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2022 ◽  
pp. 3-3
Miloš Stojković-Minić

The aim of this paper is to interpret the term Aquatecture in the design process for Zone 8 of Belgrade Linear Park, as a case study for understanding the concept and methodology used, as well as their application in operational architectural and urban practice. The paper describes the methodological procedure applied to structuring the space using water, with the aim of designing ambiences inspired by nature. This methodological experiment is illustrated with graphical representations of the process itself, in which the colors and shapes of water are analyzed through the observation of water droplets under the microscope. The research hypothesis is that one drop of water contains information important for architectural activities, and therefore the research offers a set of procedures and methods that can be applied and controlled through the creative act of coloring and shaping, or more precisely the creation of Spatial Images. The methodological procedure in the research can be described as poetic and artistic, at the same time containing a scientific element in the analysis and observation of the water sample under the microscope. All other visual perceptual observations and results in the interpretation of the observed environment and the water droplets, as well as their colors and shapes, are offered as extremely intuitive. The research is presented in the form of a Tableau consisting of seven parts and a set of photographs, drawings and images, as well as tone maps (color palette), according to which the results are applied through Spatial Images. Spatial images are interpreted as Ambience inspired by nature, at a specific location: Zone 8 of Belgrade Linear Park, as a case study for researching this methodological procedure. The data obtained in this way is applied in the structuring of the park's aquatecture and pavilions. The waterflows in the park itself are explained in the text, as well as the spatial structures such as the landscape fountain on the square and the main park pavilion itself, which is interpreted as a one-of-a-kind House of water. Therefore, as a product of the work, an environmental project inspired by nature is offered as the Aquatecture of Zone 8 in Belgrade Linear Park, illustrating the practical application of water as a methodological tool, and an inspiration in the processes of architectural design and water space structuring. In this way, the case study of the Conceptual Architectural and Urban Design of Zone 8 of the Linear Park in Belgrade offers new interpretations and understandings of Aquatecture in Belgrade in professional practice. More precisely, it re-examines ways of applying and understanding the concepts of the Blue Green Dream (BGD) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in shaping public spaces in the city.

Inna Gumennyk

The article is devoted to the problems of landscape theaters architecture formation on the territory of Ukraine in the realities which have developed in the course of typology development and an arrangement of the cultural data and entertaining and leisure establishments in modern conditions. The article examines the specifics of the landscape theaters location depending on the functional purpose, capacity of the auditorium and attendance level of various theatrical performances in the open air in Ukraine. Based on the results of professional questionnaires and analysis of statistical data on the theater and concert network in Ukraine, the author proposes 15 factors that shape the modern architecture of Ukrainian landscape theaters. The author investigates how these factors modify the spectator environment and shows the tools and techniques that allow you to create a harmonious space of the theater. The list of the above factors influencing the formation of the landscape theaters architecture in Ukraine should include such factors as: the capacity of the auditorium; functional purpose of the building; location of the theater; the mode of the auditorium openness and stage; special conditions of the open-air theater location zone. In addition, the author investigates the following factors in the formation of landscape theaters architecture, such as: organizational schemes of the stage; the configuration of the amphitheater in relation to the stage; ways to evacuate visitors from the auditorium in case of emergencies; determination of the optimal angle of the auditorium; architectural and constructive solution of the theater location (on a natural or anthropogenic basis). The author analyzes the influence on the formation of the landscape theaters architecture due to the system of the stage layout and arrangement; when using special technological techniques and technical means; by considering the mobility of the theater; under the conditions of synthesis at the location of the stage relative to the spectator amphitheater; using the means of green architecture and design solutions in the organization of theater space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-237
Silvio Parničan ◽  
Pavol Peráček ◽  
Igor Tóth

Summary The variables impacting the efficiency of the offensive phase of the game in ice hockey may be determining factor for both the training process and game strategies. The research aimed to acquire and expand the knowledge about selected goal-scoring characteristics in the National Hockey League. A total of 511 even-strength goals were recorded in 129 randomly selected games in a regular-season 2020/2021 by indirect observation. Goals were differentiated by selected variable dimensions: location of the offensive team’s puck possession gain before scoring a goal, game situation preceding a goal, and the number of passes of the offensive team preceding a goal. Data were analyzed by performing a one–way ANOVA. Post hoc multiple comparisons were performed using the Tukey HSD test. The significance level of p ≤ 0.05 was used. Significant differences were found within all variable dimensions (p= 0.00001). In terms of the puck possession gain location, zone 1 (along the boards in the offensive zone) was the zone with the significantly highest mean score (p= 0.00305). Offensive zone play was significantly the game situation preceding most of the goals (p= 0.00000). The interval of the passes that preceded most of the recorded goals was the interval of 1 – 2 passes (p= 0.00000). Acquired results point out the dominance of particular variables and may help coaches to determine the content of the training process and game strategies. Based on the assumption of the realization of similar research in different environments in terms of the quality and age category, if the analogy would be found between the results of the present study and the results of potential studies, we can state the trends applicable to youth training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 16-25
A. A. Markov ◽  
E. A. Maksimova

