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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Leliek Agung Haldoko

Wood is a hygroscopic organic material, prone to damage and weathering, especially by humidity. The moisture in the wood will trigger biotic activities such as fungus, which can decompose of wood materials, that is, cellulose. Moreover, wood is susceptible to insect attacks such as termites. This condition will cause the wood to become brittle so that the strength of the wood will decrease. To strengthen brittle wood, consolidation treatments are needed. Material for wood consolidation that has been used is Paraloid B72 with acetone solvent, which is not easy to find everywhere Materials tested for wood artifacts consolidations were shellac and gelatin with a concentration of 5%, 7,5%, and 10%. As a comparison, the material used for wood consolidation is Paraloid B72 10%. Test parameters used include SEM test, density test, compressive strength test, color change test, fungal growth observation, and FTIR test. Test results have shown that shellac 7,5% and 10% can be an alternative to Paraloid B72 as a wood artifacts consolidation material. Shellac 7,5% is the optimum concentration for wood artifacts consolidation because materials will be more efficient. This material can fill the wood pores and increase the density by 13,89%. The resulting compressive strength value reached 248,01 kg/cm2 or increased by 43,18%, higher than Paraloid B72 10%. Shellac 7,5% does not change the color of the wood and safe from fungal growth when applied to wood. This material also does not change the chemical composition of wood. Keywords: wood, artifact, consolidation, shellac, gelatin, Paraloid B72

G.V. Gladysheva ◽  
I.L. Plisov ◽  
N.G. Antsiferova ◽  
V.B. Pushchina ◽  

Purpose. To analyze changes in binocular vision functions in patients with acutely acquired esotropia after preoperative correction by prisms. Material and methods. The study included 16 patients with acutely acquired esotropia with diplopia. Depending on the tactics of preoperative case management, two groups were distinguished. Eight patients with acutely acquired esotropia of the Bielshowsky type at the age from 12 to 35 years old (mean age, M±sd – 17.5±1.9 years). This group underwent preoperative prismatic correction of diplopia and the deviation angle, as well as eight patients with acutely acquired esotropia of the Bielshowsky type at the age from 12 to 35 years (18.5±1.9 years). Patients in this group underwent surgery without prior prismatic correction. Fresnel prisms were used to select and assign prismatic correction. The patients were monitored dynamically. Results. In the course of treatment 1 group (prismatic correction followed by surgical correction) according to the indicator of Worth's four-dot test color test, revealed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of value of the binocular single vision (p=0.041), the frequency of the presence of stereovision according to the Fly-test (p=0.013), fusion amplitude in the distance by 1.11 times (p=0.033) and near fusion amplitude by 1.15 times (p=0.003). Significant differences between the groups were observed only in the frequency of stereovision presence according to the Fly-test after treatment, which was 2.0 times higher in group 1 (p=0.041). Conclusion. Prismatic correction in combination with surgical treatment had better curative benefits than surgery itself in improving both binocular and stereoscopic visual functions. Key words: acutely acquired esotropia, diplopia, binocular vision, stereoscopic vision, Fresnel prisms

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Aden Dhana Rizkita ◽  
Sintia Ayu Dewi ◽  
Emas Agus Prastyo Wibowo ◽  
Iham Maulana

