park area
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-134
Amin Kiswantoro ◽  
Dwiyono Rudi Susanto

Edelweis tourism village is one of the tourist villages located in Pacitan Regency, East Java. This tourist village is still in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area. This tourist village has the main tourism potential, namely the Edelweiss flower or eternal flower. In this research, using descriptive analysis which is qualitative in nature. The data obtained were then analyzed using SWOT analysis. From the results of this study, the development strategy of Wonokriti Village as an Edelweiss tourism village is obtained, including holding activities related to the Edelweiss flower, making this village a center for educational tourism, especially edelweiss flowers, developing tourism supporting infrastructure, holding hospitality training for human resources involved in management. Edelweiss Tourism Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Fajar Setiawan ◽  
Iwan Ridwansyah ◽  
Luki Subehi

Wetlands are vulnerable natural habitats that should be preserved to protect habitat for fish and wildlife, flood mitigation, improve water quality, recharge area, and maintain surface water flow during dry periods. Water bodies and swamp areas are two primary components of the wetland. Considering its essential roles for the ecosystem, Lake Sentarum was set as a national park area (Lake Sentarum National Park – TNDS), Indonesia's 15 national priority lakes, and; designated as a Ramsar site (The Convention on Wetlands) in Indonesia. Despite the significant roles for the ecosystem, providing the limnological characteristic of Lake Sentarum remains a challenge due to its remote location. This study aims to identify the rainfall and inundation characteristics in the Lake Sentarum area and develop the rainfall-inundation relationship in the TNDS area. First, we carried out rainfall analysis using the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) data. Second, we utilized a remote-sensing-based global surface water map from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to describe the historical inundation pattern. Third, we applied the Normalized Different Water Index (NDWI) combined with Modification Normalized Different Water Index (MNDWI) to the selected Landsat dataset to extract the inundation area. Finally, we developed a rainfall-inundation relationship in the TNDS area. The result indicated that the yearly rainfall in the TNDS area has an increasing trend, with the highest peak in December and the second peak in April. Historical Landsat data shows that the TNDS has a complex pattern of inundation. The maximum water extent was 649 km2, with a 95 km2 as permanent (90>- 100 % water occurrence). These areas were constantly flooded, even in the dry season. The most significant non-permanent water was 161 km2 (80>- 90 % water occurrence). This permanent and larger temporary water area provides fish and other aquatic biotas habitats. It temporarily stores the water flowing slowly into the River Kapuas through the Tawang River. We captured the spatial inundation pattern and its relationship with the temporal regional rainfall. The developed relationship showed a lag of -60 days of accumulated rainfall correlated with the inundation area (R2 of 0.48, n=11). These findings will thus provide valuable data for lake managers and policy-makers to protect the biota and habitat in Lake Sentarum National Park area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 119
Waralak Khongouan ◽  
Putpunnin Khamwachirapithak

Though the development of green infrastructure in parks in Samut Sakhon province has been continuously implemented, there are still no research studies that have explicitly demonstrated the parks’ potential, nor any public opinions toward the development of urban green infrastructure in the parks that would be productive for the planning to efficiently improve and provide urban green infrastructure. As a result, this study had the following objectives: 1) To analyze the potential and networks of urban green infrastructure in parks in Samut Sakhon province, 2) To analyze the satisfaction of using the services and requirements of the urban green infrastructure development in the parks in Samut Sakhon province, and 3) To propose development guidelines in urban green infrastructure for the parks of Samut Sakhon province. The research instruments comprised a questionnaire, and the data were analyzed by using a scalogram. The results found that high-potential parks were not large in size, but they had all the complete components, as well as green infrastructure featured in the attributes of patch, matrix, and mosaic. Nevertheless, the green infrastructure development featured in the attribute of the corridor had disappeared in several sites of the green infrastructure in the parks. Likewise, the green networks of the parks, specifically those in the high-potential category, were not successive by walking. For this reason, the people were mostly satisfied with the convenient accessibility of the parks, but there were the requirements of paving the footpath, improving the landscape, and adding a variety of activities in the parks. Therefore, the development guidelines of urban green infrastructure in the parks should formulate more areas in the attribute of the corridor at the riverside and on the streets, conserve and increase the park areas by allowing public participation in the management, as well as apply urban planning measures to obtain the park area. In addition, a footpath and bike lane should be safely constructed in the high-potential parks. Simultaneously, the landscape should be adjusted in the low- and moderate-potential parks by launching pilot projects in the parks of the governmental agencies. 

