core production
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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Martin Rundkvist

Abstract Gold snake-head rings are a famous and much studied artefact group of the Late Roman Period in Scandinavia. But before and during their heyday, women in the same areas were occasionally buried with shield-head and snake-head rings made of silver or bronze. This paper surveys the material and traces the origin of these designs from the Wielbark Culture in coastal Poland about AD 100. The early shield-head rings probably arrived across the Baltic with the women who wore them. After the AD 210s, non-gold rings are a feature of the gold snake-head rings’ core production and distribution area on the Baltic Islands and south-east mainland Sweden. The women who wore them were not tribal royalty, but enjoyed comfortable economic means and had the right to display this top-level symbol in more affordable materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-27
Irsyad Ali Syahid ◽  
Nur Rahman As’ad ◽  
Puti Renosori

Abstract. CV. X is a textile company that manufactures sarong, napkin rags and other fabric materials. The core production process is carried out by the company with several process elements carried out by the company's business partners (subcontract). The fabrication process of a sarong product is carried out with a semi-automatic machine that is operated by an operator with some process elements that are carried out by a conventional operator. Based on the identification of work risks using the Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC) questionnaire, that operator works in a limited body posture condition so as to produce a score of more than 50% and the need for action in the near future. These results indicate how high this risks experienced by finishing work station operators. The condition of the operator working in a folded or squatting sitting position, forearm reach, dynamic hand movements plus limited operator motion because sitting without proper facilities is a major problem. If this is not treated as soon as possible it can have a negative impact on the operator such as physical fatigue, decreased operator performance to skeletal muscle injury (mosquletal disorder). Quick Exposure Checklist show that the occupational risk level of work is at level 3 (three) which shown a high score level that action is needed as soon as possible to minimize the risk of work. The proposed action to minimize the risk is to design an ergonomic work facility in accordance with the needs of the operator at the finishing work station using the Anthropometry method. Abstrak. CV. X merupakan perusahaan tekstil yang memproduksi kain sarung, lap serbet serta bahan kain lainnya. Proses produksi inti dilakukan oleh perusahaan dengan beberapa elemen proses yang dilakukan oleh mitra usaha perusahaan (subcont). Proses pabrikasi produk kain sarung dikerjakan dengan mesin-mesin semi otomatis yang dioperasikan operator dengan beberapa elemen proses yang dikerjakan operator secara konvensional. Berdasarkan identifikasi dan observasi resiko kerja menggunakan kuesioner Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC), operator bekerja pada kondisi postur tubuh yang terbatas sehingga menghasilkan hasil skor lebih dari 50% dan diperlukannya tindakan dalam waktu dekat. Hasil ini menunjukan besarnya resiko kerja yang dialami operator stasiun kerja finishing. Kondisi operator yang bekerja pada posisi duduk terlipat maupun jongkok, jangkauan tangan kedepan, pergerakan tangan yang dinamis ditambah terbatasnya gerak operator karena duduk tanpa ditunjang fasilitas yang layak menjadi faktor masalah utama. Jika hal ini tidak ditangani sesegera mungkin dapat mengakibatkan dampak negatif terhadap operator seperti kelelahan fisik, penurunan kinerja operator hingga cedera otot rangka (mosquletal disorder). Hasil penilaian resiko kerja Quick Exposure Checklist menunjukkan bahwa level resiko kerja pekerjaan berada pada level 3 (tiga) yang menunjukan level skor tinggi sehingga perlu dilakukannya tindakan dalam waktu dekat guna meminimasi besarnya resiko kerja. Tindakan yang diusulkan guna meminimasi resiko tersebut yaitu dengan merancang fasilitas kerja yang ergonomis sesuai dengan kebutuhan operator pada stasiun kerja finishing dengan menggunakan metode Antropometri.

