volcano observatories
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2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
Jacob B. Lowenstern ◽  
John W. Ewert ◽  
Andrew B. Lockhart

AbstractWe consider the future of volcano observatories in a world where new satellite technologies and global data initiatives have greatly expanded over the last two decades. Observatories remain the critical tie between the decision-making authorities and monitoring data. In the coming decade, the global scientific community needs to continue to collaborate in a manner that will strengthen volcano observatories while building those databases and scientific models that allow us to improve forecasts of eruptions and mitigate their impacts. Observatories in turn need to contribute data to allow these international collaborations to prosper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 3367-3405
Hugues Brenot ◽  
Nicolas Theys ◽  
Lieven Clarisse ◽  
Jeroen van Gent ◽  
Daniel R. Hurtmans ◽  

Abstract. The purpose of the EUNADICS-AV (European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation) prototype early warning system (EWS) is to develop the combined use of harmonised data products from satellite, ground-based and in situ instruments to produce alerts of airborne hazards (volcanic, dust, smoke and radionuclide clouds), satisfying the requirement of aviation air traffic management (ATM) stakeholders (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/723986, last access: 5 November 2021). The alert products developed by the EUNADICS-AV EWS, i.e. near-real-time (NRT) observations, email notifications and netCDF (Network Common Data Form) alert data products (called NCAP files), have shown significant interest in using selective detection of natural airborne hazards from polar-orbiting satellites. The combination of several sensors inside a single global system demonstrates the advantage of using a triggered approach to obtain selective detection from observations, which cannot initially discriminate the different aerosol types. Satellite products from hyperspectral ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) and infrared (IR) sensors (e.g. TROPOMI – TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument – and IASI – Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) and a broadband geostationary imager (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager; SEVIRI) and retrievals from ground-based networks (e.g. EARLINET – European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, E-PROFILE and the regional network from volcano observatories) are combined by our system to create tailored alert products (e.g. selective ash detection, SO2 column and plume height, dust cloud, and smoke from wildfires). A total of 23 different alert products are implemented, using 1 geostationary and 13 polar-orbiting satellite platforms, 3 external existing service, and 2 EU and 2 regional ground-based networks. This allows for the identification and the tracking of extreme events. The EUNADICS-AV EWS has also shown the need to implement a future relay of radiological data (gamma dose rate and radionuclides concentrations in ground-level air) in the case of a nuclear accident. This highlights the interest of operating early warnings with the use of a homogenised dataset. For the four types of airborne hazard, the EUNADICS-AV EWS has demonstrated its capability to provide NRT alert data products to trigger data assimilation and dispersion modelling providing forecasts and inverse modelling for source term estimate. Not all of our alert data products (NCAP files) are publicly disseminated. Access to our alert products is currently restricted to key users (i.e. Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres, national meteorological services, the World Meteorological Organization, governments, volcano observatories and research collaborators), as these are considered pre-decisional products. On the other hand, thanks to the EUNADICS-AV–SACS (Support to Aviation Control Service) web interface (https://sacs.aeronomie.be, last access: 5 November 2021), the main part of the satellite observations used by the EUNADICS-AV EWS is shown in NRT, with public email notification of volcanic emission and delivery of tailored images and NCAP files. All of the ATM stakeholders (e.g. pilots, airlines and passengers) can access these alert products through this free channel.

Volcanica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (S1) ◽  
pp. 203-222
Amilcar Roca ◽  
Edgar Roberto Mérida Boogher ◽  
Carla Maria Fernanda Chun Quinillo ◽  
Dulce María Esther González Domínguez ◽  
Gustavo Adolfo Chigna Marroquin ◽  