2021 ◽  
K.L.K.T.B. Sandaruwan ◽  
C. Hewawasam ◽  

In 1990s, the decrement of non-built-up areas due to urbanization directly cause a reduction in the quality of life of the people & the occurrence of social issues in Sri Lanka due to monotonous lifestyles. Therefore, to overcome these issues with a sustainable Sri Lankan vision by 2030 urban beautification projects like urban public spaces, parks concept was introduced to Sri Lanka especially in suburban areas. Recently, the urban recreational spaces concept came to urban fabric with common characteristics that were developed as social spaces for community gathering and interactions with a variety of physical activities. Although with the emerging public space concept, there is no such consideration on research regarding an evaluation on publicness of urban public spaces by using physical dimensions; Specific Reference to Galle Fort (sea bath area), Forest Park area, Mahamodara Marine walk and Ocean Pathway in Galle. Further, there is no proper regulatory framework in public space monitoring & evaluation to improve the infrastructure of public space. The research aim is to evaluate the level of publicness of urban public spaces based on physical dimensions which are owned by public administration in Sri Lanka. Also, it focused to identify what parameters, need to evaluate the level of publicness and understand satisfaction levels of urban public spaces and key indicators, to assess how contributing indicators, influence to achieve the effectiveness of public spaces among users and to provide recommendations based on the experts’ and users’ views for future improvements of urban public spaces to enhance the publicness level in Sri Lanka. This study was focused on four urban public spaces with the dissimilarity of the availability of design characteristics in Galle. The methodology of the research was comprised of onsite observations, questionnaire surveys, semi-structured interviews, and photographic documentation. The data were quantitatively analysed by using the VIKOR model which is a democratic model to evaluate the publicness level, AHP analysis, and descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS and EXCEL. Qualitative analysis was based on content analysis and photographic documentation. According to the findings of the research, it proved that based on key physical dimensions, criteria, and indicators publicness level, effectiveness, and truly public or not in four case studies. The highest publicness level and satisfaction level occurred in Forest Park which proved the hypothesis of the study. Additionally, by providing more shady areas, proper waste management, proper sitting opportunities, provide proper security system and monitoring system for control spaces, provide diverse activities for all age categories are some of the comments based on respondents which need to be considered in planning & designing urban spaces for increase attraction levels which are benefited for urban planners and designer.

Hikmat Ramdan ◽  
Sheilla Ayu Prameswari ◽  
Angga Dwiartama

Forests are ecosystems that are comfortable for human health. Spots from the forest ecosystem site suitable for healing forest must be identified. The research aims to analyze the suitability of Kampung Pasundan Cisamaya (KPC) for healing forest activities. The research method refers to the Draft Indonesian National Standard Number 9006:2021 concerning Forest tourism for health therapy (healing forest). The results showed that the KPC site is suitable for healing forest activities. Five reconnection activities with nature, namely invitation by air, invitation by vegetation, invitation by land, invitation by water, and release emotion, can be carried out well in several spots on KPC's healing forest track. Healing forest activities regularly and adequately has a positive impact on health.

2021 ◽  
Bernard Emmett O'Shea

<p>During the passage of the lahar, shortly after 10 o'clock on Christmas Eve 1953, a portion of the Whangaehu River rail bridge at Tangiwai was demolished by a raging torrent of mud and boulders which originated from the Crater Lake of Mt. Ruapehu, nearly twenty miles distant. This mudflow, or lahar, damaged the railway bridge piers and the Wellington-Auckland express plunged into the torrent. As a result, one hundred and fifty-one people lost their lives. During tramping and ski-ing trips over the past five years the writer has become well acquainted with the National Park area. Close inspection of the Crater Lake was made on 1 January 1954, and again on 22 January. On the latter date the writer was accompanied by two chemists from the Chemistry Department, Victoria University College, and one from the Dominion Laboratory of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, who collected samples of the lake water. On 24 January, the Whangaehu River was followed from the Desert Road to where it emerges from a deep gorge on the lower slopes of Mt. Ruapehu. A number of braided channels were examined on the alluvial fan that extends east from the outlet gorge almost to the Desert Road. On the same day the scene of the disaster at Tangiwai was also inspected</p>

2021 ◽  
Bernard Emmett O'Shea

<p>During the passage of the lahar, shortly after 10 o'clock on Christmas Eve 1953, a portion of the Whangaehu River rail bridge at Tangiwai was demolished by a raging torrent of mud and boulders which originated from the Crater Lake of Mt. Ruapehu, nearly twenty miles distant. This mudflow, or lahar, damaged the railway bridge piers and the Wellington-Auckland express plunged into the torrent. As a result, one hundred and fifty-one people lost their lives. During tramping and ski-ing trips over the past five years the writer has become well acquainted with the National Park area. Close inspection of the Crater Lake was made on 1 January 1954, and again on 22 January. On the latter date the writer was accompanied by two chemists from the Chemistry Department, Victoria University College, and one from the Dominion Laboratory of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, who collected samples of the lake water. On 24 January, the Whangaehu River was followed from the Desert Road to where it emerges from a deep gorge on the lower slopes of Mt. Ruapehu. A number of braided channels were examined on the alluvial fan that extends east from the outlet gorge almost to the Desert Road. On the same day the scene of the disaster at Tangiwai was also inspected</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-117
Andriyatno Sofiyudin ◽  
Rosadi Rosadi ◽  
Dolly Priatna

