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Despite abundant resources, the automotive industry is reported to adversely impact the environment owing to the use of heavy machinery, diverse and governmental management policies for car production per hour, remarkable employed labor force, production cycle timing, etc. For this purpose, many studies involving environmental risk management have been conducted. To this aim, the present study has been carried out in pre-paint part No. 2 of IKCO (preparation process). In this regard, using FUZZY FMEA and VIKOR methods, the identified risks were assessed and reformative measures and solutions were classified, respectively. A total of 15 individuals considered HSE experts of IKCO were selected as a statistical sample size according to the Morgan table. Consequently, the high level risks were identified and appropriate solutions were suggested to reduce the environmental effects, and according to achieved scores, “torch adjustments based on compliance report” with the objective of reducing air pollution was selected as the compromise solution. IKCO should consider torch adjustment based on compliance report actions as its first priority.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Laura J. Prichard ◽  
Marc Rafelski ◽  
Jeff Cooke ◽  
Uros Meštrić ◽  
Robert Bassett ◽  

Abstract Star-forming galaxies are the sources likely to have reionized the universe. As we cannot observe them directly due to the opacity of the intergalactic medium at z ≳ 5, we study z ∼ 3–5 galaxies as proxies to place observational constraints on cosmic reionization. Using new deep Hubble Space Telescope rest-frame UV F336W and F435W imaging (30 orbits, ∼40 arcmin2, ∼29–30 mag depth at 5σ), we attempt to identify a sample of Lyman continuum galaxies (LCGs). These are individual sources that emit ionizing flux below the Lyman break (<912 Å). This population would allow us to constrain cosmic reionization parameters such as the number density and escape fraction (f esc) of ionizing sources. We compile a comprehensive parent sample that does not rely on the Lyman-break technique for redshifts. We present three new spectroscopic candidates at z ∼ 3.7–4.4 and 32 new photometric candidates. The high-resolution multiband HST imaging and new Keck/Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) redshifts make these promising spectroscopic LCG candidates. Using both a traditional and a probabilistic approach, we find that the most likely f esc values for the three spectroscopic LCG candidates are >100% and therefore not physical. We are unable to confirm the true nature of these sources with the best available imaging and direct blue Keck/LRIS spectroscopy. More spectra, especially from the new class of 30 m telescopes, will be required to build a statistical sample of LCGs to place firm observational constraints on cosmic reionization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-191
Sara Narimanfar ◽  
Peyman Ghafari Ashtiani

E-commerce has led to many deliveries in business relationships specially used for online shopping. Given the growth of e-commerce to increase e-shopping, researchers can be investigated in this area in recent years. This paper aims to investigate the effect of website features on online impulse buying behaviour (OIBB). A questionnaire survey was conducted on the users of the Digi Kala website. They have made an impulsive online purchase at least once from the DigiKala website in Arak city, Iran. A relative stratified sampling technique was utilized for data collection. The data were analyzed statistically. The results show that: All research hypotheses have been confirmed. Among the research variables for the research's statistical sample, service quality and visual attraction affect online impulsive shopping behaviour.

