private doctor
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2019 ◽  
Vol IV (III) ◽  
pp. 132-139
Haidar Farooq ◽  
Sabahat Subhan ◽  
Yasir Riaz

This research study examines the impact of remittances on quality of life. In order to accomplish the objectives, the study uses primary data which are collected from 403 households of District Dir Lower, Pakistan. Results summarized that incoming foreign remittances have a positive effect on education. Foreign remittances improve the household income level, this income is further utilized for different educational expenses. Therefore, remittance recipient families spend more than that of non-receiving families on education. In addition, remittances also increase the probability of children’s enrollment in schools. On the other hand, remittances are positively associated with family health status. The results revealed that 83% of the remittance recipient families have the ability to access basic healthcare needs, whereas 64% of non-receiving households have no access to basic health facilities. Additionally, remittances receiving families mostly prefer a private doctor and private hospitals, whereas non-receiving household usually uses government hospital facilities.

BMJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. l873
Helen Salisbury

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (7) ◽  
pp. 1354-1358
Olha S. Bondarenko ◽  
Volodymyr V. Pakhomov ◽  
Sergey V. Saulyak ◽  
Mykhailo O. Dumchikov

Introduction: Corruption, as a socio-economic problem, is characteristic of every society. The aim: To study relevant issues of criminal liability of the private doctors for committing corruption crimes. Materials and methods: In the article general scientific and special-scientific methods of cognition wer eused which provided an objective analysis of the research purpose. Review: The article analyzes actual questions of relenant issues of criminal liability of the private doctors for committing corruption crimes. The authors propose to research the criminal responsibility of this specific subject through the prism of the crime, as well as it’s elements. Thus, special attention is focused on the analysis of thees sence of the object of the crimes, the responsibility for which provided in. Art. 365-2 and 368-4 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Inaddition, the concept of “unlawful profit” is investigated, in the context of comparison with the “bribe”. Thees sence of the objective side of corruption crimes, the subject of which is a private doctor, is explained in detail. In particular, the concepts of “authority”, “offer”, “promise”, etc. Particul arattention is paid to analyzing the legal status of a private doctor as a person authorized to provide public services. The authors focus on the analysis of the subjective side of thes corruption crimes being studied by a private physician. All penalties that can be applied to a private doctor for committing corrupt acts are systematized. At the very end, the issue of the totality of crimes is investigated. Conclusions: Bringing a private doctor in the responsibility for committing a corrupt act is difficult in there gion, because the criminalization of corruptionactions of suchpersons took place relatively recently, therefore, pre-trial investigation bodies have not yet established a well-established system of tactical and methodological actions that would facilitate this process.

M. Zulkarnain Yuliarso

This research aimed at  identifying the communication behavior of the household wife toward food security’s knowledge.  This communication behaviour includes information searching and transmissionboth its frequency and quality (communication level),gathered from mass media and interpersonal communication.  This study was survey research with 30 people was selected using simple random sampling.  Data analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis based on frequency tabulation.  Diversification, stabilitation, and food intake  information are  favourable towardsand much communicated by respondents. Communication level ranges from only small talk, interdependent to interactive communication.  Respondents gained their information from PKK and Posyandu cadres, nurse and private doctor, and community healts centre crew.  Mass media were not used as information sources, but it is more likely entertainment media.Key words :  Communication Behavior, Food Security,  Housewife

1955 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 411-415
Elizabeth H. Laidlaw

THE PROBLEM that we have solved in the Tucson Schools in the last 3 years by means of the Revolving Health Fund of our Health Council, is one which, though definitely characteristic of Tucson, may also exist in other cities in the United States; consequently, we offer our solution in the hope that there may be other communities with the same types of problems who might benefit from our experiences. The problem is that of the financing of medical care for indigent children whose families cannot afford to pay a private doctor, yet whose income possibilities or resident and citizenship qualifications, do not entitle them to welfare aid or state and county medical care. In larger cities there are usually clinics available to such medical indigents at a low fee, and social workers to determine eligibility for this service. But, in Tucson (and possibly in some other cities which have grown up rapidly under similar circumstances) the situation is somewhat unusual in certain respects, and it is because of these peculiar characteristics that we have had to evolve a plan tailored to meet our individual problem. In solving this problem our Health Council has found it necessary to function not only as a coordinating and planning agency in the conventional sense, but also as an operating agency.

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