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2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032017
Yu M Galitskova ◽  
M I Balzannikov

Abstract The article deals with water management complexes, including hydraulic structures and reservoirs. The purpose of the study is to identify the attractiveness, significance and potential of such complexes as objects of recreational and ecological tourism. The analysis of unique hydrotechnical objects of different countries of the world is carried out. The features of their designs and ways to increase the attractiveness of objects for tourists are shown. The simplest and most common method of increasing the recreational potential of a water management facility is the arrangement of species sites. It is much less common to arrange organized recreation areas for participants of the natural tourism route using hydraulic structures or separate entertainment attractions for tourists. Significantly more complex complexes with the inclusion of high-and medium-pressure dams are typical for recreational park areas. A separate group includes objects that serve as historical and educational sites or monuments of history, culture and technology. Thus, the analysis revealed a wide variety of uses of hydrotechnical objects as attractive places for recreation and eco-tourism. The conclusion is made about the expediency of the development of the considered areas of use of water management complexes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_9) ◽  
Michael Jones ◽  
Simon Higgs ◽  
Simon Dwerryhouse ◽  
Vikas Markos ◽  
Karen Mason ◽  

Abstract Background COVID-19 has had a massive effect on service provision within the NHS. At our regional oesophagogastric centre the usual protocol for workup of new cancers involves endoscopy, with separate imaging in the form of a contrast enhanced CT, and standard PET/CT (PET with non-contrast CT). To reduce exposure to the hospital environment and potential infection, a group of patients underwent combined PET/CeCT imaging in a single hospital visit. The aim of this project was to assess whether the combined scans were of adequate diagnostic quality, cost efficient, and if they reduced time to treatment. Methods We retrospectively identified all patients who had been discussed in the Upper GI cancer MDT in 2020 at our trust. To be included in the study, the diagnosis must have been made during 2020. Using our MDT records, clinical letters, endoscopy and radiology systems, we obtained dates of investigations along with types and dates of treatment. Data was tabulated in Microsoft Excel. Upper GI consultant radiologists advised on diagnostic quality and technicality of scans, and trust finance directors were able to advise on costs of imaging. Results 211 new oesophageal or gastric cancers were discussed in our MDT in 2020. 33 patients had PET/CeCT, these took place between March and October. 178 patients had separate imaging. Median time from diagnostic OGD to PET/CeCT was 8 days vs 16 days to final imaging in the separate group. Median time from diagnostic OGD to treatment start date was 36 days for PET/CeCT vs 41 days in the separate group. No PET/CeCT’s required repeating due to poor diagnostic quality. At our trust PET/CeCT had a cost saving of £88.58 compared to separate scans. Conclusions Our experience is that PET/CeCT allows accurate radiological staging of oesophagogastric cancers with a single patient visit, at more convenience to the patient and with reduced potential exposure to COVID-19. Patients were able to complete their cancer staging and start their treatment pathway sooner than with separate scans. This comes with a significant cost saving to the NHS per patient, which at our trust scaled up to a potential £18,000 in one year. Our MDT is now planning to perform radiotherapy planning CT images in the same episode.

Angelina Yur'evna Pshenichnikova

This article discusses the peculiarities of linguistic consciousness of the representatives of ethnoses of Latin American countries through the modern dialects of Spanish language. Analysis is conducted on the lexicon of the national cuisine of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The article includes the analysis of linguistic zones of the Spanish language. The goal lies in examination of the lexicon of national cuisine of Latin American countries and, and creation of culinary dictionary of Spanish-speaking countries. The author aims to determine the national-specific gastronomic realities of Latin American countries through the prism of ethno-cultural space, and establish correlation between the uniqueness of gastronomic realities with the mentality and fragments of the linguistic worldview of Latin American countries. The conclusion is formulated on the impact of loanwords upon the national culinary lexicon of Latin American countries. The author draws a chart with the lexemes of national cuisines of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In accordance with the linguistic zones of Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into three groups of indigenisms; considering the influence of other languages on the formation of the vocabulary of the regional Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into the following loanwords (Africanisms, Arabisms, Gallicisms, Anglicisms, and Italianisms). Lexical units, which are widespread in the territory of two, three, or four national dialects of the Spanish language are referred to as regionalisms. Lexical units that are characteristic to one national dialect of the Spanish language are referred to as variantisms. The proper names are allocated into a separate group. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the poorly studied national culinary lexicon of such Latin American countries as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 908 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
E O Chimitdorzhieva ◽  
Ts D-Ts Korsunova ◽  
G D Chimitdorzhieva ◽  
Yu B Tsybenov ◽  
V P Garankina

