smear layer
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 248
Svetlana Razumova ◽  
Anzhela Brago ◽  
Dimitriy Serebrov ◽  
Haydar Barakat ◽  
Yuliya Kozlova ◽  

Background: Endodontic treatment of various forms of pulpitis with variations of root canal system anatomy should be performed with high quality. The use of various antibacterial agents is aimed at maintaining the success of endodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the penetration and fixation of the nano-silver solution on the dentinal surface during endodontic treatment. Materials and methods: the study was carried out on 70 extracted single-rooted teeth, randomly divided into two groups. In the teeth of the first group, the smear layer was removed after canal preparation with 17% EDTA solution; in the second group, the smear layer was not removed. In both groups, for the final treatment of the canal, a colloidal 1% solution of нанo серебра nanosilver was used. Samples were cut and prepared for analysis using micro-CT, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray microanalysis and energy dispersive spectrometry (elemental mapping). Results: in 100% of cases in groups of teeth with a preserved smear layer, the ability of a 1% colloidal solution of nanosilver with particles of 1–2 nm to be fixed on dentin with a removed and preserved smear layer and to leave a film on the dentinal surface was established. In the samples with removed smear layer, silver was found in 73.5% of cases. Conclusion: The nano-silver solution with a particle size of 1–2 nm proved its ability to penetrate the dentinal surfaces and create a final film covering the dentinal surface of the root canal before applying the sealer.

2022 ◽  
Li Tan ◽  
Ying-Hui Zhou ◽  
Yao Feng ◽  
Qin Ye ◽  
Shao-Hui Zhang ◽  

Abstract This study compared the effects of different irrigation systems on sealer penetration at the root apex. Forty-two single-rooted teeth were prepared and randomly divided into three groups (n = 14): group 1: needle irrigation (NI); group 2: passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI); and group 3: Easydo Activator (EA). A solution of 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was used for irrigation. Nine teeth in each group were filled with AH Plus sealer mixed with CY5 fluorescent dye and a single gutta-percha cone. The sealer penetration area, maximum penetration depth and percentage of sealer penetration at 5 mm and 1 mm from the apex were analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The remaining 5 teeth in each group were subjected to test smear layer scores by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The CLSM evaluation showed that increases in the area, depth and percentage of sealer penetration were detected at 1 mm and 5 mm from the root apex in the PUI group compared with the NI group, and greater increases were observed in the EA group (P < 0.05). The SEM experiment showed that the lowest scores for the smear layer and debris removal were achieved by the EA group when compared with the PUI and NI groups (P < 0.05). Our study supports EA was superior to PUI and NI regarding sealer penetration at the root apex during endodontic treatment, and it could provide a new technical idea for clinical root canal therapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 188
Disya Dwi Maulidiyah ◽  
Sri Lestari ◽  
Raditya Nugroho ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Dwi Warna Aju Fatmawati

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11976
Mohannad Nassar ◽  
Md. Sofiqul Islam ◽  
Smriti Aryal A C ◽  
Hatem Mostafa El-Damanhoury ◽  
Salvatore Sauro ◽  

Phytic acid (IP6) has the ability to etch tooth structure due to its acidity and chelating properties. This study aimed to evaluate the micro-tensile bond strength (μTBS) of resin-based cement to enamel and dentin using manufacturer-provided etchants, phosphoric acid (PA) for enamel and a mixture of 10% citric acid and 3% ferric chloride (CAF) for dentin and compare them to IP6. Enamel surfaces were etched for 30 s with either PA or IP6 (1%, 5% or 10%). Dentin surfaces were etched for 15 s with either CAF or 1% IP6. Pre-polymerized composite blocks were bonded to enamel and dentin surfaces. After 24 h, the specimens were sectioned into beams and subjected to μTBS testing. De-bonded specimens and smear layer removal were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. Etching enamel with 1% and 5% IP6 resulted in μTBS values that are comparable to the control (PA) (p > 0.05), while 10% IP6 negatively affected the μTBS (p < 0.05). The μTBS to dentin etched with 1% IP6 was higher compared to the control (CAF) (p = 0.001). IP6 effectively removed enamel and dentin smear layer, and at specific concentrations, it may be a suitable alternative conditioner agent for bonding resin-based cement to enamel and dentin.

2021 ◽  
Ramón Miguéns-Vila ◽  
Pablo Castelo-Baz ◽  
Saleta Aboy-Pazos ◽  
David Uroz-Torres ◽  
Pablo Álvarez-Nóvoa ◽  

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of smear layer removal after the use of different irrigation methods (passive ultrasonic irrigation [PUI], continuous ultrasonic irrigation [CUI], apical negative pressure irrigation and conventional irrigation) using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as an analytical tool. A total of 100 single-canal teeth were decoronated and randomly divided into five groups (n = 20) according to the irrigation method used: conventional irrigation with front outlet syringe, conventional irrigation with lateral outlet syringe, apical negative pressure irrigation (EndoVac), PUI with Irrisafe, and CUI with ProUltra PiezoFlow ultrasonic irrigation needle. Root canal preparation was performed with the ProTaper Gold system up to the F4 instrument and 5.25% NaOCl was used as an irrigant. After chemical-mechanical preparation, the roots were split longitudinally, and the coronal, middle and apical thirds examined. SEM digital photomicrographs were taken at ×1000 magnification to evaluate the amount of smear layer in each root canal third. CUI was more effective in removing the smear layer than the other irrigation protocols. However, none of the irrigation protocols were able to produce root canals completely free from smear layer.

Prosthesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 406-414
Manuela Marchese ◽  
Pontoriero I. K. Denise ◽  
Edoardo Ferrari Cagidiaco ◽  
Alfredo Iandolo ◽  
Simone Grandini ◽  

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of activated irrigants (EDTA e NaOCL) during the cleansing of root walls, of the smear layer, of the debris, and gutta-percha after the preparation of the restorative space. Twenty single and multi-rooted (n = 20) have been collected. All samples were prepared by the same operator, using Nickel-titanium rotating instruments (Mtwo) through the Simultaneous Shaping Technique. The continuous-wave of condensation technique of obturation was used. To all specimens, the restorative space has been made, leaving 5 mm of apical gutta-percha, and postoperative periapical X-rays were performed. The samples were randomly divided into two groups: Group (A): cleansing of the root walls with ultrasonic activation of the irrigants (NEWTRON P5 XS; Satelec Acteon); Group (B): radicular walls wash without ultrasonic activation of endodontic irrigants (NaOCl 5.25% and EDTA 17%). Both dental sample groups were cut longitudinally with a low-speed saw (Isomet); the samples were observed by using a scanning electron microscope (Jeol, Jsm-6060LV) in order to evaluate: (1) the amount of debris/smear layer; (2) the mount of obstruction of dentinal tubules found in the two groups; and (3) evaluation of the presence of gutta-percha. Then, the other five samples each group (with and without ultrasonic activation) were prepared following the same protocol. Then, a universal bonding system (G-Praemio Bond, GC) and a layer of a flowable resin composite (Gaenial Flow, GC) were light-cured and used on top of the prepared root canal walls. The samples were cut in two pieces along the long axis of the root. Then, half sample teeth were kept in an acidic solution (37% HCl) for 48 h in order to completely dissolve dental structures and to have a direct view of resin tags formation under SEM. The other half was prepared to observe the adhesive interface under SEM. The amount of debris was not satisfactory in 9 out of 10 cases in Group B, while in Group A, which has been treated with ultrasounds, the result was either good or great in most of the samples. For the sample group treated with ultrasound, the tubules were evaluated as perfectly clean in 9 out of 10 cases, instead, the results are unsatisfactory for 9 out of 10 cases of group B not treated with ultrasound. Differences between Group A and B were statistically significant. With respect to the presence of debris and tubules obstruction treatment with ultrasonic activation, it offers with no doubt better results. When ultrasonic activation is used in combination with endodontic irrigants, a clean dentin substrate is be obtained for the adhesion of restorative materials, but in order to confirm the findings of this study, further in vivo trials are needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Marcela Baraúna Magno ◽  
Maíra do Prado ◽  
Renata A. Simão ◽  
Kawanne Ferreira Moraes Medeiros ◽  
Patricia de Almeida Rodrigues ◽  

Objetivo: Avaliar a molhabilidade do cimento AH Plus em contato com a dentina radicular após diferentes protocolos quelantes envolvendo ácido etidrônico (HEBP) e o EDTA. Métodos: Cinquenta e seis fatias de dentina radicular foram utilizadas e irrigadas com 5.25% de hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) ou com uma mistura de 5.25%NaOCl/18%HEBP para simular a irrigação durante o preparo químico-mecânico. As amostras irrigadas com NaOCl foram divididas em 5 grupos, de acordo com o agente quelante: G1- água destilada (AD); G2-17%EDTA; G3-17%EDTA+2.5%NaOCl; G4-18%HEBP; e G5-18%HEBP+2.5%NaOCl. As amostras irrigadas com a mistura de NaOCl/HEBP foram dividias em 2 grupos: G6-AD; G7-NaOCl/HEBP+2.5%- NaOCl. Todos os protocolos receberam irrigação de AD entre as substâncias irrigadoras e como lavagem final. O goniômetro Rame-Hart foi utilizado para mesurar o ângulo de contato entre a superfície da dentina radicular e o cimento. O teste estatístico Kruskal-Wallis e Dunn foram aplicados (p<0.05). Resultados: Os grupos onde a smear layer foi removida apresentaram menor ângulo de contato (p<0.05), com exceção do G7. O G6 apresentou o menor ângulo de contato do AH Plus, entretanto, a irrigação final com NaOCl (G7) aumentou significativamente o ângulo de contato. G2 e G4 apresentaram comportamento similar e a irrigação final com NaOCL (G3 e G4) não modificou a molhabilidade da dentina. Conclusão: O tratamento da dentina radicular com a mistura NaOCl/HEBP, quando usada como irrigante, conferiu boa molhabilidade desta superfície ao cimento AH Plus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. e152101320474
Aylanne Xavier de Lacerda Cavalcante Timoteo Briano ◽  
Paulo Maurício Reis de Melo Júnior ◽  
Rosana Maria Coelho Travassos ◽  
Eliana Santos Lyra da Paz

O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar por meio de uma revisão de literatura o desempenho do XP-Endo Finisher, como auxiliar na limpeza e desinfecção do sistema de canais radiculares. Uma busca eletrônica na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), também conhecida como Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), foi realizada no período de abril de 2016 a maio de 2021, utilizando os descritores endodontia, desinfecção e tratamento do canal radicular. Foram encontrados um total de 76 trabalhos, dos quais 30 se encaixavam nos critérios da pesquisa, que avaliou a ação do instrumento sobre a capacidade de remoção de smear layer, debris, biofilme e bactérias do sistema de canais radiculares, além de compará-lo a outros sistemas complementares de limpeza e desinfecção. Levando-se em consideração as limitações de uma revisão de literatura, o XPF apresentou resultados satisfatórios. Dessa forma, o XPF se apresentou como um instrumento de potencial adjuvante na desinfecção dos sistemas de canais radiculares.

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