educational pathways
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2022 ◽  
pp. 74-92
Sandra Blanke ◽  
Paul Christian Nielsen ◽  
Brian Wrozek

The need for cybersecurity professionals extends across government and private industries. Estimates place the shortage of cybersecurity professionals at 1.8 million by 2022. This chapter provides aspiring cybersecurity students a clear understanding of the various educational pathways they can choose to achieve their goals. The authors describe educational categories and include an assessment of each that students will want to consider based on their own situation. The authors discuss how the study of cybersecurity can be accomplished from a computer science, engineering, and business perspective. Students with STEM skills can accomplish their goals in numerous cybersecurity roles including cyber engineer, architect, and other technical roles. Finally, students with cyber business interest can accomplish their goals with a focus on strategy, compliance, awareness, and others. Organizations need employees with all these skills. This chapter concludes with the recommendation for continual learning, the value of networking, and the encouragement for students to start creating a cyber career.

2022 ◽  
pp. 157-195
Shalin Hai-Jew

Demand is very high for people to work in various cybersecurity professions and ceteris paribus that demand may well continue into the near term. While there are more formal trails for employment, such as higher-educational pathways, performance in cybersecurity competitions, participation in professional conferences, and social media presentations may all offer less conventional paths into cybersecurity hiring. Through a convenience sample across a number of social media platforms and bottom-up coding, this work explores some aspects of cybersecurity professional profiles (“calling cards”) available on the open Social Web and what may be learned about respective skills and capabilities from these glimmers of the person(s) behind the profiles. These profiles are assessed based on a 2x2 axis with focuses on (1) target skills and (2) personhood attributes. From these analyses, some tentative insights are shared about the cybersecurity calling cards and how informative they may be for recruitment and retention of cybersecurity workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-40
Elena Zanfroni ◽  
Silvia Maggiolini ◽  
Luigi D'Alonzo

The research FocuScuola 20.20 – promoted by the Centre for Studies and Research on Disability and Marginality of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – aims at specifically understanding the state of the art of the inclusive processes at the return to school after the first lockdown period. This research is in line with the aims of national and international surveys that have analysed the challenges to which the school system has been called in this period of health and social emergency. The collected data show a picture that seems to confirm the critics linked to an ideological and reductive scenario. This view is although characterized by some positive elements in terms of reception and attention to students with greater vulnerability, but it is substantially distant from the realisation of educational pathways that assume educational differentiation as an authentic perspective and concrete working method.   Quando tutto è ricominciato: il ritorno a scuola degli alunni più fragili. Esiti della ricerca FocuScuola Inclusione 20.20.   La ricerca FocuScuola 20.20 – promossa dal Centro Studi e Ricerche sulla Disabilità e la Marginalità dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – ha inteso comprendere in modo specifico lo stato dell’arte dei processi inclusivi al rientro a scuola dopo il primo periodo di lockdown. Lo studio è in linea con le finalità di indagini nazionali e internazionali che hanno analizzato le sfide a cui il sistema scolastico è stato chiamato in questo periodo di emergenza sanitaria e sociale. I dati raccolti evidenziano un quadro che, seppur caratterizzato da alcuni elementi positivi sul piano dell’accoglienza e dell’attenzione verso gli alunni con maggiore vulnerabilità, sembra confermare le criticità legate ad una visione per molti aspetti ideologica e riduttiva, sostanzialmente lontana dalla realizzazione di percorsi educativi che assumano la differenziazione didattica come autentica prospettiva e concreta modalità di lavoro.

Ilana M. Horwitz

It’s widely acknowledged that American parents from different class backgrounds take different approaches to raising their children. But missing from the discussion is the fact that millions of parents on both sides of the class divide are raising their children to listen to God. What impact does a religious upbringing have on their academic trajectories? Drawing on 10 years of survey data with over 3,000 teenagers and over 200 interviews, God, Grades, and Graduation offers a revealing and at times surprising account of how teenagers’ religious upbringing influences their educational pathways from high school to college. God, Grades, and Graduation introduces readers to a childrearing logic that cuts across social class groups and accounts for Americans’ deep relationship with God: religious restraint. This book takes us inside the lives of these teenagers to discover why they achieve higher grades than their peers, why they are more likely to graduate from college, and why boys from lower-middle-class families particularly benefit from religious restraint. But readers also learn how for middle-upper-class kids—and for girls especially—religious restraint recalibrates their academic ambitions after graduation, leading them to question the value of attending a selective college despite their stellar grades in high school. By illuminating the far-reaching effects of the childrearing logic of religious restraint, God, Grades, and Graduation offers a compelling new narrative about the role of religion in academic outcomes and educational inequality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144078332110517
Marie Verhoeven ◽  
Hugues Draelants ◽  
Tomás Ilabaca Turri