The tectonic and volcanic environment in Guatemala is large and complex. Three major tectonic plates constantly interacting with each other, and a volcanic arc that extends from east to west in the southern part of the country, demand special attention in terms of monitoring and scientific studies. The Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH) is the institute in charge of executing these actions at the national and civil level.In recent years, INSIVUMEH has formed a volcanology team consisting of multi-disciplinary personnel that conducts the main volcanological monitoring and research activities. These activities include: seismic and acoustic signal analysis, evaluation and analysis of the volcanic hazards, installation and maintenance of monitoring equipment, and the socialization and dissemination of volcanic knowledge. Of all the volcanic structures in Guatemala, three volcanoes (Fuego, Pacaya, and Santiaguito) are in constant eruption and require all of the available resources (economic and human). These volcanoes present a wide range of volcanic hazards (regarding type and magnitude) that make daily monitoring a great challenge. One of the greatest goals achieved by the volcanology team has been the recent development of a Relative Threat Ranking of Guatemala Volcanoes, taking into account different parameters that allow improved planning in the future, both in monitoring and research. El ambiente tectónico y volcánico de Guatemala es extenso y complejo. Tres grandes placas tectónicas, que interactúan constantemente entre sí, y un arco volcánico, que se extiende de este a oeste en la parte sur del país, exigen especial atención en términos de monitoreo y estudios científicos. El Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH) es el instituto encargado de ejecutar estas acciones a nivel nacional y civil. En los últimos años, INSIVUMEH ha formado un equipo de vulcanología conformado por personal multidisciplinario que realiza las principales actividades de seguimiento e investigación vulcanológica. Estas actividades incluyen: análisis de señales sísmicas y acústicas, evaluación y análisis de peligros volcánicos, instalación y mantenimiento de equipos de monitoreo, y socialización y difusión del conocimiento volcánico. De todas las estructuras volcánicas de Guatemala, tres volcanes (Fuego, Pacaya y Santiaguito) están en constante erupción y requieren todos los recursos disponibles (económicos y humanos). Estos volcanes presentan una amplia gama de peligros volcánicos (en cuanto a tipo y magnitud), haciendo que el monitoreo diario sea un gran desafío. Uno de los mayores logros del equipo de vulcanología ha sido el desarrollo reciente de un Ranking de Peligrosidad Relativa de los Volcanes de Guatemala, tomando en cuenta diferentes parámetros que permitan una mejor planificación en el futuro, tanto en el monitoreo como en la investigación.

Volcanica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (S1) ◽  
pp. vii-xxxiii
Pablo Forte ◽  
Lizzette Rodríguez ◽  
Mariana Patricia Jácome Paz ◽  
Lizeth Caballero García ◽  
Yemerith Alpízar Segura ◽  

Monitoring the state of active volcanoes is the foundational component of volcanic risk reduction strategies. To a large extent, these responsibilities rest with volcano observatories. Based on the 11 Reports that constitute this Special Issue—“Volcano Observatories in Latin America”—we provide a comprehensive overview of the work that has been carried out by the observatories in Latin America, a region in which tens of millions of people are exposed to volcanic activity. Since the first steps taken in the 1980s, volcano observatories of the region have made significant progress in assessing and monitoring volcanic activity. Currently, 17 institutions officially contribute to monitoring 135 volcanoes in 10 countries. Along with the improvements in the instrumental, technical, and operational capabilities, advancements have been made in long-term hazard assessment and hazard communication. But despite all the progress accomplished, several challenges and limiting factors still remain, such as the lack of financial resources and training opportunities. Efforts should be focused on increasing the number and quality of monitoring networks. El monitoreo del estado de los volcanes activos es un componente fundamental de las estrategias para la reducción del riesgo volcánico. En gran medida, estas responsabilidades recaen en los observatorios volcánicos. A partir de los 11 Reportes que constituyen este Número Especial –“Observatorios volcanológicos en América Latina”– brindamos un detallado resumen del trabajo llevado adelante por los observatorios en Latinoamérica, una región con decenas de millones de personas expuestas a la actividad volcánica. Desde sus primeros pasos a principios de 1980, los observatorios volcanológicos de la región han logrado avances significativos en la evaluación y vigilancia de la actividad volcánica. Actualmente, 17 instituciones contribuyen oficialmente al monitoreo de 135 volcanes en 10 países. Junto con las mejoras en sus capacidades instrumentales, técnicas y operativas, se produjeron avances también en la evaluación y comunicación de peligros a largo plazo. A pesar del avance logrado, aún persisten desafíos y factores limitantes, como la falta de recursos económicos y oportunidades de capacitación. Los esfuerzos futuros deben centrarse en aumentar el número y la calidad de las redes de monitoreo.

