stages of learning
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2022 ◽  
Jasmine Herszage ◽  
Marlene Bönstrup ◽  
Leonardo G Cohen ◽  
Nitzan Censor

Abundant evidence shows that consolidated memories are susceptible to modifications following their reactivation through reconsolidation. Processes of memory consolidation and reconsolidation have been commonly documented after hours or days. Motivated by studies showing rapid consolidation in early stages of skill acquisition, here we asked whether skill memories are susceptible to modifications through rapid reconsolidation, even at initial stages of learning. In a set of experiments, we collected crowdsourced online motor sequence data to test whether post-reactivation interference and enhancement occur through rapid reconsolidation. Results indicate that memories forming during early learning are not susceptible to interference nor to enhancement within a rapid reconsolidation time window, relative to control conditions. This set of evidence suggests that memory reconsolidation might be dependent on consolidation at the macro-timescale level, requiring hours or days to occur.

Iryna Stepanova ◽  
Liudmyla Ibrahimova ◽  
Svitlana Nykyporets ◽  
Vitalina Derun

The article gives a brief description of some peculiarities of the work with popular scientific and technical literature in a non-linguistic university. Given types of exercises and materials demonstrate the variety of forms and methods of the work with foreign texts in specialty in technical universities. The role of choosing methods and techniques of the work when forming skills of productive reading and their improvement at all stages of learning a foreign language is considered. Reading is considered to be as one of the most important types of communicative and cognitive activity. Reading promotes mastering all aspects of foreign language and speech activity. Some of the issues are analysed both in theoretical and practical terms.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004005992110548
Bree Jimenez ◽  
Jenny Root ◽  
Jordan Shurr ◽  
Emily C. Bouck

Teaching requires attention to individual student needs by providing both adequate challenge and sufficient support to help students successfully gain academic skills (Shurr et al., 2019). The learning stages framework divides typical learning into four distinct stages: acquisition, fluency, maintenance, and generalization (Collins, 2012; Haring & Eaton, 1978). Thinking in terms of the learning progression can help teachers assess student performance and determine how they can best be supported to progress. This article will lead readers through the process of using the four stages of learning as a framework for assessment (i.e., understanding where students are currently performing), goal setting (i.e., setting the instructional aim), and instruction (i.e., planning for and delivering instruction aligned to individual student needs) within the context of mathematics for students with a variety of disabilities and support needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
Nur Kharisma Widya Agustin ◽  
Cholis Sa’dijah

This research is a classroom action research. This research was intended to describe the stages of learning that use problem posing-STAD to increasing the students’ creative thinking ability. The results of this research indicate that mathematics learning use problem posing-STAD can increase students’ creative thinking ability so that students can show up new ideas which are a combination of the previous ideas through learning steps as a means: (1) preliminary activities, (2) core activities are consisting of six activities, that is, preparation of group activities, literacy activities, group discussion activities, presentation activities resulting from group discussions, problem posing activities, and presentation of results of problem posing, and (3) closing activities. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah pembelajaran problem posing-STAD dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika melalui problem posing-STAD dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa sehingga siswa dapat memunculkan gagasan baru yang merupakan gabungan dari ide sebelumnya yaitu dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran sebagai berikut: (1) kegiatan pendahuluan, (2) kegiatan inti yang terdiri dari enam kegiatan, yaitu persiapan kegiatan berkelompok, kegiatan literasi, kegiatan diskusi kelompok, kegiatan presentasi hasil diskusi kelompok, kegiatan pengajuan masalah (problem posing), dan kegiatan presentasi hasil pengajuan masalah, serta (3) kegiatan penutup.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Laila Ahmad

ABSTRACT           The objectives of this study are: to find out how muhadatsah learning includes planning, implementation and assessment. Knowing what problems are faced by students and teachers in muhadatsah learning, and what Arabic teacher solutions are in overcoming problems faced by students at MTs Negeri 6 Barito Kuala and MTs Pondok Pesantren Dakwah Islamiyah.             This research is a type of field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. In collecting data using observation and interview methods. Documentary, from primary and secondary data sources. Furthermore, it is analyzed using the analysis description technique, and the validity of the data is checked by using the technique, interpretation, triangulation of methods, and triangulation of data sources.            The results showed that the implementation of the Arabic learning process was carried out in 3 stages of learning, the first was the preparation stage, at this stage the Arabic teachers at MTs N 6 Barito Kuala and at MTs Dakwah Islamiyah made planned preparations, as stated in the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). . The two stages of the implementation of learning, at this stage the Arabic language teachers at the two madrasas could not fully carry out the learning process according to the lesson plans, because the situations and conditions of students and schools were not supportive. The learning method used in each lesson seems the same. The three stages of learning evaluation, at this stage the Arabic language teachers in the two madrasas only conduct an evaluation at the end of the lesson, which should be evaluated during the learning process and at the end of the lesson. Meanwhile, the problems faced are linguistic and non-linguistic problems. In linguistic problems, there are still many students who are not fluent in pronouncing hijaiyah letters and with vocabulary pronunciation, so they find it difficult to memorize mufradat, understand and apply the rules that have been learned. In non-linguistic problems, when the muhadtsah learning takes place, the teacher uses the mother tongue more as the language of instruction, as a result students are also not used to speaking Arabic, the students have little vocabulary, low interest and motivation, limited time, facilities and facilities. limited family, school and social environment that is less supportive.                   The implication of this thesis is that it becomes a means to overcome the problems of speaking Arabic skills at MTs N 6 Barito Kuala and at MTs Da'wah Islamiyah, and expects all parties, especially Arabic teachers to create a more accustomed environment to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Guo Wanjia ◽  
Serra E. Favila ◽  
Ghootae Kim ◽  
Robert J. Molitor ◽  
Brice A. Kuhl

