agriculture research institute
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 570-576
L. Shravika ◽  
G. Sreenivas ◽  
A. Madhavi ◽  
A. Manohar Rao ◽  

A field investigation was undertaken during Kharif (June–September) 2019 at Agriculture Research Institute, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telengana State, India with an object to evaluate the CROPGRO-Tomato model under different dates of planting and cultivars.The experiment was carried out with dates of planting (02nd Jul, 12th Jul, 22nd Jul, 02nd Aug, 11th Aug, 23rd Aug, 03rd Sep and 13th Sep) as main plot treatments and cultivars US 440 and TO-3251 (Saaho) as sub-plot treatments. The CROPGRO-Tomato model performed well in the simulation of phenology, biomass, fruit yield and N uptake during calibration for US 440 and TO-3251.Calibration results revealed that the model perfectly predicted days to anthesis with no difference between simulated and observed data for both cultivars with RMSE of 0 days, the further model simulated the days to last picking,biomassat maturity, fruit yield and nitrogen uptake with RMSE of 0.9 and 0.7 day, 285 and 435 kg ha-1, 545 kg ha-1 and 389 kg ha-1 (dry weight), 6 and 5 kg ha-1 for US 440 and TO-3251 cultivars respectively. The calibrated model was used to further validate the experimental data and found that, simulation of days to anthesisand days to the last picking was excellent with NRMSE value of less than 10% for both cultivars,fair with dry matter production with NRMSE value of 25% for both cultivars and was poor with total fruit yield greater than 30% and N uptake for both cultivars under study was poor with NRMSE value more than 30%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 3920-3937
Vladimir N. Lukashov ◽  
Alexander N. Isakov ◽  
Alexey A. Slipets ◽  
Svetlana D. Malakhova ◽  
Vera A. Vasilyeva ◽  

The research is important because it is necessary to get the perennial leguminous grasses and the legume-cereal grass mixtures involved in the wide production. In this connection, this paper is aimed at discussing evident advantages of growing the perennial leguminous grasses and the legume-cereal grass mixtures in terms of energy, protein and economic efficiency, their use as the main link during the agriculture biologization an ecologization in the Central Non-black soil area of Russia.The major method of researching this problem was the field experiments carried out using the facilities of Kaluga Agriculture Research Institute, which allowed implementing the comprehensive comparison of the annual and perennial fodder crops and their mixtures. The paper covers comparative data on energy and monetary expenditures on growing the annual and perennial fodder crops and their mixtures, recoupment of them by harvesting the gross and exchange energy. The energy and economic efficiency of producing the exchange energy and crude protein during growing the various fodder crops and mixtures was calculated. Advantages of growing the perennial leguminous grasses and the legume-cereal grass mixtures in the Central Non-black soil area of Russia were substantiated experimentally. The paper materials are of practical value to the plant growing branch in selecting the crops to be grown and forming the crop rotations in Russia’s Central part.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-147
Azra Gandahi ◽  

The current study was conducted at Agronomy Section,Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during the growing season of 2019-20,toassess new oat genotypes for their growth performance under the environmental conditions of Tandojam. For this study, a total of eleven new oat genotypes along with one check genotypewere grown for their evaluation. A total of seven characters consistingcrop stand (m-2), plant height (cm), leaves plant-1, number of tillers plant-1, leaf area (cm-2), green fodderand dry mater yield (t ha-1)were investigated. The mean squares values for the investigated traits of all the genotypes were found significantly different(P≤0.05) among the genotypes, which showsthat these genotypes possess valuable genetic combinations for further improvements. Under the agro-climatic conditions of Tandojam, the maximum crop stand (96.66 m-2), greater green fodder (86.00 t ha-1) and alsomaximum dry matter yield (43.00 t ha-1) was produced by Entry-D; the Entry-H produced the tallest plants (96.66 cm) and maximum number of leaves plant-1(68.00). WhereasEntry-F produced maximum number of tillers plant-1 (17.66). Hence, these oat genotypes may be preferred for commercial cultivation in the tested climatic conditions. Regarding correlation results, the traits crop stand (r=0.93**), tillers plant-1 (r=0.39*) and leaf area (r=0.38*) showed significant and positive associations with green fodder yield, hence these characters may be given priority in high yielding oat cultivar development

