language ethics
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2022 ◽  
Muhammad Daffa Soelistijono Putra ◽  
Naila Silvana ◽  
Qoni' Atuzzahra Soegijarso ◽  
Alda Krisna Wardani ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Behavior, ethics, and also language are social things. Communication procedures or ethics can be influenced by the cultural norms of particular community groups. In the current era of life, many people still lack knowledge about ethics in language. The focus of the study of this research leads to ethical aspects of language in everyday life and is attached to the subject of this research. This research is descriptive quantitative. The research object was selected based on the knowledge of several people about language ethics. This study aims to find out how essential language ethics is in everyday life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Thelma I. M. Wengkang ◽  
Thomas M. Senduk

This study aims to describe the form and meaning of politeness speech on solidarity scale-based Manado Malay speakers. This study conducted in Manado city and used qualitative as a method. Observation and interviews were used as a technique of the study. The observation was used to observe the speakers of Manado Malay in using polite speech in daily social activities, whereas an interview was used by the researcher to questioning the informant about the use of polite speech in social interaction. This technique is complemented with listening, proficient, and note-taking techniques. The researcher plays a role as a key instrument who collects and analyzes the data. The source of data is the native speakers of Manado Malay who do interact in various places. Three informants who master Manado Malay were chosen. Techniques of analyzing data consist of 1) data reduction, simplified data collection, 2) data presentation, simplified data presented, categorized based on form and meaning, 3) verification, the data that has been presented were checked once more to ensure the accuracy according to the expected data, 4) conclusions, answering the predetermined problem formulations. The results showed that the social dimension, especially the solidarity scale, is a consideration for Manado Malay speakers in realizing polite speech, as well as when to use informal variants and when to use formal ones. The relationship among speakers has made them create the appropriate language choices, but language ethics that embody politeness remain a consideration. In various social interactions, occupations, religious meetings, associations, and family interactions, it turns out that Manado Malay people realize the politeness of speaking by changing command sentences into declarative sentences and asking along with the use of a flat intonation when speaking. The consideration of solidarity is the reason they speak politely, in addition to the status and formality scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 605-613
Grenada Tri Kardiana ◽  
Mita Nur Zahwa ◽  
Nurmalita Istifayza ◽  
Vina Aprilia ◽  
Windi Trisna Devi ◽  

Modernization also causes a shift in interaction patterns and changes in values in society. There are still many people who do not have ethics in the campus environment, such as speaking impolitely with peers or with elders. This research was conducted to find out how to ethically speak student language to lecturers in the Sociology Department. This Research uses qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. This data collection technique is done by means of interviews. The informants of this study were lecturers of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences based on the criteria. The criteria used are different ages, namely senior lecturers and junior lecturers. In addition, informants were also obtained from active sociology students and came from different generations. The result of this study is that one of the factors that influence the language ethics of students is the difference of age between students and lecturers that not too far, so that students think of lecturers as their own friends, which makes them free to speak according to their wishes without thinking about who the interlocutor is and the solution for handling bad ethics is by holding activities that explain the importance of good ethics at campus since new students are in the campus environment. Modernisasi juga menimbulkan pergeseran pola interaksi dan berubahnya nilai-nilai dalam masyarakat. Masih banyak manusia yang tidak ber-etika di lingkungan kampus seperti cara berbicara yang kurang sopan baik dengan teman sebaya ataupun dengan yang lebih tua. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui cara beretika dalam berbahasa mahasiswa kepada dosen yang ada di Jurusan Sosiologi. Di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara. Informan penelitian ini adalah dosen jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dengan berdasarkan kriteria. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah umur yang berbeda yakni dosen senior dan dosen junior. Selain itu, informan juga didapatkan dari beberapa mahasiswa aktif dan berasal dari berbeda-beda angkatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi etika berbahasa mahasiswa adalah adanya perbedaan usia yang tidak terlalu jauh antara mahasiswa dengan dosen, sehingga para mahasiswa menganggap dosen seperti temannya sendiri yang membuat mereka bebas berbahasa sesuai dengan kemauannya tanpa memikirkan siapa lawan bicaranya dan solusi untuk menangani etika yang kurang baik adalah dengan mengadakan kegiatan yang menjelaskan pentingnya beretika yang baik di kampus sejak mahasiswa baru berada di lingkungan kampus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-176
Markhamah Markhamah

