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Ziming Song ◽  
Yingyue Sun ◽  
Peng Chen ◽  
Mingming Jia

Suaeda salsa (S. salsa) is an important ecological barrier and tourism resource in coastal wetland resources, and assessing changes in its health is beneficial for protecting the ecological health of wetlands and increasing finances. The aim was to explore improvements in the degradation of S. salsa communities in the Liao River Estuary National Nature Reserve since a wetland restoration project was carried out in Panjin, Liaoning Province, China, in 2015. In this study, landscape changes in the reserve were assessed based on Sentinel-2 images classification results from 2016 to 2019. A pressure-state-response framework was constructed to assess the annual degradation of S. salsa communities within the wetlands. The assessment results show that the area of S. salsa communities and water bodies decreased annually from 2016 to 2019, and the increased degradation indicators indicate a state of continued degradation. The area of types such as aquaculture ponds and Phragmites australis communities did not change much, while the estuarine mudflats increased year by year. The causes of S. salsa community degradation include anthropogenic impacts from abandoned aquaculture ponds and sluice control systems but also natural impacts from changes in the tidal amplitude and soil properties of the mudflats. The results also indicate that the living conditions of S. salsa in the Liao River estuary wetlands are poor and that anthropogenic disturbance is necessary to restore the original vegetation abundance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Eduard Cristobal-Fransi ◽  
José Ramón-Cardona ◽  
Natalia Daries ◽  
Antoni Serra-Cantallops

In terms of destination image, museums represent a tourism resource of the first magnitude. However, just as the information available online influences visitors’ decision-making about destinations, the internet is also fundamental in promoting and attracting visitors to museums. For that reason, we sought to analyse the online presence of museums in the seven most visited cities in Spain. To examine the museums’ websites, we developed an integrative model based on web content analysis (WCA ) and the extended model of internet commerce adoption (eMICA) that we applied to 77 publicly and privately run museums in Spain. Both WCA and the eMICA indicated that, despite their great economic and touristic scope, museums in Spain's most visited cities tend to mismanage their online presence and communication. We thus tentatively attributed the online presence of museums in Spain to type of museum management and several city-related parameters as explanatory variables. Multiple linear regressions of the variables revealed that, under public management, museums have had better online presence, while their respective cities have attracted more tourists. Those findings imply that museums still have a long way to go when it comes to facilitating effective communication and interaction with their target public, which we address in relation to the study's limitations and directions for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Dobrila Lukić ◽  
Marko D. Petrović ◽  
Milan M. Radovanović ◽  
Tatiana N. Tretiakova ◽  

Podunavlje region in Serbia comprises 16.6% of the territory and 38.9% of the total population of the country. Due to its attractive natural values, cultural-historical monuments, ethnographic features, etc., Serbian Podunavlje has favorable conditions for the development of excursion, nautical, stationary, event, youth, rural, hunting, transit, and other kinds of tourism. Since the climate as a tourism resource and the factor of tourist migrations in the observed area has not been analyzed yet, the aim of this paper is the tourism valorization of the significance of climate using the two tourism climatic indexes: tourism climate index (TCI) and tourism climate comfort index (TCCI). To achieve it, the climate elements were first analyzed at five meteorological stations in Serbian Podunavlje: Sombor, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Veliko Gradište, and Negotin for the period 1990–2010. Then the periods favorable for tourism activities were determined according to the mentioned indexes at the given stations. The research results show that summer is certainly the most favorable season for tourism activities in the observed area since the maximum TCI values were recorded during summer, and the minimum ones during winter at all the stations. Regarding the TCCI, the most optimal values of this index were recorded in September and May. These results can further serve the tourism organizations in the municipalities in Serbian Podunavlje when considering the construction of the tourism infrastructure, marketing activities, and further affirmation of the resources for the purpose of sustainable development of tourism.

