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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2999-3005
Fathima P. V ◽  
George M. J

The spinal curvatures are important for balancing the body and it help us to stand upright. If any one of the curves become too large or small, our posture may appear abnormal. There are three main types of spinal curvature disor- ders, viz: scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. Among these, scoliosis is the common one. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. In 80% of scoliosis patients, the cause is unknown. In most of the cases the curve is mild, but in some children the curve continues to worsen as the child grows. Children who have mild scoliosis need to be monitored closely. In such cases, no treatment is usually necessary. Some of them will need to wear a brace. The ultimate treatment for a progressive curve in children is surgery. While going through Ayurveda literature, we see the word Kubja, and is a common term used by Acharyas to describe a hump like appearance. This article is intended to review scoliosis, its classification, symptoms, diag- nosis and treatment and its Ayurvedic aspects. Keywords: Scoliosis, Brace, Kubja

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2397-2403
Shabeena. I. Attar ◽  
Shivale. Digamber

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common health problem caused by a disproportion of reproduc- tive hormones with the ovarian expression of various metabolic disorders and a wide range of clinical features such as obesity, menstrual abnormalities and hyperandrogenism. In this modern era, the erratic lifestyle, high- calorie diet and deskbound jobs have resultantly expanded the spread of hormonal disparities and menstrual disor- ders have led to an increased prevalence of PCOS up to 20-30 %. There are similar conditions explained in the classics under the context of Pushpaghni jataharini. The treatment should be Kapha-Vata hara, vatanulomana, dipana, pittavardhaka along with avoidance of causative factors. Considering the above facts, Rajapravartaka churna and Hinguvachadi churna were selected for the study. The present study was aimed to bring out the effect of Ayurveda in PCOS, which is safe and non-hormonal. Objectives of the study: 1) A comprehensive study of PCOS and its congruence in Ayurveda. 2) To study the efficacy of Rajapravartaka churna and Hinguvachadi churna in PCOS and to compare its efficacy. Materials and Methods: A randomized comparative clinical study of two groups, consisting of 20 patients in each group. Group A - Rajapravartaka churna orally in the dose of 3gm twice daily along with tila kwata as an anupana 50ml; before food for a period of two consecutive cycles. Group B was given Hinguvachadi churna orally in the dose of 250mg twice daily along with water; before food for a period of two consecutive cycles. Results and Interpretation: The study has shown a statistically signifi- cant difference between each group in its efficacy. Conclusion: Rajapravartaka churna showed better results thanHinguvachadi churna while taking the account of the percentage of each criterion. Keywords: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Pushpaghni Jataharini, Rajapravartaka Churna, Hinguvachadi Churna.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1484-1494
Rajani Kagga

A woman immediately after giving birth to a child is called Sutika. Various Acharya's have mentioned Sutika Kala as a very important period because the mother is prone to many complications following the delivery, where a lot of Rakta and Kleda are lost in the process of delivery leaving her vulnerable for various disorders. As we know Vata fills the Rikta Sthana and causes various disorders, in a similar way Sutika is very much prone to Vata disor- ders. Mainly we come across disorders like inadequacy of breast milk and Sutika Makkala (pain). Sthanya is very important in the growth and development of the newborn. It enhances the immunity of the child. Breast milk is babies specific hence one should adopt measures to improve lactation instead of depending on supplementary feeds. Another important condition is Sutika Makkala which is caused due to vitiation of Vata, and shows symptoms like severe discomfort, pain below the umbilical and bladder region, abdomen and cardiac region. At times the pain is so severe that a prickly sensation with a possibility of tearing of bowel or its perforation. These are associated with flatulence and retention of urine. In these above conditions, Vajra Kanjika is of utmost benefit. We get the reference of Vajrakanjika in Yogaratnakara in Ksheera Dosha Chikitsa Adhyaya. Vajra Kanjika contains the drugs like Pip- pali, Pippali mula, Chavya, Shunti, Yawanika, both Jeeraka’s, both Haridra’s, Vida and Souvarchala Lavana. It is indicated in Amavata, it is Vrishya, suppresses Kapha and Vata, increases appetite, cures Makkala Shula and in- creases the quantity of milk.In this article, an attempt is made to understand the probable mode of action of Vajra Kanjika in Sutika, Sutika Makkala and Sthanya kshaya. Keywords: Vajra Kanjika, Sutika, Sutika Roga, Makkala, Sthanya Dosha.

