symbolic algorithm
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Garrett E. Katz ◽  
Akshay ◽  
Gregory P. Davis ◽  
Rodolphe J. Gentili ◽  
James A. Reggia

We present a neurocomputational controller for robotic manipulation based on the recently developed “neural virtual machine” (NVM). The NVM is a purely neural recurrent architecture that emulates a Turing-complete, purely symbolic virtual machine. We program the NVM with a symbolic algorithm that solves blocks-world restacking problems, and execute it in a robotic simulation environment. Our results show that the NVM-based controller can faithfully replicate the execution traces and performance levels of a traditional non-neural program executing the same restacking procedure. Moreover, after programming the NVM, the neurocomputational encodings of symbolic block stacking knowledge can be fine-tuned to further improve performance, by applying reinforcement learning to the underlying neural architecture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Mohamed S. M. Bahgat ◽  
A. M. Sebaq

In this research, an approximation symbolic algorithm is suggested to obtain an approximate solution of multipantograph system of type delay differential equations (DDEs) using a combination of Laplace transform and variational iteration algorithm (VIA). The corresponding convergence results are acquired, and an efficient algorithm for choosing a feasible Lagrange multiplier is designed in the solving process. The application of the Laplace variational iteration algorithm (LVIA) for the problems is clarified. With graphics and tables, LVIA approximates to a high degree of accuracy with a few numbers of iterates. Also, computational results of the considered examples imply that LVIA is accurate, simple, and appropriate for solving a system of multipantograph delay differential equations (SMPDDEs).

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 560 ◽  
Luboš Brim ◽  
Samuel Pastva ◽  
David Šafránek ◽  
Eva Šmijáková

Boolean network (BN) is a simple model widely used to study complex dynamic behaviour of biological systems. Nonetheless, it might be difficult to gather enough data to precisely capture the behavior of a biological system into a set of Boolean functions. These issues can be dealt with to some extent using parametrised Boolean networks (ParBNs), as this model allows leaving some update functions unspecified. In our work, we attack the control problem for ParBNs with asynchronous semantics. While there is an extensive work on controlling BNs without parameters, the problem of control for ParBNs has not been in fact addressed yet. The goal of control is to ensure the stabilisation of a system in a given state using as few interventions as possible. There are many ways to control BN dynamics. Here, we consider the one-step approach in which the system is instantaneously perturbed out of its actual state. A naïve approach to handle control of ParBNs is using parameter scan and solve the control problem for each parameter valuation separately using known techniques for non-parametrised BNs. This approach is however highly inefficient as the parameter space of ParBNs grows doubly exponentially in the worst case. We propose a novel semi-symbolic algorithm for the one-step control problem of ParBNs, that builds on symbolic data structures to avoid scanning individual parameters. We evaluate the performance of our approach on real biological models.

Nikola Beneš ◽  
Luboš Brim ◽  
Samuel Pastva ◽  
David Šafránek

AbstractProblems arising in many scientific disciplines are often modelled using edge-coloured directed graphs. These can be enormous in the number of both vertices and colours. Given such a graph, the original problem frequently translates to the detection of the graph’s strongly connected components, which is challenging at this scale.We propose a new, symbolic algorithm that computes all the monochromatic strongly connected components of an edge-coloured graph. In the worst case, the algorithm performs $$O(p\cdot n\cdot \log n)$$ O ( p · n · log n ) symbolic steps, where p is the number of colours and n the number of vertices. We evaluate the algorithm using an experimental implementation based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and large (up to $$2^{48}$$ 2 48 ) coloured graphs produced by models appearing in systems biology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Laura Menini ◽  
Corrado Possieri ◽  
Antonio Tornambè

Yu-Fang Chen ◽  
Vojtěch Havlena ◽  
Ondřej Lengál ◽  
Andrea Turrini

2019 ◽  
Vol 57 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 81-106
Swen Jacobs ◽  
Mouhammad Sakr

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Milena Veneva ◽  
Alexander Ayriyan

10.29007/5z5k ◽  
2018 ◽  
Krishnendu Chatterjee ◽  
Wolfgang Dvořák ◽  
Monika Henzinger ◽  
Alexander Svozil

Solving parity games, which are equivalent to modal μ-calculus model checking, is a central algorithmic problem in formal methods, with applications in reactive synthesis, program repair, verification of branching-time properties, etc. Besides the standard compu- tation model with the explicit representation of games, another important theoretical model of computation is that of set-based symbolic algorithms. Set-based symbolic algorithms use basic set operations and one-step predecessor operations on the implicit description of games, rather than the explicit representation. The significance of symbolic algorithms is that they provide scalable algorithms for large finite-state systems, as well as for infinite-state systems with finite quotient. Consider parity games on graphs with n vertices and parity conditions with d priorities. While there is a rich literature of explicit algorithms for parity games, the main results for set-based symbolic algorithms are as follows: (a) the basic algorithm that requires O(nd) symbolic operations and O(d) symbolic space; and (b) an improved algorithm that requires O(nd/3+1) symbolic operations and O(n) symbolic space. In this work, our contributions are as follows: (1) We present a black-box set-based symbolic algorithm based on the explicit progress measure algorithm. Two important consequences of our algorithm are as follows: (a) a set-based symbolic algorithm for parity games that requires quasi-polynomially many symbolic operations and O(n) symbolic space; and (b) any future improvement in progress measure based explicit algorithms immediately imply an efficiency improvement in our set-based symbolic algorithm for parity games. (2) We present a set-based symbolic algorithm that requires quasi-polynomially many symbolic operations and O(d · log n) symbolic space. Moreover, for the important special case of d ≤ log n, our algorithm requires only polynomially many symbolic operations and poly-logarithmic symbolic space.

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