rough bed
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Vijit Rathore ◽  
Nadia Penna ◽  
Subhasish Dey ◽  
Roberto Gaudio

Reza Estakhr ◽  
Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh ◽  
Mohammad Hossein Omid

Abstract In this study, the effect of bed-load movement on mean flow characteristics was evaluated in two rigid rectangular flumes. The experiments consisted of creating flow conditions carrying sediments with mean diameters of D50 = 0.5, 0.6, and 2.84 mm over both smooth and rough beds. Various sediment concentrations were injected at the upstream end of the flume at non-deposit injection rates to study the effect of various concentrations on flow resistance. The effect of sediment movement on flow resistance was examined by comparing the results with those of clear water flows (without sediment injection on both smooth and rough beds). The results showed that the sediment transport in maximum injection rate may increase the friction factor up to 50 and 58 percent for smooth bed, and up to about 75 and 80 percent in rough bed with mean diameter of 0.5 and 0.6 mm. Besides, for D50 = 2.84 mm, the friction factor decreased in smooth bed and increased up to 50 percent in rough bed. In general, it can be concluded that bed-load transport can be increased by the flow friction factor. The results also showed that bed-loads may decrease the average velocity and increase shear velocity with extraction of momentum from the flow, which both of mentioned factors may increase the flow friction factor. Raising the bed-load concentration in the flow may increase the elevation of the friction factor, approaching a constant value after reaching to the aggregation threshold and generation of bed forms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 958 (1) ◽  
pp. 012014
K Laishram ◽  
P A Kumar ◽  
T T Devi

Abstract An experimental study is conducted on hydraulic jump characteristics for understanding the impact of slope in an open channel flume. Hydraulic jump on different channel characteristics (horizontal smooth & rough and sloping smooth & rough) were analysed. The measured characteristics of hydraulic jump with different channel roughness and different slope were compared. The results showed that the sequent depth ratio (y2/y1 ) increases with the increase in Froude number (Fr1 ) for smooth horizontal bed and horizontal rough bed. It was also observed that with an increase in Fr1 , a decrease in y2/y1 in smooth sloping bed condition and decreases for rough sloping bed. New empirical relationships were also developed with the experimental data and results were found similar with the observed hydraulic characteristics data.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 2564
Francesco Coscarella ◽  
Nadia Penna ◽  
Aldo Pedro Ferrante ◽  
Paola Gualtieri ◽  
Roberto Gaudio

River vegetation radically modifies the flow field and turbulence characteristics. To analyze the vegetation effects on the flow, most scientific studies are based on laboratory tests or numerical simulations with vegetation stems on smooth beds. Nevertheless, in this manner, the effects of bed sediments are neglected. The aim of this paper is to experimentally investigate the effects of bed sediments in a vegetated channel and, in consideration of that, comparative experiments of velocity measures, performed with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) profiler, were carried out in a laboratory flume with different uniform bed sediment sizes and the same pattern of randomly arranged emergent rigid vegetation. To better comprehend the time-averaged flow conditions, the time-averaged velocity was explored. Subsequently, the analysis was focused on the energetic characteristics of the flow field with the determination of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) and its components, as well as of the energy spectra of the velocity components immediately downstream of a vegetation element. The results show that both the vegetation and bed roughness surface deeply affect the turbulence characteristics. Furthermore, it was revealed that the roughness influence becomes predominant as the grain size becomes larger.

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 239
Kalpana Devi ◽  
Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgari ◽  
Ram Balachandar ◽  
Jaan H. Pu

In nature, environmental and geophysical flows frequently encounter submerged cylindrical bodies on a rough bed. The flows around the cylindrical bodies on the rough bed are very complicated as the flow field in these cases will be a function of bed roughness apart from the diameter of the cylinder and the flow velocity. In addition, the sand-bed roughness has different effects on the flow compared to the gravel-bed roughness due to differences in the roughness heights. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to compare the mean velocities and turbulent flow properties in the wake region of a horizontal bed-mounted cylinder over the sand-bed with that over the gravel-bed. Three experimental runs, two for the sand-bed and one for the gravel-bed with similar physical and hydraulic conditions, were recorded to fulfil this purpose. The Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV) probe was used for measuring the three-dimensional (3D) instantaneous velocity data. This comparative study shows that the magnitude of mean streamwise flow velocity, streamwise Reynolds normal stress, and Reynolds shear stress are reduced on the gravel-bed compared to the sand-bed. Conversely, the vertical velocities and vertical Reynolds normal stress are higher on the gravel-bed than the sand-bed.

