granite powder
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-6
家雨 朱

Lukasz Kampa ◽  

This article describes the effect of adding waste granite powder to the epoxy resin layer on its pull-off strength. The substrate was C30 / 37 concrete. The priming resin was modified with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% of granite powder. For control purposes, a sample was also made without the addition of powder. For each material configuration, four strength tests were carried out with the use of an automatic device recording both the pull-off strength and the measurement time. The obtained results were compared with the control sample. The best result in the test was obtained with the addition of 20%, which gave an increase of 19% compared to the reference sample. An equally good result was obtained with the addition of 10% granite powder (increase by 11%). The addition of a larger amount of the additive resulted in a decrease or a slight increase in the pull-off strength compared to the reference sample. Additionally, the additive has been found to darken the coating, and the coating becomes completely opaque when added above 50%.

M. Sriram

Abstract: The partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate with granite powder and saw dust ash, quarry dust when it is able for sustainable development is characterized by application, we came to know that a lot of damage is done to environment in the manufacturing of cement that the ton of cement manufacture releases half ton of co2 and control of the granite powder same way granite powder and saw dust is cheaper in cost. In this investigation of granite slurry and saw dust was used to partial substitute in proportions varying from 10%, 20%, 30% by weight to cement in concrete and tested from compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength. Concrete cubes measuring. 150 x 150 x 150 mm were cast and their compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength is evaluation at 7, 14, 21, 28 days. It was observed that replacement at 10% of cement by weight with granite powder in concrete was the most effective in increasing compressive and flexural strength compare to other ratios. The test results were plotted for 10% ratio of granite slurry and saw dust having great compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure strength compared to 20%, 30% ratio. So it can be concluded that when locally available granite slurry and saw dust is a good partial replacement to concrete and improves compressive, tensile, workability, flexure characteristics of concrete, while simultaneously offsetting the overall cost of concrete substantially. Keywords: Granite waste, saw dust ash, sound absorption, compressive strength, flexibility, workability, Quarry Dust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
Blasius Ngayakamo ◽  
Gbetoglo Charles Komadja ◽  
Abdulhakeem Bello ◽  
Azikiwe Peter Onwualu

AbstractConstruction and mining industries around the globe have been criticized for production of enormous solid wastes that have potential environmental impacts. Therefore, this study presents a feasible approach to recover and utilize granite micronized stones waste for production of eco-friendly bricks. This research work, aimed at substituting a natural clay with granite powder to produce value-added bricks with pronounced physical–mechanical properties. The micronized granite waste stones were crushed and ground to obtain a fine powder sample. Thereafter, different batch compositions containing a varied proportions of granite powder were prepared and fired at different sintering temperatures: 900, 1000 and 1100 °C. The raw materials and bricks were characterized for their chemical compositions, microstructural, mineralogical and physical–mechanical properties. The results showed that, an increase in granite waste powder and sintering temperature enhanced the quality of fired clay bricks in terms of mechanical strength and decreased simultaneously the apparent porosity and water absorption. The final experimental approach showed that, the possibility to produce eco-friendly bricks containing up to 30 wt% of granite powder with enhanced engineering properties fired at 1100 °C is promising. Graphic abstract

Venkatesan B ◽  
Kannan V ◽  
Sophia M

This paper aims to assess the mechanical and long-term durability performance of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) containing Granite Powder (GrP) as cement replacement and waste Glass Powder (GP) as quartz sand replacement. The workability and mechanical behaviour of RPC containing various proportions of GrP and GP are assessed for different w/b ratios (0.3, 0.35, 0.4 and 0.45). The water resistance and tightness of RPC are measured by monitoring the electrical resistivity, water absorption, sorptivity and chloride migration over a one year period. Results reveal that substitution of GrP and GP at optimum levels of 15% and 30% respectively enhances the performance of RPC with the achievement of satisfiable workability at a 0.35 w/b ratio. A significant increase in the resistance towards chloride penetration and electrical resistivity was also observed with increasing ages. Thus, glass powder and granite powder can be considered as alternative construction materials providing economical and ecological efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (04) ◽  
pp. 381-388

This study investigates the effects of fire, cooling methods, and cover thickness, on the behaviour (strength and ductility) of 12-mm diameter rebars embedded in mortars with river sand (RS) substitutes such as granite powder and manufactured sand, with 30 and 50 mm cover thickness. Beyond 500°C, thermal stress induced random spalling of mortar cover, and tension test results showed strength decrement and ductility increment of rebars for air cooling, while the vice versa was observed for water quenching.

This paper presents a definite exploratory investigation on penetrability qualities of granite powder (GP) concrete. The primary parameter researched in this investigation was M30 and M60 grades concrete with substitution of sand by GP of 0, 25,50 and 100 and concrete as fractional supplanting with super plasticiser, fly ash, slag and silica fume. The antacid arrangement utilized for present examination is the mix of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate arrangement. The test example was 50 mm (thick) x 100 mm (diameter) cylinder shapes heat-relieved at 60°C in an oven. The variety was concentrated on the examples exposed to ambient air just as oven heat relieving. non-destructive tests on cylinders with the help of rebound hammer for a time of 28, 56, 90, 180 and 365 days. The test outcomes show that the substitution of rock and incomplete substitution of admixtures display better execution

2021 ◽  
Vol 1145 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
G Anusha ◽  
R Dharmaraj ◽  
S Anandaraj ◽  
S Yamini ◽  
P D Arumairaj ◽  

Silicon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Muhammad Nadeem ◽  
Samina Ilyas ◽  
Ehsan Ul Haq ◽  
Furqan Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Zain-ul-Abdein ◽  

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