glacier dynamics
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2021 ◽  
Ian Delaney ◽  
Leif S. Anderson ◽  
Frédéric Herman

Abstract. In addition to ice and water, glaciers expel sediment. As a result, changing glacier dynamics and melt will result in changes to glacier erosion and sediment discharge, which can impact the landscape surrounding retreating glaciers, as well as communities and ecosystems downstream. To date, the available models of subglacial sediment transport on the sub-hourly to decadal-scale exist in one dimension, usually along a glacier's flow line. Such models have proven useful in describing the formation of landforms, the impact of sediment transport on glacier dynamics, the interactions between climate, glacier dynamics, and erosion. However, because of the large role of sediment connectivity in determining sediment discharge, the geoscience community needs modeling frameworks that describe subglacial sediment discharge in two spatial dimensions over time. Here, we present SUGSET_2D, a numerical model that evolves a two-dimensional subglacial till layer in response to the erosion of bedrock and changing sediment transport conditions below the glacier. Experiments employed on test cases of synthetic ice sheets and alpine glaciers demonstrate the heterogeneity in sediment transport across a glacier's bed. Furthermore, the experiments show the non-linear increase in sediment discharge following increased glacier melt. Lastly, we apply the model to Griesgletscher in the Swiss Alps where we use a parameter search to test model outputs against annual observations of sediment discharge measured from the glacier. The model captures the glacier's inter-annual variability and quantities of sediment discharge. Furthermore, the model's capacity to represent the data depends greatly on the grain size of sediment. Smaller sediment sizes allow sediment transport to occur in regions of the bed with reduced water flow and channel size, effectively increasing sediment connectivity into the main channels. Model outputs from the three test-cases together show the importance of considering heterogeneities in water discharge and sediment availability in two dimensions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hsien-Wang Ou

Abstract In Part 1, we have considered the dynamics of topographically confined glaciers, which may undergo surge cycles when the bed becomes temperate. In this Part 2, we consider the ice discharge over a flatbed, which would self-organize into alternating stream/ridge pairs of wet/frozen beds. The meltwater drainage, no longer curbed by the bed trough, would counter the conductive cooling to render a minimum bed strength at some intermediate width, toward which the stream would evolve over centennial timescale. At this stationary state, the stream width is roughly twice the geometric mean of the stream height and length, which is commensurate with its observed width. Over a flatbed, streams invariably interact, and we deduce that the neighboring ones would exhibit compensating cycles of maximum velocity and stagnation over the centennial timescale. This deduction is consistent with observed time variation of Ross ice streams B and C (ISB/C), which is thus a manifestation of the natural cycle. Moreover, the model uncovers an overlooked mechanism of the ISC stagnation: as ISB widens following its reactivation, it narrows ISC to augment the loss of the meltwater, leading to its stagnation. This stagnation is preceded by ice thickening hence opposite to the thinning-induced surge termination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (8) ◽  
pp. 3975-3988
Gregory Church ◽  
Andreas Bauder ◽  
Melchior Grab ◽  
Hansruedi Maurer

Abstract. Hydrological systems of glaciers have a direct impact on the glacier dynamics. Since the 1950s, geophysical studies have provided insights into these hydrological systems. Unfortunately, such studies were predominantly conducted using 2D acquisitions along a few profiles, thus failing to provide spatially unaliased 3D images of englacial and subglacial water pathways. The latter has likely resulted in flawed constraints for the hydrological modelling of glacier drainage networks. Here, we present 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) results that provide high-resolution 3D images of an alpine glacier's drainage network. Our results confirm a long-standing englacial hydrology theory stating that englacial conduits flow around glacial overdeepenings rather than directly over the overdeepening. Furthermore, these results also show exciting new opportunities for high-resolution 3D GPR studies of glaciers.

