Since extensions of the standard model have been developed that predict violations of local Lorentz invariance (LLI), precision measurement groups have been working to reduce experimental bounds of the associated matrix element. Using an analogue of the Michelson-Morley test with trapped Ca+ ions, the current bound has been set at one part in 1018. However, by instead using Yb+ ions, which have highly stable electronic states for storing quantum information compared to their counterparts and exhibit enhanced effects of LLI breaking asymmetries, we can push the bounds to one part in 1023. In this article, we outline a configuration for such an experiment and offer solutions to experimental concerns. We develop an algorithm for state creation, manipulation, and measurement that minimizes measurement time and transition uncertainty. We also discuss necessary hardware for trapping and manipulating ions including a vacuum system, a Paul trap and the associated electrode voltage supplies, and an optics system for generating and applying transition pulses. The experiment is specifically designed to utilize the existing ion trap hardware in place at the Richerme lab at Indiana University Bloomington.