continuous sampling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1051-1059
N. V. Melnik ◽  
O. V. Mityakina

This research featured the lingua-personolological aspect of linguistic means and speech techniques connected with the use of discrediting strategy in online comments aimed at discrediting the authorities. The study was based on the methods of continuous sampling and linguistic analysis of official Facebook and Twitter pages of the mayors of New York and London. Lowering proved to be the leading strategy used in comments aimed at discrediting the government. The research revealed the prevailing tactics and techniques of the speech strategy for lowering, e.g. "analysis minus", insult, accusation, etc. Internet users appeared to have an individual style and vocabulary choice that depended on various subjective factors. The comments showed little trust for the government, which makes discrediting the authorities an important contemporary issue.

2022 ◽  
pp. 65-69
D. A. Yakhieva-Onikhimovskaia ◽  
S. M. Kolesnikova ◽  
E. N. Suprun ◽  
V. V. Filippova

Objective: Identification of perinatal risk factors as differential predictors of violent and non-violent crimes among children and adolescents who come under the attention of juvenile departments of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.Methods: Study of the perinatal history data of 148 juvenile offenders of comparable age (13-16 years old), selected using continuous sampling method in the course of a clinical observational cohort retrospective study.Results: Children from the control group in half of the cases were “late premature” (48%), with protein-energy malnutrition (frequency of occurrence of FGRP 56.8% BMI 56.1 ± 13.65). The beginning of their life was accompanied by a low score according to Apgar scale (6.9 ± 1.81). From the first minutes of life, they required urgent therapy in the delivery room (35.9%) and subsequent treatment at the ICU (25.7%) due to the damage of the respiratory system (asphyxia 11.5%, RDS 19.6%, episodes of apnea 16.2 %) and increasing dysfunction of the central nervous system (IVH II-IV grade 24.3%). Subsequently, they demonstrated a disruption of early neonatal adaptation and a clinical picture of the realization of intrauterine fetal developmental disorders, which arose both as a result of improper metabolism and of a prolonged oxygen starvation (adrenal hypoplasia 27.7%, cardiomyopathy 29.7%, hypoxia 48.6%).Conclusions: The initial protein-energy deficiency revealed in the course of the study if accompanied by the course of both acute and chronic oxygen starvation could influence the formation of destructive behavior in the group of juvenile offenders.

2022 ◽  
Shirlee Wohl ◽  
Elizabeth C Lee ◽  
Bethany L DiPrete ◽  
Justin Lessler

As demonstrated during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, detecting and tracking the emergence and spread of pathogen variants is an important component of monitoring infectious disease outbreaks. Pathogen genome sequencing has emerged as the primary tool for variant characterization, so it is important to consider the number of sequences needed when designing surveillance programs or studies, both to ensure accurate conclusions and to optimize use of limited resources. However, current approaches to calculating sample size for variant monitoring often do not account for the biological and logistical processes that can bias which infections are detected and which samples are ultimately selected for sequencing. In this manuscript, we introduce a framework that models the full process from infection detection to variant characterization and demonstrate how to use this framework to calculate appropriate sample sizes for sequencing-based surveillance studies. We consider both cross-sectional and continuous sampling, and we have implemented our method in a publicly available tool that allows users to estimate necessary sample sizes given a specific aim (e.g., variant detection or measuring variant prevalence) and sampling method. Our framework is designed to be easy to use, while also flexible enough to be adapted to other pathogens and surveillance scenarios.

Vladislav Zamaldinov ◽  
Daiki Horiguchi

The article examines the structural features of neologisms associated with coronavirus pandemic based on the texts of mass media and Internet communication. The paper uses such research methods as the continuous sampling method, the general scientific descriptive and analytical method, the methods of word-formation, structural and semantic analysis of neologisms. The authors analyzed the nominal derivatives of conventional (addition, prefix, suffixation, affixation) and occasional (inter-word overlap, graphic hybridization, substitution derivation) methods of word formation in media texts. The key elements of the sociocultural space (virus, quarantine, coronavirus, masks, etc.) that evoke negative associations in the addressee are identified. Having found and analysed nominations with the corona component, the researchers proved that this element tends to demonstrate the features of prefixoid. Neologisms with corona component are critical phenomena, negative changes in the economy, tourism, politics; they denote the living conditions that have developed during the coronavirus infection, etc. It is shown that the vocabulary of the modern Russian language is actively replenished with verbal neologisms, which areused to add expressiveness to media text; they correlate with actual phenomena of public life. The authors conclude that "coronavirus" neologisms participate in creating the expressiveness of the text, reflect reality, and allow journalists to deliver their own opinion. The results of the conducted research contribute to word-formation neology, media linguistics, can be useful to students of philological specialties, lecturers and tutors, as well as to anyone interested in active processes, which occur in the modern Russian language.

