spectrum evaluation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 32-34
Cristina Munteanu ◽  
Anamaria Ciubara

Although there is no universally recognized protocol for the evaluation of eating disorders, all specialists agree that a broad-spectrum evaluation is needed, given the multidetermined nature of this pathology. Therapeutic intervention, supportive psychotherapy and CBT, have as main objective cognitive restructuring, identifying and addresing psychological causes that cause, precede and trigger eating disorders - anorexia nervosa. Aim: To identify the role of psychotherapy and the entire interdisciplinary team in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Case description: We present a case report of a 15-yearold girl diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, where I applied CBT. This case confirms by the objectives achieved, that CBT has a primordial role, in interrupting the vicious circle, somatic symptom- psychic-pseudo somatic symptom and to restore the emotional balance of the patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Conclusion: Compliance with psychiatric treatment increases, by addressing psychotherapy, as a clinical intervention, in the treatment of this complex condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 126-130
Kumar Sagar ◽  
Sonal Vahanwala ◽  
Murali Chilakapati ◽  
Mandavi Waghmare ◽  

Background: Biofluids possess a lot of hidden informations. Along with serum, saliva beholds great potential which needs to be discovered. Certain physical properties of saliva need to be studied closely and thus can be put into use for various diagnostic purposes. Aims and Objectives: To find difference between male and female saliva through spectrometry. Design: 20 systemically sound subjects were selected and explained about the study. The subjects should not be consuming any medication or tobacco products. Materials and Methodology: Subjects were asked to collect unstimulated saliva in the disposable vials. The samples were then centrifuged with the help of speed vacuum concentrator. Then with the help of Gilson’s pipette some centrifuge sample were taken and normal saline was added and was left to dry. With the help of Raman’s Spectrometer 585nm the spectra was recorded and each sample were assessed 5 times. And then raw data was processed. Result and Conclusion: PCA (Principal Component Analysis), LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) and Average Spectra are derived. The LDA accuracy of our study was above 70% which is good for future research purposes as anything above 60% can be considered as important breakthrough.

Van Trung Hoang ◽  
Hoang Anh Thi Van ◽  
Hoang Quan Nguyen ◽  
Ngoc Trinh Thi Pham ◽  
Minh Tri Thi Vo ◽  

Intracranial neurenteric cysts are rare congenital lesions that can be mistaken for other lesions. They may contain mucous or serous glands, smooth muscle, lymphoid tissue and components of connective tissue. We report a case of neurenteric cyst which was detected accidentally by diagnostic imaging in the context of a thalamus infarct in a 45-year-old woman. We also discuss the results of a brief literature review and the pathological findings, imaging spectrum, evaluation and management of neurenteric cysts and thalamic infarctions.

Antibiotics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 463
Yuan-Tai Hung ◽  
Qiong Hu ◽  
Richard J. Faris ◽  
Juanjuan Guo ◽  
Pedro E. Urriola ◽  

Antibiotics and pharmacological zinc supplementation were commonly used as growth promoters for several decades in the swine industry before being limited because of public health and environmental concerns. Further, the physiological and metabolic responses associated with their growth promotion effects are unclear. To characterize these responses induced by pharmacological zinc supplementation (2500 mg/kg) and carbadox (55 mg/kg), 192 post-weaning pigs were fed basal and test diets for 43 days. Compared with basal, pharmacological zinc and carbadox independently improved growth performance. Pharmacological zinc increased gastric mucosa thickness compared with basal zinc, while carbadox increased intestinal villus:crypt ratio compared with non-carbadox. Pharmacological zinc and carbadox independently reduced interleukin (IL)-1β concentration compared with basal zinc and non-carbadox. Pharmacological zinc increased IL-1RA:IL-1 ratio by 42% compared with basal zinc, while carbadox tended to increase the IL-10 and IL10:IL-12 ratio compared with non-carbadox. Carbadox increased fecal concentrations of histidine and lysine compared with non-carbadox. The independent effect of pharmacological zinc and carbadox on morphology and nutrient metabolism, and their shared effect on immunity may contribute to the additive effect on growth promotion. These results further confirmed the concept that growth promotion is multifactorial intervention. Therefore, elucidating growth-promoting effects and searching for alternatives should include wide-spectrum evaluation.

Diversity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 100 ◽  
Agustín Scanferla ◽  
Krister T. Smith

Our knowledge of early evolution of snakes is improving, but all that we can infer about the evolution of modern clades of snakes such as boas (Booidea) is still based on isolated bones. Here, we resolve the phylogenetic relationships of Eoconstrictor fischeri comb. nov. and other booids from the early-middle Eocene of Messel (Germany), the best-known fossil snake assemblage yet discovered. Our combined analyses demonstrate an affinity of Eoconstrictor with Neotropical boas, thus entailing a South America-to-Europe dispersal event. Other booid species from Messel are related to different New World clades, reinforcing the cosmopolitan nature of the Messel booid fauna. Our analyses indicate that Eoconstrictor was a terrestrial, medium- to large-bodied snake that bore labial pit organs in the upper jaw, the earliest evidence that the visual system in snakes incorporated the infrared spectrum. Evaluation of the known palaeobiology of Eoconstrictor provides no evidence that pit organs played a role in the predator–prey relations of this stem boid. At the same time, the morphological diversity of Messel booids reflects the occupation of several terrestrial macrohabitats, and even in the earliest booid community the relation between pit organs and body size is similar to that seen in booids today.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 205511692090742
Tomohiro Osaki ◽  
Kengo Gonda ◽  
Yusuke Murahata ◽  
Yuji Sunden ◽  
Takao Amaha ◽  

Case summary The present study describes the case of a feline meningioma that was detected using 5-aminolaevulinic acid hydrochloride (5-ALA)-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence at surgery. An extra-axial mass in the temporoparietal region was observed by MRI. Following craniectomy and durotomy, photodynamic detection (PDD) was performed for detection of the tumour. Intratumour PpIX was detected using fluorescence spectrum evaluation and high-performance liquid chromatography. PDD revealed bright fluorescence of PpIX induced by 5-ALA, facilitating fluorescence-guided resection of the tumour tissue. Postoperative examination demonstrated an intratumour PpIX protein concentration of 16.8 nmol/g, and based on histopathological findings we diagnosed the mass as meningioma. Relevance and novel information PDD using 5-ALA has been used to identify the surgical margins during resection of primary human brain tumours. Recently, we have reported post-mortem PDD using 5-ALA for a canine glioblastoma. To our knowledge, this technique has not been previously used for the detection and resection of feline brain tumours. Our findings suggest that PDD using 5-ALA is useful for intraoperative fluorescence-guided resection of malignant meningioma in cats.

2019 ◽  
Vol 141 (29) ◽  
pp. 11497-11505 ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Yizhe Wu ◽  
Gaofei Tian ◽  
Yixiang Jiang ◽  
Zheng Liu ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 184-189 ◽  
Koichi Serizawa ◽  
Kazuma Tomimoto ◽  
Masayuki Miyashita ◽  
Ryo Yamaguchi

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