lorentzian spectrum
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С.Ш. Рехвиашвили ◽  
А.В. Псху ◽  
З.Ч. Маргушев

The spectral energy density of the oscillator radiation is calculated in the dipole approximation. The oscillator motion is described by an equation with fractional integro-differentiation. The fractional oscillator model can describe various types of radiation, including those with a nonexponential relaxation law. Found the shape of the spectral line of radiation. The obtained result is compared with the classical Lorentzian spectrum and experimental emission spectra of monochromatic and phosphor LEDs. The order of fractional integro-differentiation in the model sets the magnitude of the broadening of the radiation spectrum.

2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (04) ◽  
pp. 497-514 ◽  
M. CÖLLE ◽  
D. M. DE LEEUW ◽  

Resistive switching in aluminum-polymer diodes has been investigated by noise measurements. Quantitative criteria to characterize the diode states are: (i) Pristine state shows I ∝ Vm with m ≈ 6 at higher bias typical for tunneling. The resistance is very high, 1/f noise is very low, but the relative 1/f noise, fSI/I2 ≡ C1/f is very high. (ii) Forming state is a time-dependent soft breakdown in the Al-oxide that results in random telegraph signal noise (RTS) with a Lorentzian spectrum or in multi-level resistive switching (MLS) with a 1/f3/2 or 1/f-like spectrum. (iii) The H- or L-state shows I ∝ Vm with m = 1 for V < 1 V and 3/2 < m < 2 for V > 1 V . Deviations from ohmic behavior are explained by space charge limited current in the polymer. Reliable H- and L-states show pure 1/f noise, a resistance R that changes by at least a factor 30 and 1/f noise that follows the proportionality: C1/f ∝ R with a proportionality factor αμ( cm 2/ Vs ) of the same level as observed in metals, polymers and other semiconductors. C1/f ∝ R is explained by switching of the number of homogeneous conducting paths in parallel. Deviations in C 1/f ∝ R are also explained. In the pristine state and even in the H-state, only a fraction of the device are is carrying current and switching seems to be at spots of the Al/Al2O3 /polymer interface.

2007 ◽  
Vol 07 (03) ◽  
pp. L321-L339 ◽  

Often the 1/f noise in MOSFETs is stated to be an ensemble of many RTS with different time constants. The majority of literature on 1/f noise is overlooking the contribution due to mobility fluctuations that are uncorrelated with number fluctuations. Here, we demonstrate that the so-called proofs for Δ N can also be obtained from the empirical relation. The following misunderstandings and controversial topics on the surface and bulk contributions to the low-frequency noise will be addressed: 1) 1/f and RTS noise can have different physical origins. An analysis in time domain shows that the low-frequency noise with RTS is nothing else than a superposition of a two level noise with a Lorentzian spectrum and a Gaussian noise with a pure 1/f spectrum and different bias dependency. 2) It is very unlikely that in a spectrum consisting of one strong two level RTS and a pure 1/f noise, the 1/f noise is a superposition of many RTS with different time constants. 3) The spreading in WLS I /I2 below a critical WL is not a proof for the Δ N origin. 4) The typical shape in the double log plot from sub threshold to strong inversion of S I/ I 2 versus I , is also not a proof for the Δ N origin.

1988 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 715-721 ◽  
Francis R. Verdun ◽  
Carlo Giancaspro ◽  
Alan G. Marshall

A frequency-domain Lorentzian spectrum can be derived from the Fourier transform of a time-domain exponentially damped sinusoid of infinite duration. Remarkably, it has been shown that even when such a noiseless time-domain signal is truncated to zero amplitude after a finite observation period, one can determine the correct frequency of its corresponding magnitude-mode spectral peak maximum by fitting as few as three spectral data points to a magnitude-mode Lorentzian spectrum. In this paper, we show how the accuracy of such a procedure depends upon the ratio of time-domain acquisition period to exponential damping time constant, number of time-domain data points, computer word length, and number of time-domain zero-fillings. In particular, we show that extended zero-filling (e.g., a “zoom” transform) actually reduces the accuracy with which the spectral peak position can be determined. We also examine the effects of frequency-domain random noise and roundoff errors in the fast Fourier transformation (FFT) of time-domain data of limited discrete data word length (e.g., 20 bit/word at single and double precision). Our main conclusions are: (1) even in the presence of noise, a three-point fit of a magnitude-mode spectrum to a magnitude-mode Lorentzian line shape can offer an accurate estimate of peak position in Fourier transform spectroscopy; (2) the results can be more accurate (by a factor of up to 10) when the FFT processor operates with floating-point (preferably double-precision) rather than fixed-point arithmetic; and (3) FFT roundoff errors can be made negligible by use of sufficiently large (> 16 K) data sets.

1984 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 2814-2816 ◽  
G. S. Agarwal ◽  
C. V. Kunasz

1982 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 424-427 ◽  
A. K. Arora ◽  
V. Umadevi

The effect of spectrometer resolution on the peak intensity and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a Lorentzian spectrum is obtained by evaluating the convoluted line shapes. Spectrometer resolution functions (SRF) having Gaussian and triangular profiles are considered separately. Empirical relations to estimate the true peak intensity and the FWHM from the observed parameters are suggested. These relations are valid over an extended range of parameters with an accuracy better than that of other methods suggested earlier. As an application, the true FWHM's and peak intensities of the main component of the Raman active Ag mode of sulphate ion in potash alum at low temperatures are evaluated.

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