Liang Chen ◽  
Natalia V. Perfilieva ◽  
Jingzeng Du

This article examines the political metaphors of the ancient Chinese philosophical treatise of Confucius Lun yu (The Analects). Confucius often used metaphors for a capacious and figurative presentation of his political views. Translation of Confuciuss political metaphors presents a certain difficulty, since it is necessary to preserve not only the meaning of the statement, but also the imagery. The object of the research is the political metaphors of Confuciuss work Lun yu and their translations into Russian by P.S. Popov, I.I. Semenenko and L.S. Perelomov. The aim of the work is to study the methods of translating political metaphors of the philosophical treatise of Confucius and the possibility of accurately transferring metaphors into Russian. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the translations of Confuciuss political reflections, made by three translators, are analyzed and compared. Political metaphors of the text Lun yu, collected for analysis by the method of continuous sampling, are described and analyzed within the framework of the concept of A.P. Chudinov. Classification of the metaphors of a philosophical treatise into 4 groups - anthropomorphic metaphor , natural morphic metaphor , social metaphor , artifact metaphor - made it possible to identify the peculiarities of translation techniques for different groups of metaphors. The analysis showed that the metaphors of the anthropomorphic group almost always disappear in translations into Russian. On the contrary, natural morphic metaphors, as a rule, are preserved in the translated text. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that at present, the translations of the Chinese philosophical text into Russian have not been sufficiently studied. Analysis of Russian texts Lun yu - Judgments and Conversations (Lunyu) translated by P.S. Popov, I believe in antiquity translated by I.I. Semenenko, Lun yu translated by L.S. Perelomov - made it possible to analyze the techniques of translating metaphors, due to the authors preferences of the translators, as well as the possibility of preserving the original metaphor in translated texts. Three versions of the translation of the title of the ancient Chinese treatise into Russian indicate different approaches to the translation of the text. The conclusion summarizes the results of the study of techniques and methods of transferring political metaphors into Russian.

Л. Н. Герасимова

В статье рассматриваются изобразительные (образные) глаголы, участвующие в вербализации концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ» в эпическом тексте олонхо. Цель исследования – установление особенностей функционирования изобразительных глаголов в смысловом наполнении концепта и выявление наличия преемственности этих особенностей в якутских эпических текстах раннего и позднего периодов при сравнительном анализе. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались следующие методы исследования: метод концептуального анализа, метод сплошной выборки, компонентный анализ, метод семантического определения, метод контекстуального анализа, сравнительный метод. Выборка глаголов была произведена из текстов ранних записей – «Богатырь Тойон Нюргун» Н. Ф. Попова, «Нюргун Боотур Стремительный» К. Г. Оросина, «Ала Булкун богатырь» Т. В. Захарова – Чээбий, «Строптивый Кулун Куллустуур» И. Г. Теплоухова-Тимофеева; из поздних текстов олонхо – «Джирибинэ Боотур» В. О. Каратаева, «Сын лошади Богатырь Дыырай» И. И. Бурнашева – Тонг Суорун, «Кыырджыт Могучий» В. Н. Попова – Бочоох. В анализе было задействовано 13 изобразительных глаголов из ранних текстов и 27 глаголов из поздних текстов олонхо. Как показывает исследование, зафиксированные изобразительные глаголы привлечены для описания внешнего вида богатыря, его действий и движений. Кроме этого, в поздних текстах наблюдается использование изобразительных глаголов в описании телодвижений богатыря. Сравнительный анализ подтверждает сохранение преемственности в поздних текстах. Об этом свидетельствует, например, функционирование аналогичных изобразительных глаголов в описании телосложения богатыря. Изобразительные глаголы, как специальные речевые средства, способствуют лучшему раскрытию и пониманию содержания концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ». У сказителей поздних записей олонхо наблюдается обогащённый словарный запас, следовательно, они для полноты и яркости образа богатыря чаще прибегают к использованию изобразительных глаголов. The article deals with image-forming verbs involved in the verbalization of the concept of “BOGATYR” in the text of olonkho. The purpose of the study was to establish the features of the functioning of image-forming verbs in the semantic content of the concept and to identify the continuity of these features in the Yakut epic texts of the early and late periods in comparative analysis. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: the method of conceptual analysis, the method of continuous sampling, the component analysis, the method of semantic definition, the method of contextual analysis, and the comparative method. The selection of verbs was made from the texts of early recordings – “Bogatyr Toyon Nyurgun” by N. F. Popov, “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” by K. G. Orosin, “Ala Bulkun bogatyr” by T. V. Zakharov – Cheebiy, “Kulun Kullustuur the Obstinate” by I. G. Teploukhov-Timofeev; from later texts – “Dzhiribine Bootur” by V. O. Karataev, “Son of a Horse Bogatyr Dyyray” by I. I. Burnashev – Tong Suorun, “The Mighty Kyyrdzhyt” by V. N. Popov – Bochookh. The analysis involved 13 image-forming verbs from early texts and 27 verbs from later olonkho texts. As the study shows, the fixed image-forming verbs are involved in describing the appearance of the bogatyr, his actions and movements. In addition, in later texts there is the use of image-forming verbs in describing the movement of the body parts of the bogatyr. Comparative analysis confirms the preservation of continuity in later texts. This is evidenced, for example, by the functioning of similar image-forming verbs in the description of the physical abilities of the bogatyr. Image-forming verbs, as special speech means, help to better reveal and understand the content of the concept “BOGATYR”. The olonkho-tellers of the later olonkho have an enriched vocabulary; therefore, for completeness and brightness of the image of the bogatyr, they more often resort to the use of image-forming verbs.

