vertical temperature distribution
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Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8505
Ilya Aslamov ◽  
Georgiy Kirillin ◽  
Mikhail Makarov ◽  
Konstantin Kucher ◽  
Ruslan Gnatovsky ◽  

Continuous monitoring of ice cover belongs to the key tasks of modern climate research, providing up-to-date information on climate change in cold regions. While a strong advance in ice monitoring worldwide has been provided by the recent development of remote sensing methods, quantification of seasonal ice cover is impossible without on-site autonomous measurements of the mass and heat budget. In the present study, we propose an autonomous monitoring system for continuous in situ measuring of vertical temperature distribution in the near-ice air, the ice strata and the under-ice water layer for several months with simultaneous records of solar radiation incoming at the lake surface and passing through the snow and ice covers as well as snow and ice thicknesses. The use of modern miniature analog and digital sensors made it possible to make a compact, energy efficient measurement system with high precision and spatial resolution and characterized by easy deployment and transportation. In particular, the high resolution of the ice thickness probe of 0.05 mm allows to resolve the fine-scale processes occurring in low-flow environments, such as freshwater lakes. Several systems were tested in numerous studies in Lake Baikal and demonstrated a high reliability in deriving the ice heat balance components during ice-covered periods.

В.Н. Маричев ◽  
Д.А. Бочковский

Одним из важных применений лидарных технологий является исследование термического режима атмосферы. Такие исследования в мониторинговом режиме в институте оптики атмосферы СО РАН были начаты с 1994 года и продолжаются в настоящее время. Особое внимание уделяется изучению проявления внезапных возмущений в средней стратосфере, вызываемых зимними стратосферными потеплениями (СП). С полученными по данной тематике результатами можно ознакомиться в работах 1- 8. В настоящей статье представлены исследования вертикального распределения температуры над Томском в возмущенный и спокойный периоды 2018 г. One of the important applications for lidar technologies is to study the thermal regime of the atmosphere. In V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, these studies in a monitoring mode have been initiated since 1994 and continue into the present. A special attention is devoted to studying the manifestations of sudden disturbances occurring in the middle stratosphere under the influence of wintertime stratospheric warmings. In this paper we present the studies of the vertical temperature distribution over Tomsk in disturbed and quiescent periods of 2018.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1431 ◽  
Jun Zhang ◽  
Jingwen Weng ◽  
Tiannian Zhou ◽  
Dongxu Ouyang ◽  
Qinpei Chen ◽  

The aim of this study was to evaluate the transport phenomena of smoke flow and vertical temperature distribution in a 21-story stairwell with multiple fire locations and openings. A large eddy simulation (LES) method was used to model the smoke flow in a stairwell model with a set of simulation parameters, wherein the fire heat release rate (HRR) and fire location were varied. Based on the results, a wall attachment effect was found in three-dimensional figures. Moreover, with an increase in the fire HRR, the effects were more pronounced. The simulation results verified that the vertical temperature distribution is an index model with a natural logarithm, where the pre-finger factor and attenuation coefficient increase considerably in accordance with an increase in the fire HRR. Moreover, there was a decrease in the maximum temperature (Tm) with an increase in the fire location factor (h*) due to the upward thermal smoke. Moreover, heat mainly accumulates in the area above a fire source. However, h* has a slight influence on the time required to reach Tm within the range of 53–64 s. Furthermore, the direction of the airflow at each side opening in the stairwell varied in accordance with the variation in the fire location changes, and a regular calculation was carried out.

2019 ◽  
Vol 111 ◽  
pp. 01082
Toshio Yamanaka ◽  
Mari Kuranaga ◽  
Tatsunori Maeda ◽  
Haruto Kitakaze

The authors developed a new radiant air conditioning system named ceiling radiant textile air conditioning system with ceiling cassette unit of packaged air conditioner (PAC). The nonflammable textile is stretched under the ceiling with ceiling cassette units of PAC with a distance of around 30 cm. The aim of this study is to investigate the cooling performance of this new radiant system, so the experiments with full scale model were conducted for three system. The first system is “textile only”, the second system is “textile with guide for air return grille” and the third system is “textile with guide and opening for air return grille”. Airflow rate through textile is measured by tracer gas method. In all cases, the vertical temperature distribution is almost uniform, and the cooling effect of “textile with guide and opening for air return grille” is the largest. As for the radiant effect, two systems of “only textile” and “textile with guide for air return grille” are superior to “textile with guide and opening for air return grille”. The airflow rate trough textile is doubled when using guide, and increased by five times if the opening was provided under the guide.

2019 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. 04072
Cheng Liu ◽  
Jiansheng Fan ◽  
Lifa Xiong

The research of the temperature effect of steel-concrete composite bridges is of great significance to ensure the safety and durability. The latest research progress in the field of composite bridge temperature field is introduced, including the temperature field test of indoor and outdoor composite bridge, the fine finite element model of bridge temperature field and temperature distribution law of composite bridge. The study proposes two vertical temperature distribution modes of composite bridges under the action of sunlight, which can be used as reference for composite bridge design.

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