Gerhard Bartzke ◽  
Georgios Fourtakas ◽  
Ricardo Canelas ◽  
Benedict D. Rogers ◽  
Katrin Huhn

AbstractThis paper presents an investigation of flow past a sphere on a rough surface by means of simulation using the meshless numerical method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) in the presence of a free surface. A representative of natural and engineered objects is spherical wall-mounted bodies. These are ideal to study the flow conditions around hydraulic structures, boulders, fish habitat structures or even architectural structures. The aim is to understand their effect on the hydrodynamics around the larger object sphere resting on them and their interaction. The Lagrangian particle-based scheme SPH using the open-source code DualSPHysics is validated against datasets from a laboratory-based flume experiment. The validation case was selected from the family of the flow past a sphere test cases since it reproduces the flow features in a simplified manner that can be observed in the vicinity of natural sediment grains or larger bodies. The validation results include flow velocity profiles in the vicinity of the large sphere and comparison with experiment data. The results stand in overall agreement with the experimental velocity and force measurements that demonstrates the applicability of SPH in aquatic environments. An SPH investigation on a rough bed in combination with objects/body near the bed in the presence of a free-surface flow has not been shown before in the literature. This is a novel application with insight into the fluid mechanics made possible by using DualSPHysics solver.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1519
Ying-Tien Lin ◽  
Yu Yang ◽  
Yu-Jia Chiu ◽  
Xiaoyan Ji

This study experimentally and numerically investigated the hydrodynamic characteristics of a 180° curved open channel over rough bed under the condition of constant downstream water depth. Three different sizes of bed particles (the small, middle and big cases based upon the grain size diameter D50) were selected for flume tests. Three-dimensional instantaneous velocities obtained by the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) were used to analyze hydrodynamic characteristics. Additionally, the Renormalization-Group (RNG) turbulence model was employed for numerical simulations. Experimental results show that rough bed strengthens turbulence and increases turbulent kinetic energy along curved channels. The power spectra of the longitudinal velocity fluctuation satisfy the classic Kolmogorov −5/3 law in the inertial subrange, and the existence of rough bed shortens the inertial subrange and causes the flow reach the viscous dissipation range in advance. The contributions of sweeps and ejections are more important than those of the outward and inward interactions over a rough bed for the middle case. Flow-3D was adopted to simulate flow patterns on two rough bed settings with same surface roughness (skin drag) but different bed shapes (form drag): one is bed covered with thick bottom sediment layers along the curved part of the flume (the big case) as the experimental condition, and the other one is uniform bed along the entire flume (called the big case_flat only for simulations). Numerical simulations reveal that the secondary flow is confined to the near-bed area and the intensity of secondary flow is improved for both rough bed cases, possibly causing more serious bed erosion along a curved channel. In addition, the thick bottom sediments (the big case), i.e., larger form drag, can enhance turbulence strength near bed regions, enlarge the transverse range of secondary flow, and delay the shifting of the core region of maximum longitudinal velocity towards the concave bank.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 107165
Narges Taravatrooy ◽  
Farhad Bahmanpouri ◽  
Mohammad Reza Nikoo ◽  
Carlo Gualtieri ◽  
Azizallah Izady

Rasoul Daneshfaraz ◽  
Amir Ghaderi ◽  
Silvia Di Francesco ◽  
Navid Khajei

Abstract The horizontal screen is one of the energy dissipater structures used on the brink of vertical drop. These structures increase the energy dissipation and the turbulence in the flow by causing the air entrainment. In the present study, the effect of the diameter of the screen with constant porosity at three different diameters on the hydraulic parameters of the vertical drop was investigated. The experiments were performed in the relative critical depth range of 0.13 to 0.39. The results showed that by increasing the relative diameter of the horizontal screen, the relative wetting length and turbulence length increased, the residual energy remained constant and the pool depth decreased. Compared to the stilling basin, the horizontal screen significantly reduces turbulence length and residual energy. The results also showed that the application of horizontal screens at the brink of the drop, with and without a downstream rough bed, could be a suitable alternative for a stilling basin.

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