2021 ◽  
Ahmed Nassr

The ongoing archaeological survey and excavations in Faid area north of Saudi Arabia uncovered remains of a large early Islamic settlement. During excavation of season 2019 Paleolithic artefacts discovered in the building foundations indicated of Paleolithic site buried partially by the settlement ruins. An archaeological exploration carried out in the area around the site during March 2020, where are three Paleolithic sites documented Faid 1 – Faid 3). In February 2021 archaeological survey extended to the east and west, where are new four Paleolithic sites have been discovered (Faid 4 – Faid 7). The archaeological sites represented two main Paleolithic traditions, Acheulean identified from the bifaces and Middle Paleolithic horizon represented by prepared core production and bifacial point referable to Levallois meth. Faid 2 is a unique Acheulean site, where a systematic survey shows agglomeration of LCTs covered an area of 15 hectares. Bifaces (handaxes and cleavers) are the most conspicuous artefacts characteristics. Thus the archaeological sites localities and lithics technocomplex has direct relevance for assessing hominin dispersal routes along Arabia to Eurasia.

An.A. Aleksandrov

The paper states an industrial engineering problem concerning industrial enterprises manufacturing goods for seasonal industries and activities. We developed a method for selecting optimum enterprise production capacity and forming a production plan that allows for meeting seasonal increases in demand, simultaneously ensuring rational utilisation of human resources, manufacturing equipment and storage facilities. The basis of the method is seeking the production volume function by minimising total expenditures for storage and manufacturing of goods, provided the seasonal demand is fully met over the whole period. We present a numerical implementation algorithm for our method and a calculation example. The main stages of the algorithm are as follows: setting the demand function; computing the core production capacity as dictated by steady equipment utilisation; varying the production plan until the minimum total expenditure condition is met. We ran a series of simulations that allowed us to establish the function describing the optimum production capacity as a fraction of the core capacity for various ratios of manufacturing expenditures to storage expenditures, and as a function of the overpayment rate for additional capacities

2019 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 02016
Daniel Riley ◽  
Christopher Jones

CMS has worked aggressively to make use of multi-core architectures, routinely running 4- to 8-core production jobs in 2017. The primary impediment to efficiently scaling beyond 8 cores has been our ROOT-based output module, which has been necessarily single threaded. In this paper we explore the changes made to the CMS framework and our ROOT output module to overcome the previous scaling limits, using two new ROOT features: the TBufferMerger asynchronous file merger, and Implicit Multi-Threading. We examine the architecture of the new parallel output module, the specific accommodations and modifications that were made to ensure compatibility with the CMS framework scheduler, and the performance characteristics of the new output module.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.2) ◽  
pp. 376
Oleksandr Semko ◽  
Olga Gukasian ◽  
Serhii Skliarenko

The paper sums up a series of experimental studies describing the influence of most types of concreting common defects, such as core weakening: weak compression inclusions, voids, height heterogeneity of concrete. The basis of the experimental study is the research on the concrete core production conditions influence on tube confined concrete elements and the change in physical and mechanical characteristics of the elements. The concrete strength is estimated based on the results of the study of specially shaped samples with given dimensions. According to the results of concreting samples with different types of modeled defects (abnormalities) inspection, the most dangerous damages of the concrete core were identified and different variants of the height strength retrogression of the elements under study were analyzed. As a result, the degree and type of damage to the tube confined concrete elements core of the samples, which affect the fracture pattern, was established. 

P. N. Vacelet ◽  
D. Táborský

By omitting materials subject to the labeling requirement in part 1 cold-box resin, Düker GmbH from Laufach can achieve an impressive reduction in emissions.Emission and workplace exposure limit values represent major challenges for foundries, and are becoming increasingly important due to every stricter statutory regulations. In particular, compliance with emission guidelines is essential in safeguarding company sites, and is now of equal significance as technical and economic issues. Modern foundries such as Düker GmbH from Laufachpursue a sustainable corporate policy in which the three pillars of cost-effectiveness, social responsibility and environmental protection are accorded equal importance. Düker’s example shows how the use of the new ECOCURE BLUE technology supports environmental protection and occupational health and safety, while also facilitating efficient, highly productive core production. 

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