Abstract The intensity of microbiological processes in soils of pingos and thermokarst depressions in the south of the Vitim Plateau was studied. The number of dominant groups of microorganisms (Fungi; Bacteria, and Actinomycetes as a separate group) in Haplic Chernozems (Stagnic, Turbic) and Calcaric Gleyic Phaeozems were identified. Carbon accumulation in microbial biomass in soils of pingos and thermokarst depressions varies considerably in comparison with background soils. Bacterial microflora has been proven to prevail in soils under the study. The maximum indicators of actinomycete and fungal mycelium were found in the soils of thermokarst depressions. Microbiological activity for all studied parameters is higher in Calcaric Gleyic Phaeozems.

Марина Меджидовна Темзокова

Рассматривается микролексика концепта «бзылъфыгъ» (женщина), отражающая этнокультурные смыслы адыгского языка. Материалом исследования послужили данные сплошной выборки из разных типов адыгских словарей и полевые записи. Определяются базовые лексемы, объективирующие концепт, характеризуется состав микролексики ядра и одной из базовых лексем пшъашъэ (девушка). Лексические единицы (ЛЕ) группируются по семи признакам: возрастному, сословному, функциональному статусу женщины/девушки; кровному и некровному родству; в отдельную группу выделены номинанты брачного статуса женщины и представленный в адыгской мифологии женский пантеон богов. Анализируются способы образования слов и словосочетаний, составляющих основу микролексики базовых лексем женщина/девушка . При проведении исследования использовался метод научного наблюдения с дискурсивным анализом. Практическая значимость результатов исследования определяется тем, что они могут быть полезны при дальнейшем рассмотрении когнитивного и лингвокультурного аспектов, как самого концепта «женщина», так и других групп понятий, составляющих концептосферу адыгского языка. This work deals with the microlexics of the concept of " bzylfyg " (woman), reflecting the ethnocultural meanings of the Adygean language. The study was based on data from a continuous sample of different types of Adygean dictionaries and field entries. Basic lexemes that objectify the concept are determined, the composition of the microlexics of the core and one of the basic lexemes - pshashe (girl) - is characterized. Lexical units (LU) are grouped according to seven characteristics: age, class, functional status of a woman/girl; blood and non-blood affinity; the nominees of the marriage status of a woman and the female pantheon of gods represented in Adygean mythology are identified in a separate group. Methods of formation of words and phrases that form the basis of microlexics of basic woman/girl lexemes are analyzed. The study used a scientific observation method with discursive analysis. The practical significance of the results of the study is determined by the fact that they can be useful in further considering the cognitive and linguistic cultural aspects, both of the concept of "woman" itself and other groups of concepts that make up the conceptual atmosphere of the Adygean language.

Hypothekai ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 19-42
Andrew Fesenko ◽  

The article focuses on ancient astronomy as an academic dis-cipline. Antiquity created a holistic image of the world and a cul-ture of thinking, in which the natural and exact sciences and lib-eral arts were not artificially differentiated and remained in har-monious unity, becoming the basis of an interdisciplinary ap-proach in education. Therefore, even the exact sciences were studied literarily from poetic works. On the example of ancient culture, the connection between the astronomical worldview and other components of the mindset is particularly clearly traced. This is crucial in terms of technology since ancient pedagogy contained all the criteria for technological effectiveness. In the Homeric age, the basic mnemonic rules for navigating by the stars, the definition of the conditions for visibility of heavenly bodies in all seasons, the connection of celestial phenomena with the calendar, known since the Cretan-Mycenaean age, were liter-arily recorded in the epic. This trend was further developed in Hesiod’s didactic epic and took shape in the content as a para-digm of astronomical education. The appearance of Cleobulina’s astronomical riddles appeared, which are allegorical in nature and show similarities with the allegories of Homer, took place approximately at the same time. In subsequent periods (from the 5th century BC), the school study of the Homer and Hesiod’s works required writing comments on the astronomical passages of these and later other authors. With the development of natural philosophical doctrines, new methods of presenting astronomical material appeared. The original form of the philosophical epic was replaced by a prosaic form. The reaction to the natural philo-sophical revolution led to a preference for the traditional Homer and Hesiod. Special educational astronomical texts written by such authors as Aratus, Germanicus, Alexander Aetolus, etc. came to exist-ence as a separate group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 152-166
Ihor V. Diorditsa ◽  
Armenui A. Telestakova ◽  
Olga M. Koval ◽  
Olha A. Nazarenko ◽  
Andrii A. Nastiuk

