syntactic similarity
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Елена Васильевна Бутенко

Введение. Проведено лингвостилистическое исследование паремиологических трансформаций в кинотексте и рассмотрены возможности эквивалентной передачи трансформа в языке перевода. Актуальность исследования обусловлена широкой употребительностью пословичных единиц в художественном языке, в частности в кинодискурсе. Встраиваясь в матрицу кинодиалога, они становятся основой для последующих преобразований в высказываниях персонажей, создавая своей окказиональностью значительный экспрессивный потенциал. Цель. Поскольку свидетельством эффективной трансформации является узнаваемость исходной пословицы в трансформе, целью исследования стало выявление лингвостилистических средств, способствующих узнаванию, декодированию и адекватному зрительскому восприятию трансформа в языке принимающей культуры. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили пословичные трансформы в высказываниях персонажей анимационного фильма “The Lion King. Hakuna Matata” («Король Лев. Акуна Матата»). Проводимое исследование имело теоретико-эмпирический характер, при котором анализ материала осуществлялся посредством структурного и описательного методов, позволяющих установить определенные лингвистические закономерности паремиологических трансформаций. Результаты и обсуждение. Анализируемый авторский трансформ является по сути сентенцией, афористическим, то есть лаконичным и поучительным, изречением. Сентенция воспроизводит типические черты народной пословицы: дидактичность, переосмысленность, имплицитность. Оживляя традиционную форму паремиологической единицы, она сохраняет семантико-стилистическое тождество с прецедентным текстом. Наряду со смысловой тождественностью с исходной пословицей, трансформ-сентенция демонстрирует и синтаксическую схожесть, при этом бесшовно включаясь в контекст диалога. Констатируемые проявления трансформационного процесса закономерны, так как трансформ создается по пословичным алгоритмам, что обеспечивает его соотносимость с исходной пословицей. Их имплицитная общность предопределяет и в некоторой степени ограничивает вариативность лексического содержания, а также синтаксической структуры трансформа. Это дедуктивное положение может стать небольшим научным вкладом в лингвостилистические исследования в области паремиологической трансформации. Оно эффективно работает в художественном языке, где обеспечивающая адекватное восприятие логическая структура традиционной пословицы способна производить дериваты, выделяющиеся своеобразием формы. Проводимым лингвостилистическим исследованием изучаются людические (игровые) ресурсы полисемии, применяемые в трансформе, и анализируются изыскиваемые возможности перевода каламбурных речений. Внесение модифицированной пословичной единицы – сентенции – в структуру кинодиалога рассматривается как прием стилистической цитации, функциональная ценность которой подтверждается уместностью употребления в определенной ситуации общения. Статус интертекстуального знака, приобретаемый сентенцией в высказывании персонажа, наделяет ее особой значимостью и способствует возникновению направленных ассоциаций, служит средством усиления аргументации и выражения оценки. Заключение. Трансформация паремиологических единиц – это результат художественно-обработанного прецедентного текста, где структурно-семантическая устойчивость обновляется окказиональным, но идентичным по содержанию выражением. Таким образом, модифицированные паремии не воспринимаются как безжизненные фольклорные штампы, они являются актуальными составляющими речевого узуса. Поскольку краткость входит одним из основных компонентов в понятие «пословица», ее семантико-стилистическому деривату также свойственны смысловая емкость и синтаксическая сжатость. Подобные формы способствуют созданию языковой компрессии, необходимой в субтитровании, наиболее востребованном виде киноперевода. Этот фактор подтверждает как практическую значимость исследования, так и его актуальность для киноиндустрии. Introduction. The linguistic research analyzes paremiological transformations in the film text and stud-ies the possibilities of their equivalent translation in the host culture. The relevance of the study is due to the wide use of proverbial units in the artistic language and namely in film discourse. Embedded in the matrix of the film dialogue, they become a basis for subsequent transformations in characters’ speech, creating a significant expressive potential because of their occasional character. Aim and objectives. Since the recognition of the original proverb in the modified version is the proof of an effective transformation, the aim of the study is to identify the linguistic means that contribute to recognition, decoding and adequate perception of the transform in the language of the host culture. Material and methods. The research is based on the proverbial transforms in the characters’ utterances of the animated film “The Lion King. Hakuna Matata”. Being of a theoretical-empirical nature, the lingua-stylistic study required the use of the structural and descriptive methods, which made it possible to pinpoint certain linguistic regularities of paremiological transformations. Results and discussion. The analyzed author’s transform is actually an epigram – an anaphoristic statement, concise and instructive. It reproduces the typical features of a proverb: didacticity, transfig-uration, implication. Renewing the traditional form of the paremiological unit, the epigram retains the semantic-stylistic identity with the precedent text. Alongside the semantic identity with the proverbial prototype, the transform also demonstrates the syntactic similarity, while seamlessly integrating into the context of the dialogue. The stated manifestations of the transformation process are explicable, since the transform is created according to proverbial algorithms, which ensure its correlation with the original proverb. The implicit mutuality predetermines and limits, to a certan extent, the variability of the lexical content and the syn-tactic pattern of a transform. This deductive reasoning can be a scientific contribution to the lingua-stylistic research in the sphere of paremiological transformation. It works efficiently in the artistic lan-guage, where, ensuring an adequate perception, the logical framework of a traditional proverb pro-duces derivatives, various and expressive in form. The lingua-stylistic research explores the game art resources of polysemy used in the transformation unit, and analyzes the exploited possibilities of translating a pun. The introduction of a modified proverbial unit — an epigram, for example – into the structure of a film dialogue is viewed as a stylistic citation technique, the functional value of which is confirmed by the appropriateness of its use in a certain situation of communication. The status of an intertextual unit, acquired by a transform in a character’s utterance, endows it with special significance and promotes the emergence of directed associations, serves as a means of strengthening argumentation and assess-ment. Conclusion. The transformation of paremias is the outcome of an artistically processed precedent text, where the structural and semantic fixity is revived by an expression, identical in content, but peculiar in form. Thus modified paremias are not perceived as lifeless folklore cliches, but real live compo-nents of speech use. Since brevity is one of the main components in the concept of «a proverb», its derivative is also char-acterized by semantic capacity and syntactic conciseness. Such models contribute to the creation of language compression required in subtitling, the most popular kind of film translation. This factor con-firms both the practical significance of the study and its relevance for the film industry.