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi senyawa saponin dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 95% sampai mendapat ekstrak kering sebanyak 20 gram dengan dipanaskan menggunakan evaporator. Ekstraksi kedua dilakukan menggunakan corong pisah dengan pelarut dietil eter dan n-butanol. Identifikasi saponin dilakukan dengan tiga parameter uji diantaranya uji busa, uji warna dan gugus fungsi menggunakan Spektrofotometer Infra Merah. Hasil pengukuran Spektrofotometri Infra Merah menunjukkan Ekstrak Daun Launca mengandung beberapa gugus fungsi sebagai berikut : gugus –OH (puncak yang lebar pada bilangan gelombang 3444,87 cm-1), regang –CH alifatik simetri (bilangan gelombang 2926,01 cm-1 dan2854,65 cm-1, regang C=C tidak terkonjugasi pada bilangan gelombang 1606,7 cm-1, adanya regang C-H (bilangan gelombang 1074,35 cm-1 dan 1045,42 cm-1), dan adanya vibrasi bengkokan simetris C-O pada bilangan gelombang 1386,82 cm-1.Kata kunci: Daun leunca; spektrofotometer infra merah; saponin Isolation and Identification of Saponin from Leunca (Solanium ningrum L) Extract by Infrared SpectrophotometryABSTRACTThis research was conducted to isolate and identify saponin compounds by maceration using 95% ethanol to obtain 20 grams of dry extract by heating using an evaporator. The second extraction was carried out using a separating funnel with diethyl ether and n-butanol as solvents. Saponin identification was carried out with three test parameters including foam test, color test and functional group using Infrared Spectrophotometer. Infrared Spectrophotometry measurement results show that the Launca Leaf Extract contains the following functional groups: -OH group (wide peak at wave number 3444.87 cm-1), aliphatic symmetrical -CH stretch (wave number 2926.01 cm-1 and 2854 ,65 cm-1, unconjugated C=C stretch at wave number 1606.7 cm-1, presence of CH stretch (wave number 1074.35 cm-1 and 1045.42 cm-1), and the presence of symmetrical bending vibration of CO at wave number 1386.82 cm-1.Keywords: Infrared spectrophotometer;  leunca leaf; saponin

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 246
I Gusti Agung Anggi Putri Arina ◽  
Putu Timur Ina ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ekawati

The study aims to determine the effect comparison of mocaf with pumpkin puree to the characteristics of steamed brownies and to find out the best comparison mocaf with  pumpkin puree to produce brownies with the best characteristics. The experimental design used in this research was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a comparison of mocaf and puree of pumpkin consisting of 5 treatments namely: 100%: 0%; 90%: 10%; 80%: 20%; 70%: 30%; 60%: 40%. The treatment was repeated 3 times so that they were obtained 15 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed by variance and if the treatment had significant effect then followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Comparison of mocaf and pumpkin puree affected water content, ?-carotene, ?-carotene bleaching, hedonic test (color, texture, aroma, taste and overall rate) and scoring test (texture). Ratio of 60% mocaf and 40% puree of pumpkin had the best characteristics with water content of 34,49%, ash content of 1,10%, ?-carotene of 6,82 mg/100g, ?-carotene bleaching of 1,34 mg/ml, the texture was liked and very soft, the color, aroma, taste and the fullness of acceptance was liked.

G.V. Gladysheva ◽  
I.L. Plisov ◽  
N.G. Antsiferova ◽  
D.R. Mamulat ◽  

Purpose. To analyze changes in binocular vision functions in patients with acutely acquired esotropia after preoperative correction by prisms. Material and methods. The study included 10 patients with acutely acquired esotropia with diplopia. Depending on the tactics of preoperative case management, two groups were distinguished: 1 - 5 patients, this group underwent preoperative prismatic correction of diplopia and the deviation angle, 2 - 5 patients, in this group underwent surgery without prior prismatic correction. Fresnel prisms were used to select and assign prismatic correction. The patients were monitored dynamically. Results. In the course of treatment 1 group according to the indicator of Worth's four-dot test color test, revealed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of value of the binocular single vision (p=0.041), the frequency of the presence of stereovision according to the Fly-test (p=0.013). Conclusion. Prismatic correction in combination with surgical treatment had better curative benefits than surgery itself in improving binocular and stereoscopic visual functions. Key words: acutely acquired esotropia, binocular vision, Fresnel prisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 62
Sun Hwa Lee ◽  
Yeonwook Kang ◽  
Minji Song ◽  
Geon Ha Kim ◽  
Jee Hyang Jeong

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 448
Novia Hasanah ◽  
I Dewa Gede Mayun Permana ◽  
Ni Wayan Wisaniyasa

