doce river
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Gisela Sobral ◽  
Gabby Guilhon ◽  
Filipe Gudinho ◽  
Salvatore Siciliano ◽  
Lisieux Fuzessy

Brazil experienced the largest socioenvironmental catastrophe of its history, caused by a tailings dam failure, known as “Mariana disaster”. The wave of iron-mining waste buried villages, contaminated the Doce River, and left an immense ocean plume. The Doce River watershed is the largest in southeast Brazil, and located in the Atlantic Forest domain, presenting an outstanding economic, social, and biological relevance. Although the effects of such tragic events are usually assessed through fish assemblage changes, mammals have important effects on environment structure and regeneration. Inventories are of prime importance for adequate conservation efforts as well as for evaluating impacts of any disaster. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to present an updated assessment of mammalian list collected in the affected portion of Doce River before the dam failure therefore contributing to future conservation efforts. Data collection comprised specimens deposited in Museu Nacional/UFRJ, the oldest mammal collection of Brazil, and literature review. The two surveys together retrieved 157 species from 31 families and 11 orders, representing around 60% of the known mammalian diversity in the Atlantic Forest, including some in critical conservation condition, such as the Franciscana dolphin, the northern muriqui and the giant otter. Mining is a byproduct of present society, with dam breaches as a recurring problem. Facing the importance of Doce River to both Brazilian biodiversity and society, the chain of events must be taken into account in environmental rehabilitation strategies, and taxa less commonly assessed, like mammals, should be included.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Marcelo Pedrosa Gomes ◽  
Júlio César Moreira Brito ◽  
Fabio Vieira ◽  
Rafael Shinji Akiyama Kitamura ◽  
Philippe Juneau

This study investigated the occurrence and risk assessment of ten pharmaceutical products and two herbicides in the water of rivers from the Doce river watershed (Brazil). Of the 12 chemicals studied, ten (acyclovir, amoxicillin, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, fluoxetine, erythromycin, sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole, glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid) had a 100% detection rate. In general, total concentrations of all target drugs ranged from 4.6 to 14.5 μg L−1, with fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides being the most representative classes of pharmaceutical products. Herbicides were found at concentrations at least ten times higher than those of the individual pharmaceutical products and represented the major class of contaminants in the samples. Most of the contaminants studied were above concentrations that pose an ecotoxicological risk to aquatic biota. Urban wastewater must be the main source of contaminants in waterbodies. Our results show that, in addition to the study of metal in water (currently being conducted after the Fundão dam breach), there is an urgent need to monitor emerging contaminant in waters from Doce river watershed rivers, as some chemicals pose environmental risks to aquatic life and humans due to the use of surface water for drinking and domestic purposes by the local population. Special attention should be given to glyphosate, aminomethylphosaphonic acid, and to ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin (whose concentrations are above predicted levels that induce resistance selection).

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Jéssica Nunes Ferreira ◽  
Helena Maria Pinheiro-Sant’Ana ◽  
Ceres Mattos Della Lucia ◽  
Reinaldo Duque Brasil Landulfo Teixeira ◽  
Leandro de Morais Cardoso ◽  

ABSTRACT: This study evaluated physical characteristics, chemical composition, content of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and minerals in biribiri fruits (Averrhoa bilimbi) from the Middle Doce River region (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Titratable acidity was determined by volumetric neutralization, pH by direct potentiometry, soluble solids by refractometry, humidity by gravimetry, ash by calcination in muffle, proteins by the micro-Kjeldahl method, dietary fiber by non-enzymatic gravimetric method and lipids using a Soxhlet extractor. Carotenoids and vitamin C were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and vitamin E by HPLC with fluorescence detector. Fourteen minerals were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Biribiri showed high yield of edible portion (100%), low lipid, protein and carbohydrate content, and; consequently, low total energy value (25.36 kcal 100 g-1). The fruit also showed low dietary fiber content (0.62 g 100 g-1), total vitamin E (17.62 µg 100 g-1), total carotenoids (0.32 g 100 g-1), and high vitamin C, zinc, copper, iron content, manganese, molybdenum and chrome content. Regarding the heavy metals, the fruit showed no cadmium, and traces of aluminum and nickel. In conclusion, biribiri presented low energy value and expressive contents of dietary fibers, vitamin C, iron, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, and copper.