2021 ◽  
Joanna Millstein ◽  
Brent Minchew ◽  
Samuel Pegler

Accurate representation of the viscous flow of ice is fundamental to understanding glacier dynamics and projecting sea-level rise. Ice viscosity is often described by a simple but largely untested and uncalibrated constitutive relation, Glen’s Flow Law, wherein the rate of deformation is proportional to stress raised to the power n. The value n = 3 is commonly prescribed in ice-flow models, though observations and experiments support a range of values across stresses and temperatures found on Earth. Here, we leverage recent remotely-sensed observations of Antarctic ice shelves to show that Glen’s Flow Law approximates the viscous flow of ice with n = 4.1 ± 0.4 in fast-flowing areas. The viscosity and flow rate of ice are therefore more sensitive to changes in stress than most ice-flow models allow.

2021 ◽  
Katherine E. Bollen

While global glacier mass balance has decreased rapidly over the last two decades, mass loss has been greatest in regions with marine-terminating glaciers. In Greenland, peripheral glaciers and ice caps (GICs) cover only ~5% of Greenland’s area but contributed ~14-20% of the island’s ice mass loss between 2003-2008. Although Greenland GIC’s mass loss due to surface meltwater runoff have been estimated using atmospheric models, mass loss due to changes in ice discharge into surrounding ocean basins (i.e., dynamic mass loss) remains unquantified. Here, we use the flux gate method to estimate discharge from Greenland’s 594 marine-terminating peripheral glaciers between 1985 – 2018, and compute dynamic mass loss as the discharge anomaly relative to the 1985-1998 period. Greenland GIC discharge averages 2.14 Gt/yr from 1985-1998 and abruptly increases to an average of 3.87 Gt/yr from 1999-2018, indicating a -1.72 Gt/yr mass anomaly. This mass loss is driven by synchronous widespread acceleration around Greenland and, like the ice sheet, is primarily caused by changes in discharge from a small number of glaciers with larger discharge. These estimates indicate that although Greenland GICs are small, they are sensitive to changes in climate and should not be overlooked in future analyses of glacier dynamics and mass loss.

Z. Sun ◽  
G. Qiao

Abstract. The study of glacier surges is meaningful for the understanding of glacier dynamics and the mechanisms of surge-type glaciers. Here, we briefly introduce the distribution of surge-type glaciers and the reason of their tendency to cluster within particular regions. Then we make a review of optical and SAR remote sensing methods for the spaceborne measurement of the surface velocity about surge-type glaciers and show the details of characteristics of Surging Glaciers including the acceleration and deceleration of the velocity of the glacier surface, the terminus may move forward a few kilometers in just a few months, then we give a specific example of surge-type glacier, Sortebræ. Finally, we summarize the existing mechanism of the glaciers surging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Da Huo ◽  
Michael P. Bishop ◽  
Andrew B. G. Bush

Understanding the climate-glacier dynamics of debris-covered glaciers is notoriously difficult given a multitude of controlling factors and feedback mechanisms involving climate forcing, debris-load properties, supraglacial water bodies, and multi-scale topographic effects. Recent studies have provided insights into controlling factors, and have reported the presence of anomalies that contradict the general consensus of the protective influence of debris loads on ablation dynamics. Nevertheless, numerous processes that regulate glacier dynamics at various spatial and temporal scales have not been adequately accounted for in statistical and numerical modeling studies. Furthermore, important feedbacks involving ablation, topography, irradiance, gravitational debris flux, and supraglacial ponding are often neglected or oversimplified in existing models, which poses a challenge to our understanding of conflicting field observations such as the accelerated mass loss of many Himalayan glaciers, and glacier-subsystem responses (ice-flow, debris flux, surface morphology, and supraglacial water bodies) to climate forcing. This paper provides insights into the complexity of debris-covered glacier systems by addressing concepts and issues associated with forcing factors and glacial processes, and highlights the importance of understanding system couplings and feedbacks. Specifically, we review recent studies on debris-covered glaciers and utilize simulation results based on the Baltoro Glacier in the central Karakoram to discuss important concepts and issues. Our results demonstrate that climate forcing, the properties and transport of debris, topography and supraglacial water bodies are the key controlling factors in a debris-covered glacier system, and that their coupled effects and positive feedbacks may increase the ice loss of a debris-covered glacier. We also recommend new research directions for future studies.

