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Sazal Kundu ◽  
Biplob Kumar Pramanik ◽  
Pobitra Halder ◽  
Savankumar Patel ◽  
Mohammad Ramezani ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Ansar Ansar ◽  
Muradi Muradi ◽  
Ferry Kurnia Rizkiansyah

This paper aims to determine the capital utilization of a newcomer candidate who wins in an electoral district that has just been expanded, the problem is focused on how aspects of social capital, political capital and economic capital of a newcomer actor. In order to approach this problem, the theoretical reference from Bordieu (1992) and Maridjan (2006) data collected through field data and documentation is used and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that Dedi Sitorus's victory was due to having more than one capital. There are several important fundamental considerations such as: first, Dedi Sitorus' social capital has a Social Network in the Nunukan community, Second, Dedi Sitorus' political capital has support from parties starting from the central level and also the DPC administrator at the Nunukan Regency level and also the support from regional authorities and also figures Local Politics, Third Economic Capital Dedi Sitorus has very large finances so he does not need donors to carry out his campaign and has the ability to rent air transportation to carry out mobility in campaigns. With the accumulation of all the capital owned, Dedi Sitorus can take advantage and use the moment well so that he gets a significant vote in the 2019 legislative elections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 127-149
Paulina Szeląg

The Republic of Kosovo was created several years after the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Its problems were visible during Josip Broz Tito’s presidency. Over the last ten years Kosovo has had two female presidents. The question is, what is the position of women on the Kosovan political scene? This phenomenon is particularly significant from the point of view of the post-conflict reconstruction of the state. The aim of this article is to analyse the evolution of the role of Kosovo Albanian women in the politics of Kosovo at the central level. For this reason, the article includes women involved in the armed conflict in Kosovo, especially in the activities of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA, alb. Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës, UÇK). The author also presents the role of women in the Kosovan political arena since 1999, with particular emphasis on changes that took place after the declaration of independence of Kosovo. Furthermore, the author examines the profiles of selected female politicians. The article is based on an analysis of primary and secondary sources, the comparative and historical method, and an analysis of statistical data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 59-72
Piotr Rachwał

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie, w zwięzły sposób, zagadnień związanych z organizacją, przebiegiem i opracowaniem wyników pierwszego spisu powszechnego ludności w Królestwie Polskim. Choć uwagę skupiono na ziemiach Królestwa Polskiego, znajdującego się wówczas pod panowaniem rosyjskim, to prezentowaną problematykę starano się omówić w szerszym aspekcie działalności władz centralnych w Petersburgu. W dorobku polskiej historiografii zagadnienia te poruszano jedynie w ograniczonym zakresie, a nieliczni autorzy zajmowali się przede wszystkim oceną kompletności danych spisowych. The General Census in the Kingdom of Poland in 1897 The goal of the paper was to discuss the general census of 1897 in the Kingdom of Poland. The study describes its origin, the course of data collection and treatment of results, including decisions taken at the central level. The idea of a general census that would cover the territory of the whole Russian Empire with the area of ca. 22 million km² was discussed already in the 1860s and 70s. Eventually, the plan was executed in 1897. In the case of the Kingdom do Poland, which was formally one of the provinces of the Russian state, an active role in preparing the census was played by the authorities of individual guberniyas (governorates) as well as by the Warsaw Statistical Committee. The duty to collect data lay with the administrative authorities at the lowest level, who were responsible, inter alia, for recruiting census representatives. The basic census form consisted of 14 questions. The main reservations about the reliability of the collected data concern the questions about the job position and age, and in the case of the data from the Kingdom of Poland, the falsification of results with regard to respondents’ religion and native language being also pointed out. When using the demographic data of the 1897 census, one should remember the abovementioned oversights or even errors that occurred both at the stage of collection and processing and subsequently the publication of statistical data. A critical research approach to the collected sources permits, however, an effective use of the abundance of the then collected information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-143
Gamin Gamin

There is a lot of literature related to the use of drones, including evidence in the Rawa Tripa-Aceh court, but the implementation of this policy needs to be explored specifically at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This study aims to examine this. Data were collected through literature studies, interviews, and observations to be analyzed using a policy implementation framework (Grindle, 1980). The findings of the policy content are: the drone policy has positive benefits for validity and legality, as well as authority, but flying permits have the potential to be negative. The degree of change is quite good even though the registration of drones and drone pilots has not been carried out. In the implementation environment, it was found that the central level was quite responsive even though the work unit had not. Competency improvement has been carried out although it is limited to drone pilots. The drone pilot training materials have not met the certification requirements. Research recommendations are: need coordination in drone operation, need guidelines for using drones, need drone registration and drone pilot certification, need competency development designs for drone users and need additional aeronautical knowledge on drone pilot competency development

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1515-1522
Dwi Putri Melati ◽  
Nikmah Rosida ◽  
Heni Siswanto