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-141

Major objective of the present study is estimate regression model and Correlation coefficient. The data were collected from the wheat section, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Tandojam, regarding various factors influencing on the wheat production. The survey result show that yield has significant positive correlation with the parameters such as the number of tillers per plant, number of seed per spike, length of spike in cm, the number of spikes let per, tiller per hectare and plant height cm. The parameter of wheat number of tillers per plant meter square standard error is (0.569), coefficient is (0.816). T-value is (1.43) and with positively significant is (0.018). The parameter of number of seed per spike standard error is (0.107) coefficient is (0.0811) To determine the effect of dependent and independent T-value of (0.75) with significant (0.4724).The parameter of wheat is length of spike in cm is standard error is (1.704), Coefficient is (1.092), T-value is (0.64) with the positively significant is (0.029) T-value is (2.20) and with positively significant is (0.039).The parameter of tiller per hectare is standard error is (0.026), standardized The Number of spike let per spike with standard error of this parameter (0.5172)coefficient is (1.135), the coefficients beta is (0.041), and T-value of this parameter is (1.73) and with the positively significant value is (0.121). The parameter of wheat is day of heading cm with the standard error is (0.650), the standardized coefficient beta is negative (1.426), the T – value of this parameter is (-2.19) with the weak significant of (0.059). The parameter of wheat is plant height cm standard error is (0.203), with standardized coefficient beta is (0.081), T-value of this parameter is (0.40) with the significant value is (0.697). The parameter of lodging score per hector centimeter with standard error is (0.662), the standard coefficient of beta is (-0.504), T-value of this parameter is (-0.76), with the significant of (0.468).The parameter of number of grains weight in grams with standard error is (0.245) standardized coefficient of beta is (0.106), T-value is (0.43) with the significant value is (0.677). The parameter of wheat is seed index 1000 grains weight with standard error is (3.437) , coefficient is (0.384) , T-value is (0.11) With the significant value is (0.913).The parameter of wheat is plot yield gram with standard error is (0.0215), with coefficients is (-0.036), is T-value of this parameter is (-1.72) with the significant value is (0.124). The Parameter of wheat is nitrogen per hector kilogram with standard error is (0.168), coefficient is (0.1688), is T-value is (1.00) with the significant of (0.345).The parameter of Phosphorus per hack Kg with standard error is (0.333), coefficient of is (-0.138), T-value is this parameter is (-0.42) with the significant of (0.688). It is suggested that the more factors can be studied and different statistical techniques, agronomics practices and different doses of fertilizer can be applied for the high production of wheat crop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-91
A. L. Siyal ◽  
A. G. Chang ◽  
N. Shaikh ◽  
J. K. Sootaher ◽  
T. Jatt ◽  

Climate change is a major threat to most of crops grown globally in sub-tropics and tropics. One of the consequences of climate change is drought, which has a negative effect on crop growth and productivity. However, present research drought affected breed wheat was tested to examine the quality of wheat selection for different stage using morphological and phenological traits. Ten genotypes along with two local check varieties were tested in randomize complete block design were used for this experiment. The experiment was conducted in the field of Southern Wheat Research Station, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam, in winter season to determine the different levels of tillers per plant, growth vigor, early growth habit, plant type, Leaf type, content of proline in (μ mol. g-1 fresh wt), osmotic potential in (-Mpa) and relative water content in (%) analyzed for significance. The genotypes showed positive significantly differ in response to studied traits. Ten genotypes were sown in three replications, in two blocks. The genotypes were significantly different in response to the moisture stress. There were highly significant differences for all traits. The positive association for studied the parameters between the field trials demonstrated that greater seedling vigor of root and shoot is key factor influencing in wheat. Therefore, our finding suggested that these genotypes had potential to grow well and perform better than other genotypes and check varieties.

2021 ◽  
pp. 161-171
Muhammad Aslam Rajput ◽  
Rehana Naz Syed ◽  
Fahad Nazir Khoso ◽  
Muhammad Ali Khanzada ◽  
Imtiaz Ahmed Khan ◽  

Whip smut is one of the most prevalent diseases in almost all sugarcane growing regions of the world. To find out the quantitative losses to sugarcane caused by Sporisorium scitamineum, trials were conducted during the crop season 2014/15 and 2015/16 at sugarcane section, Agriculture Research Institute Tandojam, Pakistan. A total of 104 cultivars of different origins were grown in split plot design with 6 replications. A significant reduction in cane height by 34.33%, cane girth by 18.26%, millable canes by 28.87% and yield per hectare by 41.61% was observed. The most susceptible cultivar was CP-29-120, whereas, the most immune and productive variety was Hoth-318 with the mean yield of 153.33 ± 0.75 t/ha. The statistical analysis results showed highly significant (P = 0.000) impact of disease incidence on different cultivars. In the light of results obtained from the study, it can be concluded that smut disease can cause high reduction in all the quantitative parameters especially in millable canes and yield.