2021 ◽  
Gregory Church ◽  
Andreas Bauder ◽  
Melchior Grab ◽  
Hansruedi Maurer

Abstract. Hydrological systems of glaciers have a direct impact on the glacier dynamics. Since the 1950’s, geophysical studies have provided insights into these hydrological systems. Unfortunately, such studies were predominantly conducted using 2D acquisitions along a few profiles, thus failing to provide spatially unaliased 3D images of englacial and subglacial water pathways. The latter has likely resulted in flawed constraints for the hydrological modelling of glacier drainage networks. Here, we present for the first time 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) results that provide unprecedented high-resolution 3D images of an alpine glacier’s drainage network. Our results confirms a long-standing englacial hydrology theory stating that englacial conduits flow around glacial overdeepenings rather than directly over the overdeepening. Furthermore, these results also show exciting new opportunities for high-resolution 3D GPR studies of glaciers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hsien-Wang Ou

Abstract We present a theoretical framework that integrates the dynamics of glaciers with and without the topographic confinement. This Part 1 paper concerns the former, which may exhibit surge cycles when subjected to thermal switches associated with the bed condition. With the topographic trough setting the glacier width and curbing the lateral drainage of the meltwater, the problem falls under the purview of the undrained plastic bed (UPB) formalism. Employing the UPB, we shall examine the external controls of the glacial behavior and test them against observations. Through our non-dimensionalization scheme, we construct a 2-D regime diagram, which allows a ready prognosis of the glacial properties over the full range of the external conditions, both climate- and size-related. We first discern the boundaries separating the glacial regimes of steady-creep, cyclic-surging and steady-sliding. We then apply the regime diagram to observed glaciers for quantitative comparisons. These include the Svalbard glaciers of both normal and surge types, Northeast Greenland Ice Stream characterized by steady-sliding, and Hudson Strait Ice Stream exhibiting cyclic surges. The quantitative validation of our model containing no free parameters suggests that the thermal switch may unify the dynamics of these diverse glaciers.

2021 ◽  
Pau Wiersma ◽  
Rolf Hut ◽  
Jerom Aerts ◽  
Niels Drost ◽  
Harry Zekollari ◽  

<p>Global hydrological models (GHMs) have become an increasingly valuable tool in a range of global impact studies related to water resources. However, the parameterization of glaciers is often overly simplistic or non-existent in GHMs. The representation of glacier dynamics and evolution, including related products such as glacier runoff, can be improved by relying on dedicated global glacier models (GGMs). Coupling a GGM to a GHM could consequently lead to increased GHM predictive skills, decreased GHM uncertainty, and an increased understanding of the contribution of glaciers to catchment hydrology, particularly in light of climate change.</p><p>To test this hypothesis, the GHM PCR-GLOBWB 2 (Sutanudjaja et al., 2018) is coupled with the GGM GloGEM (Huss and Hock, 2015) using eWaterCycle (Hut et al., 2018). For the years 2001-2012, the coupled model is evaluated against the uncoupled benchmark in 25 large (>50.000 km2) glacierized basins using GRDC streamflow observations. Across all basins, the coupled model produces higher runoff throughout the melt season, which can principally be attributed to the underrepresentation of glacial melt in PCR-GLOBWB 2. In highly glaciated basins this difference is pivotal, while in lowly glaciated basins it is negligible. In the evaluation against the GRDC observations, the performance increment of the coupled model at the peak of the melt season in highly glaciated basins stands out.</p><p>This study underlines the importance of glacier representation in GHMs and demonstrates the potential of coupling a GHM with a GGM for better glacier representation and runoff predictions in glaciated basins.</p><p> </p>

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