bodily condition
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2021 ◽  
Yuxin Jiang ◽  
Jingru Han ◽  
Ziqi Zhang ◽  
Xiangyang Chen ◽  
Canchao Yang

Abstract Distress calls, as a type of alarm call, play important roles in expressing bodily condition and conveying information concerning predation threats. In this study, we examined the communication via distress calls in parent–offspring and inter-offspring interactions. First, we used playback of chick distress calls of two sympatric breeders, the vinous-throated parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana and the oriental reed warbler Acrocephalus orientalis, to the adults/chicks of these two species respectively and measured the responses of conspecifics or heterospecifics. The playback-to-chicks experiment showed that both species of chicks reduced the number of begging calls and begging duration time as a response to conspecific/heterospecific distress calls compared with natural begging and background noise controls. However, reed warbler chicks also reduced beak opening frequency in the response to conspecific distress calls compared with other playback stimuli. Second, the results of the playback-to-adults experiment showed that reed warbler adults could eavesdrop on distress calls of conspecific neighbors and sympatric heterospecifics. Furthermore, the nest-leaving behavior of reed warblers did not differ significantly when they heard the distress calls of conspecifics or parrotbills. Finally, reed warbler adults responded to conspecific distress calls more quickly than to heterospecific distress calls, while parrotbill adults presented the opposite response. Our results supported the warn-kin hypothesis and show that chick distress calls play an important role in conveying risk and the condition of chicks to enhance individual fitness. In addition, we also found that eavesdropping on distress calls is a congenital behavior that begins in the chick stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Aaron Trautman ◽  
Richard Linchangco ◽  
Rachel Walstead ◽  
Jeremy J. Jay ◽  
Cory Brouwer

Abstract Objective Overconsumption of processed foods has led to an increase in chronic diet-related diseases such obesity and type 2 diabetes. Although diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables are linked with healthier outcomes, the specific mechanisms for these relationships are poorly understood. Experiments examining plant phytochemical production and breeding programs, or separately on the health effects of nutritional supplements have yielded results that are sparse, siloed, and difficult to integrate between the domains of human health and agriculture. To connect plant products to health outcomes through their molecular mechanism an integrated computational resource is necessary. Results We created the Aliment to Bodily Condition Knowledgebase (ABCkb) to connect plants to human health by creating a stepwise path from plant $$\rightarrow$$ → plant product $$\rightarrow$$ → human gene $$\rightarrow$$ → pathways $$\rightarrow$$ → indication. ABCkb integrates 11 curated sources as well as relationships mined from Medline abstracts by loading into a graph database which is deployed via a Docker container. This new resource, provided in a queryable container with a user-friendly interface connects plant products with human health outcomes for generating nutritive hypotheses. All scripts used are available on github ( along with basic directions for building the knowledgebase and a browsable interface is available (

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 2787

Trypanosomosis is a haemoprotozoan infection affecting a broad range of wild and domestic animals including dogs. Infected dogs may die within 2-4 weeks in the acute and fatal form of the disease. A dog was presented with the complaint of anorexia, persistent recumbency and loss of body weight which lasted for few days. On clinical examination, the affected dog revealed rise in temperature (105°F), lachrimation, anaemia, unilateral corneal opacity, swelling of throat, enlargement of lymph nodes and severe loss of bodily condition. Wet smear, thin blood smear and hematological parameters were observed. Motile trypanosomes were found in wet smear, while trypanosomes with a characteristic flagellum, kinetoplast and undulating membrane were present outside the red blood cells in the thin smear. The dog was successfully recovered with a single dose of diminazene aceturate. This report may provide a way forward to establish effective and safe therapeutic protocols for the control of canine trypanosomosis.

2021 ◽  
Aaron Trautman ◽  
Richard Linchangco ◽  
Rachel Walstead ◽  
Jeremy J Jay ◽  
Cory Brouwer

Objective: Overconsumption of processed foods has led to an increase in chronic diet-related diseases such obesity and type 2 diabetes. Although diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables are linked with healthier outcomes, the specific mechanisms for these relationships are poorly understood. Experiments examining plant phytochemical production and breeding programs, or separately on the health effects of nutritional supplements have yielded results that are sparse, siloed, and difficult to integrate between the domains of human health and agriculture. To connect plant products to health outcomes through their molecular mechanism an integrated computational resource is necessary. Results: We created the Aliment to Bodily Condition Knowledgebase (ABCkb) to connect plants to human health by creating a stepwise path from plant → plant product → human gene → pathways → indication. ABCkb integrates 11 curated sources as well as relationships mined from Medline abstracts by loading into a graph database which is deployed via a Docker container. This new resource, provided in a queryable container with a user-friendly interface connects plant products with human health outcomes for generating nutritive hypotheses. All scripts used are available on github ( along with basic directions for building the knowledgebase.

