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Ana Maria Mesa-Vanegas ◽  
Esther Julia Naranjo-Gomez ◽  
Felipe Cardona ◽  
Lucia Atehortua-Garces ◽  

Solanum nudum Dunal (Solanaceae) is most commonly known and used by the population of the colombian Pacific coast as an antimalarial treatment. This article study into optimization and quantitative analysis of compounds steroidal over time of development of this species when grown in vitro and wild. A new steroidal compound named SN6 was elucidated by NMR and a new method of quantification of seven steroidal compounds (Diosgenone DONA and six steroids SNs) using HPLC-DAD-MS in extracts of cultures in vitro and wild was investigated. Biology activity of extracts was found to a range of antiplasmodial activity in FCB2 and NF-54 with inhibitory concentration (IC50) between (17.04 -100 μg/mL) and cytotoxicity in U-937 of CC50 (7.18 -104.7 μg/mL). This method creates the basis for the detection of seven sterols antiplasmodial present in extracts from S. nudum plant as a quality parameter in the control and expression of phytochemicals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 303-326
Marcos Zangrandi

This article studies the configuration of the family in two recent Argentine novels, La familia by Gustavo Ferreyra and El absoluto by Daniel Guebel. Starting from a recognition of the attributes that the family had in the tradition of the novel, this text examines the values that these two novels built around genealogy, lineage and kinship. At the same time, the article study the articulations with the concept of gender in relationship with two fictions not clearly related to this contemporary pattern of reading and fiction production. Finally, this article analyzes the temporal variables, an aspect that is linked to the time allotted to the family through lineage and reproduction. The extensive, profuse and unconventional configuration of this novels indicates a divergence with respect to this assignment and the possibility of other forms and binders of the family.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. T99-T101
Diego Castillo Villegas ◽  
Silvia Barril ◽  
Jordi Giner ◽  
Paloma Millan-Billi ◽  
Ana Rodrigo-Troyano ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Sri Wahyuni

: This article talks about Christian education in the family in the digital era. Its purposes are to increase the quality of Christian education for children, their faithfulness and morality. As we know that education in the digital era has brought both positive and negative impacts, thus wise thinking and proper actions are needed to overcome any issues that may arise in the emerging world. Undeniable that parents are also participating in the growth and development of their children's education since family is the centre and foundation to build their character. This article study is written using qualitative research method along with literature research. AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang Pendidikan Agama Kristen Dalam Keluarga di Era Digital dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan anak, beriman serta bermoral. Pendidikan di Era Digital memiliki sisi positif maupun negatif, namun bagaimana bisa menyikapinya secara bijaksana ditengah-tengah dunia yang makin maju dan berkembang. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pendidikan anak tidak terlepas dari peran orang tua. Orang tua mengambil andil didalamnya. Pendidikan dimulai di keluarga sebab keluarga adalah pusat dalam pembentukan karakter. Artikel ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian literatur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-161
G. Baikushikova ◽  

This article analyzes the current situation in the global arms market. The authors of the article study the role of the main players in the international arms and military equipment market, determine the main trends in the development of the world arms market, analyze the current statistical data characterizing the state of this market. The analysis allows us to conclude that, despite significant dynamic and structural changes, the demand for weapons in the world is not decreasing, as is the competition between the main suppliers of weapons. The intensification of military-political tensions led to an acceleration in the growth rates of the world arms trade. In addition, the geographic vector of development is changing in the global arms market. If in the second half of the twentieth century the Middle East actively acted as importing countries, then in the twenty-first century the center of world trade in military products shifted to Asia and Oceania, where the main importers of weapons are India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and Australia. Most recently, there has been a new increase in demand for weapons from the Middle Eastern states, primarily Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Egypt.

S. Dorin Christa ◽  
M. S. Hiruni Peiris ◽  
P. Shouthiri

In the modern world, all technologies have reached, their level of perspective especially computer technology has reached the maximum level. Nowadays, the game application plays a major role in everyone's life. Day by day, Gaming applications and the gaming industries are becoming more and more fashionable. This article aims to create, design and develop a Computer Game named as Numeric Guess, a guessing game to test the mind, which should be entertaining, relaxing, interesting and very pleasant to play during leisure as well as during moments of relaxation. The Numeric Guess is a game for desktop computers. A guessing game is a game that, as an object, can find or discover some kind of information. Similarly, The Numeric Guess is a guessing game, which will randomly fix a number within a known range, and then the player that the person who played the game wants to guess the number in limited trials. In this game, the player can choose the default range, or the user selection range to play. The game application was implemented by Java programming language using eclipse in java with tools like JFrame and the windows application to build the interfaces. Photoshop used to change the background of the interfaces. The if-else instruction mainly used for programming and JOptionPane for the input string as well as the popup messages. This Numeric Guess game is the most exciting and competitive game for the adults as well as the children do. This article study assesses the use of java language to develop a simple and challenging game.

