contraction effect
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Cansu Özyaman ◽  
Cahit Yerdelen ◽  
Ebru Eris ◽  
Rasoul Daneshfaraz

Abstract This study presents the effect of different parameters on scouring process around spur dikes. Our research group's stated objective was to evaluate the effects of sediment gradation, flow depth, spur angle and spur length on scouring process. Since most existing studies generally employed uniform sediment; in this study uniform and non-uniform sediment were selected. Experiments were made in a rectangular open channel in uniform flow conditions. Results showed that the effect of the spur dike length and the orientation angle on sediment scour varies with the type of sediment used. Scour volumes were 40% greater in uniform sediments than in non-uniform sediments. Measured scour depth was maximum at spurs perpendicular to the flow, whereas the scour volume was maximum at spurs directed upstream. The scour depth increased with an increase in the spur length; however, effect of spur length on scouring varied at a contraction rate of 0.29 for uniform sediments and 0.36 for non-uniform sediments. A multiple regression analysis was also performed, and four equations were suggested to predict the scour depth and scour volume. Comparisons were made with the literature equations applicable for clear-water scouring to check the suggested equation. Because of a wide range of contraction ratios considered in this study, the equations which considered the contraction effect yielded better estimates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2877-2879
Prasad Keshav Kakade ◽  
Shilpa Badhe

Gud Bhransha is a protrusion of mucous membrane of the Rectum from outside the anal verge with membrane or without membrane. It can be partial or complete. This condition is common in children and elderly patients. There are two types of treatment of rectal prolapse are conservative and surgical. The type of treatment of rectal prolapse depends on the severity of the disease. A clinical study was conducted on the patient of Gudbhransh with an elderly patient disease to evaluate the contraction effect of the Kasisadi tail which is traditionally practised in rural areas of Igatpuri, Maharashtra, India based on a survey. The aim and objective of this study were to evaluate the contraction effect of the Kasisadi tail over prolapsed rectal mucosa. Which was successfully treated by conserva- tive Ayurvedic management Gudbhransh is treated in line with the treatment of Ayurveda as a complication of Atisar by the Kasisadi tail by anal route for correction of prolapse locally. The case result confirms that rectal prolapse can be managed effectively with Ayurvedic treatment in a short duration of time. Keywords: Kasisadi Tail, Gudbhransh, Rectal prolapse, Atisar

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
Elżbieta Kociołek-Balawejder ◽  
Ewa Stanisławska ◽  
Irena Jacukowicz-Sobala ◽  
Marek Jasiorski

AbstractWhen synthesizing copper compounds containing polymeric adsorbents, it was found that the two copper oxides, Cu2O and CuO, deposited in the skeleton of a strongly basic macroreticular anion exchanger (An) radically diminished the porosity of the obtained composites in relation to the host material. In order to investigate this phenomenon more closely, An/Cu2O and An/CuO (both based on the commercial anion exchanger Amberlite IRA900Cl), containing 8.6 and 8.2 wt% Cu, respectively, were subjected to scrutiny. The porous characteristics of the thermally dried and freeze-dried samples were determined using the N2 adsorption–desorption method and mercury intrusion porosimetry. The thermally dried samples lost their porosity and increased their bulk density in relation to the pure resin indicated a significant reduction in their volume. It was found that during drying, the grains shrank as much as the pores collapsed. The decay of the porous structure resulted from the surface morphology of the Cu2O and CuO particles and their tendency to agglomerate. Both freeze-dried samples retained the porous characteristics typical for macroporous anion exchangers. In contrast to the most popular hybrid ion exchangers containing hydrated polyvalent metal oxides (such FeOOH), An/Cu2O and An/CuO showed markedly strong volume contraction effect in relation to moisture content. Graphical abstract

2021 ◽  
Robert Stephen Mulholland

The new Morpheus8 is a novel external RFAL device that uses the proven soft tissue contraction of BodyTite in an external, non-invasive procedure. This external RF applicator, which is also powered by BodyTite, inserts up to 40 positively charged, coated electrodes 8 mm into the subcutaneous, soft tissue envelope. A monopolar ablative lesion is generated from the tip of the electrode, stimulating contraction of the FSN and adipose coagulation. The RF then flows up to the distant negative, return electrodes on the surface of the skin, providing a non-ablative thermal stimulation to the papillary dermis. The “burst” feature of the Morpheus8, delivers simultaneous multiple levels of internal coagulation in a single one second pulse, amplifying the adipose ablation and contraction effect. Studies, show, that the combination of BodyTite internal thermal coagulation and external Morpheus8 at the time of liposuction can result in 60–70% area skin contraction, greatly improving the soft tissue contours and Body shaping outcomes following lipo-contouring procedures.

