We have developed a model system for analyzing reconstitution of the notochord using cultured blastoderm isolates lacking Hensen's node and the primitive streak. Despite lacking normal notochordal precursor cells, the notochord still forms in these isolates during the 36 hours in culture. Reconstitution of the notochord involves an inducer, which acts upon a responder, thereby inducing a reconstituted notochord. To better understand the mechanism of notochord reconstitution, we asked whether formation of the notochord in the model system was preceded by reconstitution of Hensen's node, the organizer of the avian neuraxis. Our results show not only that a functional organizer is reconstituted, but that this organizer is induced from the responder. First, fate mapping reveals that the responder forms a density, morphologically similar to Hensen's node, during the first 10–12 hours in culture, and that this density expresses typical markers of Hensen's node. Second, the density, when fate mapped or when labeled and transplanted in place of Hensen's node, forms typical derivatives of Hensen's node such as endoderm, notochord and the floor plate of the neural tube. Third, the density, when transplanted to an ectopic site, induces a secondary neuraxis, identical to that induced by Hensen's node. And fourth, the density acts as a suppressor of notochord reconstitution, as does Hensen's node, when transplanted to other blastoderm isolates. Our results also reveal that the medial edge of the isolate forms a reconstituted primitive streak, which gives rise to the normal derivatives of the definitive primitive streak along its rostrocaudal extent and which expresses typical streak markers. Finally, our results demonstrate that the notochordal inducer also induces the reconstituted Hensen's node and, therefore, acts like a Nieuwkoop Center. These findings increase our understanding of the mechanism of notochord reconstitution, provide new information and a novel model system for studying the induction of the organizer and reveal the potential of the epiblast to regulate its cell fate and patterns of gene expression during late gastrula/early neurula stage in higher vertebrates.