This article aims to identify Muhammad’s linguistic characters as a speech partner and speaker in the Quran. Objects of this research are verses in Quran translation texts containing Muhammad's role as a speech partner and speaker. Data were collected using observation and documentation techniques and analyzed using the referential identity method. The study found that Muhammad's characters as a speech partner and speaker in Quran translation texts contain many educational values applicable to language ethics. They include: utilizing trusted source as information basis of using language, being a trustworthy communicator of language, integrity in language and faith, not accusing without accurate information, applying proper respect to speech partners, utilization of positive tone, using the language for harmony. In conclusion, in Quran translation texts, Muhammad's linguistics characters can be utilized in language ethics education as a source of values that can be universally understood and accepted.

Т.А. Марцева ◽  
Ю.В. Кобенко ◽  
О.В. Солодовникова ◽  
Е.С. Рябова

Постановка задачи. В работе рассматривается историческая трансформация представлений о политкорректности в англоязычной культуре, являющейся в настоящее время доминирующей «глобальной» культурой. В отечественной лингвистике существует ряд синонимичных терминов для номинации данного явления: коммуникативная корректность, языковая толерантность, языковой такт. Результаты. Отношение к политкорректности значительно эволюционировало с момента ее зарождения в англоязычной среде в 1980е гг. Изначально явление рассматривали в качестве способа обеспечения взаимоуважения и терпимости в международном поликультурном и мультилингвальном пространстве. В начале XXI в. отмечается ироничное восприятие политкорректности, вызванное гиперкорректностью, желанием завуалировать все неоднозначные проявления действительности. Тем не менее политкорректное отношение необходимо для таких социальных категорий индивидов, как люди с ограниченными возможностями. Выбор паралимпийского дискурса в качестве источника материала по политкорректности обусловлен статусом английского языка, выступающего единственным официальным языком паралимпийского движения. Международный паралимпийский комитет - управляющий орган паралимпийского движения и посредник между спортсменами с инвалидностью и общественностью - также выполняет функцию субъекта языковой политики. Данная организация стала инициатором лингвистических экспериментов по поиску подходящих номинаций для спортсменов-участников данных соревнований. Выводы. Динамика номинаций спортсменов с инвалидностью демонстрирует эволюцию от лексем с негативной коннотацией, распространенных до 1960 гг., чрезмерно осторожных номинаций, употребляемых в 1980е - 2000е гг., до откровенных и эксплицитных лексических единиц, используемых в настоящее время. Паралимпийский дискурс представляется питательной средой для генерации и апробации таких номинаций, откуда они позже распространяются на людей с инвалидностью в целом. Изменения интралингвистического характера повлияли на трансформацию в мировоззренческих установках и отношении к людям с ограниченными возможностями. Таким образом, через лингвистические новшества осуществляется пропагандистская деятельность паралимпийского комитета, вызывающая в конечном итоге изменения экстралингвистического порядка. Formulation of the problem. The article looks into the changes in attitudes to political correctness in English linguistic culture, presently considered the dominant “global” culture. Russian linguistics offers a range of synonymous terms to nominate this phenomenon: communicative correctness, language tolerance, language ethics, etc. Results. The attitude to political correctness has evolved significantly since its appearance in English-speaking environment in the 1980s. It was initially viewed as the means of providing and securing tolerance and respect in the international multicultural and multilingual community. The turn of the 21 century showed ironic perception of political correctness caused by hypercorrectness and desire to conceal the controversial facts of the real life. However, tolerant attitude is crucial for such social categories as people with disabilities. The decision to analyze the Paralympic discourse in search for the examples of politically correct nominations is caused by the status of English language - the only official language of the Paralympic movement. International Paralympic Committee - the managing structure of the Paralympics and the intermediary between para-athletes and society also performs the function of the agent of language policy. This organization initiated linguistic experiments to search the appropriate nominations of para-sportspeople. Conclusion. The range of nominations demonstrates evolution from the lexemes with negative connotations, widely used up to the 1960s, extremely cautious nominations, spread in English throughout 1980s - 2000s to explicit lexical units used nowadays. Paralympic discourse has become the medium that stimulates emergence and practical evaluation of such nominations. It is also the platform for their further spread to be used as the nominations of all people with disabilities. Intralinguistic changes have influenced the mentality of English-speakers and their attitude to people with disabilities. This is an example of the propaganda performed by the International Paralympic Committee, which leads to the extralinguistic changes.

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