Selabintana management area is one of the nature tourism areas in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP) which located in Sukabumi District, West Java. Within the management area which covers 2,547.93 ha, there is a camping ground and waterfall which both are the most attracted for visitors. Efforts are needed to harmonize nature tourism activities with conservation mission, so that visitors can enjoy but the natural environment is maintained. The objective of this research is to determine the carrying capacity for daily tourism and camping activities by considering the aspect of physical, environmental and management aspects. The survey conducted through interviews and questionnaires to 62 tourists, traders and managers of the national park area. The data were analyzed using the carrying capacity assessment method developed by Cifuentes, i.e. calculating the Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Real Carrying Capacity (RCC), and Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC). As a result, EEC for daily tourism is 84 visitors/day  (PCC RCC ECC with a score of 3,269 98 84), while EEC for camping is 60 visitors/day (PCC RCC with a score of 2,155 69 60). Thus, carrying capacity of nature tourism activities in conservation areas can be calculated based on physical carrying capacity, real carrying capacity, and effective carrying capacity.Kawasan pengelolaan Selabintana merupakan salah satu areal wisata alam yang ada di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Di dalam areal pengelolaan yang luasnya 2.547,93 ha terdapat camping ground dan air terjun yang merupakan daya tarik utama yang bagi para pengunjung.  Diperlukan adanya upaya untuk menyelarasakan kegiatan wisata alam dengan misi konservasi, agar pengunjung  dapat menikmati  namun lingkungan alam tetap terjaga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan carrying capacity untuk kegiatan wisata harian dan berkemah dengan mempertimbangkan aspek fisik, lingkungan dan manajemen. Survey dilakukan melalui interview dan kuisioner terhadap 62 wisatawan, pedagang dan pengelola kawasan taman nasional. Data dianalisis dengan metode penilaian carrying capacity yang dikembangkan oleh Cifuentes, yaitu menghitung Daya Dukung Fisik (PCC), Daya Dukung Ril (RCC), serta Daya Dukung Efektif (ECC). Sebagai hasil, EEC untuk wisata harian adalah 84 pengunjung/hari (PCC RCC ECC dengan skor 3.269 98 84), sedangkan EEC untuk berkemah adalah 60 pengunjung/hari (PCC RCC dengan skor 2.155 69 60). Jadi, carrying capacity dalam kegiatan wisata alam di dalam kawasan konservasi dapat ditentukan berdasarkan daya dukung fisik, daya dukung riil, dan daya dukung efektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Carla Zito ◽  
Gavina Manca

The Porto Conte Natural Park, an institution managing and developing the area surrounding the territory of Alghero in Sardinia, decided to join the Park and Protected Area Network Environmental Quality Label (“Marchio di Qualità della Rete dei Parchi e delle Aree Protette”). The label may be awarded to products and accommodation facilities taking special care of the protection of the environmental and local development. In order to evaluate the benefits of this initiative on the companies operating within the park, a survey was administered among the companies awarded with the label and the local community. The companies recognized the benefits thereof, mostly in terms of reputation, as a result of the adoption of responsible environmental behaviors by the members of the business organization. In addition, greater attention to environmental protection resulted in a decrease of waste production and a rigorous compliance with the applicable rules and regulations. Most of the companies interviewed were generally satisfied with the park's project but complained about the poor advertising initiatives by the Park's Managing Body. As a matter of fact, about the 50% of the residents interviewed were not aware of the label award and the product certification. Considering that the residents of the park area are sensitive to environmental issues, and they believe that the park is a major asset for the area, better communication, and a greater involvement of all stakeholders in the initiative undertaken by the Park's Managing Body may help companies expand their business also locally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 909 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
J Widjaja ◽  
Samarang ◽  
M Koraag ◽  
Y Srikandi ◽  
A Kurniawan

Abstract Schistosomiasis in Indonesia is only found in three locations, namely the Napu Highland and the Bada Highland in Poso District and the Lindu Highland in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province. The disease is caused by Schistosoma japonicum with snail Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis as its intermediate host. The previous study found that almost all of this host snail foci area were distributed in the seepage water near the Lore Lindu National Park area. Unfortunately, there was no evidence whether O. h. lindoensis exists in the Lore Lindu National Park Area. The study aimed to map the focus areas of schistosomiasis intermediate host snails in the Lore Lindu National Park. The survey was conducted in February 2018, covering 12 villages belong to Napu Highland, Bada Highland, and Lindu Highland. Data collection included surveys on the snail habitat and the snail density. In both activities, geographic coordinates were determined using Global Positioning System (GPS). The results showed 14 foci areas of O. h. lindoensis were found in the buffer zone of Lore Lindu National Park.

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