sex and age differences
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Barbara J. Stewart-Knox ◽  
Rui Poínhos ◽  
Arnout R. H. Fischer ◽  
Mutassam Chaudhrey ◽  
Audrey Rankin ◽  

Abstract Aim There has been an increase in the development of technologies that can deliver personalised dietary advice. Devising healthy, sustainable dietary plans will mean taking into consideration extrinsic factors such as individual social circumstances. The aim of this study was to identify societal groups more or less receptive to and likely to engage with personalised nutrition initiatives. Sample and methods Volunteers were recruited via a social research agency from within the UK. The resultant sample (N = 1061) was 49% female, aged 18-65 years. Results MANOVA (Tukey HSD applied) indicated that females and younger people (aged 18-29 years) had more favourable attitudes and were more likely to intend to adopt personalised nutrition. There were no differences in attitude toward or intention to adopt personalised nutrition between different education levels, income brackets or occupational groups. Conclusion These results imply that females and younger people may be most likely to adopt personalised nutrition in the future. Initiatives to promote healthy eating should target males and older people.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Alexander Csanády ◽  
Ladislav Mošanský

Abstract The results of a craniometric analysis of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) were evaluated in this study. Twenty cranial variables were measured and evaluated on 149 skulls (78 males, 71 females) with respect to sex and age. The main aim of this study was to test the sexual dimorphism in skull size. Overall, our results showed that on average, the values for adult and subadult females of M. glareolus were higher than for males. Results presented here thus reveal sexual differences in the measured cranial traits, most expressed for the length of the mandible and the height of the mandible. The effect size was very large for the length of the first upper molar. Comparison of our results with those from other countries confirmed that there are regional differences. These findings highlight the need for craniometric analysis of species also at the regional level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Y. M. Khodukina

This paper focuses on the pins and earrings as the most popular and diverse type of Scythian jewelry. They are exactly the chronological and cultural markers used by researchers in the reconstruction of migrations and connections of the forest-steppe population. The adornments in ancient times, as well as nowadays, were one of the main cultural and social identity markers. First, they have been studied both in the context of the Scythian material remnants and the unique local variants. Vladimira Petrenko was one of the first who made the typology of these artifacts which led to the change in the field. Soon, new findings were discovered that developed the typology of the artifacts, which was based on the local variants and peculiar decorations, e. g. earrings. The common feature of the modern research is to lessen the number of taxa in the typological scheme and determine the precise and rare indicators of the type origin. Even though the adornment of Scythian Age were studied just as a part of the material culture, the consensus of the academia shows that jewelries can represent a wide range of social and cultural processes in ancient communities. Usually, the Scythian adornments are found in the burial and settled sites. Such material remnants combined with the anthropological data and certain fixation can enlarge our understanding of the usage and function of these artifacts. Furthermore, they give us knowledge of the possible popular costume of the time, the sex and age differences in fashion. In addition, new finds from the settlements widen the source base. The analysis of the jewelries in the context of the settlement structures gives a more precise chronology and modes of production. Today, it is sure that the main three technological methods were welding, casting, and smiting. Each method related to the distinct forms and metals the item was made of.

Mira Paulsen ◽  
Anna Zychlinsky Scharff ◽  
Kristof de Cassan ◽  
Rizky Indrameikha Sugianto ◽  
Cornelia Blume ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 631-649
Dmitrii S. Kornienko ◽  
Fedor V. Derish ◽  
Elena Yu. Nikitina

The role of factors of individual differences in user activity in the Russian social network VKontakte is analyzed. At the moment, in Russian psychology, there are several directions for the study of user activity in social networks. However, none of them has considered user sex and age differences. There are also limitations due to the predominance of subjective indicators in assessing user activity. The aim of this work is to study sex and age differences through the analysis of objective data on the profiles of social network users. The paper also provides an overview of modern Russian studies on sex and age differences in user activity. Using a comparative analysis of groups and analysis of the structure of relationships between indicators of user activity, the 9699 profiles of users of the social network VKontakte at the ages from 18 to 55 were examined. As a result, multiple individual differences were found in relation to the sex and age of the users. Additionally, the structure of user activity was obtained, consisting of two components: Self-presentation and Utilitarianism. These components characterize the personal orientation in the use of the social network. Sex and age play a significant role as factors of individual differences. The most important thing has turned out to be that men are more focused on expanding the circle of acquaintances, which is an attribute of status. Women, on the contrary, are generally characterized by greater activity in the social network, a greater desire to present themselves and a greater focus on other people. Young people - aged 18-25 years - are less active users, they often use the social network as a source of video content. Users belonging to the older age groups differ slightly from one another.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Grainne McGinty ◽  
Robert Fox ◽  
Menachem Ben-Ezra ◽  
Marylène Cloitre ◽  
Thanos Karatzias ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (Supplement_1) ◽  
M G L Williams ◽  
A Dastidar ◽  
K Liang ◽  
T W Johnson ◽  
A Baritussio ◽  

Abstract Aims A substantial number of patients present with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and non-obstructive coronary arteries. Sex and age differences in these patients are not well understood. This study aims to evaluate the impact of sex and age on clinical presentation and outcome in patients with ACS and non-obstructive coronary arteries, with either an ischaemic or non-ischaemic cause. Methods and results Consecutive patients with an ACS and non-obstructive coronary arteries (n=719) from a single tertiary centre underwent comprehensive cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality. CMR was performed at a median time of 30 days after presentation and identified a diagnosis in 74% of patients. Patients with an ischaemic or non-ischaemic aetiology (n=529) on CMR were followed prospectively. All-cause mortality was 11% over a median follow up of 4.9 years, with no significant difference between sexes (11% versus 11% p=0.732). Women were more likely to have an ischaemic aetiology on CMR (40% v 31%, p=0.037). Age group (HR 1.48, p=0.002), log peak troponin (HR 0.78, p=0.033) and LVEF (HR 0.98, p=0.032) were independent predictors of mortality. Men aged >60 years with a non-ischaemic aetiology on their CMR were at higher risk of death than women >60 years (p=0.003). Conclusions There is no difference in all-cause mortality between sexes in patients presenting with ACS and non-obstructive coronary arteries but increasing age is an important predictor of mortality in both sexes. FUNDunding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None. Sex differences in CMR diagnosis Sex, age and mortality

Paolo Contiero ◽  
Giovanna Tagliabue ◽  
Andrea Tittarelli ◽  
Martina Bertoldi ◽  
Claudio Tresoldi ◽  

The main objective of this study was to analyse the space–time epidemiological differences by sex during the 2009–2020 period in the total mortality recorded among residents in each of the 25 districts of the Genoa municipality, net of the age effect. The analysis was based on official statistical data relating to total mortality and on the resident population. An estimate of the expected deaths was made to calculate the sex-specific age-standardised mortality ratio (SMR). The temporal trends and age-standardized death rates (SDRs) with respect to those of the European population specific to sex and calendar year were identified for each district. Over the entire observation period, the SMR for males ranged from 124.4 (Cornigliano) to 82.0 (Albaro); for females, the values ranged between 133.4 (Cornigliano) and 85.6 (Nervi-Quinto-S. Ilario). Between 2019 and 2020, Genoa recorded an increase in SDR of 24.5%, more pronounced in males (+26.7%) than in females (+22.4%). This epidemiological methodology is replicable and allows to quickly identify spatial, temporal, sex, and age differences in the general mortality within a municipality.

2021 ◽  
Manar Ahmed Kamal ◽  
Kareem Reda Alamiry ◽  
Mahmoud Zaki

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