A. Vijay Kumar

India has a great pressure to meet its food and other domestic need. The enormous increase in population despite of the decelerate in the increase rate of the population and significant income growth, insist an additional 2.5 million tons of food grains per annum according to the Agriculture policy: Vision 2020 document prepared by the Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi. The most needed food grains production in Indian is much less than that in the other areas of the world. Considering that the frontiers of expansion of cultivated area are almost closed in the region, the future increase in food production to meet the continuing high demand must come from the increase in yield. The factors that generally promote yield in India are fertilizer nutrients consumed, rainfall, temperature, pesticides sprayed, moisture in the air, moisture in the soil and humidity etc. Here an attempt is made to know the influence of the fertilizer nutrients consumed on the tur crop yield in India using data mining techniques so for which a dataset is prepared with the tur yield, fertilizer nutrients consumed like, Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which are collected from the secondary sources like Department of agriculture and Cooperation, India and Fertilizer statistics, Fertilizer Association of India. The experiment results proved that there is an extremely negligible negative influence on the fertilizer nutrients consumed in India, during the study period

M. Udayasree ◽  
P. Rajanikanth ◽  
N. R. G. Varma ◽  
M. Sreedhar

Aims: To conduct studies on non-preference mechanism and biochemical aspects of resistance to BPH on resistant rice genotype. Study Design: Completely Randomized Design. Place and Duration of Study: Poly-house, Department of Entomology, Rice Research Centre, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India, between June 2017 and May 2018. Methodology: The selected rice entries were selected including PTB33 (resistant check) and TN1 (susceptible check), this was replicated thrice. After 30 days, about hundred first instar nymphs were released in the pots. The number of nymphs settled on each entry was counted from randomly selected 10 hills at 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after release. Number of probing marks made by a day old single female insect during 24 hours of its feeding was recorded on all the selected entries along with resistant and susceptible rice cultures. Estimation of total phenols, total sugars and proteins was done for selected rice genotypes. Results: Among all the test cultures, KNM 2305, KNM 2307, JGL 24423 and Sabita recorded lowest number of nymphal settlement. Biochemical aspects of resistance like total phenols, total sugars and protein content in selected rice genotypes was done. The amount of total phenol was observed to be maximum in the leaf sheath of moderately resistant JGL 24423 (2.70 mg/g). The amount of total sugars was lowest in RNR 26111 (0.33 mg/ g), RNR 21571(0.86 mg/g) followed by JGL 24423 (1.40 mg/g) and highest in susceptible check TN-1 (2.97 mg/g). Least amount of protein was observed in JGL 24423 (0.76 mg/g) followed by IET 23993 (1.43 mg/g).

S. A. Ganie ◽  
B. A. Wani ◽  
B. A. Zargar ◽  
P. A. Sofi ◽  
T. H. Masoodi

An experiment was conducted to identify promising accessions suited for cultivation under cold arid conditions of Leh, Ladakh. Twenty two accessions of French bean were screened for resistance to angular leaf spot disease during the spring seasons of 2016 and 2017 in the Experimental field of High Mountain Arid Agriculture Research Institute (HMAARI) Leh, Ladakh, Sheri Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir. The study revealed that under natural epiphytotic conditions none of the accessions was resistant in reaction. Eight accessions viz., Acc-WB22, Acc-1643, Acc-1690, Acc-811, Acc-4564, WB-1247, WB-185 and Acc-252 were moderately susceptible. All other fourteen accessions viz., Acc-966, Acc-335, Acc-1129, Acc-21529, Acc-WB216, Acc-719, WB-956, Acc-622, Acc-1492, Acc-195, Anupama, WB-6, WB-257 and Local exhibited susceptible reaction

M. Nikhil Raj ◽  
P. Rajani Kanth ◽  
N. R. G. Varma ◽  
M. Balram

Aims: To identify Brown Planthopper (BPH) resistant rice genotypes and categorize all the test entries based on their level of resistance against BPH. Study Design: Completely Randomized Design. Place and Duration of Study: Poly-house, Department of Entomology, Rice Research Centre, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India, between June 2016 and July 2017. Methodology: A total of 61 elite rice genotypes selected including resistant (PTB33) and susceptible check (TN1). All these test entries were screened against Brown Planthopper (BPH) using Standard Seedbox Screening Technique (SSST) inside poly-house conditions. Based on the Damage Score (DS) achieved during study, all entries were categorized into resistant (R), moderately resistant (MR), moderately susceptible (MS), susceptible (S) and highly susceptible (HS). Results: Among 61 cultures, the resistant check PTB33 and BM71 exhibited R reaction to BPH with a DS of 3.0, while twelve cultures viz. Milyang 63, IET 23993, HHZ 5 DT-1 DT-1, HHZ 25 SAL DT-1 DT-1, Bobhu Kongbu, BPT 2671, BPT 2611, MTU 1121, MTU 1001, MTU 1010, RNR 23079 and GSR 234 exhibited MR reaction to BPH with a DS ranging between 3.1 to 5.0. The rest of the cultures showed MS and S reactions while the susceptible check, TN1 along with other 12 cultures exhibited HS reaction to BPH with a DS of 9.0. Conclusion: Resistant and moderately resistant rice genotypes have been identified for development of BPH resistant lines. Further detailed studies are required to understand the underlying mechanisms of resistance among the R and MR genotypes.

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