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Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Jakub Dobrzyński ◽  
Iryna Kulkova ◽  
Paweł Stanisław Wierzchowski ◽  
Barbara Wróbel

Effective microorganisms (EM) technology was used to find the optimal method of water restoration in the designated experimental area. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of EM biopreparation on selected physicochemical and microbiological properties using ISO methods. A week after the application of biopreparations, a slight decrease in the nitrates content (0.375–0.531 mg L−1) and a significant decrease in the content of phosphorus compounds (0.130–0.304 mg L−1) compared to the control date were observed. Moreover, on the second date, the decrease in most values of microbiological properties was noted. Two weeks after the application, in most cases, the values of water quality properties were shaped close to values obtained in the control date (before EM application). The EM effect was rather short-term, but optimization of application properties may prolong the effect and thus, include the EM technology among the best eco-friendly technologies used for freshwater ecosystem restoration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1576
Beata Łaszkiewicz ◽  
Piotr Szymański ◽  
Dorota Zielińska ◽  
Danuta Kołożyn-Krajewska

The aim of the research was an assessment of the effect of the Lactiplantibacillus plantarum SCH1 strain isolated from ecological raw fermented pork roast on pH, redox potential, nitrites, and nitrates content, L a* b* color parameters, total heme pigments content, nitrosyl myoglobin concentration, as well as the microbiological quality and sensory traits of cooked sausages produced from mechanically separated poultry meat (MSPM), cured with a lower sodium nitrite level (NaNO2 50 mg/kg) after production as well as after storage (1 and 3 weeks of storage). The biochemical identification of the Lactobacillus bacteria after storage was also performed. Tests were performed in two sausage treatments: C—control sausage made from MSPM and L—sausage made from MSPM inoculated with L. plantarum at approx. 107 cfu/g. No negative effect of using the L. plantarum SCH1 strain on the physical and chemical MSPM sausage features was found. The treatment with L. plantarum SCH1 was of better microbiological quality after 3 weeks of storage. The sausages with L. plantarum SCH1 kept good sensory quality while the control treatment was spoiled after storage.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1982
Anita Ierna ◽  
Rosario Paolo Mauro ◽  
Cherubino Leonardi ◽  
Francesco Giuffrida

Nitrogen (N) fertilization is essential for adequate earliness and the commercial attractiveness of carrots, but its excess could generate fast decay during postharvest, mostly in bunched carrots exhibiting their highly perishable leaves. A field experiment was conducted over the 2016–2017 growing season to address the effects of two N fertilization rates (120 and 240 kg N ha−1, hereafter N120 and N240, respectively) and leaf presence/absence (leaf+ and leaf−) on physicochemical and compositional traits of carrots cv. ‘Dordogne’, after storage at 4.0 ± 0.5 °C, 95–96% relative humidity (RH) for 0, 3, 6, 12, and 24 days (hereafter S0–S24). Before storage, carrots were arranged in bunches and packaged in common low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pouches (thickness 95 μm), 54 × 24 cm size, with 16 holes of 5 mm size. N240 carrots compared to N120 showed higher cumulative weight loss (CWL) and firmness reduction, with differences at S24 equal to 108 vs. 41 g kg−1 fresh weight (FW) and 13.3 vs. 14.5 N, respectively. N240 compared to N120 increased also the color deviation (ΔE*ab, +126%) and nitrates content (+93%) of carrots and slowed down their temporal increase of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Leaf+ carrots compared to leaf boosted CWL and firmness reduction, with differences at S24 equal to 90 vs. 58 g kg−1 FW and 12 vs. 17 N, respectively. In addition, leaf presence increased reducing sugars (+17%) and decreased nitrates (−24%) contents. This research has shown the possibility of improving the desirable quality and shelf-life of carrots by halving the N dose commonly supplied by growers and marketing bunched carrots within 12 days from the start of storage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Vasile Stoleru ◽  
Radu Burlica ◽  
Gabriela Mihalache ◽  
Delicia Dirlau ◽  
Silvica Padureanu ◽  

AbstractPlasma activated water (PAW) can represent an alternative to chemical fertilizers in agriculture. The effects of PAW treatment applied in two concentrations (1.5 or 3.0 mg L−1 NO3−) on some morphological, physiological, biochemical parameters and yield of Lactuca sativa L. grown in two different pot volumes (400 or 3200 cm3) were investigated in this study. The results showed that both PAW concentrations did not influence the germination, once the process was initiated. Positive effects of the treatments were registered on the length of radicle and hypocotyls of lettuce at a concentration of 1.5 mg L−1 NO3− (PAW I), the chlorophyll content was significantly increased at a concentration of 3.0 mg L−1 NO3− (PAW II) and bigger pot volume, also the foliar weight and area. No significant differences between the treated and untreated plants were recorded for the root weight, leaf length and width. The dry weight was significantly higher for the lettuce treated with PAW I and II grown in big volume pots at 57 days after transplanting (DAT) and small volume pots at 64 DAT. The nitrites content of the lettuce grown in big pots was lower than of the lettuce grown in small pots, regardless of the PAW treatment. Contrary, the nitrates content was higher in the lettuce grown in big pots (up to 36.4 mg KNO3/g DW), compared to small pots (under 0.3 mg KNO3/g DW).