Reforms in the educational system emphasize more on continuous assessment. The descriptive examination test paper when compared to objective test paper acts as a better aid in continuous assessment for testing the progress of a student under various cognitive levels at different stages of learning. Unfortunately, assessment of descriptive answers is found to be tedious and time-consuming by instructors due to the increase in number of examinations in continuous assessment system. In this chapter, an attempt has been made to address the problem of automatic evaluation of descriptive answer using vector-based similarity matrix with order-based word-to-word syntactic similarity measure. Word order similarity measure remains as one of the best measures to find the similarity between sequential words in sentences and is increasing its popularity due to its simple interpretation and easy computation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 152-159
Aibat Yeshkeyev ◽  

In this article discusses the model-theoretical properties of fragments of theoretical sets and the rheostat method. These two concepts: theoretical set and rheostat are new. The study of this topic in the framework of the study of Jonsson theories, the Jonsson spectrum, classes of existentially closed models of such fragments is a new promising class of problems and their solution is closely related to many problems that once defined the classical problems of model theory. The purpose of this article is to determine the rheostat of the transition from complete theory to Jonsson theory, which will be consistent with the corresponding concepts for any α and any α-Jonsson theory. For this we define a theoretical set. On the basis of research by the author formulated a model-theoretical definition of the concept of a rheostat in the transition from complete theories to ϕ(x)-theoretically convex Jonsson sets. Also was formulated an application of h-syntactic similarity to α-Jonsson theories.