2021 ◽  
pp. 93-106
Olivia Guaraldo

A “scherzo” is a musical piece which traditionally retains the ternary form of the minuet but is considerably quicker. This is a materialist scherzo, since it treats three different authors that are all significantly concerned with the body. John Locke, Carla Lonzi, and Adriana Cavarero present three different modes of narrating sex: the first implicitly, the second explicitly, the third creatively. Cavarero’s relationality, whilst giving a provocatively creative account of orgasm, attributes to sex a grounding function in rethinking the subject. Yet that there is also a political dimension in this carnal account of orgasm. By exploring the possibilities of the given of our bodily condition—an anatomical destination to pleasure that is always relational—this etude defends relational ethics as providing a different perspective on how to imagine social and political forms of co-existence and non-violence, beyond and apart from the naturalized claim to “fundamental hostility.”

2020 ◽  
pp. 0308518X2094441
Kathryn Gillespie

This article engages with Rosemary-Claire Collard and Jessica Dempsey’s theory of lively commodities in a discussion of cows raised for dairy exchanged in farmed-animal auctions. Taking their theorization of the lively commodity as a starting point to better understand the commodification of nonhuman life, I propose an extension of this work that attends to a continuum of commodity forms understood through the life and death of the cow. Cows raised for dairy move through the auction yard as a site of capitalist exchange as lively, soon-to-be-dead, and once-living commodities, their value determined by the stage of their life-course and their bodily condition. As such, the auction can be understood as a landscape of life-worlds, where the cow’s liveliness determines her value; and death-worlds and rotting-worlds, where the afterlives of the lively commodity are extracted as capital. Ultimately, the article calls for an upending of the commodification of nonhuman life and a new imaginary of the kinds of life-worlds that are possible beyond logics of capital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-251
Urszula Zbrzeźniak

The paper addresses the issue of the corporeal dimension of the learning process. The problem of the material side of education has emerged within the emancipatory education project, but, as will be argued, this was limited to a critique inspired by Marxist tradition. The perspective on the materiality of education offered by Freire’s and Illich’s works can be significantly enriched by contemporary political thought. The latter perceives materiality in its complexity, that is, as economic conditions but also as the inherent needs stemming from our bodily condition. As will be demonstrated, the contemporary reflection could serve as a critique, one on the limited character of Freire’s and Illich’s emancipatory education, as well as providing ideas which might expand their project.

Varsha vishwanath Sadhale

In India more than 10 million cases of joint diseases are reported every year and amongst these joint diseases prevalence of osteoarthritis is high where patient ends up doing joint replacement. But this has various after effects and financial burden on society. Many patients approach Ayurved for the treatment of joint diseases. A proper differential diagnosis is important to provide accurate treatment so as to prevent further deterioration of patients .The approach of Ayurved and Modern science differs from diagnostic as well treatment point of view. The detail structural elucidation of each joint  is not mentioned in classical texts. And hence main emphasis is given on wholesome status of bodily condition rather than specific joint. In Ayurved the patient is diagnosed only on the basis of symptomatology. whereas in modern science diagnostic tools such as MRI, X ray ,USG, CT scan ,blood investigation are used to know the exact condition of the joint . A critical review of joint diseases is done here in describing the differential diagnosis according Ayurved and Modern science.

Olena Ivanskaya ◽  
Mykola Malikov ◽  
Olha Sokolova ◽  

Tetiana Tsyupak ◽  
Yurii Tsyupak ◽  
Feliks Filak

In the article the comparative analysis of physical development and physical preparedness of visually impaired schoolchildren of junior age comes true after application of the health swimming and his influence on the bodilycondition of children. An important problem in the period of development of th functional systems of organism is strengthening of health of children of midchildhood, as general bases of health aremortgaged exactly in this period of life, that it is especially important for children that have defects of sight, as at themarked pathology functional possibilities of organism andlevel of capacity below, than in healthy. Basic motions provide the health of children, them normal development and physical perfection. A correction and in demnification of lacks of physical development and physical preparedness of visually impaired children ade quately influenced the health swimming on the bodily condition of children, to what indexes testify got during an experiment. Onquestioning of parents and teachers, application of th health swimming influenced also on reduction of catarrhal diseases among children, that was marked on the visit of school lessons. The results of our researches testify to the necessity of application of the health swimming, that must take the important place in the complex of measures on the aim of strengthening of health of children, improvement of motiveinternalss, prophylaxis of secondary diseases of visually impaired students of midchildhood.

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