This research aimed to determine the effect of almond and edamame characteristics against almond edamame milk and to determine the best ratio of almond and edamame to generate the best characteristic almond edamame milk. The experimental design of this research is using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five levels of ratio treatment almond and edamame, which are 100%:0%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%, 70%:30%, and 60%:40%. The treatment was repeated three times to obtain 15 experimental units. The obtained data analyzed by variance analysis, and the treatment affecting the observed parameters, the test continue with Duncan test. The result showed that the ratio of almond and edamame had a significant effect in protein content, fat content, total solids, viscosity, pH level, and the scoring test (color, flavor, and taste), but insignificantly on the hedonic test (color, flavor, taste, and overall acceptance) of almond edamame milk. The best almond edamame milk obtained from 60% of almond and 40% of edamame with 6.39% of protein content, 5.57% of fat content, 16.52% of total solid, 246.67 cPs of viscosity, pH 6.57, the sensory test in color (hedonic) was liked, color (scoring) was very greenish-white, in flavor (hedonic) was rather liked, flavor (scoring) was rather typical of edamame, in taste (hedonic) was rather liked, taste (scoring) was rather typical of edamame, and overall acceptance was liked.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 298-306
Ika Ristia Rahman ◽  
Athiah Masykuroh

Cuttlefish (sepia officinalis) have internal shells commonly called cuttlebones which produce more chitin than shrimp shells and crab skins. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of chitosan from cuttlebone including the degree of deacetylation, water content, solubility, organoleptic test (color, odor, texture) as well as testing the value of chitosan protecting the sun protection factor. Chitosan is made in 3 stages, namely deproteination, demineralization, and deacetylation. Deproteination with 4% NaOH at 100 ° C for 60 minutes. Demineralization at room temperature using 1M HCl solution for 120 minutes. Deacetylation using 50% NaOH concentration at 100 ° C for 60 minutes. Chitosan characterization includes the degree of deacetylation, moisture content, solubility, organoleptic test (color, odor, texture). Testing the value of sun protection factor using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer read at wavelengths from 290 to 320 nm. Characteristics of chitosan produced according to chitosan standards used in industry with a deacetylation rate of 71%, yield 31%, moisture content of 0.93%, soluble in acetic acid2% solution, white odorless and powdery. Chitosan with a concentration of 3% gives the value of sun protecting factor 9 as a potential sunscreen that provides maximum protection power.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_4) ◽  
pp. 472-473
Bailey Hooten ◽  
Cheyenne Runyan ◽  
David Roper ◽  
William B Smith ◽  
Nicholas W Dias ◽  

Abstract Pregnancy detection in cattle can be expensive and labor intensive to producers. A simple, cost-efficient method of determining early pregnancy, chute side, is lacking within the industry. This study tested various proven pregnancy detection methods against an alternative method. Pregnancy was assessed by ultrasonography, blood serum pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPB), and urine estrone sulfate (“P-Test”). A fixed timed AI (FTAI) protocol was conducted on 14 predominantly British cattle housed at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX. Cows were synchronized using the co-synch plus 7 day CIDR protocol, with PGF injection of d 7. Heifers were synchronized similarly with the exception of GnRH injection on d 1. Estrotech patch scores (1 – 4, 1 showing little signs of estrus to 4 presenting signs of estrus) were utilized to indicate estrus activity prior to FTAI (21.4% vs. 78.6% females scored 1 vs. 4, respectively). FTAI was performed on protocol d 10 along with a 2mL injection of GnRH. Serum for PSPB analysis was collected at d 30 and 60 post insemination, while urine was sampled on d 60. Overall 53.8% (ultrasonography) and 71.4% (PSPB) of cattle were determined to be pregnant at d 30 post FTAI. Chi squared analysis proved that PSPB and ultrasound were similar at detecting pregnancy (P = 0.04). At d 60 “P-Test” color varied indicating differing levels of estrone sulfate. A t-test revealed increased PSPB from d 30–60 post FTAI (P < 0.0001); however, “P-Test” could not predict similar results (P = 0.655). Data suggest the “P-Test” is not a consistent method to diagnose early pregnancy. Future studies may be warranted to investigate a more desirable time point for utilizing the chute side “P-Test” as a reliable method to determine pregnancy.

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