Molecules ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 2729
Krzysztof Lyczko ◽  
Joanna E. Rode ◽  
Jan Cz. Dobrowolski

A whole series of [Ln(H2O)4(Ala)2]26+ dimeric cationic lanthanide complexes with both l- and d-alanine enantiomers was synthesized. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 100 and 292 K shows the formation of two types of dimers (I and II) in crystals. Between the dimer centers, the alanine molecules behave as bridging (μ2-O,O’-) and chelating bridging (μ2-O,O,O’-) ligands. The first type of bridge is present in dimers I, while both bridge forms can be observed in dimers II. The IR and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of all l- and d-alanine complexes were registered in the 1750–1250 cm−1 range as KBr pellets. Despite all the studied complexes are exhibiting similar crystal structures, the spectra reveal correlations or trends with the Ln–O1 distances which exemplify the lanthanide contraction effect in the IR spectra. This is especially true for the positions and intensities of some IR bands. Unexpectedly, the ν(C=O) VCD bands are quite intense and their composed shapes reveal the inequivalence of the C=O vibrators in the unit cell which vary with the lanthanide. Unlike in the IR spectra, the ν(C=O) VCD band positions are only weakly correlated with the change of Ln and the VCD intensities at most show some trends. Nevertheless, this is the first observation of the lanthanide contraction effect in the VCD spectra. Generally, for the heavier lanthanides (Ln: Dy–Lu), the VCD band maxima are very close to each other and the mirror reflection of the band of two enantiomers is usually better than that of the lighter Lns. DFT calculations show that the higher the multiplicity the higher the stability of the system. Actually, the molecular geometry in crystals (at 100 K) is well predicted based on the highest-spin structures. Also, the simulated IR and VCD spectra strongly depend on the Ln electron configuration but the best overall agreement was reached for the Lu complex, which is the only system with a fully filled f-shell.

2020 ◽  
Vol 90 (19-20) ◽  
pp. 2175-2183
Qi Zhou ◽  
Wuchao Wang ◽  
Yanyun Zhang ◽  
Christopher J Hurren ◽  
Qing Li

Wool is one of the most moisture sensitive natural fibers. This paper investigated changes of wool fiber diameter, fabric dimensions and fabric dimensional properties, as a function of moisture regain, temperature and pH. Experiments were conducted on fabrics with different weave structures as well as on fabrics with and without a permanent set. Results showed that the fabrics tended to contract when they were subjected to increased temperature at saturated regain. The degree of contraction appeared to depend on the weave structure of the fabrics and permanent setting treatments. Dimensions of the wool fabrics were also found to be dependent on the pH. Greater fabric dimensions were observed at pH 7.2 than at pH 2.1. The contraction effect was almost reversible when unset fabric samples were measured in pH 2.1. The reasons for the changes of dimensional property were analyzed in terms of changes in wool fiber swelling, yarn crimp and polymer relaxation phenomena with changes in regain, temperature and pH. Industrial implications from outcomes of this research to practical wool processing are discussed in the paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Judee Rallos ◽  
Shanine Caballero ◽  
Diana Codilla ◽  
Racealle Mendez ◽  
Alyssa Obediente ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 02002
Cheng Feng ◽  
Wei Cheng ◽  
Chen Aijun ◽  
Wu Di ◽  
Chen Junhua ◽  

The mix proportion experiment was applied to investigate the mix proportion scheme of organic soil mass curing agent, and the functional mechanism of organic solvent fused with soil mass was analyzed. Under conditions of low confining pressure (90~240kPa) and relative higher confining pressure (600~1200kPa), the consolidated drained triaxial shear test was applied to compare the mechanical dilatancy and contraction effect of undisturbed soil, contaminated soil and consolidated soil, and draw the mechanical volumetric strain characteristic curves. Then the volumetric strain characteristics of dilatancy and contraction behavior and their peak strength change rules of heavy metal contaminated soil, before and after consolidation, were analyzed. According to Pietruszczak’s hardening rule, the two yield surfaces volumetric strain model of heavy metal contaminated soil was established. Results indicate that heavy metal contaminated soil shows dilatancy property under the low confining condition and contraction property under high confining condition, while peak strength decreases obviously. Soil consolidation effectively improves the dilatancy volumetric strain characteristic under low confining condition, contraction volumetric characteristic under medium to high confining condition, and the peak strength increased significantly. This model makes up for the defect that the traditional single yield surface model cannot describe the critical strain state of dilatancy and contraction, and it reasonably reflects the volumetric strain change process of heavy metal contaminated soil.

RSC Advances ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (63) ◽  
pp. 38252-38259
Marina O. Barsukova ◽  
Sofia V. Cherezova ◽  
Aleksandr A. Sapianik ◽  
Olga V. Lundovskaya ◽  
Denis G. Samsonenko ◽  

Influence of the lanthanide contraction effect on the formation of a series of new MOFs and their wide colour range luminescence spectra.

Diacrítica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-140
Gitanna Brito Bezerra

In this paper, we present two experiments (questionnaires) that we conducted to investigate the influence of referentiality, definiteness, and preposition+determiner contraction (P+D contraction) on relative clause processing. The first experiment was conducted in Brazilian Portuguese, and the results revealed an influence of referentiality and definiteness on relative clause interpretation: N2 modification (low attachment) was more probable when N2 was referential and when it was introduced by an indefinite article. The results did not reveal, however, an effect of P+D contraction. The second experiment was conducted in Spanish and it focused on referentiality and P+D contraction. The results revealed a significant effect of both factors: N2 modification was more probable when N2 was referential and when the article preceding it was not contracted with the preposition. Based on these results, we emphasize the influence of the three factors investigated on relative clause interpretation, highlighting the novelty of the P+D contraction effect.

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