Using a societal analysis perspective that articulates structural, institutional and cognitive dimensions, this article outlines a model examining the contribution made by the schooling system to the social construction of elites. The model is put to the test by a comparative study of elitist educational pathways and their contrasting organisational modes in France, Belgium and Chile. The article shows that both the education of elites, and the role played by school in providing access to privileged social positions, continue to be marked by the distinctive historical construction of each society and education system, despite cross-cutting trends that are linked to globalisation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103985622110450
Odille Chang ◽  
Brigid Ryan ◽  
Avelina Rokoduru ◽  
Amanda Hill ◽  
Senimelia Hataogo ◽  

Objective: Pacific Island Countries (PICs) record high rates of gender-based violence (GBV). COVID-19 has significantly increased the number of GBV cases globally. This research aims to understand educational pathways for PICs’ healthcare workers (HCWs) to strengthen GBV clinical practices in the Pasifika Veilomani (sharing the love) project. Method: A literature review, content experts’ discussion and review of stakeholder governance documents were used to inform the design of the telehealth training. HCWs were invited to share experiences, further exploring the capacity of online learning to meet clinical practice needs. Results: Global health guidance was adapted by Pacific experts to deliver a 12-week multidisciplinary course. One hundred and thirty-six participants from nine PICs registered and participated in the telehealth sessions. Despite internet and technical difficulties, participants’ responses were positive. Results indicated the online training improved their confidence, helped them to reflect on practice and that more training would be valued. Conclusions: The Pasifika Veilomani Project engaged HCW and clinical leaders to inform current practices, education, and public health approaches on GBV as a public health priority. This project demonstrates the potential for engaging and supporting HCW remotely across challenging geographic, service and cultural domains in the context of COVID-19 social and service demands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 683-696
Jaekyung Lee ◽  
Joseph Jaeger

<p style="text-align: justify;">What are missing in the U.S. education policy of “college for all” are supporting data and indicators on K-16 education pathways, i.e, how well all students get ready and stay on track from kindergarten through college. This study creates synthetic national longitudinal education database that helps track and support students’ educational pathways by combining two nationally-representative U.S. sample datasets: Early Childhood Longitudinal Study- Kindergarten (ECLS-K; Kindergarten through 8th grade) and National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS; 8th grade through age 25). The merge of these national datasets, linked together via statistical matching and imputation techniques, can help bridge the gap between elementary and secondary/postsecondary education data/research silos. Using this synthetic K-16 education longitudinal database, this study applies machine learning data analytics in search of college readiness early indicators among kindergarten students. It shows the utilities and limitations of linking preexisting national datasets to impute education pathways and assess college readiness. It discusses implications for developing more holistic and equitable educational assessment system in support of K-16 education longitudinal database.</p>

2021 ◽  
Angharad Butler-Rees ◽  
Stella Chatzitheochari

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for social research. However, little isknown about the impact of social distancing measures on research with hard-to-reach populations.This paper provides a methodological reflection on the efficiency of socially distanced recruitmentand interviewing methods for research with disabled young people, drawing on our experience fromthe Educational Pathways and Work Outcomes longitudinal study, which started in November 2020during the second national lockdown in England. We discuss difficulties in gaining access to disabledyoung people and argue that the pandemic has exacerbated longstanding barriers implicated in therecruitment of hard-to-reach populations who are typically seen as vulnerable by gatekeepers. Incontrast, our experience suggests that flexible online/virtual interviews can overcome pitfalls inherentin the face-to-face interviewing of disabled young people and could therefore be utilised to make theirvoices heard in a variety of contexts and scenarios beyond the ongoing pandemic.

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