ayurvedic treatment
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Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 606
Abhishek Sadananda Madival ◽  
Deepak Doreswamy ◽  
Shripathi Adiga Handady ◽  
Krishna Raghava Hebbar ◽  
Shobha Karabylu Lakshminarayana

Managing rice crop stubble is one of the major challenges witnessed in the agricultural sector. This work attempts to investigate the physical, mechanical, and liquid absorption properties of rice straw (RS)-reinforced polymer composite for assessing its suitability to use as an ayurvedic treatment table. This material is expected to be an alternative for wooden-based ayurvedic treatment tables. The results showed that the addition of rice straw particles (RSp) up to 60% volume in epoxy reduced the density of the composite material by 46.20% and the hardness by 15.69%. The maximum tensile and flexural strength of the RSp composite was 17.53 MPa and 43.23 MPa, respectively. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed deposits of silica in the form of phytoliths in various size and shapes on the outer surface of RS. The study also revealed that the water absorption rate (WA) was less than 7.8% for the test samples with 45% volume of RSp. Interestingly the test samples showed greater resistance to the absorption of Kottakal Dhanvantaram Thailam (<2%). In addition, the developed samples showed resistance towards bacterial and fungal growth under the exposure of treatment oils and water.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Ashish Mishra ◽  
Satish Chand Gupta ◽  
Mansoor Ahmad ◽  
Bharti Tiwari

Background: Nasya is an essential therapeutic procedure as many of the courses of Ayurvedic treatment. It comes under the Panchashodhana karmas. It is necessary in all Urdhwa jathru vikaras. Nasya is effective for inducing immediate results and serves as a permanent cure. Cervical spondylotic change is frequently found in many asymptomatic adults, with 25 the age of 40, 50% of adults over the age of 40 and 85% of adults over the age of 60 showing evidence of disc degeneration. Cervical spondylosis can be compared with Manyastambha based on signs & symptoms. Nasya is the simple techniques and ingredients are readily available & economical. Also, these are indicated in the management of Manyastambha and have no proven adverse effects. This study was intended to assess the efficacy of the Dashmool Kwath Nasya in the management of this disease. Method: Randomly, 30 patients of Manyastambha were selected and paired “t” test was used. Result: Statistically significant improvement was found in this study on post-follow-up. Conclusion: Dashmool Kwath Nasya is having a prolonged action as it is having highly significant results post follow up of treatment as compared to after treatment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Sailekha P. ◽  
Sudhikumar K B

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-COV-2, which can cause severe respiratory illness and complications in patients. Recognizing Ayurveda's endless possibilities for improving immunity and preventing disease progression, the Ministry of AYUSH developed and approved the Ayurvedic protocol for handling Covid-19. Even though Ayurveda practitioners have been prescribing medicines to the Covid-19 patients since approval, no studies have been reported from Kerala regarding the effectiveness of the Ayurveda Treatment approaches. Hence the School of Fundamental Research in Ayurveda designed an observational study to evaluate the impact of the Ayurveda Treatment approaches in the management of Covid -19. The study result affirms that the Ayurvedic treatment method is very effective against Covid-19 and the role of Ayurveda in addressing the Covid-19 challenge is invaluable. Key words: Covid-19, Ayurvedic protocol, School of Fundamental Research in Ayurveda.

Ravi Kumar ◽  
Harshit Rana ◽  
Girendra Kumar Gautam ◽  
Gautam Kumar

Lupus erythematous is an autoimmune illness that mostly affects women and has no recognized cause. The classical period, the neoclassical period and the modern period are the three periods in the history of lupus erythematous. Important discoveries have occurred at each period allowing for a better understanding of a conditions.Pericarditis, valvular lesions and myocardial dysfunction, particularly mild pericarditis. As a result, echocardiography should be done on SLE patients on a regular basis. Vascular blockage, including coronary arteries can occur as a result of SLE related vasculitis early atherosclerosis or antiphospholipid antibodies. The immune system of the body becomes overactive and targets normal, healthy tissue. Inflammation, swelling and damage to the skin, joints, skin, kidney, blood, heart, and lungs are among the symptoms and medicinal treatment commonly used with the help of ayurvedic treatment, allopathic treatment and homeopathic treatment.

S.D. Mankar ◽  
Waditake Poonam ◽  
Prajakta Jejurkar

Mucormycosis, often known as black fungus, is a fungal infection caused by the mucormycetes fungi. Zygomycetes is a class of fungi. Mucormycetes, the fungus that cause mucormycosis, are found all throughout the world, especially in soil and in decaying organic waste like leaves, compost piles, and animal dung. It is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another. Mucormycosis (also known as zygomycosis) is a dangerous but uncommon fungal infection caused by a fungus known as mucormycetes. Molds can be found all over the place. Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that primarily affects persons who have health issues or who use medications that reduce the body's capacity to resist infections and illness. Infections are most typically acquired when mould spores are inhaled or, less commonly, when spores enter the body through a cut in the skin. It takes place after COVID-19. Home remedies, such as consuming probiotics, and foods that promote immunity, can help to minimise mucormycosis. The main purpose of this review Related to Mucormycosis is to diminish the growth of Mucormycosis by taking Ayurvedic Treatment.