Volcanica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (S1) ◽  
pp. i-vi
Oryaëlle Chevrel ◽  
Fabian Wadsworth ◽  
Jamie Farquharson ◽  
Alexandra Kushnir ◽  
Michael Heap ◽  

Peer-reviewed publications are the most common way of sharing scientific knowledge internationally. Volcanica is the only fully diamond open access journal in volcanology, publishing peer-reviewed articles without costs to authors or readers. As part of our wider journal mission, Volcanica also aims to address some of the biggest barriers in research publication and to increase accessibility to published, written research outputs. In this Editorial, we discuss Volcanica’s latest venture: to publish a complete Special Issue of Reports—one of our flagship publication formats designed specifically for cutting edge, direct observations from volcanoes—and to do so in both English and Spanish languages. Las publicaciones revisadas por pares son la forma más común de compartir el conocimiento científico a nivel internacional. Volcanica es la única revista de tipo “diamond open access” en volcanología que publica artículos revisados por pares sin ningún costo para los autores o lectores. Volcanica también tiene como objetivos reducir algunas de las mayores barreras de las publicaciones científicas y aumentar la accesibilidad a los resultados de las investigaciones publicadas. En este editorial, analizamos la última aventura de Volcanica: publicar un número especial constituido íntegramente por Reportes –uno de nuestros formatos de publicación insignia, diseñado específicamente para observaciones directas y de vanguardia sobre volcanes– en los idiomas inglés y español.

2021 ◽  
Jean-François Smekens ◽  
Tamsin Mather ◽  
Mike Burton

<p>Monitoring of volcanic emissions (gas, ash and aerosols) is crucial to our understanding of eruption mechanisms, as well as to developing mitigation strategies during volcanic eruptions. Ultraviolet (UV) spectrometers and cameras are now ubiquitous monitoring tools at most volcano observatories for quantifying sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions. However, because they rely on scattered UV light as a source of radiation, their use is limited to daytime only, and measurement windows are often further restricted by unfavourable weather conditions. On the other end of the spectrum, Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) instruments can be used to measure the concentrations of a series of volcanic gases, and they allow for night-time operation. However, the retrieval methods rely on the presence of a strong source of IR radiation in the background - either natural (lava flow, crater rim, the sun) or artificial – restricting their use to very specific observation geometries and a narrow range of eruptive conditions. Here we present a new approach to derive quantities of SO2, ash and aerosols from measurements of a drifting volcanic plume. Using the atmosphere as a background, we measured self-emitted IR radiation from plumes at Stromboli volcano (Italy) capturing both passive degassing and ash-rich explosive plumes. We use an iterative approach with a forward radiative transfer model (the Reference Forward Model – RFM) to quantify concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2), aerosols and ash in the line of sight of the spectrometer. This new method could significantly enhance the scientific return from OP-FTIR instruments at volcano observatories, ultimately expanding their deployment as part of permanent scanning networks (an alternative to DOAS instruments) to provide continuous data on the emissions of gas, ash and aerosols. </p>

2021 ◽  
Sara Barsotti ◽  
Michelle Parks ◽  
Pfeffer Melissa ◽  
Kristín Jónsdóttir ◽  
Kristín Vogfjorð ◽  

<p>How well are our volcanoes monitored? When and why should we review and enhance the monitoring setup for volcano surveillance? These questions are often raised at Volcano Observatories or at those Institutions in charge of monitoring volcanoes and their associated hazards. The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) is responsible for monitoring natural hazards in Iceland, including volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. IMO operates an extended multidisciplinary monitoring network which comprises seismometers, cGPS, gas sensors, MultiGAS and DOASes, hydrological stations, strainmeters and tiltmeters, infrasound networks and webcams, with the aim of detecting in a timely manner potential unrest at any of the 32 active volcanoes in the country. Limited resources and funding opportunities often pose limitations on how extensive (in terms of number of sensors and their variety) a volcano monitoring network can be. Therefore, the Volcano Observatories are often required to decide how to prioritize the monitoring needs and find a balance in sensitivity, reliability, and efficacy of the network.  </p><p>In this contribution, we will present the results of the analysis performed at the IMO to rank the Icelandic active volcanoes by their threat and, consequently, to prioritize their monitoring needs. Some criteria (based on eruption frequency, potential hazards, infrastructure exposure and current status) are defined as guidelines and they are used to drive decisions regarding when and how to alter the monitoring setup. The specific case of Hekla volcano is used here to evaluate the validity of such criteria and to perform an analysis of the current capability of issuing a timely warning for one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Iceland. </p>

