water quality problem
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Ms. S. Thangappa ◽  
Ms. M. Annalakshmi ◽  
Dr. M. Sivakumar

Productive resources, which are vital for economic development of nations, are primarily scarce among nations. Capital being an important productive resource is abundant in industrialized economics. Structural adjustments in developing economics due to the introduction of globalization, since 1991, enabled Indian economy to attract these productive resources in a massive scale. Being the second largest populated nations of the world, India is unable to exploit its labour resources fully, due to the scarce availability of capital. This is one of the main reasons, why India had not achieved the desired level of economic growth, as expected. However the flow of capital movements to India during the post reform period is encouraging. As a result, India has achieved the growth rate of GDP at 7.2% per annum recently. But due to the uncontrolled growth of urbanization and industrialization, expansion and massive intensification of agriculture and the destruction of forests has created heavy pressure on land, forests, water and biodiversity. In the era of globalization, water has considered as an economic goods due to the higher demand. Water quality problem arises due to the extractive industries as well as from various manufacturing and agricultural production processes. Various pollutants are generated as the by product in the production of Pesticides, leather goods, detergent, plastic, pulp and paper. These pollutants have led to major environmental issues such as Forest and Agricultural land degradation, Resource depletion (water, mineral, forest, sand, rocks etc.,), Environmental degradation, Public Health, Loss of Biodiversity, Loss of resilience in ecosystems, Livelihood Security for the Poor. In recent years there has been growing concern about degradation and pollution of environment and climate change as they impact on future development of both the developing and developed countries. In 1992, representatives of over 150 countries met at Rio in Brazil to discuss the environmental issues and their implications for future development of the world. This meeting at Rio is called the ‘Earth summit’ or the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 61-76
S Rehan Ahmed ◽  

Poultry farming is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in Garhbeta, Midnapore. It has become a source of revenue for individual farmers. However poultry farming is associated with various environmental pollutants that causes environmental risk like airborne bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms into the environment and food chain. Poultry production is quickly becoming more intensive, geographically concentrated, vertically integrated and link with global supply chain. In Garhbeta, Midnapore area broiler poultry sector has a great potential for providing employment opportunities to the unemployed youth, rural women, small and marginal farmers. Here huge poultry waste managed by land disposal, resulting in environmental problems and odour is very local issue and waste almost attract flies, rotten and other pests that create local nuisances and carry diseases. At improper disposal of poultry carcasses contribute huge water quality problem specially in this areas. This paper present the poultry farming procedure and waste generation from poultry farm which is a significant matter of our environment and management of these waste is also a great challenge for those poultry farm.

2021 ◽  
Mubashar Abbasi

Computer simulations have become a useful part of mathematical modeling of many natural systems in science and engineering. Simulations can be used to explore and gain new insights into new technology, and to estimate the performance of systems too complex for analytical solutions. BIOPLUME III is a numerical two-dimensional model that tracks the fate and transport of aromatic hydrocarbons. To help the environmental professional with the data management, visualization, and decision making tasks involved. Interpretations based on model analyses must recognize the significance of uncertainties in input data. Models of ground-water systems should be regarded as just one tool among many that can be used in the analysis of a ground-water quality problem. Numerical simulation can help the analyst integrate available data, evaluate conceptual models, test hypotheses pertaining to flow and quality changes, and predict system responses to alternative stresses. The models do not replace field data, but they help to guide the design of a more effective and more efficient data-collection program.

2021 ◽  
Mubashar Abbasi

Computer simulations have become a useful part of mathematical modeling of many natural systems in science and engineering. Simulations can be used to explore and gain new insights into new technology, and to estimate the performance of systems too complex for analytical solutions. BIOPLUME III is a numerical two-dimensional model that tracks the fate and transport of aromatic hydrocarbons. To help the environmental professional with the data management, visualization, and decision making tasks involved. Interpretations based on model analyses must recognize the significance of uncertainties in input data. Models of ground-water systems should be regarded as just one tool among many that can be used in the analysis of a ground-water quality problem. Numerical simulation can help the analyst integrate available data, evaluate conceptual models, test hypotheses pertaining to flow and quality changes, and predict system responses to alternative stresses. The models do not replace field data, but they help to guide the design of a more effective and more efficient data-collection program.

2021 ◽  
Sangyeob Kim ◽  
Shohei Hayashi ◽  
Shingo Masuki ◽  
Kazuhiro Ayukawa ◽  
Shuji Ohtani ◽  

