This chapter focuses on the situation of adjunct faculty, the largest group of contingent faculty. The chapter presents what the author perceives to be the unjust, dire circumstances of these faculty members. The author appeals to the ideals of solidarity, justice, the option for the poor, the common good, and the workers’ rights tradition of Catholic social teaching to evaluate the adjunct situation. The situation of adjunct faculty is presented vis-à-vis expenditures on athletics and salaries of the highest paid university employees to raise the question of mission-oriented priorities. After describing the situation on the ground, the author argues that complicity in the unjust treatment of adjuncts at Catholic universities glaringly violates CST. Moreover, perpetuating this situation by appealing to its purported inevitability, budgetary constraints, or the excuse that “everybody else is doing it” seriously undercuts the mission of Catholic institutions of higher learning. After critiquing the efforts to prevent adjunct faculty from forming unions, which exacerbates an already unjust situation and runs the risk of causing scandal, the author turns to some of the positive steps taken at Catholic colleges and universities to improve the situation of adjunct faculty.