10.5219/1392 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 1097-1104
Andriy Davydenko ◽  
Hryhorii Podpriatov ◽  
Sergiy Gunko ◽  
Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi ◽  
Oksana Zavadska ◽  

The qualitative parameters of the potatoes tubers may be significantly changed depending on the variety, group of ripening, way, regime, and duration of storage. So, these researches aimed to define the influence of the variety characteristics and duration storage on qualitative parameters of tuber potatoes. Five potato varieties of two ripening groups were used for testing: medium-early (Satina, Red Lady, Mozart) and medium-ripe (Aroza, Sifra). The chemical properties such as dry matters (DM), starch, sugars (total and reducing), crude protein (CP), ascorbic acid (AA), and nitrates content were determined before and after 2, 4, and 6 months of storage. DM lost during the storage of potato tubers, especially during the period from 4 to 6 months. The group of ripening did not influence this index. Potato tubers of all varieties had high starch content and the duration of storage had a light effect on the level of its losses. In the medium-early group, maximum changes of starch were 1% but in the medium-ripe – 1.9%. A strong effect on the quantities of total sugars (TS) had varietal characteristics of the potato but a group of ripening had light influence. The highest content of sugars was Satin (0.65%) and the smallest Sifra (0.22%) and Mozart (0.23%). After 6 months of storage content of TS depending on the variety increased from 2 till 5 times, while the reducing sugars (RS) increased at least five times and at the end of storage were 0.4% to 0.65%. The amount of AA and its losses during storage depended on the variety. The relative losses during the total storage period were 21.9% in the medium-early group and 28.1% in the medium-ripe. Influence ripening group on level changing AA was not detected. Nitrates' content did not exceed the maximum permissible level (250  Their quantities after 6 months were 47 – 61

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-128 ◽  
Renata Piwowarczyk ◽  
Ireneusz Ochmian ◽  
Sabina Lachowicz ◽  
Ireneusz Kapusta ◽  
Zofia Sotek

AbstractSome holoparasitic species can become cultivated plants due to their unique chemical composition. A lot of bioactive contents are characteristic for them. Holoparasites of the family Orobanchaceae are known to be an important and rich source of polyphenols, especially metabolites of the phenylethanoid glycosides (PhGs) group. However, only a minority of the species in this family have been phytochemically tested. They are reported to have multiple biological and therapeutic effects and have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. This is the first study to present phytochemical profiling for a representative of genus Phelypaea. The chemical composition and biological activity in particular organs of the parasite, P. tournefortii, were determined. The interaction with its host, Tanacetum polycephalum (Asteraceae), from different places and altitudes was also studied. We presented the determination of polyphenolic compounds with the UPLC-PDA-MS/MS method, antioxidative effects and inhibitory activities, polyphenols, and nitrates content, ABTS•+, DPPH, FRAP, as well as colour parameters. The polyphenols profile of the parasite and host were different in quality and quantity. Identification of polyphenolic compounds revealed 41 compounds, 15 in the parasite (12 phenylethanoids and 3 anthocyanins), and 26 in the host (mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids). The amount and biological activity of polyphenolic compounds present in Phelypaea was very diverse and depended on the host plant and the parasite’s organs, as well as on population altitude. The results show that P. tournefortii is a potential source of functional and pro-health components. They also direct researchers’ attention to the parasite’s organs, host, and environmental influence.

Krystyna Zarzecka ◽  
Marek Gugała ◽  
Anna Sikorska

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 12-20
Ludmila Pusik ◽  
Vlаdimir Pusik ◽  
Nina Lyubymova ◽  
Veronika Bondarenko ◽  
Artur Rozhkov ◽  

