emotional concepts
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Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 120-131
A. V. Diehl

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the specificity of the lexical-semantic and syntactic valency of lexical units nominating emotions in the poem “Then, fare thee well” by T. Moore. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that it has been carried out in line with the linguo-cognitive paradigm and aims to identify the specifics of the compatibility of emotions nominations with other lexical units verbalizing the fragment of the concept “the emotional world”. The novelty of the research is associated with its anthropocentric orientation and interdisciplinary nature of the interpretation of the material, which implies the study of the artistic concept sphere “the emotional world” on the material of the poem “Then, fare thee well” by T. Moore from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, psychology and literary criticism.Methodology and sources. The theoretical basis of this research is presented by the works of scientists V.Yu. Apresjan, E.V. Galeeva, N.A. Krasavskii, I.N. Kucher, S.G. Lyubova, K.O. Pogosova, E.A. Rozhnova, who considered the essence of emotional concepts as culturally conditioned mental constructs, i.e. directly related to the worldview of representatives of a particular ethnic group.In the article we use the following research methods: the method of definitional analysis, the functional-semantic method, the method of component analysis, the descriptive method, as well as methods of continuous sampling and quantitative data processing.Results and discussion. In the present study, the classification of lexical units verbalizing the manifestations of emotional states in the poem “Then, fare thee well” by T. Moore has been made. In the semantic structure of the lexemes under consideration, we highlight and categorize the semes marked by the correlation with the emotional sphere of people. The linguo-cognitive analysis of the lexic and syntactic valency of the primary and secondary nominations of emotions, carried out in the work, revealed the specifics of the conceptualization of emotional states and experiences in the individual author's picture of the world.Conclusion. It has been established that the artistic conceptual sphere “emotional world” in the poem “Then, fare thee well” by T. Moore consists of two closely interrelated concepts – “negative emotions” and “positive emotions”, verbalized by lexemes nominating a wide range of emotional experiences of the lyrical character. It is concluded that the associative-figurative characteristics attributed to a specific emotion in the artistic world of the author carry valuable culturally relevant information about the individual characteristics of the interpretation of emotional concepts both by the poet himself and by the “naïve” thinking of an English-speaking person as a representative of his language and culture.

2021 ◽  
Laura Barca ◽  
Matteo Candidi ◽  
Gian Luca Lancia ◽  
Valerio Maglianella ◽  
Giovanni Pezzulo

Emotional concepts and their mental representations have been extensively studied. Yet, some ecologically relevant aspects, such as how emotional concepts are processed in ambiguous contexts, are incompletely known. We employed a similarity judgment of emotional concepts and manipulated the contextual congruency along the two main affective dimensions of hedonic valence and physiological activation, respectively. Behavioral and kinematics (mouse-tracking) measures were combined to gather a novel ‘similarity index’ between concepts, to derive topographical maps of their mental representations. Self-report (interoceptive sensibility, positive-negative affectivity, depression) and physiological measures (heart rate variability) have been tested to shape the emotional maps. Results indicate that low arousal concepts profit by contextual congruency, with faster responses and reduced uncertainty when contextual ambiguity decreases. The emotional maps exhibit two almost orthogonal axes of valence and arousal, and the similarity measure captures the smooth boundaries between emotions. The emotional map of individuals with low positive affectivity reveals a narrower conceptual distribution, with variations on positive emotions and on emotions with reduced arousal (as individuals with reduced heart rate variability). In sum, our work introduces a novel methodology for delve conceptual representations, bringing the dynamics of decision-making processes and choice uncertainty into the affective domain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Senthil Kumar Narayanasamy ◽  
Kathiravan Srinivasan ◽  
Saeed Mian Qaisar ◽  
Chuan-Yu Chang

The exponential growth of social media users has changed the dynamics of retrieving the potential information from user-generated content and transformed the paradigm of information-retrieval mechanism with the novel developments on the concept of “web of data”. In this regard, our proposed Ontology-Based Sentiment Analysis provides two novel approaches: First, the emotion extraction on tweets related to COVID-19 is carried out by a well-formed taxonomy that comprises possible emotional concepts with fine-grained properties and polarized values. Second, the potential entities present in the tweet can be analyzed for semantic associativity. The extraction of emotions can be performed in two cases: (i) words directly associated with the emotional concepts present in the taxonomy and (ii) words indirectly present in the emotional concepts. Though the latter case is very challenging in processing the tweets to find the hidden patterns and extract the meaningful facts associated with it, our proposed work is able to extract and detect almost 81% of true positives and considerably able to detect the false negatives. Finally, the proposed approach's superior performance is witnessed from its comparison with other peer-level approaches.