The main factors that reduce the quality of non-destructive testing of rails during high-speed scanning are considered. The most significant factors are the quality and volume of obtaining primary information about the condition of the monitored rails. It is shown that, at high-speed (up to 120 km/h) control, the compression of the defect location zone is clearly manifested and the length of the areas with acoustic contact violations increases. Analysis of real flaw diagrams of diagnostic complexes shows that with an increase in the scanning speed, the length of the location zone even from such large reflectors in the rails, such as bolt holes, significantly decreases. The average length of the instability zone of the bottom signal over the welded joints of the rails also increases significantly. The compression of the location zones of the reflectors can be compensated by expanding the aperture of the ultrasonic transducers. Improving the quality of the acoustic contact requires further improvement of the design of the search system and the systems for supplying the contacting liquid to the transducers, depending on the scanning speed. The Magnetic Flux Leakage(MFL) method can effectively detect defects in the rail head up to 20 mm deep at high speeds. Mathematical modeling of the magnetic flux in the controlled rails is performed. This allows us to start creating a new rail magnetization system with an increased interpole distance for high speeds. The introduction of modern methods for processing a significant flow of flaw detection information using neural networks requires the formation of a large sample base of training signals from real defects in different sections of rails. This is a complex task in its own right. For the first time, the issues of checking the operability of flaw detection devices in real control conditions are raised. Testing of ultrasonic equipment at high speeds is proposed to be carried out with the help of special electronic-acoustic simulators of defects. They are installed on different surfaces of the rails on which the diagnostic complexes pass. Operational quality control of ultrasonic rail inspection can be evaluated by statistical analysis of signal parameters from structural elements (bolt holes). The choice between the monitoring performance and the required reliability of detecting rail defects must be made based on the results of real passes of diagnostic complexes at operating scanning speeds.

D.O. Tsvetkov

Normal oscillations of a viscous stratified fluid partially filling an arbitrary vessel and bounded above by an elastic horizontal membrane are studied. In this case, we consider a scalar model problem that reflects the main features of the vector spatial problem. The characteristic equation for the eigenvalues of the model problem is obtained, the structure of the spectrum and the asymptotics of the branches of the eigenvalues are studied. Assumptions are made about the structure of the oscillation spectrum of a viscous stratified fluid bounded by an elastic membrane for an arbitrary vessel. It is proved that the spectrum of the problem is discrete, located in the right complex half-plane symmetrically with respect to the real axis, and has a single limit point $+\infty$. Moreover, the spectrum is localized in a certain way in the right half-plane, the location zone depends on the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Marcos Gutierrez-Lopez ◽  
Juan Prado-Olivarez ◽  
Javier Diaz-Carmona ◽  
Carlos A. Herrera-Ramírez ◽  
Jose Antonio Gutierrez-Gnecchi ◽  

There is a worldwide need for new methodologies to prediagnose breast cancer in an early stage, which helps to notably increase the possibility of saving the mammary gland or patient’s life. This work describes a new methodology proposal based on electrical impedance for the localization of preclinical carcinoma emulators in agar phantoms of the breast. The impedance is systematically measured through eight Ag/AgCl electrodes uniformly distributed in a ring arrangement placed on the breast agar phantom. The fundamental idea of the proposed location algorithm, named Anomaly Tracking Circle algorithm, is to find the breast agar area defined by straight lines joining the electrode pairs having the minimum difference value of the defined normalized impedance magnitude along the measurement sweep. Such difference is obtained with respect to a breast agar phantom without carcinoma emulator. The proposed methodology was evaluated through seven experimental agar models, six of them having carcinoma lobe emulators with different locations and electrical conductivities. According to the obtained results, the described methodology can obtain the location zone of preclinical-emulated carcinomas with an 83.33% success.

2016 ◽  
Vol 78 (6-2) ◽  
Arfah Hasbollah ◽  
Sharifah H. S. Ariffin ◽  
N. Fisal

This paper proposes mobility prediction technique via Markov Chains with an input of user’s mobile data traces to predict the user’s movement in wireless network. The main advantage of this method is prediction will give knowledge of user’s movement in advance even in fast moving vehicle. Furthermore, the information from prediction result will be use to assist handover procedure by reserve resource allocation in advance in vehicular network. This algorithm is simple and can be computed within short time; thus the implementation of this technique will give the significant impact especially on higher speed vehicle. Finally, an experiment is performed using real mobile user data traces as input for Markov chain to predict next user movement. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, MATLAB simulations are carried out with several users under same location zone.  The results show that the proposed method predicts have good performance which is 30% of mobile users achieved 100% of prediction accuracy.

Sasan Amini ◽  
Mohammad Nazaripour ◽  
Mohamad Karimi Poya

Share return is one of those complicated abstraction which is interested by investors and decision makers the share return prediction is a vital issue which has involved the financial analyzers mind to itself. Various theories include capital assets pricing model (CAPM), factorial models (FM), Arbitrage model, Technical model (TM), and fundamental analyses (FA) for purpose of share return prediction and recognition have been discussed. The share return fundamental analyze is a function of massive economical condition, Industry position, and particular conditions of the firm. The particular conditions of the firm are consist of financial position and performance which presented in the essential financial statement from. The accounting science acclaims it prepares useful information for decision makers, so one of the information usefulness criteria of accounting and economical information usefulness through return share choice for prediction. Communication creation between economical and accounting criteria is the other goal, thus in the case of this result obtaining it can use of economical and accounting analyses for economical return and value extraction. The research location zone includes of accepted firms in Tehran exchange market, the temporality zone is the gap between 1386 and 1390, too. The research is consist of two independent varieties (economical criteria and accounting criteria), dependent variety (share return). This research is consisting of a direct hypothesis and 6 indirect ones. in the consideration of presented statistical analyses and total summery of research hypothesis assessment, stood over research independent varieties meaningful relation with share return prediction in existing firm performance measurement in Tehran capital exchange market during 2007 and 2011 is existed, between this research proportion is return of assets, earning per share, economical add value ratio, retained earning ratio with positive quantity market add value with negative quantity which statistically shows a meaningful relation with active firms share return in Tehran market. The economical add value ratio has the biggest relation with the share return prediction. So the first hypothesis in this research is (return of assets ratio), secondly (earning per share), thirdly (economical add value), fourthly (market add value) and sixthly (retained earnings) being emphasized.

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