Mohammed Aslam ◽  
Md. Noushad Javed ◽  
Hala Hasan Deeb ◽  
Michel Kaisar Nicola ◽  
Aamir Mirza ◽  

: Significant efforts are being made in research to discover newer neurotherapeuticals, but the rate of reported neurological disorders has been increasing at an alarming speed. Neurothera-peuticals delivery in the brain is still posing a significant challenge, owing to the blood-brain barrier and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. These physiological barriers restrict the passage of systemically available fractions of neurotherapeuticals into the brain, owing to low permeability and drug localization factors. Neurotherapeuticals encapsulating lipid carriers favor a significant increase in bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs by enhancing solubility in the gastroin-testinal tract and favoring stability. Due to their small size and lipid-based composition, these carriers offer enhanced permeability across the semi-permeable blood-brain barrier to effective-ly transport encapsulated loads, such as synthetic drugs, nutraceuticals, phytoconstituents, herb-al extracts, and peptides, reducing incidences of off-target mediated adverse impacts and tox-icity. The most significant advantage of such lipid-based delivery systems is non–invasive na-ture and targeting of neurotherapeuticals to the central nervous system. Critical attributes of li-pid-based carriers modulate release rates in rate-controlled manners, enable higher penetration through the blood-brain barrier, and bypass the hepatic first-pass metabolism, leading to higher CNS bioavailability neurotherapeuticals. The current review discusses a brief and introductory account of the limitations of neurothera-peuticals, pharmacological barriers, challenges in brain-targeted delivery, and the potential of nanotechnology-processed lipid-based carriers in the clinical management of neuronal disor-ders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
Maria Bernadete Riemma Pierre

Abstract: Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a therapeutic modality used for several malignant and premalignant skin disor-ders, including Bowen's disease skin cancers and Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). Several photosensitizers (PSs) have been explored for tumor destruction of skin cancers, after their activation by a light source of appropriate wavelength. Topical release of PSs avoids prolonged photosensitization reactions associated with systemic administration; however, its clinical usefulness is influenced by its poor tissue penetration and the stability of the active agent. Nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems are promising tool to enhance the efficiency for PDT of cancer. This review focuses on PSs encap-sulated in nanocarriers explored for PDT of skin tumors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-247
Ardiansyah S. Pawinru

Malocclusion is a condition that deviates from normal occlusion including irregularities of the teeth in the arch of the jaw such as crowding, protrusive, malposition and relationships that are not harmonious with the antagonist teeth. Non-physiological oral habits are abnormal human habits that cause stresses and tendencies that persist and are repeated continuously so that it affects craniofacial growth and is usually called bad habits. Changes in the activity of these muscles will lead to modification of facial growth patterns and head posture that can result in dentofacial deformity. Adaptation from nasal breathing to mouth breathing causes several unhealthy things, such as chronic middle ear infections, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infections, sleep disor-ders, and facial growth disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 4487-4492
Rohini P. Chimankar ◽  
Kiran A. Tawalare ◽  
Snehvibha A. Mishra

Ayurveda is Divine science due to its origin as well as its incredible potency in curing the diseases and pro-tecting the health of a healthy person. In the current era sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, tense mental conditions, smoking, drinking alcohol have led to lifestyle disorders, causing a lot of complications that are difficult to remove. This results in the most common lifestyle disorders like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, obesity, etc. Lifestyle disorders are a big problem for our society today. The onset of those disor-ders is insidious, they take years to develop, and once encountered, they are not easily cured. A healthy lifestyle is a valuable resource for reducing the incidence and impact of health problems, for recovery, for coping with life stressors, and for improving quality of life. At present, people are again getting attracted to, an ancient system of healing, Ayurveda as it rectifies disease along with, lifestyle originated consequences. In the management of lifestyle disorders, Ayurveda offers various regimens including Ahara (proper die-tary management), Dincharya (daily regimen) Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Panchakarma (five detoxifi-cation and bio-purification therapies), Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapies and Sadvritta (moral). These are the basic tenets of Ayurveda. The inclusive utilization of all these treatment modalities has a great effect on lifestyle disorders. And hope to treat lifestyle disorders brighten with the broader approach of Ayurveda. This is an attempt to grab the attention of Ayurveda vaidya towards the unique basic tenets of Ayurveda explained by ancient Ayurvedacharya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 4418-4425
Richa Agrawal ◽  
Jyoti Gavali

