cement manufacture
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M. Sriram

Abstract: The partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate with granite powder and saw dust ash, quarry dust when it is able for sustainable development is characterized by application, we came to know that a lot of damage is done to environment in the manufacturing of cement that the ton of cement manufacture releases half ton of co2 and control of the granite powder same way granite powder and saw dust is cheaper in cost. In this investigation of granite slurry and saw dust was used to partial substitute in proportions varying from 10%, 20%, 30% by weight to cement in concrete and tested from compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength. Concrete cubes measuring. 150 x 150 x 150 mm were cast and their compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength is evaluation at 7, 14, 21, 28 days. It was observed that replacement at 10% of cement by weight with granite powder in concrete was the most effective in increasing compressive and flexural strength compare to other ratios. The test results were plotted for 10% ratio of granite slurry and saw dust having great compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength compared to 20%, 30% ratio. So it can be concluded that when locally available granite slurry and saw dust is a good partial replacement to concrete and improves compressive, tensile, workability, flexure characteristics of concrete, while simultaneously offsetting the overall cost of concrete substantially. Keywords: Granite waste, saw dust ash, sound absorption, compressive strength, flexibility, workability, Quarry Dust.

Eti Tirumala Chakrapani ◽  
A M N Kashyap ◽  
G Anjaneyulu ◽  
M R Manikanta ◽  

Concrete might be the maximum substantially used construction material in the global with approximately six billion tones being produced each year. It is best subsequent to water in phrases of in keeping with-capita consumption. However, environmental sustainability is at stake both in terms of damage due to the extraction of raw material and CO2 emission all through cement manufacture. This brought pressures on researchers for the discount of cement intake by means of partial substitute of cement by using supplementary materials. These materials may be obviously happening, industrial wastes or by way of-products that are less energy extensive. Fly ash and Ground Granulated Burnt Slag (GGBS) are selected specifically based totally on the standards of fee and their long lasting qualities., Not best this, Environmental pollution also can be decreased to a point due to the fact the emission of dangerous gases like carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide are very restricted. These substances (referred to as pozzalonas) when combined with calcium hydroxide, reveals cementitious compositions. Most commonly used pozzalonas are fly ash, silica fume, met kaolin, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). This wishes to look at the admixtures performance whilst combined with concrete so as to ensure a discounted existence cycle fee. The present research consists of three phases and reports the specializes in investigating characteristics of M35grade concrete .In the 1st phase the behavior of standard and SCM concrete (7.5%FA and 7.5%GGBS) of M35 grade specimens with different percentages of chemical admixtures curing with acids such as HCL. 2nd phase the same grade of specimens curing with Alkaline such as NaOH and in the 3rd phase the same grade of specimens curing with sulphate solution MgSO4 and finally assess the losses of mechanical properties and durability considerations of the concrete due to these conditions were reported.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Eti tirumala Chakrapani* ◽  
A M N Kashyap ◽  
Anjaneyulu, G ◽  
Manikanta M R

Concrete might be the maximum substantially used construction material in the global with approximately six billion tones being produced each year. It is best subsequent to water in phrases of in keeping with-capita consumption. However, environmental sustainability is at stake both in terms of damage due to the extraction of raw material and CO2 emission all through cement manufacture. This brought pressures on researchers for the discount of cement intake by means of partial substitute of cement by using supplementary materials. These materials may be obviously happening, industrial wastes or by way of-products that are less energy extensive. Fly ash and Ground Granulated Burnt Slag (GGBS) are selected specifically based totally on the standards of fee and their long lasting qualities., Not best this, Environmental pollution also can be decreased to a point due to the fact the emission of dangerous gases like carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide are very restricted. These substances (referred to as pozzalonas) when combined with calcium hydroxide, reveals cementitious compositions. Most commonly used pozzalonas are fly ash, silica fume, met kaolin, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). This wishes to look at the admixtures performance whilst combined with concrete so as to ensure a discounted existence cycle fee. The present research consists of three phases and reports the specializes in investigating characteristics of M35grade concrete .In the 1st phase the behavior of standard and SCM concrete (7.5%FA and 7.5%GGBS) of M35 grade specimens with different percentages of chemical admixtures curing with acids such as HCL. 2nd phase the same grade of specimens curing with Alkaline such as NaOH and in the 3rd phase the same grade of specimens curing with sulphate solution MgSO4 and finally assess the losses of mechanical properties and durability considerations of the concrete due to these conditions were reported.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-108
Ali M. Elfeituri ◽  
Ibrahim M. Abou El Leil ◽  
Salah S. El-Elkhfifi

This paper has been carried out to determine the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Eocene Darnah limestone which outcrops at Wadi Al Kharsha as an example of the Darnah Formation. The most conspicuous phenomenon is the upward increase of the dolomitization process, whereas, the dolomite content ranges from 4.34 to 15.48 % with an average value of 8.99%. The lime (CaO) represents the major predominant with a high content (48.08%), it can be blend with other carbonates to improve its quality to meet the specifications of raw material for cement manufacture. The relationship between calcium (CaO) and magnesium (MgO) exhibits a significantly strong negative linear correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.967), which emphasizes the dolomitization process, while the relationship between SiO2 and Al2O3 is a positive linear significant relationship with a strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.98), whereas, the SiO2 increases with increasing of Al2O3. The calculated mineralogical composition revealed that halite, gypsum, and hematite are considered to be minor constituents, almost less than 1.0%. Keywords: Limestone; Darnah Formation; Mineralogy; Geochemistry; Dolomitization; Characterizations; Cement