2021 ◽  
Matthieu Epiard ◽  
Simon Carn

<p>Along with monitoring of seismic activity and ground deformation, the measurement of volcanic gas emissions and composition plays a key role in the surveillance of active volcanoes and the mitigation of volcanic hazards. Volcanic gas emissions also potentially impact the environment, human health and climate, providing further motivation for study. Currently, volcano observatories typically employ ground-based or airborne techniques to monitor volcanic gas emissions, mainly sulfur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>) fluxes and its ratios over other species (e.g., CO<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>S). However, in recent years there have been significant breakthroughs in satellite observations of passive volcanic SO<sub>2</sub> emissions, including high-resolution ultraviolet (UV) measurements from the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite, and the development of long-term records of volcanic SO<sub>2</sub> degassing from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA’s Aura satellite. Satellite measurements offer some advantages over traditional gas monitoring techniques, e.g., synoptic coverage of large regions, relative immunity to variations in wind direction, and ability to map the spatial extent and dispersion of volcanic SO<sub>2</sub> plumes with applications for health hazard mitigation. Although these satellite datasets are potentially valuable for active volcano monitoring and as a supplement to other gas monitoring techniques, significant barriers remain to their use at many volcano observatories, particularly in low-income countries. Notably, the increasing volume of satellite datasets (NASA’s database is bigger than 3 petabytes) and the demands of data processing represent challenges to their operational use at observatories with limited internet connectivity or computational capacity. Here, we present an ongoing effort to develop open-source Python software to access and process SO<sub>2</sub> data directly through NASA’s Earthdata portal Application Processing Interface (API), in order to streamline the satellite SO<sub>2</sub> data processing workflow for a volcano observatory. By allowing server-side satellite data subsetting around the volcano of interest, this API greatly reduces the processing burden and only requires an internet connection to the NASA server hosting the required datasets (including S5P/TROPOMI, Aura/OMI and many others). We present some examples of software output and potential applications. Our current goal is to deploy and test the software for operational use in a volcano observatory.  </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Guillermo Cortés ◽  
Roberto Carniel ◽  
Philippe Lesage ◽  
M. Ángeles Mendoza ◽  
Ivo Della Lucia

Recognizing the mechanisms underlying seismic activity and tracking temporal and spatial patterns of earthquakes represent primary inputs to monitor active volcanoes and forecast eruptions. To quantify this seismicity, catalogs are established to summarize the history of the observed types and number of volcano-seismic events. In volcano observatories the detection and posterior classification or labeling of the events is manually performed by technicians, often suffering a lack of unified criteria and eventually resulting in poorly reliable labeled databases. State-of-the-art automatic Volcano-Seismic Recognition (VSR) systems allow real-time monitoring and consistent catalogs. VSR systems are generally designed to monitor one station of one volcano, decreasing their efficiency when used to recognize events from another station, in a different eruptive scenario or at different volcanoes. We propose a Volcano-Independent VSR (VI.VSR) solution for creating an exportable VSR system, whose aim is to generate labeled catalogs for observatories which do not have the resources for deploying their own systems. VI.VSR trains universal recognition models with data of several volcanoes to obtain portable and robust characteristics. We have designed the VULCAN.ears ecosystem to facilitate the VI.VSR application in observatories, including the pyVERSO tool to perform VSR tasks in an intuitive way, its graphical interface, geoStudio, and liveVSR for real-time monitoring. Case studies are presented at Deception, Colima, Popocatépetl and Arenal volcanoes testing VI.VSR models in challenging scenarios, obtaining encouraging recognition results in the 70–80% accuracy range. VI.VSR technology represents a major breakthrough to monitor volcanoes with minimal effort, providing reliable seismic catalogs to characterise real-time changes.

Christopher G. Newhall ◽  
John S. Pallister ◽  
C. Dan Miller

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