2021 ◽  
Satoshi Ishida ◽  

The tourism industry has been recognised as a potential development mechanism in local communities facing various changes and challenges. In recent years, content tourism, which is the utilisation of lands associated with works appearing in subcultures and other content works for which Japan has attracted international attention, as a tourism resource. However, previous studies have not revealed much about the practice of contents tourism, especially those that examine it from the perspective of collaborative governance. This article presents a case study of a cross-sectoral organisational network designated to promote contents tourism in Sasebo, Nagasaki. This paper briefly introduces the topics of collaborative governance and contents tourism, and then the network for cross-sectoral collaboration and the research method. As a result, findings are discussed in terms of key elements of collaborative governance, aspects of the network formation and development process and features of the Sasebo’s context that may influence the network development. In conclusion, this paper focuses on the role of key stakeholders in formatting a network in the context of content tourism. The struggle to formulate a collaborative governance approach for effective content tourism may bring positive socio-economic benefits to the city and similar declining cities in Japan. As this approach is conceptually tentative and in its developmental stage in theory and practice, it needs to be complemented by additional research findings from empirical case studies conducted with broader and more diverse stakeholder involvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Weiguang Xie ◽  
Yunchi Ma

Tourism resources are the basis of tourism activities. Affected by traditional values and the reusable characteristics of tourism resources, tourism resources have been regarded as worthless for a long time. In recent years, people have begun to establish correct values of tourism resources. However, due to the particularity of tourism resources, the issue of their value evaluation has been controversial. Value evaluation is value recognition or evaluative recognition. In order to develop a cost-effective method to obtain tourism resource evaluation and countermeasures, this paper has done a research on tourism resource evaluation and countermeasures based on network communication and the TOPSIS algorithm. For this reason, we selected a tourist attraction to conduct survey experiments. During the experiment, network communication was used to realize the exchange and sharing of their information between different people through specific media. At the same time, the TOPSIS method is used in the selection of the plan, based on the calculation results of the combined weighted TOPSIS, and the SPSS is used for the principal component factor. The suggestion and the exact conditions of the local tourism resources are combined to establish a model of the tourism resource evaluation system in this place. The experimental results show that the relative importance of viewing value is prominent in the evaluation of tourism resource value. Its weight reaches 0.509, and its popularity weight is 0.257. The evaluation and countermeasures of tourism resources based on network communication and TOPSIS algorithm are effective.

Centro Sur ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Jhohana Larrea Silva ◽  
Jefferson Sanchez Ruiz ◽  
Joselin Ortega Ortega ◽  
Maruxi Loarte Tene ◽  
Rubén Román Aguirre ◽  

From a critical point of view, tourism activity in the parishes of Catacocha, Casanga and Yamana is limited only to natural attractions and cultural manifestations, leaving aside the vernacular architecture of the heritage houses as a possible tourism resource. In this context, the research aims to identify vernacular architecture as a resource for tourism. The methodology used was based on criteria of selection, purification, sifting and properties of housing, these criteria with qualitative and quantitative approaches, in addition the encueta was used to determine the effective demand for tourism development. The results of the research showed that the owners are willing to venture into tourism-related activities based on the use of vernacular architecture.  It is concluded that the research is strategic for the authorities to take initiatives in the promotion and dissemination of this heritage that is extensive in the territory and to generate that the owners empower themselves of the great architectural wealth they possess and venture into tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 741-750
Damla Mısırlısoy ◽  
Kağan Günçe

Cyprus has one of the richest histories of Europe and the Middle East. As the result of being an island and having a strategic location, Cyprus had been occupied by different civilizations throughout history. Since the island faced many attacks throughout history, different buildings and structures were built to defend the island from its enemies. Defence heritage should be identified, documented and conserved since they are important part of the collective memory of the island. The only way to sustain these monuments is to reuse with an appropriate function since they have already lost their original function. The purpose of the study is to highlight the significance of defence heritage of the island and propose reuse strategies as a cultural tourism resource. The method of the study to includes literature surveys and observations through site survey. These data are used for developing reuse strategies by considering defence heritage as a cultural heritage tourism resource. Defence heritage structures can be used as tool for contributing cultural tourism of the island. Defence heritage is an important part of cultural heritage; therefore, they should be transferred for further generations through conservation and reuse.

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