Sowing parsnip is recommended to be harvested in the stage of technical ripeness that takes place in 120–150 days after sprouts. A ripeness degree cannot be determined by a root size, because in this case planting conditions and agrotechnique play an important role. The aim of the research was to analyze the influence of a vegetation period duration of different sorts of sowing parsnip on formation of chemical composition components and roots preservation to determine the dependence between the content of dry soluble substances and one of dry substances, sugars, saccharose, reducing sugars, ascorbic acid. The research gives a possibility to get roots with the maximal content of chemical composition components and long storage period. There has been studied the influence of a vegetation period duration of different sorts of sowing parsnip on formation of chemical composition components and roots preservation. The dependence between the content of dry soluble substances and one of dry substances, sugars, saccharose, reducing sugars, ascorbic acid has been determined. The research has been conducted with parsnip roots of sowing sort Petrik, Student, Boris. There has been studied the influence of a ripeness degree (vegetation period duration) on a quality and preservation of parsnip roots. Parsnip roots of the sowing sorts Student and Boris are characterized by the most content of the dry substance 27,1–25,4 %, and content of the total sugar 5,7–5,4 %, high content of vitamin С 10,2–10,1 mg/100 g. It has been established, that the studied sorts are not inclined to nitrates accumulation, their content varies from 60 to 80 mg/kg and is lower than the maximally permitted level (MPL 250 mg/kg). There has been established the direct strong connection between the content of the dry substance and sugars content (r=0,98), nitrates content (r=0,80) and the middle content with the testing mark (r=–0,54) and vitamin С (r=0,57). The dry soluble substance content has the direct strong connection with the sugars content (r=0,99), nitrates content (r=0,78) and middle connection with the content of vitamin С (r=0,46) and reverse middle connection with the testing mark (r=–0,52). The reverse middle connection exists between the sugars content and the testing mark (r=–0,52) and the direct strong connection with nitrates content (r=0,84), middle connection with the content of vitamin C (r=0,48). At storage of roots the loss of the mass of dry substances is from 11,5 % at storage in an open box to 6,2 – in a polyethylene film. The most changes take place in saccharose and monosaccharides, 36,6 and 33,0 % respectively. The content of vitamin C decreases by 30 % at storage in an open box and by 10 % in a polyethylene film. The vegetation period duration as 150 days is characterized by the lower sugars content, but at that the ratio saccharose: monosacharides – the most. There has been offered the method of determining the ripeness degree of parsnip roots by the saccharose content. At the technical ripeness the amount of saccharose is 72–75 % of the total amount of sugars. The optimal ripeness is characterized by deceleration of growing processes, decrease of saccharose accumulation rates, the most ratio of the roots mass to the one of leaves and saccharose to monosugars. The method of roots storage with p. e. film decreases losses of nutrients of roots and increases the storage duration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-155
Гулбаги Орымбетова ◽  
Gulbagi Orymbetova ◽  
Гульнара Шамбулова ◽  
Gulnara Shambulova ◽  
Эмит Орымбетов ◽  

One of the most important goals in the sphere of food safety is quality assurance and production of safe food. Nowadays studies devoted to determination of nitrates content in locally produced plant products are of very high priority. Many researches on the influence of nitrates on human health prove that nitrates are one of the external threat sources. Mineral fertilizers can cause harm if improperly stored or used. The authors give comparative characteristics for nitrites content in plant products contrasting regulatory documents in European Union and Customs Union. They point out threshold limit values and their influence on human body. In some samples of cucumbers nitrates content exceeded threshold limit values. Long nitrate consumption even in small amounts is one of the important chemical risk factors for the population health as it decreases organism resistance to the influence of such external environmental factors as ecological and social ones. The research was carried out in South Kazakhstan Region. To conduct the research the authors took the samples of locally produced plant products. They determined the levels of nitrates content in the main local food products, assessed the risks of harmful impact of the controlled nitrates which come with plant products grown in South Kazakhstan Region. The results show that it is necessary to carry out constant control to ensure foodstuff safety. The authors classified food products according to their contribution to the total exposure value. Thus, the authors found out that among locally produced vegetables potato and cabbage had the highest values (61.16% and 12.1% respectively). HQmed and HQ90 values were less than 1. The authors pointed out the main ways to reduce nitrates content in plant products in the article.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 675-681
M. Chafaa ◽  
K. Naceur ◽  
Y. Omar ◽  
M. Maatoug ◽  
M. Kharitonov

Several levies have been made in the groundwater of Ain Djenane of the Tiaret region (Algeria) during the period of April to May 2016 at the level of several wells located in urban areas. These levies have been the subject of analysis according to the techniques of the quality of the water assessment and the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The physical characteristics show that the water is of good quality. Very high nitrate rate has revealed with the chemical analyzes. The physico-chemical analysis has shown that studied wells have toxic substances concentrations below the WHO and national standards. It was indicated a strong contamination with nitrates (98.19±2.46 mg/l), nitrogen (18.0±3.33mg/l), phosphates (0.487±0.06 mg/l), and the contents of suspensions (851.76±18.1 mg/l), respectively. These concentrations are bigger than the standards recommended by the WHO (2006) and the standards of Algeria. The presence very high nitrates content in these waters could constitute a significant health risk to human health.

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