In the article, the author analyzes information interventions as threats to the cybernetic security of Ukraine. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that large number of socially dangerous acts aimed at harming state interests can now be used both in the information space and in purely cyberspace. Since such actions are performed using computer systems and performed in cyberspace, we propose to define this type of intervention as “cybernetic intervention”, describing it as a separate group of socially dangerous acts aimed at damaging the information infrastructure of States, vital areas of society's existence. The main aim of this study is to analyze information intervention as a threat to cyber security of Ukraine. The interpretation of terms that make up the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the subject of research is carried out. A narrow definition of the concept of “information intervention” is proposed as the violent intervention of one or more subjects of information relations in the activities of another or others, and a broad definition – a certain set of aggressive actions that are aimed at influencing public opinion and decision-making within one or another country and achieving clearly defined results.

V.I. Prygov

The article is devoted to the only private museum of Florentine mosaics in Russia by B. and L. Oshkukovs. The basis of its funds was the personal collection of the founders. It represents all the main forms of mosaics using: from easel decorative panels to inserts in jewelry. The museum's exposition reflects the achievements of all the major art centers of Florentine mosaics in Russia — the works of stone-cutting masters from Khabarovsk, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc. The greatest artistic value is represented by mosaic paintings made both according to well-known pictorial originals, and according to the authors’ sketches. The principal materials for such mosaics are jaspers and other types of hard stones. A separate group in the museum collection consists of mosaic panels made according to the projects of B.L. Oshkukov, inspired by the works of masters of the Russian Avant-garde. On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach, including an art history, cultural and mineralogical analysis of the works of stone-cutting art, the author identifies the features of the main regional centers and kinds of Florentine mosaics. Статья посвящена единственному в России частному музею флорентийской мозаики Б. и Л. Ошкуковых. В основу данного собрания была положена личная коллекция основателей, в которой представлены все основные формы использования мозаик: от станкового декоративного панно до вставок в ювелирные украшения. В экспозиции музея отражены достижения всех основных художественных центров флорентийской мозаики в России — работы мастеров-камнерезов Хабаровска, Уфы, Санкт-Петербурга, Москвы и других городов. Наибольшую художественную ценность представляют мозаичные картины, выполненные как по общеизвестным живописным оригиналам, так и по авторским эскизам из яшм и других видов твердых камней. Отдельную группу в музейном собрании составляют мозаичные панно, выполненные по проектам Б.Л. Ошкукова, вдохновленного работами мастеров русского авангарда. На основе междисциплинарного подхода, включающего искусствоведческий, культурологический и минералогический анализ произведений камнерезного искусства, автор выделяет особенности основных региональных центров и форм флорентийской мозаики.

Usmonova Dona Satvoldievna ◽  
Saminjonov Mukhammadali Salimjon Ugli ◽  

The article under discussion describes in detail the sources of idiom formation in the English language. Idiomatic expressions can be native English and borrowed. Borrowed idiomatic expressions may, in turn, be inter- and intralingual. The authors of the article found it necessary to single out phraseological units created by English writers into a separate group.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
S. S. Jade ◽  
P. S. Takawale ◽  
R. A. Bahulikar

Abstract Interspecific hybrids between pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) give rise to perennial fodder crops characterized by high biomass, broad clumps and good palatability. These hybrids are triploid and developed by hand pollination of napier grass pollen on pearl millet panicles. The progeny shows a high percentage of pearl millet genotype due to self-pollination in the female parent. Identification of hybrids at a young stage based on morphological characters is difficult. DNA-based molecular markers have high discriminating power and were used to assess genetic differences between hybrids and their parents. Genetic diversity was studied in 18 pearl millet × napier grass hybrids along with their parents and two released national checks using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Eight ISSR primers gave rise to 125 bands, of which 120 bands were polymorphic. Polymorphic information content and ISSR primer index ranged from 0.40 to 0.49 and 8.88 to 11.14, respectively. The hybrids showed the presence of unique bands, besides those shared with male and female parents. Female (pearl millet) parents formed a separate group in the dendrogram constructed based on ISSR polymorphism. The male (napier grass) parents formed a separate group along with hybrids, indicating a higher similarity of hybrids with the male parents. Principal component analysis and STRUCTURE analyses showed a similar grouping. The close resemblance of hybrids to the male parents confirmed their interspecific origin. The study revealed that ISSR marker analysis could be a quick and reliable method to identify interspecific hybrids at an early stage of growth.

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