status differentiation
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Daniel Redhead ◽  
Eleanor A. Power

Across species, social hierarchies are often governed by dominance relations. In humans, where there are multiple culturally valued axes of distinction, social hierarchies can take a variety of forms and need not rest on dominance relations. Consequently, humans navigate multiple domains of status, i.e. relative standing. Importantly, while these hierarchies may be constructed from dyadic interactions, they are often more fundamentally guided by subjective peer evaluations and group perceptions. Researchers have typically focused on the distinct elements that shape individuals’ relative standing, with some emphasizing individual-level attributes and others outlining emergent macro-level structural outcomes. Here, we synthesize work across the social sciences to suggest that the dynamic interplay between individual-level and meso-level properties of the social networks in which individuals are embedded are crucial for understanding the diverse processes of status differentiation across groups. More specifically, we observe that humans not only navigate multiple social hierarchies at any given time but also simultaneously operate within multiple, overlapping social networks. There are important dynamic feedbacks between social hierarchies and the characteristics of social networks, as the types of social relationships, their structural properties, and the relative position of individuals within them both influence and are influenced by status differentiation. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.

2021 ◽  
Nicholas A. Hays ◽  
Huisi (Jessica) Li ◽  
Xue Yang ◽  
Jo K. Oh ◽  
Andrew Yu ◽  

Scholars have long wrestled with whether hierarchical differentiation is functional or dysfunctional for teams. Building on emerging research that emphasizes the distinction between power (i.e., control over resources) and status (i.e., respect from others), we aim to help reconcile the functional and dysfunctional accounts of hierarchy by examining the effects of power differentiation on team performance, contingent on status differentiation. We theorize that power differentiation is dysfunctional for teams with high status differentiation by increasing knowledge hiding, which undermines team performance. In contrast, we predict that power differentiation is functional for teams with low status differentiation by decreasing knowledge hiding, which improves team performance. In a field study, we found that power differentiation harmed team performance via knowledge hiding in teams with high status differentiation, but power differentiation had no effect on knowledge hiding or performance in teams with low status differentiation. In an experiment, we again found that power differentiation harmed team performance by increasing knowledge hiding in teams with high status differentiation. However, power differentiation improved team performance by decreasing knowledge hiding in teams with status equality. Finally, in a third study, we confirm the role of status differentiation in making team climates more competitive and examine the effect of power-status alignment within teams, finding that misalignment exacerbates the dysfunctional effects of power differentiation in teams with high status differentiation. By examining how power and status hierarchies operate in tandem, this work underscores the need to take a more nuanced approach to studying hierarchy in teams.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Marcio Dorn ◽  
Rodrigo Ligabue-Braun ◽  
Hugo Verli

The development and application of bioinformatics has been growing steadily, but its learning and training has been lagging. We have approached this problem through a bi-annual event, called EGB (Escola Gaúcha de Bioinformática), dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students (mainly from biology, biomedicine, chemistry, physics, and computer sciences), as well as professionals, to mingle and be presented to bioinformatics from sequence, structure, and computational standpoints simultaneously. The interactive environment provided by EGB allows for participants mingling, independently from their training background, fostering collaborative learning and experience exchange. Both lecturers and students are encouraged to collaborate and communicate, with no formal acknowledgement of “status differentiation”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hao Ren ◽  
Kunkun Cao ◽  
Mingjun Wang

T-cell therapy, usually with ex-vivo expansion, is very promising to treat cancer. Differentiation status of infused T cells is a crucial parameter for their persistence and antitumor immunity. Key phenotypic molecules are effective and efficient to analyze differentiation status. Differentiation status is crucial for T cell exhaustion, in-vivo lifespan, antitumor immunity, and even antitumor pharmacological interventions. Strategies including cytokines, Akt, Wnt and Notch signaling, epigenetics, and metabolites have been developed to produce less differentiated T cells. Clinical trials have shown better clinical outcomes from infusion of T cells with less differentiated phenotypes. CD27+, CCR7+ and CD62L+ have been the most clinically relevant phenotypic molecules, while Tscm and Tcm the most clinically relevant subtypes. Currently, CD27+, CD62L+ and CCR7+ are recommended in the differentiation phenotype to evaluate strategies of enhancing stemness. Future studies may discover highly clinically relevant differentiation phenotypes for specific T-cell production methods or specific subtypes of cancer patients, with the advantages of precision medicine.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Redhead ◽  
Eleanor A. Power

Across species, social hierarchies are often governed by dominance relations. In humans, where there are multiple culturally-valued axes of distinction, social hierarchies can take a variety of forms and need not rest on dominance relations. Consequently, humans navigate multiple domains of status, i.e., relative standing. Importantly, while these hierarchies may be constructed from dyadic interactions, they are often more fundamentally guided by subjective peer evaluations and group perceptions. Researchers have typically focused on the distinct elements that shape individuals’ relative standing, with some emphasising individual-level attributes and others outlining emergent macro-level structural outcomes. Here, we synthesise work across the social sciences to suggest that the dynamic interplay between individual-level and meso-level properties of the social networks in which individuals are embedded are crucial for understanding the diverse processes of status differentiation across groups. More specifically, we observe that humans not only navigate multiple social hierarchies at any given time, but also simultaneously operate within multiple, overlapping social networks. There are important dynamic feedbacks between social hierarchies and the characteristics of social networks, as the types of social relationships, their structural properties, and the relative position of individuals within them both influence and are influenced by status differentiation.

