coping factor
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2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 478-489
Mahmood Shamshiri ◽  
Behzad Eskandar Oghli ◽  
Maryam Vafaee ◽  
Behnam Molaei ◽  

Objectives: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is one of the most common causes of disability worlwide. Perception of coping strategies is important in these patients. This study aims to investigate the coping strategies in patients with SCI. Methods: This is a hermeneutic phenomenological study using van Mann’s approach. participants werre 15 adults (4 females, 11 males) with SCI living in Ardail, Iran who were recruited using a purposive sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Interviews were recoreded and then transcribed and finally analyzed by using the thematic analysis approach proposed by van Mann. Results: The lived experiences related to coping strategies in patients were summarized in six main themes including acceptence of the incurability, desire for being independent, praying for divine help, patience & persuasion, time as a coping factor, and marriage. Conclusion: Patients with SCI use their own strategies to cope with their disability. Therefore, it is necessary for clinicians and psychiatrists to strengthen their coping strategies to help them better adapt to their injury

Piet van Tuijl ◽  
Aerjen Tamminga ◽  
Gert-Jan Meerkerk ◽  
Peter Verboon ◽  
Ruslan Leontjevas ◽  

This study aimed to assess the best combination of indicators of problematic hypersexuality (PH), in a survey (n = 58,158) targeting individuals wondering if they were sex addicted. The survey allowed for testing of criteria from three theoretical models used to conceptualize PH. Factor analyses for women and men yielded an interpretable grouping of indicators consisting of four factors. In subsequent logistic regressions, these factors were used as predictors for experiencing the need for help for PH. The factors Negative Effects and Extreme positively predicted experiencing the need for help, with Negative Effects as the most important predictor for both women and men. This factor included, among others, withdrawal symptoms and loss of pleasure. The Sexual Desire factor negatively predicted the need for help, suggesting that for the targeted population more sexual desire leads to less PH. The Coping factor did not predict experiencing the need for help. Outcomes show that a combination of indicators from different theoretical models best indicates the presence of PH. Therefore, a measurement instrument to assess existence and severity of PH should consist of such a combination. Theoretically, this study suggests that a more comprehensive model for PH is needed, surpassing existing conceptualizations of PH.

2014 ◽  
Mayank Golpelwar

Objective : Although the Coping Instrument for Stressful Situations – 21 item scale (CISS-21) offers excellent psychometric stability in samples from various countries, data about its validity and reliability among Indian samples is not easily accessible. The current study presents these data from a sample consisting of urban Indians working in the global service sector. Method : Two hundred and seventy four professionals working in highly paying service sector jobs in India completed the CISS-21. The data was analyzed using principal factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results : Instead of the three-factor structure consisting of emotion-oriented, avoidance-oriented, and task-oriented coping strategies, a four-factor structure emerged. This resulting structure indicates that the current Indian sample perceived the task-oriented coping strategy as comprising of two distinct sub-factors: One involving cognitive-appraisal based mechanisms and another where a direct action-based approach is preferred. Conclusion : among the Indian sample involved in the current study, CISS-21 appears to be a reliable and valid scale, albeit with a four instead of three factor structure. Naïve dialecticism and Biculturalism are presented and discussed as possible reasons for this unique factor structure.

Mayank Golpelwar

Objective : Although the Coping Instrument for Stressful Situations – 21 item scale (CISS-21) offers excellent psychometric stability in samples from various countries, data about its validity and reliability among Indian samples is not easily accessible. The current study presents these data from a sample consisting of urban Indians working in the global service sector. Method : Two hundred and seventy four professionals working in highly paying service sector jobs in India completed the CISS-21. The data was analyzed using principal factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results : Instead of the three-factor structure consisting of emotion-oriented, avoidance-oriented, and task-oriented coping strategies, a four-factor structure emerged. This resulting structure indicates that the current Indian sample perceived the task-oriented coping strategy as comprising of two distinct sub-factors: One involving cognitive-appraisal based mechanisms and another where a direct action-based approach is preferred. Conclusion : among the Indian sample involved in the current study, CISS-21 appears to be a reliable and valid scale, albeit with a four instead of three factor structure. Naïve dialecticism and Biculturalism are presented and discussed as possible reasons for this unique factor structure.

2014 ◽  
Mayank Golpelwar

Objective : Although the Coping Instrument for Stressful Situations – 21 item scale (CISS-21) offers excellent psychometric stability in samples from various countries, data about its validity and reliability among Indian samples is not easily accessible. The current study presents these data from a sample consisting of urban Indians working in the global service sector. Method : Two hundred and seventy four professionals working in highly paying service sector jobs in India completed the CISS-21. The data was analyzed using principal factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results : Instead of the three-factor structure consisting of emotion-oriented, avoidance-oriented, and task-oriented coping strategies, a four-factor structure emerged. This resulting structure indicates that the current Indian sample perceived the task-oriented coping strategy as comprising of two distinct sub-factors: One involving cognitive-appraisal based mechanisms and another where a direct action-based approach is preferred. Conclusion : among the Indian sample involved in the current study, CISS-21 appears to be a reliable and valid scale, albeit with a four instead of three factor structure. Naïve dialecticism and Biculturalism are presented and discussed as possible reasons for this unique factor structure.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-26 ◽  
Christopher Sharpley ◽  
Suresh Palanisamy ◽  
Kate Metcalf ◽  
Kim Jones ◽  
Brian Kelly ◽  

Sibe Doosje ◽  
Martijn De Goede ◽  
Lorenz Van Doornen ◽  
Jeffrey Goldstein

AbstractThe aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a Questionnaire of Occupational Humorous Coping (QOHC), partly based on the model of emotion regulation by Gross (Current Directions in Psychological Science 10: 214–219, 2001). Items intended to measure antecedent-focused, response-focused, and affiliative and aggressive-manipulative humorous coping methods were generated. Preliminary studies led to improvements in the questionnaire and to the removal of items controlling for acquiescence bias. Principal axis factoring with oblique rotation on a large sample yielded four stable and reliable factors: an antecedent-focused, a response-focused, an aggressive-manipulative and an affiliative instrumental humorous coping factor. Convergent and discriminant validity with existing humorous coping and other sense of humor measures (the CHS, the MSHS and the HSQ) was satisfactory, but not always in the expected direction. Antecedent-focused and generic humorous coping (CHS) were weakly associated with job-related positive affect and well-being; for the self-enhancing humor style these associations were moderate. Aggressive-manipulative, response-focused and generic humorous coping (CHS) showed weak associations with negative job-related affect. The findings are explained in terms of assessment issues and possible moderating effects of humorous coping.

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