2021 ◽  
pp. 186-190
U. U. Hasanova

The article analyzes the concepts of the emotional sphere in the Dargin language picture of the world. It is noted that the images of the emotional sphere are most clearly highlighted in phraseological units, proverbs and sayings. The concepts of positive semantics are such concepts as razidesh "joy", talih1, igbar "happiness, luck". And the concepts of negative semantics include: urehi "fear", balag "trouble, grief", kyasdesh "envy", gyimi "evil".

А.И. Хлопова ◽  
О.М. Ладоша

Постановка задачи. Основной задачей исследования является установление динамики содержания базисного концепта Sicherheit (безопасность) в немецкой лингвокультуре. В качестве методов исследования авторы обращаются к анализу дефиниций толковых словарей, анализу сочетаемости исследуемого слова, контекстному анализу, свободному ассоциативному эксперименту. На основе разработанной модели значения авторы сопоставляют лексикографические данные и ассоциативное поле слова-стимула Sicherheit (безопасность) . Результаты. На основе сопоставления полученных данных авторы отмечают, что интегративные признаки, выделенные в сочетаемости лексем и признаки, выделенные в ассоциативном эксперименте, в значительной мере совпадают (‘источники безопасности’, ‘безопасная ситуация в мире / национальная безопасность’, ‘комфорт, стабильность’, ‘личные эмоциональные концепты’, ‘объект / предмет защиты’), хотя и различны в количественном значении. При этом сочетаемость лексемы позволяет говорить о недоверии к возможности стабильной и безопасной ситуации в целом. Однако данные свободного ассоциативного эксперимента, напротив, свидетельствуют об исключительно положительном отношении к исследуемому концепту. Согласно данным корпуса наиболее распространенной категорией является категория уверенность , которая представлена в ассоциативном эксперименте единичной реакцией. Наибольшее количество реакций ассоциативного эксперимента представляют Sicherheit как чувство защищенности от разного вида опасности. Выводы. Для носителей немецкой лингвокультуры концепт Sicherheit (безопасность) понимается как чувство защищенности от опасности, которое могут гарантировать индивиду семья или государственные органы. Гарантом безопасности выступают деньги. Для достижения безопасности необходимо соблюдение различных правил и мер безопасности. Statement of the problem. The aim of the article is to establish the dynamics of the content of the basic concept Sicherheit ( safety ) in German linguistic culture. As the main research methods, the authors turn to the analysis of definitions of explanatory dictionaries, the analysis of the compatibility of the studied word, context analysis, free associative experiment. On the basis of the developed model of meaning, the authors compare the lexicographic data and the associative field of the stimulus word Sicherheit ( safety ). Results. Based on the comparison of the obtained data, the authors note that the integrative features identified in the compatibility of lexemes and the features identified in the associative experiment largely coincide (‘sources of security’, ‘safe situation in the world / national security’, ‘comfort, stability’, ‘personal emotional concepts’, ‘object of protection’, although they are different in quantitative meaning. At the same time, we note that the compatibility of the lexeme allows us to speak of mistrust of the possibility of a stable and safe situation as a whole. However, the data of the free associative experiment, on the contrary, allow us to speak about an extremely positive attitude to the concept under study. According to the corpus, the most common category is the category of confidence, which is represented in the associative experiment by a single reaction. The largest number of reactions in the associative experiment represent Sicherheit as a feeling of protection from various types of danger. Conclusion. For representatives of the German linguistic culture, the concept of Sicherheit ( safety ) is understood as a sense of security from danger, which can be guaranteed to an individual by the family or government authorities. Money is the guarantor of security. To achieve safety, it is necessary to comply with various safety rules and measures.

M. M. Olkhovych-Novosadiuk

JOY is considered to be one of the basic human emotions and key concepts in culture. The study of emotional concepts is complex as it combines psychological, cognitive, linguistic and ethnocultural fields. The study of concepts is valuable because it enables us not only to identify the culturally specific worldview of a certain lingual-cultural community and single out its national and cultural peculiarities, but also understand the word as a lexical unit in the context of culture, cognition, and communication. The article is dedicated to the research of the emotional concept JOY, its structure and means of verbalization in the Ukrainian worldview. The research is a part of a more complex study which is being conducted by applying the method of cognitive definition suggested by Jerzy Bartmiński ‒ a famous Polish linguist and ethnologist. The source of the material for the research ‒ the electronic corpus of texts "Mova Info", in particular its subcorpus – fictional prose of the Ukrainian literature from the second half of the XX century to the beginning of the XXI century (300 examples). The research showed that the concept JOY in the Ukrainian linguaculture has the following meanings: Joy is a positive feeling, emotion, psychological state, mood, character trait, and can denote a person who causes joy. Joy has different qualities such as duration, sincerity, reality, expectation, frequency, order, degree of control, intensity, depth and volume. Joy is expressed through facial expressions, physiological, behavioral and vocal reactions. The common reasons for Ukrainians to feel joy are universal concepts and values (life, freedom), faith in God, psychological state (love, desire), people (family, friends), humor, jokes, home, objects and phenomena of nature, seasons, material goods, money, gifts, food, drinks, news, important events in life (marriage, child birth), having sex, celebrations, meeting people, mental activities (thinking, learning), entertaining, having a rest, going for walks, travelling, adventures, achievements, success, victory, discovery. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Jairo Egberto Powell González ◽  
Maya Carrillo Ruiz ◽  
María Josefa Somodevilla García