AbstractRemapping refers to a decorrelation of hippocampal representations of similar spatial environments. While it has been speculated that remapping may contribute to the resolution of episodic memory interference in humans, direct evidence is surprisingly limited. We tested this idea using high-resolution, pattern-based fMRI analyses. Here we show that activity patterns in human CA3/dentate gyrus exhibit an abrupt, temporally-specific decorrelation of highly similar memory representations that is precisely coupled with behavioral expressions of successful learning. The magnitude of this learning-related decorrelation was predicted by the amount of pattern overlap during initial stages of learning, with greater initial overlap leading to stronger decorrelation. Finally, we show that remapped activity patterns carry relatively more information about learned episodic associations compared to competing associations, further validating the learning-related significance of remapping. Collectively, these findings establish a critical link between hippocampal remapping and episodic memory interference and provide insight into why remapping occurs.

Cheryl A. Coker

Larisa Sergeeva

The article deals with the actual problem of organizing the educational process aimed at developing information literacy in schoolchildren when studying mathematics at one of the most difficult stages of learning - at the stage of transition from primary to basic school. This paper describes some areas of information literacy development in primary school students; the analysis of the main groups of actions, with the help of which the ability of younger students to work with mathematical information can be formed; describes the results of the performance by younger students of a set of tasks aimed at the formation of information literacy based on the work of students with open practice-oriented tasks. The empirical experience of using the proposed methodology and the analysis of the results obtained made it possible to obtain data on the level of mastery of information literacy by younger students.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 2472
Kouki Doi ◽  
Saito Sakaguchi ◽  
Takahiro Nishimura ◽  
Hiroshi Fujimoto ◽  
Shuichi Ino

Visually impaired licensed therapists must have the ability to perceive stiffness through their fingertips in the school for the blind. The teachers strive to provide careful introductory education based on a quantitative assessment of new students’ basic stiffness perception. However, assessment materials to help teachers understand new students’ stiffness perception are lacking. This study aimed to develop suitable fundamental assessment materials that visually impaired licensed teachers could use to quantitatively assess the difference in the stiffness perception ability of beginning learners in the early stages of learning. They were asked to discriminate the presented materials one at a time, which consisted of thermoplastic elastomers with different degrees of stiffness. We used these materials to compare the beginning learners’ ability to perceive stiffness with that of teachers and found that teachers answered correctly at an overall significantly higher rate. Specifically, the teachers’ correct response rate (78.8%) for the stiffness perception of all presented stimuli was approximately 15% higher than the beginning learners’ correct response rate (64.2%). These results revealed areas of stiffness that are difficult for beginning learners to identify.

2021 ◽  
Wanjia Guo ◽  
Serra Favila ◽  
Ghootae Kim ◽  
Robert Molitor ◽  
Brice Kuhl

Abstract Remapping refers to a decorrelation of hippocampal representations of similar spatial environments. While it has been speculated that remapping may contribute to the resolution of episodic memory interference in humans, direct evidence is surprisingly limited. Here, we tested this idea using high-resolution, pattern-based fMRI analyses. We show that activity patterns in human CA3/dentate gyrus exhibit an abrupt, temporally-specific decorrelation of highly similar memory representations that is precisely coupled with behavioral expressions of successful learning. Strikingly, the magnitude of this learning-related decorrelation was predicted by the amount of pattern overlap during initial stages of learning, with greater initial overlap leading to stronger decorrelation. Finally, we show that remapped activity patterns carry relatively more information about learned episodic associations compared to competing associations, further validating the learning-related significance of remapping. Collectively, these findings establish a critical link between hippocampal remapping and episodic memory interference and provide novel insight into why remapping occurs.

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