2021 ◽  
Carlos Hernando Aramburo Varela ◽  
Luiz Felipe de Pinho ◽  
César Pedrajas Nieto-Márquez ◽  
Rafael Talero Morales

The thermal activation of clays to produce highly reactive artificial pozzolans on a large scale is one of the most important technologies developed on an industrial scale to reduce CO2 emissions in cement manufacture. This technical document deals with the scientific basis for the thermal activation of clays to produce an extraordinarily high quality supplementary cementitious material (SCM) based on the contents of its hydraulic factors, reactive silica (SiO2r–) and reactive alumina (Al2O3r–). The production process and the optimization of its use in the new cements offers better performance, features and durability. Furthermore, its mixture with Portland cement is much more appropriate when carried out in a blending station after both components, activated clay and Portland cement, are ground separately and not jointly in a single mill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-53
David Guimolaire Nkouathio ◽  
Éric Donaldo Ntchambia Djeunou ◽  
Rachid Mohamed ◽  
Synthia Tengomo Nguimatsia ◽  
Marie Louise Chenyi Vohnyui

This work studies the characteristics of pyroclastic (materials) and evaluates the environmental impacts due to the opening of a pyroclastic quarry in the Tombel graben area saturated lime test, specific surface determination, mechanical resistivity index within long and short terms have been used to characterize pozzolan materials in the study area and it’s important to the cement industry while environmental impact was determined through soil permeability test and nuisance noise. From the results obtained, samples had very large specific surfaces (>3500 Cm2/g) and highly reactive with lime. The samples studied are in conformity with standard mechanical resistivity index SAI. For cement manufacture. The environmental impacts define an "absolute average" impacts relating to the opening of the quarry. Hence a particular attention is needed in this area of study and mitigation measures have been proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 129-136
Razaq Babatunde Lawal ◽  
Habeeb Adedeji Quadri ◽  
Wasiu Olakunle Makinde ◽  
Cinwonsoko Nimma Akanya

The harmful impact of Portland cement manufacture on a global scale has prompted an extensive search for clinker replacement materials and alternative low CO2 cements. This paper investigated prospects and application of Calcined Clay Pozzolan with Hydraulic Lime in built industry. Limestone and Raw clay from Ewekoro and Owode-Ketu areas in Ogun State were sourced for the production after being calcined in kiln at temperatures of 950°C and 700°C for 2 hours respectively. Binders were produced by blending Calcined lime (L) and Calcined clay (C) together by mass in different variations (20%L:80%C; 40%L:60%C; 60%L:40%C; 80%L:20%C; 100%L:0%C). Consequently, these binders were mixed with fine aggregate to produce mortar cubes at a mix ratio and water cement ratio of 1:3 and 0.5 respectively. An average of 3 cubes were cast per mix to produce a total of 90, 100mm cubes and cured by water sprinkling for 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 90 days respectively. These cubes were subjected to bulk density and compressive strength tests in order to ascertain their durability. Owode-Ketu calcined clay was found to be a class N Pozzolana according to ASTM C618-08. The densities and compressive strengths of the various cubes ranged between 1785 – 1870 kg/m3 and 0.15 – 1.09 MPa respectively for all the curing periods. The binder 60%L:40%C was found to be the best of all the binders owing to its compressive strength (0.89 MPa) after 28 days curing period. All binders except 100%L:0%C could be used in any masonry, rendering, plastering and pointing application because they exhibited compressive strengths in the range of 0.4 to 2.5 MPa after 28 days curing period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Тetiana Kropyvnytska ◽  
Iryna Нeviuk ◽  
Roksolana Stekhna ◽  
Oksana Rykhlitska ◽  

The article shows the relation between sustainability and cement manufacture that can be obtained by the replacement of clinker with limestone additive. This decreases the use of energy resources and reduces CO2 emissions in cement production. The issue of partial Portland cement clinker substitution by finely ground limestone in the production of market-oriented types of cement type CEM II is solved on the cement plant PJSC "Ivano-Frankivsk Cement". The indexes of physical-mechanical tests of certified Portland limestone cement with high early strength CEM II/A-LL 42.5 R produced by PJSC "Ivano-Frankivsk Cement" are given. Finely dispersed limestone in Portland-composite cements with slag promotes a more complete synergic effect. It is established, that rapid-hardening blended Portland cements with limestone powder provide technological, technical, ecological, and economic effects in the production of prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete.

Dheeraj Sharma ◽  
Yash Agrawal ◽  
Trilok Gupta ◽  
Ravi Sharma

Cement manufacture depletes natural resources, requires significant energy usage, and emits large quantities of greenhouse gases. Roughly one tonne of carbon dioxide is released by ordinary Portland cement, which is roughly 7% of global carbon dioxide generation. In concrete production GGBS can be a partial alternative of cement. GGBS is produced by finely grinding of molten slag generated by the process of extraction of iron from ore. In this study the concrete properties incorporating GGBS is reviewed. The hardened properties of concrete incorporating GGBS are discussed. The cement replacement of about 35-40% by GGBS in concrete demonstrates various advantages like less heat of hydration, increase in ductility, increase in strength, reduction in carbon emission and better aesthetics. GGBS improves the durability properties of concrete, such as higher resistance to sulphate attack, increased resistance to alkali-silica reaction, reduced chloride ion penetration which enhances corrosion resistance. Denser microstructure and lower porosity due to the addition of GGBS, which in turn enhances the durability of concrete. With the use of GGBS in concrete, cement content can be reduced, which turns into an eco-friendly solution.

Qiang Cai ◽  
Binbin Qian ◽  
Jun Jiang ◽  
Yueyang Hu ◽  
Luming Wang

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