В.К. Каличкин ◽  
К.Ю. Максимович ◽  
В.А. Шпак ◽  
Р.Р. Галимов ◽  
А.Л. Пакуль

Исследованы возможности применения Байесовской сети доверия (БСД) и мультиномиальной логистической регрессии (МНЛР) для прогнозирования степени засоренности земель сельскохозяйственного назначения. Рассчитана вероятность превышения экономического порога вредоносности (ЭПВ) при участии обеих моделей. Выполнено моделирование влияния природных и антропогенных факторов с использованием БСД, а также осуществлен прогноз превышения ЭПВ по категориям с помощью МНЛР. Для обучения моделей использованы данные длительного многофакторного полевого опыта Кемеровского НИИСХ – филиала СФНЦА РАН. Учитывая особенности статистической выборки, определены основные предикторы моделей, влияющие на засоренность земель. Выбранными предикторами были агротехнические приемы (системы обработки почвы, предшественники) и агрометеорологические ресурсы (суммы активных температур воздуха, осадки). Объясненная часть дисперсии по мере Нэйджелкерка, составляет 80,9 %, что говорит о высоких прогностических возможностях применения МНЛР. Прогнозные результаты обеих моделей совпали в 79 % случаев, что указывает на достижение высоких показателей меры близости прогнозов по БСД и МНЛР. Обе модели показали достаточно высокую достоверность при верификации на эмпирических данных за прошлые годы и могут быть использованы в качестве инструмента для прогноза. Следующим этапом работы станет совместное использование БСД и МЛНР, которое может способствовать усилению достоинств обоих подходов и устранению недостатков отдельных из них. The possibilities of using the Bayesian Network of Trust (BSD) and multinomial logistic regression (MNLR) to predict the degree of contamination of agricultural land are investigated. The probability of exceeding the economic threshold of harmfulness (ETH) with the participation of both models is calculated. Modeling of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors using BSD was carried out, and the forecast of the excess of ETH by category was carried out using MNLR. To train the models, data from a long–term multifactorial field experience of the Kemerovo Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences - branch of the SFSCA RAS were used. Taking into account the features of the statistical sample, the main predictors of the models affecting land contamination are determined. The selected predictors were agrotechnical techniques (tillage systems, precursors) and agrometeorological resources (sums of active air temperatures, precipitation). The explained part of the variance with the Nagelkerk measure is 80.9%, which indicates high prognostic possibilities of using MNLR. The forecast results of both models coincided in 79% of cases, which indicates the achievement of high indicators of the measure of proximity of forecasts for BSD and MNLR. Both models have shown sufficiently high reliability when verified on empirical data from previous years and can be used as a tool for forecasting. The next stage of the work will be the joint use of BSD and MDR, which can contribute to strengthening the advantages of both approaches and eliminating the shortcomings of some of them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Aleksey Yu. Vishnyakov

The initial data when creating both geological and hydrodynamic reservoir models can lead to errors in the modeling results and the subsequent distortion of the economic assessment and prospects of an oil or gas field. In order to improve the predictive reliability of reservoir hydrodynamic models, a core material study for the Tula object of four fields at the Babkinskaya anticline was carried out. The ratio analysis of porosity (Kp), rock density () and permeability (Kperm) for sandstones and aleurolites was carried out. Using a statistical core sampling based on porosity, density and permeability parameters, a separation by sedimentation processes was carried out for all considered lithological differences. For aleurolite and sandstone, we could talk about the differentiation of characteristics in the process of reservoir properties formation. The values of the parameters Kp, and Kperm, determined from laboratory core studies, were combined into a single statistical sample for the possibility of developing a methodology that would be aimed at describing Kperm using the integrated laboratory studies, namely by adding rock to the analysis. As a result of statistical analysis, it was found that permeability in intervals with low reservoir properties was controlled with the same significance degree by both porosity and rock density for all lithological differences. At the same time, the presence of highly permeable reservoirs for sandstones and their practically absence for aleurolites were noted. For all lithological differences, relationships were established between the permeability coefficient not only with porosity, but also with rock density. The methodology for constructing statistical models for calculating permeability from the values of porosity and rock density was implemented separately for the fields of the eastern and western parts of the Babkinskaya anticline. The described approach to taking into account the influence of rock density on permeability made it possible to determine the differentiated influence of lithotypes on the filtration characteristics of the reservoir. When modeling a reservoir, it is necessary to move from linearity to nonlinearity and take into account that the problem of permeability distribution in the reservoir being solved is somewhat more complicated: in different areas, sometimes the permeability is not controlled by porosity in principle, but somewhere only this parameter prevails. The methodical approach was recommended for 3D modeling. Revealing the relationships between the parameters was most important when developing a methodology for tuning the model in the interwell space. The development of a reliable estimate of permeability for the vast majority of wells will significantly improve the efficiency of hydrodynamic modeling. At the same time, it is necessary to comprehensively take into account the identified relationships between the petrophysical characteristics of production layers. The use of the approach to the analysis of petrophysical characteristics will allow obtaining a more reliable and less subjective hydrodynamic model of the formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 340-354
Olena Kapustian ◽  
Yulia Petlenko ◽  
Anton Ryzhov ◽  
Ganna Kharlamova

