focus questions
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2021 ◽  
Robin Mann ◽  
David Dallimore ◽  
Howard Davis ◽  
Graham Day ◽  
Maria Eichsteller

Epdf and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Drawing on place-based field investigations and new empirical analysis, this original book investigates civil society at local level. The concept of civil society is contested and multifaceted, and this text offers assessment and clarification of debates concerning the intertwining of civil society, the state and local community relations. Analysing two Welsh villages, the authors examine the importance of identity, connection with place and the impact of social and spatial boundaries on the everyday production of civil society. Bringing into focus questions of biography and temporality, the book provides an innovative account of continuities and changes within local civil society during social and economic transformation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135406882110428
Richard Whitaker ◽  
Shane Martin

Parliamentary elections often result in the formation of a coalition government. While the legislative process allows actors within a coalition government to monitor each other, little attention has focused on how opposition parties respond to coalition government. We argue that opposition parties have incentives to uncover and highlight differences and tensions within the governing coalition. A strategy by the opposition to use legislative tools to uncover policy conflicts and ministerial drift within the coalition increases intra-coalition tensions, potentially generating electoral costs for the governing parties, and potentially even hastening the coalition’s demise. To test our argument, we build and analyse a new dataset of parliamentary questions in the British House of Commons covering the 2010–15 coalition. As expected, the main opposition party appears to strategically focus questions towards policy areas that uncover intra-coalition tensions. This research highlights the importance of opposition parties in parliamentary democracies.

Early Music ◽  
2020 ◽  
Steven Plank

Abstract This article considers questions relating to the performance practice of listening to music in early modern contexts. The evidence of paintings by Pieter Lastman, Gerard ter Borch and Hendrik Sorgh, poetry by Robert Herrick, William Shakespeare and Edmund Waller, and accounts of performances by Francesco da Milano, Nicola Matteis and Queen Elizabeth I all help to bring into focus questions of attentiveness, affective response and analogical understanding. The source material also interestingly raises the possibility of occasionally understanding the act of listening within a frame of erotic relationship modelled on Laura Mulvey’s well-known concept of the ‘male gaze’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-298
Meirin Dwiningtyas Putri ◽  
Sri Anggraeni ◽  
Bambang Supriatno

This study aims to provide an overview of the design of the respiratory system practicum used in SMA / MA Tasikmalaya and the subject of this research is the Student Worksheet (LKS) of Human Respiratory System Practicum used in schools. Samples taken in this study were 6 LKS samples. The sampling technique by purposive sampling. This study uses instruments developed by the Lecturer TEAM and instruments based on the scoring table of the Diagram Vee component that was adapted by Novak & Gowin. Based on the instruments developed by the Lecturer TEAM, it shows that the results of the analysis of LKS practicum activities on human respiratory system material still found problems in terms of 1) conceptual, not in accordance with the demands of Basic Curriculum Competence 2) practical, the title / goal is not in accordance with the work steps and difficult to execute and not relevant to the object / phenomenon that appears 3) the construction of knowledge, the question has not led to the facts that arise, is not related to the interpretation of the data and the conclusions that are built do not describe the title / purpose of the practicum. Whereas based on the analysis results of the scoring instrument Diagram Vee shows that the components of focus questions, objects / events, concepts / theories / principles, transformation notes, and knowledge claims have not yet reached the maximum score so that the outstanding Practicum Worksheet has not supported Diagram Vee components to the maximum so it needs to be improved . Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai desain praktikum sistem pernapasan yang digunakan di SMA/MA Tasikmalaya dan subjek penelitian ini adalah Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Praktikum Sistem Pernapasan Manusia yang digunakan di sekolah. Sampel yang diambil pada penelitian ini yaitu 6 sampel LKS. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen yang dikembangkan oleh TIM Dosen dan instrumen berdasarkan tabel penskoran komponen Diagram Vee yang diadaptasi Novak & Gowin. Berdasarkan instrumen yang dikembangkan TIM Dosen menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis kegiatan praktikum LKS pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia masih ditemukan permasalahan dalam hal 1) konseptual, belum sesuai dengan tuntutan Kompetensi Dasar kurikulum 2) praktikal, judul/tujuan belum sesuai langkah kerja dan sulit dieksekusi serta tidak relevan dengan objek/fenomena yang muncul 3) kontruksi pengetahuan, pertanyaan belum mengarahkan pada fakta yang muncul, tidak dihubungkan dengan interpretasi data serta kesimpulan yang dibangun belum menggambarkan  judul/tujuan praktikum. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis instrumen penskoran Diagram Vee menunjukkan bahwa komponen pertanyaan fokus, objek/peristiwa, konsep/teori/prinsip, catatan transformasi, dan klaim pengetahuan masih belum mencapai skor maksimal sehingga LKS Praktikum yang beredar belum menunjang komponen Diagram Vee dengan maksimal sehingga perlu ditingkatkan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 90-102
Amy Hondsmerk

