken over all vertices of G is called its spam, denoted by rmsn h , and the minimum value of rmsn h taking over all radio mean square labeling h of G is called the radio mean square number of G , denoted by rmsn G . In this study, we investigate the radio mean square numbers rmsn P n and rmsn C n for path and cycle, respectively. Then, we present an approximate algorithm to determine rmsn G for graph G . Finally, a new mathematical model to find the upper bound of rmsn G for graph G is introduced. A comparison between the proposed approximate algorithm and the proposed mathematical model is given. We also show that the computational results and their analysis prove that the proposed approximate algorithm overcomes the integer linear programming model (ILPM) according to the radio mean square number. On the other hand, the proposed ILPM outperforms the proposed approximate algorithm according to the running time.

Yumiko Hironaka

We introduce the space [Formula: see text] of quaternion Hermitian forms of size [Formula: see text] on a [Formula: see text]-adic field with odd residual characteristic, and define typical spherical functions [Formula: see text] on [Formula: see text] and give their induction formula on sizes by using local densities of quaternion Hermitian forms. Then, we give functional equation of spherical functions with respect to [Formula: see text], and define a spherical Fourier transform on the Schwartz space [Formula: see text] which is Hecke algebra [Formula: see text]-injective map into the symmetric Laurent polynomial ring of size [Formula: see text]. Then, we determine the explicit formulas of [Formula: see text] by a method of the author’s former result. In the last section, we give precise generators of [Formula: see text] and determine all the spherical functions for [Formula: see text], and give the Plancherel formula for [Formula: see text].

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 9813-9817
D. Senthil Kumar

A graph $G$ with $p$ vertices and $q$ edges has super Fibonacci graceful labeling if there exists an injective map $f : V(G) \rightarrow \left\{F_{0}, F_{1},F_{2},\ldots F_{q}\right\}$ where $F_{k}$ is the $k^{th}$ Fibonacci number of the Fibonacci series such that its induced map $f^{+}: E(G) \rightarrow\left\{F_{1},F_{2},F_{3},\ldots F_{q}\right\}$ defined by $f^{+}(xy)$ =$\left|f(x) - f(y)\right|$ $\forall$ $xy \in G,$ is a bijective map. In this paper, we investigate the existence of super Fibonacci graceful labeling for the various types of $(a, m)$ - shell graph and $(a, m)$ - shell graph merged with some graphs.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1843
Slamin Slamin ◽  
Nelly Oktavia Adiwijaya ◽  
Muhammad Ali Hasan ◽  
Dafik Dafik ◽  
Kristiana Wijaya

Let G=(V,E) be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A local antimagic total vertex coloring f of a graph G with vertex-set V and edge-set E is an injective map from V∪E to {1,2,…,|V|+|E|} such that if for each uv∈E(G) then w(u)≠w(v), where w(u)=∑uv∈E(G)f(uv)+f(u). If the range set f satisfies f(V)={1,2,…,|V|}, then the labeling is said to be local super antimagic total labeling. This labeling generates a proper vertex coloring of the graph G with the color w(v) assigning the vertex v. The local super antimagic total chromatic number of graph G, χlsat(G) is defined as the least number of colors that are used for all colorings generated by the local super antimagic total labeling of G. In this paper we investigate the existence of the local super antimagic total chromatic number for some particular classes of graphs such as a tree, path, cycle, helm, wheel, gear, sun, and regular graphs as well as an amalgamation of stars and an amalgamation of wheels.

Sudev Naduvath

Graph labelling is an assignment of labels or weights to the vertices and/or edges of a graph. For a ground set X of integers, a sumset labelling of a graph is an injective map f:VG→PX such that the induced function f⊕:EG→PX is defined by f+uv=fu+fv, for all uv∈EG, where fu+fv is the sumset of the set-label, the vertices u and v. In this chapter, we discuss a special type of sumset labelling of a graph, called modular sumset labelling and its variations. We also discuss some interesting characteristics and structural properties of the graphs which admit these new types of graph labellings.