Skin is the largest organ of the body with its great cosmetic value. It has an ample of importance as it is one of the five Jananendriyas (sense organ); it is readily exposed to external environment. Skin care is very important aspect for beauty which indirectly affects owns personality. Cosmetology in Ayurveda has great demand to its uniqueness and long-lasting effect in beauty. Paste of herbal powders are mixed together and applied on face. Being one of the major texts in Ayurveda herbal pharmaceuticals, Sharangdhara Samhita contributes a very significant part in the world of Ayurveda. Sharanghdharsamhita has a separate chapter on lepa, it defines importance of beauty and lepa. It can be taken as a reference by many cosmetic physi-cians as well as academicians. There are total 94 types of Lepa are mentioned in Sharangdhar and of which 26 Lepas are indicated in skin disorder and rest are indicated in different disorders like hair disor-ders, inflammation, wound etc. The present article is aimed to provide details about Lepakalpana from classics of Ayurveda i.e. Sharangdhara Samhita. Sharngdhar has mentioned medicament for local appli-cation in skin disorders and indicated the use of herbal and herbo-mineral compounds which signifies the uniqueness of Sharangdhar Samhita.

2019 ◽  
Otto Von Sperling ◽  
Marcelo Ladeira

The literature on computerized models that help detect, study and understand signs of mental health disor- ders from social media has been thriving since the mid-2000s for English speakers. In Brazil, this area of research shows promising results, in addition to a variety of niches that still need exploring. Thus, we construct a large corpus from 2941 users (1486 depressive, 1455 non-depressive), and induce machine learning models to identify signs of depression from our Twitter corpus. In order to achieve our goal, we extract features by measuring linguistic style, behavioral patterns, and affect from users’ public tweets and metadata. Resulting models successfully distinguish between depressive and non-depressive classes with performance scores comparable to results in the literature. We hope that our findings can become stepping stones towards more methodologies being applied at the service of mental health.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-116
Miftachul Ulum

Abstract: Physical confinement is an act of restraint, isolation, and neglect that accompanies such activities. The number of people with physical confinement in the Blitar City in 2015 reached 16 people and in 2016 reached 9 people. The family has an important role in the prevention of the physical confinement because it is one of the preventive efforts to reduce the number of the illegal physical confinement. The purpose of this study was to find out how was the family efforts in preventing illegal physical confinement to people with Mental Disorders. Method: The research method used descriptive design, with a family population having the family member with a severe mental disorder. The data collection used questionnaires with 30 sample taken using quota sampling technique. Result: the efforts to study people with mental disorders are 60% less, the family was largely unable to identify how personal hygiene was met, the procedure for taking medication and especially not able to recognize the signs and symptoms of people with mental disorders who experienced a raging attack; Family efforts in planning actions were still found to be 30% less; Family efforts in caring for people with mental disorders were 30% less; Family efforts in modifying the environment around people with mental disor- ders were 46.7% less; Family efforts in utilizing health facilities were 10% less. Public Health Care of Kepanjen Kidul is expected to awake the community through the improvement of health education activities for people with mental disorder treatment in the family without any physical confinement.Keywords: family effort, prevention of physical confinement, people with mental disorderAbstrak: Pasung merupakan tindakan pengekangan, pengisolasian dan penelantaran yang menyertai tindakan tersebut. Jumlah Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) yang dipasung di kota Blitar tahun 2015 mencapai 16 orang dan tahun 2016 mencapai 9 orang. Keluarga memiliki peranan penting dalam pencegahan tindakan pasung, karena merupakan salah satu upaya preventif yang bertujuan untuk menurunkan angka pasung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui upaya keluarga dalam pencegahan tindakan pasung pada ODGJ. Metodologi: Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan deskriptif, dengan populasi keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga mengalami gangguan jiwa berat. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan sampel sebanyak 30 responden, diambil menggunakan teknik quota sampling. Hasil : Hasil penelitian Upaya dalam melakukan pengkajian terhadap ODGJ adalah 60% kurang; Upaya keluarga dalam merencanakan tindakan masih ditemukan 30% kurang; Upaya keluarga dalam merawat ODGJ 30% kurang; Upaya keluarga dalam memodifikasi lingkungan sekitar ODGJ 46,7% kurang; Upaya keluarga dalam memanfaatkan fasilitas kesehatan 10% kurang. Diskusi : UPTD Kesehatan Kecamatan Kepanjen Kidul diharapkan dapat menyadarkan masyarakat melalui peningkatan kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang perawatan ODGJ dalam keluarga tanpa pasung.Kata kunci: upaya keluarga, pencegahan tindakan pasung, ODGJ

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