А.Н. Чугунекова

Статья посвящена выявлению глаголов движения в текстах хакасских героических сказаний. Данное исследование проведено на материале опубликованных текстов «Албынчы», «Алтын Арыг», записанных от популярного народного сказителя Хакасии С. П. Кадышева (1885–1997), и «Ай Хуучин» (сказитель П. В. Курбижеков). Актуальность исследования связана с возрастающим интересом к месту и роли пространственных идей в форме национальной лингвокультуры. Известно, что пространство и время как фундаментальные свойства бытия определяют специфику ментальности этнического коллектива, обусловливают уникальность временных и пространственных планов жизнедеятельности. В каждом языке существуют свои средства выражения и своя система способов выражения пространственных представлений. Одним из них являются глаголы движения. Целью статьи является выявление и описание глаголов движения, функционирующих в текстах героических сказаний хакасов. В задачи исследования входят: выявление глаголов движения, характерных только для текстов героических сказаний; определение семантики и грамматического значения этих глаголов. При решении поставленных задач были привлечены метод сплошной выборки примеров, предусматривающий подбор примеров для анализа и выписывание из текстов героических сказаний подряд всех встречающихся в нём примеров анализируемого типа; описательный метод для выявления глаголов движения и их последовательного описания с точки зрения их структуры и функционирования. Метод дистрибутивного анализа позволил выявить сочетаемостные особенности глаголов движения. Исследование проводилось в рамках антропоцентрической парадигмы знаний, естественной точкой отсчета которой является представление о человеке и о языке в человеке. В результате исследования выявлены и проанализированы глаголы движения, функционирующие в текстах героических сказаний хакасского языка; определены грамматические значения глагольной лексики в героических сказаниях хакасского языка; определены актуальные для языка героического эпоса глаголы со значением движения. Полученные результаты исследования могут найти применение при чтении лекционных курсов по хакасскому и другим тюркским языкам на филологических факультетах вузов, при составлении учебно-методических пособий, словарей, а также при сравнительно-типологических исследованиях. The article is devoted to the identification of verbs of movement in the texts of Khakas heroic legends. This study is based on the published texts Albynchy, Altyn Aryg, recorded from the popular epicteller of Khakasia S. P. Kadyshev (1885–1997) and Ai Huuchin (epicteller P. V. Kurbizhekov). The relevance of the research is related to the growing interest in the place and role of spatial ideas in the form of national linguistic culture. It is known that space and time as fundamental properties of being determine the specifics of the mentality of an ethnic group, determine the uniqueness of the time and spatial plans of life. Each language has its own means of expression and its own system of ways of expressing spatial representations. One of them is the verbs of movement. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the verbs of movement that function in the texts of the heroic legends of the Khakas. The tasks of the research include: identification of verbs of movement that are characteristic only for the texts of heroic tales; determining the semantics and grammatical meaning of these verbs. In solving the tasks set, the method of continuous sampling of examples was recognized (providing for the selection of examples for analysis and writing out from the texts of heroic tales in a row all the examples of the analyzed type found in it), descriptive (for identifying verbs of movement and their consistent description in terms of their structure and functioning) method. The method of distributive analysis made it possible to identify combinable features of verbs of movement. The study was conducted within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm of knowledge, the natural starting point of which is the idea of a person and of a language in a person. As a result of the research, the verbs of movement functioning in the texts of the Khakas heroic tales were identified and analyzed; the grammatical meanings of the verbal vocabulary in the heroic tales of the Khakas language were determined; the verbs with the meaning of movement that are relevant for the language of the heroic epic were determined. The results of the study can be used in the reading of lecture courses on the Khakas and other Turkic languages at the philological faculties of universities, in the preparation of teaching aids, dictionaries, as well as in comparative typological studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 84-90
L. L. Baranova

