role implementation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Elly Dwi Masita ◽  
Adenia Dwi Ristanti

The number of pornography and cybercrime among Indonesian children reaches 4448 cases – children as a perpetrator and victim. Meanwhile, Indonesian children experience 183 cases of rape and sexual abuse, 54 cases of sodomy or pedophilia – children as a perpetrator, 42 cases of sodomy or pedophilia – children as a victim, and 44 cases of abortion. Preliminary study on March 2020 in West Surabaya showed that 6 in 10 children aged 3-5 years faced sexual abuse or harassment and rape by their closest circle. The research aims are to describe the level of knowledge, perception, role implementation, emotional connection between father and child in the accompaniment of psychosexual development of children. This paper combined quantitative and qualitative methodologies with a phenomenological approach. Respondents were father compatible with inclusion criteria – was determined by researchers. This study used total sampling – 112 fathers lived in West Surabaya. The research instruments were questionnaire and observation sheet. Data analysis utilized percentage analysis, data reduction, and data triangulation.Result: There were 64.5% low level of knowledge, 70.5% negative perception, 63.4% father absence in assisting psychosexual development of children, and 69.6% absence of emotional connection.Conclusion: The father’s role in assisting the psychosexual development of children aged 3-5 years can decrease the number of psychosexual disorders in adulthood.Keywords: knowledge, perception, role, role implementation, father, child’s psychosexual

Krista Jokiniemi ◽  
Kristiina Korhonen ◽  
Anne Kärkkäinen ◽  
Tuomo Pekkarinen ◽  
Anna‐Maija Pietila

Edi Siswanto

<p><em>Seeing the existing problems with the character crisis in this country, as an effort for social studies teachers to implement character education in instilling the nationalism of students in the era of independent learning. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, where descriptive research in this case is a study that aims to describe the policy of independent learning as an effort to improve the quality of education and the attitude of nationalism. The results of this study indicate that the attitude of nationalism which is part of the character values really needs to be possessed by students, the role of the teacher is very important in shaping the character of students who have a nationalistic attitude. The teacher's role implementation can be reflected in the teacher's personality, because the teacher is the main factor and influences the learning process of students. The efforts of history teachers in forming students' nationalistic attitudes, namely linking with the scope, historical material and lesson plans for history subjects, the methods used by teachers in instilling the existing values of nationalism. Learning media used by teachers in an effort to form student nationalism attitudes.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 108
Kesi Widjajanti ◽  
Nuryakin ◽  
Eviatiwi Kusumaningtyas Sugiyanto

The aims of this research is to empirically testing the role of quadruple helix, consisting of government, academic, business sector, and civil society on developing Small Medium Industry (SMEs) through developing innovation ecosystem. This qualitative study employs a case study design. The samples are small industry in Kudus Regency, Indonesia. The result of this study shows that implementing quadruple helix’s role may present innovation to solve some problems in small industry. This role implementation depicts the existence of innovation ecosystem in attempt to develop small industry. This study recommends the necessity to improve synergy and collaboration between of government regulation, academic support, business sector, and civil society through intense communication.

2020 ◽  
pp. 215-224
Tanvi Choudhary ◽  
Roger Newham

Objectives: Advanced clinical practice (ACP) (pharmacy) aims to address workforce challenges within the rapidly changing, complex National Health Service (NHS) landscape in England. This review explores the current role, scope of practice and impact of ACP, with a focus on pharmacists. Methods: An integrative review across three databases from April 2019 to June 2019. Key criterion for inclusion was ACP and pharmacist in England. Key findings: Thirteen articles were used. Four key themes identified: ACP scope of practice and benefits; facilitators, challenges and barriers to ACP role implementation; role implementation and sustainability; and the patient’s perspective. Most studies found it difficult to formally evaluate the impact of ACP. Positive anecdotal feedback was often reported. Conclusion: To further develop and sustain ACP, it is essential for future work to focus on evaluating impact of the role.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 370-376
Lisa Larner ◽  
Claire Hooks

Background Midwifery standards promote autonomous decision-making and informed choice, resulting in maternal home birth choices which may contravene guidelines. There is a paucity of evidence exploring midwives' experiences of managing these choices. Aims To explore the lived experiences of midwives facilitating home birth outside of guidelines. Methods A qualitative design using an interpretive hermeneutic cycle to analyse semi-structured interviews. Findings Participants reported confidence in supporting maternal choices, identifying barriers including other birth supporters. Perceived levels of risk, previous experience and safety concerns impacted on confidence. Peer, unit and professional midwifery advocate (PMA) support were identified as being beneficial to midwives. Recommendations Expansion of birth choices clinics; implementation of dedicated home birth teams; guideline review for midwife led birthing units; expansion of the PMA role; implementation of a structured debriefing service and further research looking at women's choices, and the impact of the loss of midwifery supervision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Lewis Johnson

Background: Prison healthcare departments recently started recruiting paramedics to assist in dealing with a rise in medical emergencies largely attributed to an aging prison population and an increase in novel psychoactive substance misuse. There has been little research investigating the paramedic role in this setting. This study aims to explore the strengths and limitations of employing paramedics within the prison healthcare setting from the perspectives of non-paramedic colleagues.Methods: An exploratory mixed methods study was conducted in a UK category B remand prison, focusing on the opinions and observations of current healthcare and custodial staff. Paper questionnaires were completed by 32 members of staff and semi-structured interviews were conducted with two participants.Results: Seven global themes were identified within the qualitative data: management of medical responses; effect of a specialist role; effect on ambulance escorts; contribution to professionalism within the department; effect on the role of other healthcare staff; prisoner interaction with paramedics; and difficulties encountered in role implementation. Of the 32 participants, 31 believe paramedics have had an overall positive effect on the provision of healthcare, with a variety of reasons explored.Conclusion: In a small exploratory study, it is suggested that paramedics possess the relevant skills and training to offer a meaningful contribution to the provision of prison healthcare; however, further research is required to explore the full scope of their contribution in this setting.

Saleh Ali Etaig ◽  
Nabil Elsharif

This paper details the Turbulent Flows that Affected with Buoyancy and the calculating of the heat transfer relevant to nuclear reactor in vertical pipe, the main topic when buoyancy effects play a significant role. Implementation of the analytical wall functions is used in when the aim is to reduce the computational cost, since conventional wall functions based on prescribed velocity and temperature profiles failed to predict heat transfer accurately in other than a simple shear at high Reynolds numbers. Thus, this work mainly concerns studying the effect of the buoyancy on heat transfer and turbulent flow applying the analytical wall function since it is based on the analytical solution of simplified Reynolds equations and using a new scaling function, which is used to modify the cell averaged dissipation rate. The approach gives results close to those obtained using AWF with scaling function introduced by Gerasimov. The benefit of using the Analytical wall function is that computational cost are more accurate than conventional wall functions. Many improvements added to the approach during its development have been employed in the present work. It has been successfully applied in natural, mixed and mixed convection flows for four different flow geometries.

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