aida model
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-81
Ayu Ananda ◽  
Syifaa Novianti

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit Indonesia, tourists have become more careful when doing tourist activities. Natural or outdoor tourist destinations are assumed as safe and preferable destinations because they have the lowest risk of coronavirus transmission. One of the activities that can be done in natural or outdoor tourist destinations is camping. Using the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) Model, this research was conducted to determine how much tourists are interested in camping, especially in South Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, as it has many natural tourist destinations with camping areas. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method, frequency analysis techniques, and scoring analysis. Samples were taken using a stratified random sampling technique to 111 respondents. Respondents are tourists who know or have visited one of the three natural tourist destinations in South Bandung, used as samples, namely Mount Puntang, Ranca Upas, and Rancabali. The results show that tourists are quite interested in camping as an alternative tourism activity during the coronavirus pandemic. However, they have some limitations or prerequisites in visiting the camping area during these uncertain times.

2021 ◽  
Ria Ariani ◽  
Rasty Ucyari ◽  
Lisda Rahayu ◽  

This study evaluates the practice of a knowledge management system through the knowledge management application used by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). The purpose of this study is to understand and get an overview from BPPT employees related to BPPT knowledge management (KM) application in its function as an organizational knowledge collection platform. This study is hopefully beneficial to see the effectiveness of the features of KM application in supporting the work activities of BPPT employees. The method used in this research is quantitative, using a questionnaire technique based on a survey to gather the data. The questionnaire was distributed to employees who are the administrator of the KM BPPT application from each BPPT working unit. The collected data were processed and analyzed using the AIDA model. This study indicates that BPPT employees have used the BPPT KM application, and some of the features also have been used, such as chats, tasks, drives, and events. Moreover, based on the results obtained, it is known that BPPT employees trust the app and consider the BPPT KM application reliable to store and manage organizational knowledge properly.

2021 ◽  
Noviana Pratiwi ◽  
Ujang Maman ◽  
Junaidi ◽  
Nana Danapriatna ◽  
Rusdiono Mukri ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Ayu Ananda ◽  
Azizah Salsabila Nugraha ◽  
Annisa Rachmah Fujianti ◽  
Eko Susanto

This research is motivated by the considerable potential and market share of millennials as a tourism target market. The promotion strategy of a tourist destination is carried out through innovative media, one of which is through movie media or empirically known as the concept of Movie Induced Tourism. This research was conducted to determine the effect of movies on millennial tourist visits, applying descriptive quantitative research methods. Questionnaires were used as data collection techniques to obtain primary data and through journals and e-book to get secondary data. SEM-PLS has been applied to measure relationships between variables and research models. The results of this study are that movies attributes can have a significant positive effect on personal connections and AIDA Model.

Shilla Novira Pertiwi ◽  
Pandi Pardian ◽  
Lucyana Trimo ◽  
Agriani Hermita Sadeli

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 03006
Yan Jiaqi ◽  
Brain Sheng-Xian Teo ◽  
Li Tingting ◽  
Zhang Jiaxun

Social media is an influential objective for most industries. Organizations in every sector are willing to implement this technique for achieving several business goals. Some of them are brand loyalty and service quality. The current study analyses these specific objectives in the tourism sector. The AIDA model has been considered in this scenario, where five hypotheses are generated. Instagram has been selected as the selected social media platform, as 45% of respondents preferred it. The study includes a primary research method surveying 51 respondents and evaluating the quantitative data using SPSS. The KMO and Bartlett’s Test indicated a reading of 0.932, which describes the reliability of the sample. The statistical value provides that there is a strongly positive relation (R-0.960; R2-0.922; 92.2%) between tourism brand and product quality in the sector. On the other hand, through Cronbach’s alpha, the results came as 0.997, which shows the high level of consistency between the variables. It has been further analysed that brand awareness, brand loyalty, and tourism product service are integral part of business objects that are related to social media marketing.

Rendy Iswanto ◽  
Agung Eko Budiwaspada ◽  
Acep Iwan Saidi

<span>Using Aida Model For The Formation Of The Brand Photo Cabin Concept In The Media Social</span><br /><span>Instagram. The development of photo corner services in Surabaya is particularly fast making competition</span><br /><span>even tighter. The intense business competition makes photo business people corner does various ways</span><br /><span>to market its services. One of them is with using Instagram social media. Social media is used as a</span><br /><span>means of promotion and marketing to increase consumer buying interest. This research is to analyze</span><br /><span>qualitatively on the use of the AIDA model, namely Attention, Interest (Interests), Desire (Desire) and</span><br /><span>Action (Actions in shaping the concept of a brand Photo Cabin on Instagram social media.</span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 30-36
Michal Budinský ◽  
Janka Petrovičová

The implementation of new technologies among businesses is a common practice, in order to keep their market position and to enhance their performance. As the world changes further, high-tech innovations and applications take place. Notably, biometric technologies and the scope of their usage is a recently discussed topic as they represent a huge potential for the improvement of business processes in distinctive areas. Their implementation in businesses generates valuable information about customers and allows businesses to more precisely fulfill their needs and requirements. Related to this, questions about business interest and preparedness for these technologies is in place. The main aim of this paper is to identify the stage of purchase behavior of the investigated businesses operating in Slovakia related to facial biometric technology. Specifically, we focused our attention on the identification of businesses in reference to a particular stage of the AIDA model and further devoted to the description of business from individual stages.

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