A. Sumi ◽  
M. Abhilash ◽  
K. B. Sudhikumar

Introduction: Compliance is a process where the patient follows the prescribed and dispensed regimen as intended by the prescriber. Poor compliance has been reported as it is the most common cause of non-response to medication. There is no single best indicator to assess      patient compliance in Health Research. This study aims to develop and validate a new questionnaire considering the pharmaceutical properties of Ayurvedic medicines to measure patient compliance. Methods: The first phase consisted of a qualitative phase to identify the variables to measure patient compliance through in-depth interviews among five doctors and focus group discussion with eight practitioners, and pre-test with respondents, experts, and peers. The second phase was a quantitative phase to assess the respective responses of patients towards the questionnaire through a cross-sectional survey among 106 subjects as a pilot study. Results: The qualitative analysis reported variables that were seen spread across eight domains were used to measure compliance. Conclusion: Ayurvedic treatment is personalized and there is always a scope for a remake of formulation designing for each individual. Sticking on to appropriate prescriptions after properly assessing the needs of the patient and the reason for their non-compliance can bring a revolution in terms of cost-effectiveness and time. The wastage of medicines, whether raw drugs or processed ones can be prevented by recognizing the factors for non-compliance. There is always a scope for improvement with further alike or more developed research in patient compliance in Ayurveda.

Yamini M. Nayak ◽  
Manjiri Keskar ◽  
Praveen Pandey ◽  
Abhishek Shukla

Ayurved is one of the great gifts of the sages of ancient India to mankind. It is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease but also a way of life that teaches us how to maintain & protect health. Kriyakalp is the main therapeutic process for Netra rogas. Kriyakalp means the procedures in which various drugs are applied in & around the eye ball as a treatment modality. the importance of Ayurvedic treatment in the diseases of eyes cannot be ignored. There is a great need to find out an ocular procedure for prevention and treatment of eye diseases having no or least adverse effect. Tarpan karma is one of the local therapeutic procedures which if promptly used shows objective evidences of excellent responses. In this  Article there is a review on Netra Tarpana Karma, their indications, contraindications and possible mode of action , Standardiging Samayak Tarpita Lakshan with the help of Questionnaire. Questionnaire is discussed with expert, we discussed action and we have finalized the Questionnaire with the Stalwarts of Shalakya Tantra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2877-2879
Prasad Keshav Kakade ◽  
Shilpa Badhe

Gud Bhransha is a protrusion of mucous membrane of the Rectum from outside the anal verge with membrane or without membrane. It can be partial or complete. This condition is common in children and elderly patients. There are two types of treatment of rectal prolapse are conservative and surgical. The type of treatment of rectal prolapse depends on the severity of the disease. A clinical study was conducted on the patient of Gudbhransh with an elderly patient disease to evaluate the contraction effect of the Kasisadi tail which is traditionally practised in rural areas of Igatpuri, Maharashtra, India based on a survey. The aim and objective of this study were to evaluate the contraction effect of the Kasisadi tail over prolapsed rectal mucosa. Which was successfully treated by conserva- tive Ayurvedic management Gudbhransh is treated in line with the treatment of Ayurveda as a complication of Atisar by the Kasisadi tail by anal route for correction of prolapse locally. The case result confirms that rectal prolapse can be managed effectively with Ayurvedic treatment in a short duration of time. Keywords: Kasisadi Tail, Gudbhransh, Rectal prolapse, Atisar

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2756-2763
Ayesha Zama ◽  
Ravi. R. Chavan

Ayurveda is the oldest methodical branch of knowledge that speaks its reality in the sketch of philosophy. It comprises most scientific milieu of derivation. As per ancient Ayurveda scholars for getting a desirable outcome of any medication, it should be precisely analysed before prescribing to the patient. There are several classical formulations successfully practised by Ayurveda physicians for treating various ailments, and also there are few unexplored but potent formulations that need the attention of practitioners to come to light. The present study is based to collaborate various references as well as the Pharmacological importance and mechanism of action of a distinctive hepatoprotection Jalodarari Rasa. The most common manifestation of liver dysfunction is ascites, and the most common cause of ascites is liver disease. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. Despite advanced medical facilities still, there is no definite treatment that cures a patient of ascites completely. The modern treatments only provide provisional relief with time dependant recurrence but, the fluid gets collected in the abdominal cavity repeatedly. In such cases, Ayurvedic treatment gives relief without any side effects and can be correlated with Jalodara, mentioned in Ayurvedic medical science. Jalodarari Rasa is a herbomineral preparation that is depicted in Bhaishajya Ratnavali Udararogaprakarana, its fundamental constitution being Jayapala, Tamra bhasma, pippali, maricha which are all having lekhana- pachana-bhedana action and thereby useful to evacuate the excess accumulated fluid which is needed to counteract Jalodara. Hence, here an attempt has been made to address the detailed review of Jalodarari rasa. Keywords: Ascites, hepatoprotective, Ayurveda

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2590-2597
Sayali Sampat Shinde ◽  
Arun U. Bhatkar ◽  
Madhuri A. Pachghare

The impairment of Agni plays a very important role in Amavata. The name itself says there is the involvement of Ama and Vata. The Kha-vaigunya is observed mainly in Shleshmasthana (Asthisandhi) which results in Amavata. Use of Ayurvedic Diagnostics tools and then deciding Ayurvedic treatment helps to treat it in a natural way without any side effects and recurrence. Chikitsa Siddhanta as mentioned by Acharya Chakradatta for management of Amavata, consists of Langhana, Swedana, use of medicines having Tikta, Katu Rasa and Deepana property, Virechana, Snehapana and Basti. These modalities work mainly as Amapachana, Vatashamana, Strotoshodhana and Sthana Balya. Based on this Chikitsa Siddhanta, along with Langana, Swedana, Deepana, Pachana; Vaitaran Basti was administered in a case of Amavata which was successfully treated. Vaitaran Basti is also given by Chak- radatta. Marked improvements were observed in signs, symptoms and RA factor after treatment. During the treat- ment, complications were not observed. Keywords: Amavata, Ama, Chakradatta, Vaitaran basti, RA factor.

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