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, university funding in Ukraine suffered significant losses due to unprecedented quarantine measures. The challenge for universities is to diversify funding sources, develop effective approaches to minimize existing and prevent future threats to ensure their financial stabilization (sustainability) in the post-pandemic period. The paper aims to consider financial sustainability of a university (the case of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) due to COVID-19 using the objective calculative approach on the statistical sample of data for 2011–2020. The tasks for achieving the aim are seen in determining, using regression methods, the number of lost receipts from general and special funds in the short and medium term, which will maintain a constant value of receipts at constant assets. The main idea of the paper is that financial sustainability is considered as a condition, and stabilization is considered as a process towards stability/sustainability. The modeling approach reveals a fragile list of factors for the future preventing measures of the University to sustain. It is estimated that the University’s top management should consider financial strategy in dollar terms only. The challenge is that funding in hryvnia seems to be quite increasing and linear, but indeed, funding of the University is non-linear and has a quite intensive downward trend. Thus, for the financial sustainability strategy, this fact should be crucial.The results indicate the need for a significant increase in university funding to mitigate the impact of macroeconomic instability due to various crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic. AcknowledgmentThe study is carried out under the grant funded from the National Research Fund of Ukraine within the competition Science for Human Security and Society, topic 2020.01/0265.

2021 ◽  
Michał Ciach ◽  
Julia Pawłowska ◽  
Anna Muszewska

AbstractNumerous studies have been devoted to individual cases of horizontally acquired genes in fungi. It has been shown that such genes expand their metabolic capabilities and contribute to their adaptations as parasites or symbionts. Some studies have provided a more extensive characterization of the horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in Dikarya. However, in the early diverging fungi (EDF), the overall influence of HGT on the ecological adaptation and evolution is largely unknown. In order to fill this gap, we have designed a computational pipeline to obtain a sample of over 600 phylogenetic trees with evidence for recent to moderately old HGT across multiple EDF genomes ranging from Chytridiomycota and Blastocladiomycota to Mucoromycota. Our pipeline is designed to obtain a small sample of reliable HGT events with a possibly minimal number of false detections that distort the overall statistical patterns. We show that transfer rates differ greatly between closely related species and strains, but the ancestrally aquatic fungi are generally more likely to acquire foreign genetic material than terrestrial ones. A close ecological relationship with another organism is a predisposing condition, but does not always result in an extensive gene exchange, with some fungal lineages showing a preference for HGT from loosely associated soil bacteria.ImportanceAlthough it is now recognized that horizontal gene exchange is a factor influencing the adaptation and evolution of eukaryotic organisms, the so far described cases in early diverging fungi (EDF) are fragmentary, and a large-scale comprehensive study is lacking. We have designed a methodology to obtain a reliable, statistical sample of inter-kingdom xenologs across the tree of life of EDF to give a preliminary characterization of their general properties and patterns. We study how different fungal lineages vary in terms of the number of xenologs, what are their ecological associations, and the molecular properties of proteins encoded by the acquired genes. Our results help to better understand to what extent and in what way the incorporation of foreign genetic material shaped the present biodiversity of fungi.