CALL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Erfina Nuryusticia ◽  
Dian Nurrachman

The final interview with Obama, as one of influential persons in the world, attracted many media to broadcast. His interview showed real-life interaction of a representative figure so that the way he used language is also representative. Specifically, this study aims at finding out the kinds of social deixis and to describe the function of social deixis in The Final Interview with the Obamas. The data are analyzed in a qualitative descriptive method to point out the phenomena of social deixis in the news as a part of daily life and since the collection of the data are mostly analyzed by using description and explanation form which focus on the characteristics, types, and the reason why the usage of social deixis is the main issues to be investigated. Based on the analysis of The Final Interview with The Obamas from the PeopleTV YouTube channel, it can be concluded that all types of social deixis according to Levinson’s theory are found in the object of research. There are relational which manifested by the speaker and referent, the speaker and addressee, the speaker and bystander, and the speaker and setting. There is also absolute social deixis which is manifested by the authorized speaker, and the authorized recipient absolute social deixis. In addition, the three functions of social deixis are also found in the utterances in The Final Interview with The Obamas. Those are the social status differentiation function, politeness function, and social identity function. Keywords: Social Deixis; Interview; Pragmatics

Elisabeth Becker

AbstractPositing Muslim positionality in Europe as an undercaste helps to make sense of how cultural stratification, rooted in associations with incivility, has resulted in deep and unrelenting inequalities experienced by diverse Muslims. Based on two years of ethnographic research with a Muslim community in Berlin as well as a survey of secondary research, this paper both theorizes and empirically showcases the process by which Muslims have become synonymous with incivility, and how this affects opportunities and inclusion across the educational, economic, residential, and private spheres. By drawing parallels with other instances of caste-based status differentiation in the West, specifically the Jewish experience in Europe and Black experience in the USA, it further illuminates how cultural stratification through associations with incivility (as a modern secular coding of impurity) that endures for generations functions in the contemporary world. Employing the concept of caste deepens the cultural turn that has replaced economic or legal explanations of Muslim marginality in Europe. And it awakens a dormant sociological vocabulary that allows for a more precise theoretical understanding of this empirical social phenomenon and thereby the possibilities—and limits—of pluralism in modernity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (no 1) ◽  
Maliarenko O.A. ◽  
Maliarenko O.A. ◽  
Maliarenko O.A. ◽  
Maliarenko O.A. ◽  
Maliarenko O.A. ◽  

The work aimed at creating tetraploid lines of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus species. To achieve this goal, we used methods of microclonal propagation, fluorescence cytophotometry, and genomic status differentiation using computer software of AP ‘Partec’ (Germany). It was found that the percentage of cultivated shoots of Miscanthus sacchariflorus for an exposure period of 1 day was 18.86 ± 5.37%. To compare, it was51.78 ± 6.51% in Miscanthus sinensis. The best indicators of tetraploid induction in Miscanthus sinensis were observed for the exposure to colchicine for 2 days with polyploidization efficiency of 31.25% and 21.42%, and in Miscanthus sacchariflorusf or 2 hours and 6 hours with rates of 35.0% and 27.3%, respectively. To stabilize the tetraploid level of genome ploidy, we used Murashige and Skoog liquid media (1962) supplemented with 0.005% colchicine and an exposure period of myxoploids for 6 hours. The flowering of new tetraploid clones in the conditions of Ukraine was observed on the second year of vegetation in late September and the beginning of October with the formation of fertile pollen grains. However, development of a microgametophyte depends on temperature conditions, both for Miscanthus sinensis (4x) and Miscanthus sacchariflorus (4x). Breeding schemes for the formation of anisoploid populations have also been developed: M sinensis (4x) x M sinensis (2x); M. sa?chariflorus (4x) x M sinensis (2x); M sinensis (4x) x M. sachariflorus (2x)

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 48 ◽  
Nicola Pini ◽  
Zihe Huo ◽  
Urs Kym ◽  
Stefan Holland-Cunz ◽  
Stephanie J. Gros

Neuroblastoma is a biologically very heterogeneous tumor with its clinical manifestation ranging from spontaneous regression to highly aggressive metastatic disease. Several adverse factors have been linked to oncogenesis, tumor progression and metastases of neuroblastoma including NMYC amplification, the neural adhesion molecule NCAM, as well as CXCR4 as a promoter of metastases. In this study, we investigate to what extent the expression of AQP1 in neuroblastoma correlates with changing cellular factors such as the hypoxic status, differentiation, expression of known adverse factors such as NMYC and NCAM, and CXCR4-related metastatic spread. Our results show that while AQP1 expression leads to an increased migratory behavior of neuroblastoma cells under hypoxic conditions, we find that hypoxia is associated with a reduction of NMYC in the same cells. A similar effect can be observed when using the tetracycline driven mechanism of SH-EP/Tet cells. When NMYC is not expressed, the expression of AQP1 is increased together with an increased expression of HIF-1α and HIF-2α. We furthermore show that when growing cells in different cell densities, they express AQP1, HIF-1α, HIF-2α, NMYC and NCAM to different degrees. AQP1 expression correlates with a hypoxic profile of these cells with increased HIF-1α and HIF-2α expression, as well as with NMYC and NCAM expression in two out of three neuroblastoma cell lines. When investigating cell properties of the cells that actually migrate, we find that the increased APQ1 expression in the migrated cells correlates with an increased NMYC and NCAM expression again in two out of three cell lines. Expression of the tumor cell homing marker CXCR4 varies between different tumor areas and between cell lines. While some migrated tumor cells highly express CXCR4, cells of other origin do not. In the initial phase of migration, we determined a dominant role of AQP1 expression of migrating cells in the scratch assay.

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