Suicide is considered a public health issue, and its early detection and treatment may contribute to its preven-tion. Automatic detection of suicidal ideation indicators within texts can be a useful tool to prevent it. In this work a corpus was compiled, which consists of poems written by twelve different poets, where six of them committed suicide. Two vector representations were experimented on, one with the total number of words and another with words related to negative emotional concepts. The vectors were clustered using two algorithms: K-Means and a K-Means with Particle Swarm Optimization hybrid. The efficiency of the vector representations and the used algorithms were compared, obtaining as result that, through the hybrid algorithm and the negative emotional concepts vocabulary, the groups of poets with suicidal ideation and without it could be distinguished with an accuracy of 0.98.

2021 ◽  
Patrick P. Weis ◽  
Cornelia Herbert

Investigating emotional processes has been vital for understanding human-human interaction. Specifically, emotional concepts of oneself and the interaction partner shape the interaction style and are associated with mental health and cognitive performance. Here, it is investigated whether these concepts areequally relevant in human-robot interaction (HRI). We measured emotional concepts before and afteronline collaboration with a robot described as (a) able, (b) unable to experience emotions, or (c) autonomous without reference to emotions, compared to a (d) control condition without collaboration. Conceptswere measured using the affective His-Mine-Paradigm (aHMP) in which participants were asked to affectively evaluate pronoun-noun-pairs that were related to themselves (e.g., “my victory”) or the robot (e.g.,“his victory”). Results indicated that (1) the aHMP can be validly used in HRI contexts, (2) emotionalself-concept got less positive after interacting with an “emotionless” robot, and emotional robot-conceptgot more positive after interacting with an (3) “autonomous” or (4) “emotional” robot. We conclude thatbeliefs about and interactions with robots can change emotional concepts of both oneself and the robot.We argue and show that such changes are linked to well-being, performance, and interaction style. Thus,emotional consequences for the human should be considered when designing HRIs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174569162096876
María Magdalena Llabre

Hispanics have a lower burden of heart disease than would be predicted from their risk factors. Explanations for this phenomenon, the Hispanic paradox, focus on specific characteristics of the culture that affect stress appraisal and accumulation, including social connections. Features of culture evolve in the context of language, which influences the way emotions are appraised and expressed. The Spanish language, a unifying component defining Hispanic cultures, has unique features that may promote emotional expression, expand the emotional concepts implicated in the construction of emotion, and influence the appraisal of stress. Under chronic stress conditions, sustained responses can become maladaptive, leading to disease. Features of the Spanish language allow its speakers a wide range of emotion schemas by virtue of its emotion lexicon, the ability to easily minimize or exaggerate expressions, and ease in considering hypothetical situations with the use of the subjunctive. The hypothesis here proposes that the Spanish language is directly and indirectly (via culture) responsible for mitigating some of the effects of acute stress responses in Hispanics and, therefore, limits stress accumulation and is partly responsible for the Hispanic paradox.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 5937-5941
Zulkhumor Ashurova

This article discusses the linguopoetic features of the literary text, the author's individual style, peculiarities, as well as the ideological and thematic area reflected in the text, the set of dominant characters. The general and specific aspects of the artistic style are highlighted in the text. After all, the text is one of the most important units that reflects both the imagery, and the purpose, and the form, and the theme, and the creative worldview. Methodological units form a lexical-semantic field and unite towards a specific goal. For example, as the idea is expressed in words, metaphor, metanymy, synecdoche, phraseological units are systematically welded to each other. The emotional concepts reflected in the architecture of the poem testify to the greatness of the poet's worldview. The sum of the total components manifested in the linguopoetic level tagline mutually systematizes the important aspects of the text structure. In it, the unity of word and image, form and content is very important. At a glance, it is no secret that A. Obidjon, O. Damin, D. Rajab, who were active in the poetry of the independence period, paved the way for the colorization of methodological dominant semiotic interpretations in their creative research. The skill of poets accustomed to speaking in a global context is varied.  

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