Daria Aleksandrovna Pimonova

The article virtually reconstructs Bogoroditsky Park of the Bobrinsky estate located in the city of Bogoroditsk, Tula region. The author briefly describes the history of the city and the estate, the biography of the park creator A. T. Bolotov, presents the results of the analysis of historiographical studies on the history of the development of Russian landscape art and the features of its development in the 18th century. Some paragraphs of the article study the formation of a complex of historical sources that served the basis for reconstruction, their criticism, as well as methods and technologies for creating a virtual reconstruction of the park ensemble of the Bobrinsky estate. The author illustrates the article with still frames of the virtual reality created. The virtual reconstruction of Bobrinsky estate park ensemble is one of the first works within the frames of historical 3D modeling where the landscape park is the central research object. The result of the work is the virtual reconstruction of the A. T. Bolotov's Park on the territory of the Bobrinsky estate in Bogoroditsk. The project is of quite great practical importance since the study addresses the federal level object. The virtual reconstruction can be used in the Bogoroditsky Palace-Museum and park as well as the State Historical Museum where an album of A. T. Bolotov's watercolors is kept. In addition, the project could become the basis for a real reconstruction of the park in Bogoroditsk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (25) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Kirill V. Aksenov ◽  
Diana A. Bagdasaryan ◽  

The article is devoted to the issue of communication strategy in the mass media and PR-departments in organizations of various orientations. The authors draw attention to the existing practice of similar, repetitive messages that fill the information space. This complicates the perception of information by the public and makes this process boring and uninteresting. As one way of solving the problem, it is proposed to focus on unique information offers in communications. The authors believe that a wide potential audience is not aware of truly unique information offers of the mass media or PR departments of companies and organizations. A unique information offer is lost in the conditions of the growing tradition to consume news information from the social media feed, subscribing to a large number of public pages, unless these offers are made by popular and well-known companies. For instance, the authors of the article study unique information offers made by the media service of a football club in March-June 2020 in the context of the coronavirus crisis and the absence of matches. This is one of the most popular Russian clubs, well-known even to those Russians who are not football fans. Moreover, the authors also examine the unique information offers of a beauty company, with some of them not directly related to their products. As a result, theauthors suggest that it is worth advertising not only products on external resources, but also unique information offers directly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 03007
Marina Aleksandrovna Buchakova ◽  
Evgeniy Viktorovich Koshelev ◽  
Liliya Mudarisovna Altynbaeva ◽  
Andrey Aleksandrovich Gaydukov ◽  
Aleksandr Ivanovich Scheglov

Prerequisites of research. The authors of the article study the approaches to the solution of the domestic violence problem from the position of different branches of law: constitutional, international, family, administrative, and criminal law that allows revealing the inconsistence and collisions in the current legislation related to this phenomenon. Objectives of the research. The objective of the research is to analyze the legal aspects of the problem related to domestic violence and also search for possible ways of their solution directed to the improvement of the current criminal and administrative legislation. Methods. The following system of methods was used in the research: analysis, synthesis, and the system approach. In addition, the comparative and legal methods were applied when analyzing the international norms and individual laws of the foreign states directed to combatting domestic violence. Results. The improvement of legal regulation in regard to the establishment of consistency of branches of law, first of all, administrative and criminal legislation. Basing upon the current norms of criminal, administrative, and family legislation, the conclusions are made of the consistency, wrongfulness, and public danger of domestic violence, the main form of which in Russia is physical abuse of the people having family and domestic relations with a law-breaker. Domestic violence is a complex social phenomenon. It appears depending upon the object of abuse and its consequences, as a rule, are spread to all family members. The violence acts are made mainly to women and have a latent character. Only the legally punishable acts provided by the legislation of administrative violations and criminal law can be considered the expression of domestic violence. Novelty. A complex interbranch approach to the domestic violence problem is used, the suggestions for the improvement of the current legislation are offered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
L.M. Ky ◽  
N.T.T. Uyen ◽  
N.T.K. Van ◽  
N.T. Xuong ◽  
C.M. Thanh ◽  

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