José Luis Jaramillo-Villanueva ◽  
Jesus Guerrero-Carrera ◽  
Samuel Vargas-López ◽  
Ángel Bustamante González

Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between use of agricultural technology and levels of crop yield and profitability of coffee farmers (Coffea arabica L.) en Puebal and Oaxaca, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: The field work was carried out in the Mazateca region of Oaxaca and the Cuetzalan region of Puebla, in 2019. The data were gathered by applying a survey, using a statistical sample, with 95% confidence and accuracy of 6% of the average coffee yields. Results: The profitability (BCR) was 0.90, which means that for each invested peso, 0.10 pesos were lost, that is, 10% of the investment. For Puebla farmers, the RBC was 1.0 and for Oaxaca producers, 0.81. The BCR of the producers that sold as parchment coffee was 1.16 for those from Cuetzalan and 1.04 for those from the Mazateca region. The group of producers that have high TUI have a different average yield and profitability than the average of the groups of producers that have medium and low TUI. The explanatory variables of yield and profitability are the TUI, the size of the PU, and human capital. Study Limitations/Implications: This study, in a next stage, could benefit from estimating the rate of technology adoption and the training needs of coffee farmers. Conclusions: Due to the positive effect of TUI and HC on yields and profitability, these can be part of public policy interventions to improve coffee growing.

Ali Hakimzadeh Ardekani ◽  
Mohammad Hossein Fallah ◽  
Saeed Vaziri ◽  
Abolghasem Asi Mozneb

Introduction: In the Holy Quran, hope and hope for the future have been spoken about many times and in different ways. In general, the study of the concept of hope shows that hope in any case, means waiting to achieve the goal, is accompanied by effort. In recent years, to achieve such a goal, especially in Iran, they use integrated monotheistic therapy. The aim of this study was to design and validate the Quranic-narrative model of hope therapy with an integrated monotheistic treatment approach. Methods: This study is a combined method (qualitative and quantitative) of exploratory type. Statistical sample in qualitative section 48 people were selected by purposive sampling method and in quantitative section 313 people were selected by relative stratified sampling method. The research tool was a semi-structured checklist and interview in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. In the process of research, the literature of hope in the Qur'an and narrations and psychological sources were studied and the indicators of hope and hope therapy were extracted from this literature. Finally, the appropriateness of the indicators with the structures and the structures with the stages of the existing models were measured. Free coding was used to analyze the qualitative part of the information and confirmatory factor analysis was used in the quantitative part of the exploratory factor analysis. Results: The findings indicate the extraction of the Quranic-narrative model of hope therapy in 4 stages, 8 steps, 15 components and 75 items. Stages and components of the model: Step 1) Understanding the meaning and destination of monotheistic hope (expecting something beloved from God / benevolence from God / peace before God / desire for truth - hereafter hope / worldly hope), step 2) Determining the paths of monotheistic hope ( Positive attitude to solving problems / understanding needs and desires / creating monotheistic behavior), stage 3) giving meaning to monotheistic hope (strengthening faith and belief / performing rituals and worship / hope to attract divine mercy and gifts / hope for piety and divine guidance) and Step 4) Integration of monotheistic beliefs and behavior (integration of beliefs and behavior). Conclusion: Considering the appropriateness of hope therapy models and the model presented in this study, it can be said that the current model is effective for the treatment of despair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 653-662
Silviu-Petru Grecu

This article aims to emphasize the role played by social representations for understanding democracy. In this context, the article is relevant for both political psychology and political normative theory. At the empirical level, the study has several research objectives like: i. to analyse the importance of democratic order in different geographical areas; ii. to estimate several determinants of the satisfaction with democracy; iii. to estimate a model based on social representations of the democratic order. In correlation with the research objectives, empirical findings present three main variables which are related with the satisfaction with democracy (economy, political elite and gender equality with p <0.01). In this context, subjective perception of the economic welfare and political elite are classical variables for explaining the dynamic of democracy. Beyond traditional and liberal framework of understanding democratic order, gender equality is relevant for more than 70% of the statistical sample. In this context, political theory should be nuanced by the empirical findings and should develop a discreet normative framework for understanding the psychological dimension of the democracy. 

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