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 599
Yuan Liu ◽  
Licheng Wang ◽  
Xiaoying Shen ◽  
Lixiang Li

Dual receiver encryption (DRE), being originally conceived at CCS 2004 as a proof technique, enables a ciphertext to be decrypted to the same plaintext by two different but dual receivers and becomes popular recently due to itself useful application potentials such secure outsourcing, trusted third party supervising, client puzzling, etc. Identity-based DRE (IB-DRE) further combines the bilateral advantages/facilities of DRE and identity-based encryption (IBE). Most previous constructions of IB-DRE are based on bilinear pairings, and thus suffers from known quantum algorithmic attacks. It is interesting to build IB-DRE schemes based on the well-known post quantum platforms, such as lattices. At ACISP 2018, Zhang et al. gave the first lattice-based construction of IB-DRE, and the main part of the public parameter in this scheme consists of 2 n + 2 matrices where n is the bit-length of arbitrary identity. In this paper, by introducing an injective map and a homomorphic computation technique due to Yamada at EUROCRYPT 2016, we propose another lattice-based construction of IB-DRE in an even efficient manner: The main part of the public parameters consists only of 2 p n 1 p + 2 matrices of the same dimensions, where p ( ≥ 2 ) is a flexible constant. The larger the p and n, the more observable of our proposal. Typically, when p = 2 and n = 284 according to the suggestion given by Peikert et al., the size of public parameters in our proposal is reduced to merely 12% of Zhang et al.’s method. In addition, to lighten the pressure of key generation center, we extend our lattice-based IB-DRE scheme to hierarchical scenario. Finally, both the IB-DRE scheme and the HIB-DRE scheme are proved to be indistinguishable against adaptively chosen identity and plaintext attacks (IND-ID-CPA).


Let G be a (p, q) graph. Let f be an injective map from V(G) to {1, 2, …, p}. For each edge xy, assign the label         y x or         x y according as x > y or y > x. f is called a parity combination cordial labeling (PCC-labeling) if f is a one to one map and | ef (0) − ef (1) |  1 where ef (0) and ef (1) denote the number of edges labeled with an even number and odd number respectively. A graph with a parity combination cordial labeling is called a parity combination cordial graph (PCC-graph). In this paper we investigate the PCC- labeling of the graph G, It is obtained by identifying a vertex vk in G and a vertex of degree n in Hn, where G is a PCC graph with p vertices and q edges under f with f(vk ) = 1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Duvan Henao ◽  
Carlos Mora-Corral ◽  
Marcos Oliva

Abstract We define a class of Sobolev {W^{1,p}(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^{n})} functions, with {p>n-1} , such that its trace on {\partial\Omega} is also Sobolev, and do not present cavitation in the interior or on the boundary. We show that if a function in this class has positive Jacobian and coincides on the boundary with an injective map, then the function is itself injective. We then prove the existence of minimizers within this class for the type of functionals that appear in nonlinear elasticity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 09 (04) ◽  
pp. 1750043 ◽  
N. K. Sudev ◽  
K. P. Chithra ◽  
K. A. Germina

Let [Formula: see text] denote a set of non-negative integers and [Formula: see text] be its power set. An integer additive set-labeling (IASL) of a graph [Formula: see text] is an injective set-valued function [Formula: see text] such that the induced function [Formula: see text] is defined by [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the sumset of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. An IASL of a signed graph [Formula: see text] is an IASL of its underlying graph [Formula: see text] together with the signature [Formula: see text] defined by [Formula: see text]. A marking of a signed graph is an injective map [Formula: see text], defined by [Formula: see text] for all [Formula: see text]. Switching of signed graph is the process of changing the sign of the edges in [Formula: see text] whose end vertices have different signs. In this paper, we discuss certain characteristics of the switched signed graphs of certain types of integer additive set-labeled signed graphs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 08 (02) ◽  
pp. 1650024 ◽  
P. Jeyanthi ◽  
T. Saratha Devi

Let [Formula: see text] be a [Formula: see text] graph. An injective map [Formula: see text] is said to be an edge pair sum labeling if the induced vertex function [Formula: see text] defined by [Formula: see text] is one-to-one where [Formula: see text] denotes the set of edges in [Formula: see text] that are incident with the vertex [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] is either of the form [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text] accordingly as [Formula: see text] is even or odd. A graph with an edge pair sum labeling is called an edge pair sum graph. In this paper, we prove that the graphs [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], book graph and [Formula: see text] admit edge pair sum labeling.

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