Abstract Harmful cyanobacterial blooms (HCBs) are continuously formed in water systems such as reservoirs and lakes around the world. In particular, geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB), which are made by cyanobacteria, have caused serious musty-odor problems in the drinking water of the Sanbe reservoir in Japan. To investigate the cause of this musty odor, we conducted field observations for five years (2015–2019). As a result, it was determined that the geosmin was caused by the cyanobacteria as Dolichospermum crassum and Dolichospermum planctonicum, and 2-MIB was caused by the cyanobacteria as Pseudanabaena sp and Aphanizomenon cf. flos-aquae. It was also determined that the occurrence of geosmin and 2-MIB are influenced by changes in water temperature and pH due to the inflow of rainfall. Especially, the geosmin and 2-MIB tended to occur in low rainfall conditions. When there is low rainfall, the reservoir changes to an alkaline state due to the consumption of CO2 by the photosynthesis of phytoplankton. In an alkaline reservoir, CO2 exists in the form of bicarbonate (HCO3-); thus, under these condition cyanobacteria will increase because it uses both CO2 and bicarbonate (HCO3-) for photosynthesis. Our study suggests that for solving the musty-odor problem in the reservoir, it is important to control the reservoir’s pH. Moreover, more focus should be place in managing the water quality problem of the Sanbe Reservoir, especially, during low rainfall years. The results of this study will help in addressing odor related water quality problem in other reservoirs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 12008
Tatiana Ivankova

This paper presents multifactorial studies to solve the improving water quality problem where effective filtering devices development is relevant. Intake filters perform primary treatment retain water suspension and debris of anthropogenic origin. Water analysis monitoring of the Eshkakon reservoir has been presented, as a result there is a need to use a filtration device to reduce its turbidity. A comparative analysis of material, construction and operating costs of various types of water intakes is given and the most economical and prospective one, composed of soft floating filtering devices made of synthetic fabrics, is identified. The main purpose of the device is to reduce “mud load”, mechanical pre-treatment of fresh water until entering a water treatment plant (WTP), water purification from plankton and suspended particles. The main element of the device is a filter wall made of flexible polypropylene material, which makes selective water intake. Advantages of the device include flexibility, high short-term and long-term strength, rot proofing; compliance of the filter design with effective fish protection devices; economic effect of advent of technology is to reduce investment in its manufacture, material consumption and labor costs in operational cycle.

Muhammad Aznil Ab Aziz ◽  
M. F. Abas ◽  
Mohamad Khairul Anwar Abu Bashri ◽  
N. Md. Saad ◽  
M. H. Ariff

Water quality is the main aspect to determine the quality of aquatic systems. Poor water quality will pose a health risk for people and ecosystems. The old methods such as collecting samples of water manually and testing and analysing at lab will cause the time consuming, wastage of man power and not economical. A system is needed to provide a real-time data for environmental protection and tracking pollution sources. This paper aims to describe on how to monitor water quality continuously through IoT platform. Water Quality Catchment Monitoring System was introduced to check and monitor water quality continuously. It’s features five sensors which are temperature sensor, light intensity sensor, pH sensor, GPS tracker and Inertia Movement Unit (IMU). IMU is a new feature in the system where the direction of x and y is determined for planning and find out where a water quality problem exists by determining the flow of water. The system uses an internet wireless connection using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Shield Module as a connection between Arduino Mega2560 and laptop. ThingSpeak application acts as an IoT platform used for real-time data monitoring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 249-254 ◽  
Lei Zhang

Water quality assessment is an increasingly important area in environmental study. Assessment of water quality can be a process include multiple factors which can causing influence on water quality. Researchers have developed many evaluation indices In order to display the results of water quality evaluation more intuitively. Water quality index has been the important fields in sustainable water quality management. This research based on the papers published of 20 years from web of science, analyzed the data by using CiteSpace 5.0. The result shows the direction, frontiers and hotspots of water quality index. Research from institutes, research keywords, word frequency, quoted literature and Subjects. The result shows in view of the world, India, China, US, Brazil and Iran are major countries. From the hotspots and frontiers of research, key words such like water quality management, drinking water quality are the main research hotspots and frontiers of social network in the contamination of water and water quality problem in China and India. this study  provide a  method for scientists to keep up with the situation of the study on water quality management., and puts forward suggestions for the further research on sustainable water quality index.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 261 ◽  
Morgan P. Davis ◽  
Tyler A. Groh ◽  
Dan B. Jaynes ◽  
Timothy B. Parkin ◽  
Thomas M. Isenhart

2019 ◽  
Vol 270 ◽  
pp. 04019
Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica ◽  
Herr Soeryantono ◽  
Dwinanti Rika Marthanty

Problems about lakes are inclining every year, especially for water quality problem. Policy decisions to conserve lakes could be well achieved by data prediction. Modelling by using software could describe the future conditions of lake and give policymakers to legislate the best alternative solution. This research studies Agathis lake characteristics. The lake is situated in Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. The research employs Resource Modelling Associates (RMA) program to simulate hydraulic and water quality data. This research will determine the most representative water sampling location and type of TSS for calibration analysis. Next, this research simulates two scenarios of lake’s conditions. The simulation is run by modelling the lake with wetland scenario and with rainy season scenario. After running several iterations, the most representative water sampling location is in the upper part of the water column and the best model of TSS is mixed TSS. Two simulated scenarios produce a reasonable result and could predict the future conditions of Agathis Lake. The research recommends that the sediment trap, that is located in the inlet of the lake, should be well-treated regularly in rainy season, and Universitas Indonesia should manage and arrange the suitable plants to be applied in the future constructed wetland.

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