2022 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
Tiago Magalhães da Silva Freitas ◽  
Gilberto Nepomuceno Salvador

Abstract Aim Determine the length-weight relationship (LWR), the period of reproduction, and evaluate the variation of the condition factor (K) of Hypostomus affinis from two coastal drainages in southeastern Brazil, assessing the influence of the rainfall on these biological aspects. Methods fish were sampled quarterly between April 2008 and April 2010 in tributaries of the Doce River basin (DRB) and the Paraíba do Sul River basin (PSRB). Specimens were caught using gillnets. LWR parameters were assessed by location and sex through a t-test. We used the frequency of mature specimens (FM) to evaluate the breeding period. Both FM and K values were assessed by a sinusoidal equation. Results A total of 492 specimens was captured, of which 128 were from the Doce River basin (DRB) and 364 from the Paraíba do Sul River basin (PSRB). In both areas, specimens showed a negative allometric growth type. We collected mature specimens along the studied period in both drainages, with the highest frequency observed at the beginning of the rainy season. We found a positive correlation between the rate of matures and the local rainfall variation. The condition factor (K) was lower for specimens from DRB and did not show a cyclic trend. On the other hand, we observed a cyclic chance of the K values for the individual from the PSRB, peaking in the transitional dry-rainy period. However, it was not possible to correlate it to the rainfall variation. Conclusions LWR parameters of H. affinis were consistent with data already available in the literature. The rainfall may influence the FM but not the K values. In this case, biological characteristics such as reproduction and (or) feeding may be jointly driving a discrete variation of K values. The reduction in K values in the rainy periods suggests a remarkable energetic cost for the reproductive process. In short, our results help us to understand the life cycle of a fish species within a highly modified environment, especially by dams.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-329
Estefania Momm ◽  
Guilherme Cavicchioli Uchimura ◽  
Karina Oliveira Leitão

