precession frequency
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Muhammad Rizwan ◽  
Tooba Feroze

In this paper, we study the effects of the external magnetic field on the Lense–Thirring (LT) precession of a test gyroscope attached to an observer in magnetized black hole spacetime. For this, we consider a Kerr–Newman black hole embedded in the external magnetic field. The LT precession of a test gyroscope diverges near the ergosurface and remains finite everywhere outside the ergosurface. It is seen that by increasing the external magnetic field, the LT precession frequency in the region of large [Formula: see text] decreases as [Formula: see text] increases, while the precession frequency in the region of small [Formula: see text] increases as [Formula: see text] increases, whereas it increases with increasing the charge of the black hole. The LT precession of a test gyroscope attached to observers moving along the directions close to the polar axis is greater than that of the observer moving in the equatorial plane.

Stephanie Roccia ◽  
Geza Zsigmond

The nEDM apparatus at PSI has been used to search for different dark matter signatures utilizing its high sensitivity to shifts in the neutron precession frequency and its well-controlled low magnetic field at the \muμT level. Such a shift could be interpreted as a consequence of a short-range spin-dependent interaction that could possibly be mediated by axions or axion-like particles, or as an axion-induced oscillating electric dipole moment of the neutron. Another search, based on so-called UCN disappearance measurements, targeted previously reported signals of neutron to mirror-neutron oscillations. These dark matter searches confirmed and improved previous results, as detailed in this review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (7) ◽  
T. Albahri ◽  
A. Anastasi ◽  
A. Anisenkov ◽  
K. Badgley ◽  
S. Baeßler ◽  

Open Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Nikolay Kryukov ◽  
Eugene Oks

Abstract In the literature, there were studies of Rydberg states of hydrogenic atoms/ions in a high-frequency laser field. It was shown that the motion of the Rydberg electron is analogous to the motion of a satellite around an oblate planet (for a linearly polarized laser field) or around a (fictitious) prolate planet (for a circularly polarized laser field): it exhibits two kinds of precession – one of them is the precession within the orbital plane and another one is the precession of the orbital plane. In this study, we study a helium atom or a helium-like ion with one of the two electrons in a Rydberg state, the system being under a high-frequency laser field. For obtaining analytical results, we use the generalized method of the effective potentials. We find two primary effects of the high-frequency laser field on circular Rydberg states. The first effect is the precession of the orbital plane of the Rydberg electron. We calculate analytically the precession frequency and show that it differs from the case of a hydrogenic atom/ion. In the radiation spectrum, this precession would manifest as satellites separated from the spectral line at the Kepler frequency by multiples of the precession frequency. The second effect is a shift of the energy of the Rydberg electron, also calculated analytically. We find that the absolute value of the shift increases monotonically as the unperturbed binding energy of the Rydberg electron increases. We also find that the shift has a nonmonotonic dependence on the nuclear charge Z: as Z increases, the absolute value of the shift first increases, then reaches a maximum, and then decreases. The nonmonotonic dependence of the laser field-caused energy shift on the nuclear charge is a counterintuitive result.

Yu Zhang ◽  
Guanjie Wu ◽  
Weihua Zhu ◽  
Zhihao Ji ◽  
Qingyuan Jin ◽  

Magnetization dynamics of the epitaxially-grown Co2FeAl (CFA) thin films have been systematically investigated by the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE). The dependences of precession frequency f, relaxion time τ and...

2020 ◽  
Vol 500 (1) ◽  
pp. 1222-1230
Siddhant Solanki ◽  
Thomas Kupfer ◽  
Omer Blaes ◽  
Elmé Breedt ◽  
Simone Scaringi

ABSTRACT We analyse Kepler/K2 light-curve data of the AM CVn system HP Librae (HP Lib). We detect with confidence four photometric periodicities in the system: the orbital frequency, both positive and negative superhumps, and the positive apsidal precession frequency of the accretion disc. This is only the second time that the apsidal precession frequency has ever been directly detected in the photometry of a helium accreting system, after SDSS J135154.46-064309.0. We present phase-folded light curves and sliding power spectra of each of the four periodicities. We measure rates of change of the positive superhump period of ∼10−7 d. We also redetect a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at ∼300 cyc d–1, a feature that has been stable over decades, and show that it is harmonically related to two other QPOs, the lowest of which is centred on the superhump/orbital frequency. The continuum power spectrum is consistent with a single power law with no evidence of any breaks within our observed frequency range.

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