The article sheds light on some of the new developments in English under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic: namely, various types of neologisms, which have appeared over the past year and a half. The paper offers an overview of these new formations, supplemented by discourse analysis. The study is based on the material gleaned from online editions of The Economist newspaper, with the examples selected using the method of continuous sampling. Research results indicate that the majority of neologisms are portmanteau words; however, abbreviations, compounds and new coinages referring to people’s work arrangement are also encountered. In addition, some data on the increase in dictionary searches for words connected with the pandemic are adduced. COVID-19 has boosted the capacity of the English language for expanding its vocabulary, and the changes brought about by this process should be thoroughly studied and understood.

Ksenia G. Kostina

Introduction. Any language’s verb system has many resources for denoting various actions of people. The relations of the action or state of the subject to its object are determined by the grammatical category of the voice, represented in the Udmurt language by the pairs of causative – non-causative, reflexive – non-reflexive forms of voices. The article considers the functioning of the verb’s reflexive voice in the modern Udmurt language, including the etymology of the voice’s affix, the grammatical meanings of reflexive verbs. Materials and Methods. The main material of the research is based on the Udmurt-Russian Dictionary (2008) and the texts of Udmurt writers included into the National Corpus of the Udmurt Language. The article used a set of such research methods as descriptive, continuous sampling, contextual analysis, taking into account the situational conditioning of the verb voice. On specific examples, the use of these methods makes it possible to consider the structure, dynamics and features of the functioning of the reflexive voice of the verb in the Udmurt language. Results and Discussion. As a result of the research, for the first time, among the reflexive voice’s groups we include verbs of passive voice. The reason of it is the low probability of using passive constructions in colloquial speech. The frequent cases of using passive meanings of verbs in the literature and in the press are defined by the calcified translation of foreign-language constructions. Conclusion. The grammatical structure of the Udmurt language is represented by two binary voice’s forms: reflexive/non-reflexive voice and causative/non-causative voice. Specific indicators of reflexive voice are affixes -ськ(ы)-/-ск(ы), -иськ(ы)-/-üськ(ы)-. From the point of view of semantic content, five semantic groups of returnable pledges are distinguished: reflexive, medial, reciprocal, impersonal, passive. The proposed classification is determined by the specifics of the relations between the subject and the object of action.

Tatiana P. Ariskina

Introduction. Compounding is one of the leading ways to update vocabulary. A compound word is the result of combining two or more meanings at the lexical-semantic, word-formation, syntactic levels, which determines versatile approaches to its study, including comparative-historical. The purpose of the research is a comparative historical study of compound adjectives of the Erzya and Hungarian languages. It can be achieved by considering the formation patterns of compound adjectives; analysis of compound adjectives in Erzya and Hungarian; identifying the types of relationships between the components of a compound word; statistical calculations. Materials and Methods. The material for analysis was formed by the method of continuous sampling from bilingual dictionaries: Erzya-Russian and Hungarian-Russian. It used the methods for determining the genetic affiliation of language data, establishing a system of correspondences and anomalies in the compared languages; spatial localization of linguistic phenomena. Research and Discussion. Compounding in the Erzya and Hungarian languages are divided into two large groups: 1) formed on the basis of a compositional connection and 2) created on the basis of a subordinate connection between components. As the study showed, complex adjectives of the subordinate type in the Erzya language are few in number, while in the Hungarian language they constitute the majority. This group includes words with the first part – an adjective, a noun, a numeral. Compound adjectives of a compositional type, prevailing in the Erzya language, can be formed as a result of the merger of two proper adjectives, two derived adjectives, repetition of derived adjectives. In the Hungarian language, the share of complex adjectives of the compositional type is small. Among them there are the ones paired and formed by the type of twin words. Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the formation of complex adjectives in the Hungarian and Erzya languages is an active process.

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