Os rompimentos das barragens nas bacias do Rio Doce e do Rio Paraopeba, respectivamente em novem­bro de 2015 e janeiro de 2019, para além das 300 mortes resultantes diretamente das duas catástrofes e da assustadora destruição ecológica por elas produzida, desencadearam a produção de um tecido de re­lações jurídico-econômicas de magnitude colossal orbitando em torno do processo de reparação. Para os argumentos apresentados neste artigo, recorre-se a dois instrumentos de análise: a aproximação meta­fórica às características das expressões artísticas distópicas e ao correlato efeito de estranhamento pro­vocado ao público, buscando a partir deles desenvolver argumentos e análises com o objetivo de desna­turalizar processos e práticas jurídicas e econômicas observadas neste contexto. Da mesma forma, bus­camos entender a relação de forças assimétricas dos atores envolvidos, atendo-nos contrastivamente às estratégias corporativas e às situações de resistência, mobilização e engajamento popular no contexto conflitual da luta por reparação integral. Discutimos de que modo as empresas violadoras constituem estratégias de poder que pressionam a desconstituição de saberes e práticas populares nos territórios atingidos e apresentamos a crítica ao uso da forma da violação do direito, oculta nas práticas de planeja­mento destas empresas. Por fim, são analisadas algumas das possibilidades de organização popular no contexto de uma reparação integral, balizadora das lutas mobilizadas contra a naturalização e a legitima­ção, da distópica violência dos desastres-crimes da mineração no Brasil. Palavras-chave: mineração; desastres-crimes; neoextrativismo; atingidos por barragens; reparação de danos.   Abstract The dams bursts in the Doce River and Paraopeba River basins, respectively in November 2015 and January 2019, in addition to the 300 deaths resulting directly from the two catastrophes and the overwhelming ecological destruction they produced, triggered the production of a fabric of legal-economic relations of colossal magnitude orbiting around the reparation process. For the arguments presented in this article, two analysis arguments are used: the metaphorical convergence to the characteristics of dystopian artistic expressions, and the correlated effect of estrangement evoked, seeking to develop further arguments and analyses with the purpose of deconstruct established legal and economic processes and practices observed in this context. Similarly, we seek to understand the asymmetrical power relations of the actors involved, contrasting corporate strategies with situations of resistance, mobilization, and popular engagement in the conflictual context of the struggle for full reparation. We discuss how the violating companies constitute strategies of power that pressure for the deconstitution of popular knowledge and practices in the affected territories, and we present a critique of the use of rights violation hidden in the planning practices of these companies. Finally, some of the possibilities of popular organization in the context of full damage compensation are reviewed, underpinning the struggles mobilized against naturalization and legitimation, of the dystopian violence of the mining disasters-crimes in Brazil. Keywords: mining; disasters crimes; neoextractivism; affected by dams; damage repair.   Tierras devastadas, escenarios distópicos: Violencia y resistencia en desastres-crímenes mineros en Brasil   Resumen Las fallas de las represas en las cuencas de Río Doce y Río Paraopeba, respectivamente, en noviembre de 2015 y enero de 2019, además de las 300 muertes directamente resultantes de las dos catástrofes y la espantosa destrucción ecológica provocada por ellas, desencadenaron la producción de un tejido de re­laciones jurídico-económicas de colosal magnitud en torno al proceso de reparación. Para los argumentos presentados en este artículo, recurrimos a dos instrumentos de análisis: la aproximación metafórica a las características de las expresiones artísticas distópicas y el relacionado efecto de extrañamiento provo­cado en el público, buscando desarrollar argumentos y análisis con el objetivo de desnaturalizar procesos y practicas jurídicas y económicas observadas en este contexto. Asimismo, buscamos comprender la re­lación de fuerzas asimétricas de los actores involucrados, enfocándonos en estrategias corporativas y situaciones de resistencia, movilización y compromiso popular en el contexto conflictivo de la lucha por la reparación integral. Discutimos cómo las empresas violadoras constituyen estrategias de poder que presionan la desconstitución de saberes y prácticas populares en los territorios afectados y presentamos la crítica al uso de la forma de violación del derecho, escondida en las prácticas de planificación de estas empresas. Finalmente, se analizan algunas de las posibilidades de organización popular en el contexto de la reparación integral, que sustenta las luchas movilizadas contra la naturalización y legitimación, de la violencia distópica de los desastres-crímenes mineros en Brasil. Palabras-clave: minería; desastres-crímenes; neoextractivismo; afectados por represas; reparación de da­ños.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 360-394
Walison Vasconcelos Pascoal ◽  
Andréa Zhouri

Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem de rejeitos de minério de ferro conhecida como Barragem de Fundão, de propriedade da Samarco Mining Inc. Company, uma joint venture envolvendo a Vale S. A. e a BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda, desabou no município de Mariana, Minas Gerais. Cerca de 50 milhões de metros cúbicos de resíduos de mineração foram lançados no Rio Doce e transportados por mais de 600 km até sua foz, no Oceano Atlântico. Entre as muitas comunidades profundamente afetadas estão as do povo indígena Krenak, que habitam a margem esquerda do Rio Doce. Com base na descrição histórica e etno­gráfica dos Krenak e dos conflitos que vivenciaram em seu território ao longo dos anos, o artigo analisa como esse povo foi afetado pelo desastre da mineração do rio Doce. Seis anos depois, o desastre preva­lece como um processo constantemente renovado na vida cotidiana das privações a que todos os grupos afetados foram submetidos. Para o Povo Krenak, o Watu é muito mais do que um rio que proporciona alimentação, lazer, água para os animais e irrigação, enfim, um recurso natural para a sobrevivência. É um parente com quem estabelecem relações. Um familiar que acolhe, aconselha, protege e contribui para a construção da pessoa Krenak. Sua perda, portanto, coloca um desafio ao sistema de justiça ocidental: o reconhecimento de direitos que podem ser formulados a partir de outros sistemas de valoração, basea­dos em cosmovisões e ontologias que questionam o alcance das formas de comensurabilidade e tradução impostas pelo mundo ocidental. Palavras-chave: Mineração; Desastres no Rio Doce; Povo indígena Krenak; Territórios Indígenas; Conflitos Ambientais.   Abstract On November 5, 2015, the iron ore tailings dam known as the Fundão Dam, owned by the Samarco Mining Inc. Company, a joint venture involving Vale S. A. and BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda, collapsed in the municipality of Mariana, Minas Gerais. Around 50 million cubic metres of mining waste were released into the Rio Doce and carried for over 600 km to its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean. Among many communities deeply affected are those of the Krenak indigenous people who inhabit the left margins of the Doce River. Based on historical and ethnographic description of the Krenak and the conflicts they have experienced in their territory over the years, the chapter analysis how this people found themselves affected by the Doce River mining disaster. Six years on, the disaster prevails as a process constantly renewed in the everyday life of privations to which all the affected groups have been subjected.  For the Krenak people, the Watu is much more than a river that provides food, leisure, watering for animals and irrigation, a natural resource, in short, for survival. It is a relative with whom they establish relationships. A relative that welcomes, counsels, protects, and contributes to the construction of the Krenak person. Their loss, thus, poses a challenge to the Western justice system: the recognition of rights that can be formulated from other systems of valuation, based on cosmovisions and ontologies that question the reach of the forms of commensurability and translation imposed by the Western world. Keywords: Mining; Doce River disaster; The Krenak people; Indigenous territory; Environmental conflict.   El pueblo indígena Krenak y el desastre minero del Río Doce   Resumen El 5 de noviembre de 2015, la presa de relaves de mineral de hierro conocida como Fundão, propiedad de Samarco Mining Inc. Company, una empresa conjunta que involucra a Vale SA y BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda, colapsó en el municipio de Mariana, Minas Gerais. Cerca de 50 millones de metros cúbicos de desechos mineros se vertieron en el Río Doce y se transportaron más de 600 km hasta su desembocadura en el Océano Atlántico. Entre las muchas comunidades profundamente afectadas se encuentran las del pueblo indígena Krenak, que habitan en la margen izquierda del Río Doce. A partir de la descripción histórica y etnográfica de los Krenak y los conflictos que vivieron en su territorio a lo largo de los años, el artículo analiza cómo estas personas fueron afectadas por el desastre minero del río Doce. Seis años después, el desastre prevalece como un proceso que se renueva constantemente en la vida cotidiana a partir de las privaciones a las que fueron sometidos todos los grupos afectados. Para la gente de Krenak, el Watu es mucho más que un río que proporciona alimento, ocio, agua para los animales e irrigación, un recurso natural para la supervivencia. Es un familiar con el que establecen relaciones. Un familiar que acoge, ase­sora, protege y contribuye a la construcción de la persona Krenak. Su pérdida, por tanto, plantea un desa­fío para la justicia occidental: el reconocimiento de derechos que pueden ser formulados desde otros sistemas de valoración, basados en cosmovisiones y ontologías que cuestionan el alcance de las formas de conmensurabilidad y traducción impuestas por el mundo occidental. Palabras clave: Minería; Desastre del Río Doce; Indígenas Krenak; Territorios indígenas; Conflictos am­bientales.

Alice Rodrigues de Matos ◽  
Márcia Cristina da Silva Faria ◽  
Bruna Moreira Freire ◽  
Rodrigo Mendes Pereira ◽  
Bruno Lemos Batista ◽  

Bruno Peterle Vaneli ◽  
Eliane Meire de Souza Araújo ◽  
Daniel Ben-Hur Silva de Oliveira ◽  
Izabela Tavares Spagnol ◽  
Edmilson Costa Teixeira

2021 ◽  
pp. 001139212110592
Cristiana Losekann ◽  
Bruno Milanez

In this article, we assess how the demand for participation modified the governance structure initially proposed to deal with the reparation of impacts caused by the failure of the Fundão dam in Mariana (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Throughout the text, we identify how mining companies sought to build a solution based on a complex structure of governance with the consent of government agencies. We also verify that, in contrast, social movements pressured justice institutions for alternatives that guarantee some level of participation of the affected communities. As a result of this interaction, we argue that a hybrid system was created, which proved excessively slow, highly inefficient and unable to meet the main demands of the affected people.

Juni Cordeiro ◽  
Alessandra R. Gomes ◽  
Carlos Henrique B. Santos ◽  
Everlon Cid Rigobelo ◽  
Marcio B. Baptista ◽  

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