IEEE Access ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 154095-154113
Claire Little ◽  
David Mclean ◽  
Keeley Crockett ◽  
Bruce Edmonds

2019 ◽  
pp. 016555151987182
Abinash Pujahari ◽  
Dilip Singh Sisodia

Clickbaits are online articles with deliberately designed misleading titles for luring more and more readers to open the intended web page. Clickbaits are used to tempt visitors to click on a particular link either to monetise the landing page or to spread the false news for sensationalisation. The presence of clickbaits on any news aggregator portal may lead to unpleasant experience to readers. Automatic detection of clickbait headlines from news headlines has been a challenging issue for the machine learning community. A lot of methods have been proposed for preventing clickbait articles in recent past. However, the recent techniques available in detecting clickbaits are not much robust. This article proposes a hybrid categorisation technique for separating clickbait and non-clickbait articles by integrating different features, sentence structure and clustering. During preliminary categorisation, the headlines are separated using 11 features. After that, the headlines are recategorised using sentence formality and syntactic similarity measures. In the last phase, the headlines are again recategorised by applying clustering using word vector similarity based on t-stochastic neighbourhood embedding ( t-SNE) approach. After categorisation of these headlines, machine learning models are applied to the dataset to evaluate machine learning algorithms. The obtained experimental results indicate that the proposed hybrid model is more robust, reliable and efficient than any individual categorisation techniques for the dataset we have used.

Argyro Mavrogiorgou ◽  
Athanasios Kiourtis ◽  
Marios Touloupou ◽  
Dimosthenis Kyriazis

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 381-389 ◽  
Johannes Bjerva ◽  
Robert Östling ◽  
Maria Han Veiga ◽  
Jörg Tiedemann ◽  
Isabelle Augenstein

A neural language model trained on a text corpus can be used to induce distributed representations of words, such that similar words end up with similar representations. If the corpus is multilingual, the same model can be used to learn distributed representations of languages, such that similar languages end up with similar representations. We show that this holds even when the multilingual corpus has been translated into English, by picking up the faint signal left by the source languages. However, just as it is a thorny problem to separate semantic from syntactic similarity in word representations, it is not obvious what type of similarity is captured by language representations. We investigate correlations and causal relationships between language representations learned from translations on one hand, and genetic, geographical, and several levels of structural similarity between languages on the other. Of these, structural similarity is found to correlate most strongly with language representation similarity, whereas genetic relationships—a convenient benchmark used for evaluation in previous work—appears to be a confounding factor. Apart from implications about translation effects, we see this more generally as a case where NLP and linguistic typology can interact and benefit one another.

Nina Korbozerova

The Indo-European syntactic system is very stable. This explains the fact that the Spanish and the Ukrainian, originating from a unique linguistic base, in their syntactic structure have a considerable number of common features. The syntactic similarity of comparative languages is manifested of the group of words, sentences and their elements. According to the classification criteria in the languages above mentioned there are a lot of syntactic similarities: are distinguished similar sentence members which are expressed by similar morphological modes. In both languages the order of the words in the sentence are very similar too. Both investigated languages are characterized by the common modes of expression of syntactic relationships and by similar links in word groups. The structure of simple and compound sentences also seems in both languages. Also there are simple and compound sentences, which are subdivided into coordinated and subordinated ones. On the other hand, each of the compared languages has its own distinctive features of the formal, semantic and functional deep level, which is explained by the specific national character of each of the studied languages. In the comparative languages, the group of words, as a succession of two or more significant words linked semantically and grammatically, represents the complex denomination of the phenomena of the reality. It is one of the very important syntactic units, with which we can build the sentences. In both languages there are a lot of isomorphic characters referring to groups of words. In relation to the degree of fusion of its components, the groups of words can be free or fixed. Thus in the groups of free words the lexical meanings of their constituents are conserved. They differ from the fixed ones whose components lose their lexical dependence. The fixed groups are divided into the dependents syntactically and phraseologically. In the comparative languages, the dependent groups syntactically perform a unique syntactic function. They do not split, one of its components is relaxed lexically. The complex character of groups of words can be achieved isomorphically in a similar way: by the amplification of the simple group with a dependent word, by the unification of the nucleus by a simple dependent group, by means of two grammatically dependent elements, by the extension of the direct object.

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