The Council of Representatives of the Regions emerged through the 1945 Constitution third amendment. The Council of Representatives of the Regions intended to represent regional interests and regional society in the central legislation making processes and products, to perform checks and balances principle on The People’s Representative Council which is a political representation that brings and struggles the aspirations and interests of political parties at the central level. The Council of Representatives of the Regions also acts as a guardian of decentralization and regional autonomy. The most fundamental problem for The Council of Representatives of the Regions is its institutional weaknesses. In legislation weaknesses terms, budgeting, and supervision have affected The Council of Representatives of the Regions in maximizing its performances. The Law regarding Indonesia Legislative Branch does not mandate legislation as The Council of Representatives of the Regions tasks. This provision can not be used as a guideline to describe the scope of duties, which are the limits of their authority in The Council of Representatives of the Regions order. On the other hand, after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 92/PUU-X/2012 and Number 79/PUU-XII/2014 issued, the relations that were later present were the three-party discussion model of The People’s Representative Council-The Council of Representatives of the Regions-President (Tripartite). Based on those facts, this article focuses on the evaluation of 15 years of The Council of Representatives of the Regions establishment and strategy to strengthen it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Mujda Nooristani ◽  
Thomas Augereau ◽  
Karina Moïn-Darbari ◽  
Benoit-Antoine Bacon ◽  
François Champoux

The effects of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) approaches have been widely studied for many decades in the motor field, and are well known to have a significant and consistent impact on the rehabilitation of people with motor deficits. Consequently, it can be asked whether tES could also be an effective tool for targeting and modulating plasticity in the sensory field for therapeutic purposes. Specifically, could potentiating sensitivity at the central level with tES help to compensate for sensory loss? The present review examines evidence of the impact of tES on cortical auditory excitability and its corresponding influence on auditory processing, and in particular on hearing rehabilitation. Overall, data strongly suggest that tES approaches can be an effective tool for modulating auditory plasticity. However, its specific impact on auditory processing requires further investigation before it can be considered for therapeutic purposes. Indeed, while it is clear that electrical stimulation has an effect on cortical excitability and overall auditory abilities, the directionality of these effects is puzzling. The knowledge gaps that will need to be filled are discussed.

Achmad Ronggo Prihatmono ◽  
Kris Nugroho

The phenomenon of a single candidate lately happens a lot in Indonesia, especially in the sphere of local election democratic parties. In the elections held simultaneously in Indonesia in 2017, many regions in the elections were only attended by one candidate pair. This makes the climate of competition in democracy not as expected with democracy. Democracy aims to make elite circulation happen, so that the ruling elite does not dominate so that it becomes an oligarchy. Democracy can turn into an oligarchy if a small group of groups dominates and tries to maintain power in order to remain in the circle of power. We have encountered many oligarchs in political parties, where the DPP of political parties determines the direction of political parties, even in determining the candidates to be carried by political parties in the elections and political lobbying in forming coalitions. The author uses the theory of iron oligarchy Robert Michels as an analytical aid. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods in explaining the phenomena that occur. Research data obtained through in-depth interviews with informants. The results show that the phenomenon of a single candidate is not always due to the high electability of a candidate pair, it can also occur because of the dominant oligarchy in political parties at the central level affects to the regional level.

Luigi Marattin ◽  
Tommaso Nannicini ◽  
Francesco Porcelli

AbstractA growing literature emphasizes that the output effect of fiscal consolidation hinges on its composition, as the choice of increasing revenues vs cutting expenditure is not neutral. Existing studies, however, underscore the role of local governments in a federal setting. Indeed, transfer cuts at the central level might translate into higher local taxes, changing the effective composition of the fiscal adjustment. We evaluate this transmission mechanism in Italy, where municipalities below the threshold of 5,000 inhabitants were exempted from (large) transfer cuts in 2012. This allows us to implement a difference-in-discontinuities design in order to estimate the causal impact of transfer cuts on the composition of fiscal adjustment, also because tight fiscal rules impose a balanced budget on Italian municipalities. We find a pass-through mechanism by which local governments react to the contraction of intergovernmental grants by mainly increasing taxes rather than reducing spending. From a political economy perspective, this revenue based fiscal consolidation is driven by local governments with low electoral competition and low party fragmentation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-83
Eugen Florea ◽  
Elena S. Pustelnik ◽  

The study is dedicated to various jurisdictions’ approaches to cryptocurrency relations regulation. The digital assets'legal status in the European Union is analyzed both at the central level as well at the level of such EU members as Malta, Romania, Germany. Among the countries that geographically belong to Europe, but are not members of the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are considered in this aspect. The authors also reviewed the most important issues of cryptocurrency regulation in the largest economy in the world - the United States. The Asian region is represented in the study by the jurisdictions where digital assets are most widespread (China and Japan). The main conclusion is that the Republic of Moldova should develop the balanced approach to legalizing the new sphere of socio-economic relations by taking into consideration both positive and negative experience as well as the best legal practices of other states in this field.

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