signed graph
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Algorithmica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Florent Foucaud ◽  
Hervé Hocquard ◽  
Dimitri Lajou ◽  
Valia Mitsou ◽  
Théo Pierron

2022 ◽  
Vol 355 ◽  
pp. 01012
Gufang Mou ◽  
Qiuyan Zhang

The controllability for complex network system is to find the minimum number of leaders for the network system to achieve effective control of the global networks. In this paper, the problem of controllability of the directed network for a family of matrices carrying the structure under directed hypercube is considered. The relationship between the minimum number of leaders for the directed network system and the number of the signed zero forcing set is established. The minimum number of leaders of the directed networks system under a directed hypercube is obtained by computing the zero forcing number of a signed graph.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-90
B. Prashanth ◽  
K. Nagendra Naik ◽  
R. Salestina M

Abstract With this article in mind, we have found some results using eigenvalues of graph with sign. It is intriguing to note that these results help us to find the determinant of Normalized Laplacian matrix of signed graph and their coe cients of characteristic polynomial using the number of vertices. Also we found bounds for the lowest value of eigenvalue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Qingyun Tao ◽  
Lixin Tao

The Laplacian energy of a signed graph is defined as the sum of the distance of its Laplacian eigenvalues from its average degree. Two signed graphs of the same order are said to be Laplacian equienergetic if their Laplacian energies are equal. In this paper, we present several infinite families of Laplacian equienergetic signed graphs.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 1902
Milica Anđelić ◽  
Tamara Koledin ◽  
Zoran Stanić

Balanced signed graphs appear in the context of social groups with symmetric relations between individuals where a positive edge represents friendship and a negative edge represents enmities between the individuals. The frustration number f of a signed graph is the size of the minimal set F of vertices whose removal results in a balanced signed graph; hence, a connected signed graph G˙ is balanced if and only if f=0. In this paper, we consider the balance of G˙ via the relationships between the frustration number and eigenvalues of the symmetric Laplacian matrix associated with G˙. It is known that a signed graph is balanced if and only if its least Laplacian eigenvalue μn is zero. We consider the inequalities that involve certain Laplacian eigenvalues, the frustration number f and some related invariants such as the cut size of F and its average vertex degree. In particular, we consider the interplay between μn and f.

Lucas Rusnak ◽  
Jelena Tešić

AbstractAttitudinal network graphs are signed graphs where edges capture an expressed opinion; two vertices connected by an edge can be agreeable (positive) or antagonistic (negative). A signed graph is called balanced if each of its cycles includes an even number of negative edges. Balance is often characterized by the frustration index or by finding a single convergent balanced state of network consensus. In this paper, we propose to expand the measures of consensus from a single balanced state associated with the frustration index to the set of nearest balanced states. We introduce the frustration cloud as a set of all nearest balanced states and use a graph-balancing algorithm to find all nearest balanced states in a deterministic way. Computational concerns are addressed by measuring consensus probabilistically, and we introduce new vertex and edge metrics to quantify status, agreement, and influence. We also introduce a new global measure of controversy for a given signed graph and show that vertex status is a zero-sum game in the signed network. We propose an efficient scalable algorithm for calculating frustration cloud-based measures in social network and survey data of up to 80,000 vertices and half-a-million edges. We also demonstrate the power of the proposed approach to provide discriminant features for community discovery when compared to spectral clustering and to automatically identify dominant vertices and anomalous decisions in the network.

Jorge Reynaldo Moreno Ramírez ◽  
Yuri Abitbol de Menezes Frota ◽  
Simone de Lima Martins

A graph G=(V,E) with its edges labeled in the set {+, -} is called a signed graph. It is balanced if its set of vertices V can be partitioned into two sets V 1 and V 2 , such that all positive edges connect nodes within V 1 or V 2 , and all negative edges connect nodes between V 1 and V 2 . The maximum balanced subgraph problem (MBSP) for a signed graph  is the problem of finding a balanced subgraph with the maximum number of vertices. In this work, we present the first polynomial integer linear programming formulation for this problem and a matheuristic to obtain good quality solutions in a short time. The results obtained for different sets of instances show the effectiveness of the matheuristic, optimally solving several instances and finding better results than the exact method in a much shorter computational time.

2021 ◽  
Ranjana Roy Chowdhury ◽  
Shivam Gupta ◽  
Sravanthi Chede

Abstract In the recent period of time with a lot of social platforms emerging, the relationships among various units can be framed with respect to either positive, negative or no relation. These units can be individuals, countries or others that form the basic structural component of a signed network. These signed networks picture a dynamic characteristic of the graph so formed allowing only few combinations of signs that brings the structural balance theorem in picture. Structural balance theory affirms that signed social networks tend to be organized so as to avoid conflictual situations, corresponding to cycles of unstable relations. The aim of structural balance in networks is to find proper partitions of nodes that guarantee equilibrium in the system allowing only few combination triangles with signed edges to be permitted in graph. Most of the works in this field of networking have either explained the importance of signed graph or have applied the balance theorem and tried to solve problems. Following the recent time trends with each nation emerging to be superior and competing to be the best, the probable doubt of happening of WW-III(World War-III) comes into every individuals mind. Nevertheless, our paper aims at answering some of the interesting questions on World War-III. In this project we have worked with the creation of a signed graph picturing the World War-III participating countries as nodes and have predicted the best possible coalition of countries that will be formed during war. Also, we have visually depicted the number of communities that will be formed in this war and the participating countries in each communities. Our paper involves extensive analysis on the various parameters influencing the above predictions and also creation of a new data-set of World War -III that contains the pairwise relationship data of countries with various parameters influencing prediction. This paper also validates and analyses the predicted result.

2021 ◽  
Yong Xiao ◽  
Guosheng Kang ◽  
Jianxun Liu ◽  
Buqing Cao ◽  
Linghang Ding

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