help desk
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2021 ◽  
pp. 100237
Jörg Schad ◽  
Rajiv Sambasivan ◽  
Christopher Woodward

Rizki Tri Prasetio ◽  
Yudi Ramdhani ◽  
Doni Purnama Alamsyah

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Thomas Liwosz ◽  
Miriam Ruth Bowers Abbott ◽  
Jami Nininger ◽  
Kathleen Williamson

2021 ◽  
pp. 100367
Sam Zaza ◽  
Iris Junglas ◽  
Deborah J. Armstrong

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-21
A. Ali Imran Sadiq ◽  
Mohammad Tahir Haning ◽  
Nurdin Nara ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi

The purpose of this study was to analyze learning organization on the implementation of e-government in the city of Makassar. This research is qualitative with approach case studies to describe how the application of learning organization (LO) in the government of the city of makassar and the results of the study showed Makassar positive trend even though there are still many shortcomings although it is still a society that complain against a service-based information technology. Learning organization within the framework of e-government in the form of the development of feedback at all levels of the organization be aware of the process that made the employees to give each other feedback between each other with regard to e-government by way of exchanging information about the internal applications in education Each as well as mutual support and communication with all members of the team of the developers application, the developer team infrastructure, network. Strategy feedback with question and answer through SMS App/chat center included with operator help desk in the City of Makassar. In terms of reliability, the apparatus is proficient in their field but is still a bit awkward when or when there is a problem with the software, it is necessary to calm down in dealing with software problems so that there is no panic and the service can run smoothly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124162110176
J. Lotus Seeley

Drawing on 200 hours of observation at The Help Desk, an IT Support (ITS) unit at a medical school, and interviews with 30 ITS workers from across the university, this article shows how organizational-level IT rationalization was affected at the microlevel through ITS workers’ extensive emotional labor and involvement in meaning-making projects. Successful implementation required ITS workers to function as shock troops, introducing and enforcing new policies, and shock absorbers, encouraging compliance and insulating administrators from discontent about those changes. This article contributes to inhabited institutions theories of organizational change by demonstrating the importance of service workers’ interactive and emotional labor to the coupling of institutional myth, organizational policy, and the interactions and practices of constituent members.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-220
Aleksandr Skazochkin

The monograph under review presents the results of a study of barriers of various natures that arise during the implementation of several information projects - the development of unmanned vehicles, testing information programs in the IT sphere, interaction of people with a robot-operator of the help desk, behavior of social network users, and the creation of a turnstile system in transport. Another big topic of the book is the problems of the decision-making process for the development of technologies in a complex, heterogeneous socio-cultural environment, created by teams of different specialists, bearers of different managerial and technical cultures. To obtain information about the objects of research, indepth interviews, media materials, speeches of project leaders and engineers at public events were used, elements of a systematic analysis of the project progress were presented. It is emphasized that the objectively existing internal contradictions of mixed-type teams, in the presence of barriers-sets of tensions, can lead to a revision of the progress of information projects. Along with the barriers of a technological and managerial nature, some of the stress barriers are of a psychological and sociocultural nature. It is noted that the problems-barriers studied in the book can be analogs of “contradictions” in the methodology of the theory of inventive problem solving. The experience gained by the team of authors can be in demand for the implementation of digital projects of a large scale, for example, when carrying out the digital transformation of state-owned companies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2401
Ming-Te Chen ◽  
Tsung-Hung Lin

In recent years, several hospitals have begun using health information systems to maintain electronic health records (EHRs) for each patient. Traditionally, when a patient visits a new hospital for the first time, the hospital’s help desk asks them to fill in relevant personal information on a piece of paper and verifies their identity on the spot. This patient will find that many of her personal electronic records are in many hospital’s health information systems that she visited in the past, and each EHR in these hospital’s information systems cannot be accessed or shared between these hospitals. This is inconvenient because this patient will again have to provide their personal information. This is time-consuming and not practical. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a practical and provable patient EHR fair exchange scheme for each patient. In this scheme, each patient can securely delegate the information system of a current hospital to a hospital certification authority (HCA) to apply migration evidence that can be used to transfer their EHR to another hospital. The delegated system can also establish a session key with other hospital systems for later data transmission, and each patient can protect their anonymity with the help of the HCA. Additionally, we also provide formal security proofs for forward secrecy and functional comparisons with other schemes.

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