The Present and Future of History and Games symposium took place at the University of Warwick on the 28th February 2020. This article provides some critical reflections on the symposium and its open theme of the study of history and games, which invited papers from a broad selection of scholars and professionals working in an interdisciplinary fashion at the intersection of these two fields. Papers brought into focus questions around particularly important or difficult topics encountered at this meeting of sectors, such as authenticity, accuracy, ownership, context, barriers, ethics and audience/player perceptions. The symposium explored how current research across various disciplines is intertwined and connected with other projects and subsequently encouraged speakers and attendees alike to consider how their work might develop and shape the future of study at the convergence of history, heritage, and gaming.

Agustin Lisnawati ◽  
Wahidah Zumrotul Zuhro

This article aims to reveal how the grammar or manners of a student towards Kiai and Bunyai. This article is expected to be able to be a view among the students and readers in the future regarding the moral values and rules not written in the boarding school Salaf but still implemented. The Islamic boarding school is known as a sacred place because it not only teaches academic and non-academic knowledge, but also forms characters and students in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This research uses a type of qualitative descriptive research. The subject in this study was the novel Suhita by Khilma Anis. The way the data collection is done by the researchers by reading repeatedly and writing quotes that are found in novels into books. In this article there are two focus questions, first, how the communication between the nanny boarding school towards the students of the perspective of the novel Liver Suhita. Secondly, how is the moral value or rule described by the caliphate of the novel Suhita novels concerning the Pondok Pesantren Salaf. The results of this research show, firstly, the pattern of communication between the nanny Pondok Pesantren Salaf with a students of the study novel suhita. Secondly, the students ' obedience to the moral rules and values in Salaf pondok pesantren is a novel hati suhita.

Agustin Lisnawati ◽  
Muhammad Romli Wihel

This article aims to understand how the "Amne Gine Mafatanon" treats brotherhood amidst religious differences between Gamta village and Magei village West Misool District of King Ampat Islands. Gamta Village is a Muslim village and Magei Village is a Christian village, but both villages are adjacent to the island surrounded by oceans and forests, and the two villages are separated by a road about 300 meters. In this article there are two focus questions, first how do the people of the village of gamta and magei village understand the relationship between the brothers? Secondly, why do the people of Gamta village and Magei village maintain a brotherly bond between the two? Thirdly, how is the traditional model that embraces the brotherhood values of the village gamta and magei village ?. This article usesmethods field research by obtaining primary and secondary data as supporting data in the writing of this article. The results of this study cover the ways in which the people of Kampung Gamta and Kampung Magei engage in brotherhood amidst religious differences and look at the values inherent in the tradition shared between these two villages as a bond of brotherhood.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-77 ◽  
Kathleen Claussen

Abstract This article reviews two critical “tipping point” moments in the evolution of international economic law, so-called given the overwhelming response by the international economic law community in each instance suggesting that the moment ought not be repeated as it called into question foundational tenets of the dispute resolution system. In each instance, an adjudicator was dismissed on the basis of his past decision-making, bringing into sharper focus questions about the mandate of the adjudicator and the checks and balances in relation to the adjudicatory role. This article surveys the availability of ethical or other doctrines to guide arbitrators in this respect and calls for change in the interest of preserving the legitimacy of the international economic law adjudicatory systems.

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